



竞赛六年级上学期小学英语期末真题模拟试卷卷(三)时间:90分钟 满分:100分题号一二三总分得分一、基础练习(40分)1. I _ here by train last Sunday.A .comeB .comingC .came2. Im in front of Jack, so Jack is me.A .underB .behindC .in front of3. 根据提示,补全对话。 Are there any matches in your home? _.(做否定回答)4. 选出你所听到的图片( )A .B .5. 写出图片代表的节日:_ 6. The king likes _ beautiful clothes.A .inB .wearingC .try on7. The old man walked _ on the wet floor.A .carefulB .carefullyC .carefuly8. When I was young,my grandmother me A .take care ofB .took care ofC .takes care of二、词语练习(30分)9. 用单词描述下列图片: 10. Its time bed.A .toB .to goC .for11. Is this your coat? .A .Yes, it isB .No, it isC .Its white12. 根据短文内容判断句子正误 I am Jack. I live nearour school. So I can go to school on foot. But sometimes I go by bike. Becauseits so much fun. My father works in our school. We go to school together. On the weekends,I often play with my friend, Mike. We usuallyplay ping-pong, sometimes we play chess. This weekend, Im going to visit mygrandparents. Because its my grandmas birthday. 1. (1)Jack usually goes toschool by bike.2. (2)Jacks mother lives inthe school.3. (3)Jack goes to school withhis father.4. (4)Jack and Mike usuallyplay chess.5. (5)This weekend is Jacksgrandmothers birthday.13. These are stamps _the UK . (填介词)14. _ nice fireworks!A .WhatB .WhatsC .How15. Tim enjoyed _ in the sea.A .swimB .to swimC .swimming三、提升练习(30分)16. 你想问别人最喜欢的项目是什么,你可以问:A .Whats your favourite event?B .Whats your favourite animal?C .Whats your favourite food?17. 当朋友获得了100米赛跑冠军时,你应该对他/她说:A .Congratulations!B .Thats OK.C .Thats true.18. 选择适当的问句或答语( )A .We can use wood to make pencilsB .We should not cut down the trees any moreC .We can get wood from the trees19. 你妈妈叫你喝一些牛奶时,会说:( )A .Do you like milk?B .Have some milk?C .Have some milks?20. 看图选择合适的单词或短语,并将其抄写在横线上,注意书写规范。Ago to the supermarket Bdo kung fu Cbuy a postcardDplay football Edo word puzzles Fsee a doctorGdo more exercise Hwear warm clothes1. (1)2. (2)3. (3)4. (4)5. (5)6. (6)7. (7)8. (8)21. How does Ben sometimes come to school? A .By carB .By shipC .On foot22. 选择合适单词填空。Aminutes Bfoot Clive Dnext toEstraight Ffar GSometimes Hright My name is AnnI_in Flower StreetI usually go to school on_. _I go by bikeMy home is not_from my schoolGo_from the west sch


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