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Lesson 29 They could travel by horse and cart.1.2 Make the best choice according to the text. 1. Walking was the only choice for _ if they wanted to travel. A. the ancient people B. the people before the invention of trains and cars C. the poor people D. the rich people2. In ancient times, there were usually _ ways to cross rivers for people. A. two B. three C. four D. not only four3. _ made traveling by road more difficult in the past. A. Dirt tracks B. Poor condition of roads C. Winter D. Bad weather 4. In the whole text, the writer gives us 1)_ separate pictures of ancient transportation mainly to tell us how ancient people traveled 2)_. 1) A. one B. two C. three D. more than three 2) A. with each other B. by different types of transportation C. from place to place D. with difficulty Key: 1. B; 2. B; 3. D; 4. 1) C, 2) B2.1 A Read the text and put one of the following sentences in a proper place in the text that can make the context makes sense. A. After fifteen minutes, I realized I was going the wrong way. B. In fact, it just took me twenty minutes to get to his house. C. I decided to take a taxi. D. I traveled there by train. E. “I could take a taxi to Gavins house,” I thought. Last month, I went to Los Angeles to visit my friend Gavin. 1_ The journey was very beautiful, but it was very long. I was late in the evening when my train arrived in Los Angeles. When I walked out of the station, I saw some taxis waiting outside. 2_ But then I decided to take a bus because it could save me money. I walked to the bus stop. There was a map of the bus route, but I couldnt understand it well. I got on a bus and hoped it would take me the right way. 3_ I got off the bus and took another one back to the train station. By now it was very late. 4_ I looked for a taxi, but I couldnt find one anywhere. Finally, I phoned Gavin and said, “Im still at the train station. Please come and pick me up!” Luckily, his dad was able to come in the car. What a journey. 190wLesson 30 She was able to walk home. 1.4 Make the best choice according to the text. 1. At the beginning of the story, Stephanie was riding _. A. on a wet day B. on a fine day C. with her dog D. on the way to school2. Stephanie had an accident because of _. A. a dog B. the bad weather C. her riding behind a bus D. all of them3. _ helped Stephanie after she fell off her bike. A. Her friend B. A strange man C. A strange woman D. The bus driver4. The accident made Stephanie _. A. both badly hurt and scared B. not only badly hurt but also much scared C. more hurt than scared D. more scared than hurt 5. From the story, we may learn that on a rainy day we had better not _. A. ride on bikes B. ride fast C. ride behind a bus D. do any of themKey: 1. A; 2. D; 3. C; 4. D; 5. B Lesson 31 You must wear a helmet. 1.2 Make the best choice according to the text. 1. As a good cyclist, you should _. A. always wear a seat belt B. always wear a helmet C. walk on the sidewalk D. not do any dangerous tricks while riding 2. Which of the following is NOT TRUE according to the text? A. Everyone should follow traffic signs and rules. B. Nobody should ride on the sidewalk. C. You should first check your brakes whenever you go out. D. Anyone who drives after drinking is wrong. 3. All these rules are made _. A. to protect four types of people on the road B. to make sure that everyone can be safe on the road C. to make sure that everyone obey traffic laws D. to let people know how to use roadsKey: 1. D; 2. C; 3. BLesson 32 I dont have to wait at a red light. 1.2A Make the best choice according to the text. 1. The bus driver in the passage sometimes stops _ along his route. A. ten times B. over ten times C. under ten times D. about ten times2. According to the pedestrian, we learn that _ in his town. F inf A. there may not be much traffic B. many people dont know the traffic laws C. there are no traffic policemen D. most people like breaking the traffic laws3. According to the taxi driver, all the taxis in his company are blue for_. A. safety B. a high speed C. convenience (方便) D. comfort (舒适)4. Which of the following statements is true according to the texts? Fn re-st A. An ambulance can always run through the traffic lights. B. Young people cant ride any motorcycle without a license. C. Young people can drive a car when they are seventeen. D. Everyone in a car has to wear a seat belt. 5. _ is a person with a great sense of safety according to the texts. F inf A. The bus driver B. The pedestrian C. The taxi driver D. The cyclist6. The word “it” in “it is a good idea” in top left-hand text refers to _. Pron-inf A. the law B. to wear seat belts C. my country D. to sit in a back seat7. All the seven texts tell us about _. A. traffic laws in another country B. stories of different road usersC. how people live a safe life in another country D. how many different types of transportation there are in another country Key: 1. B; 2. A; 3. C; 4. C; 5. D; 6. B; 7. B1.2B1 Make the best choice according to the 3 texts about a pedestrian, a cyclist and a motorcyclist. 阅读的第一个活动是短文配小标题1. _ lives in a small town. F st A. The pedestrian B. The taxi driver C. The motorcyclist D. The cyclist2. _ cyclists lock their bikes when they leave them outside according to the text. A. All of B. Some of C. None of D. One of3. To ride a large motorcycle, you _ have a drivers license. A. can B. will C. have to D. dont have toKey: 1. A; 2. B; 3. C1.2B2 Make the best choice according to the 4 texts about a bus driver, a car driver, a taxi driver and an ambulance driver. 4. _ can go through a red light in an emergency. A. A bus B. A taxi C. An ambulance D. A car5. The _ driver must be a kind person who is ready to help others if he can. A. A bus B. A taxi C. An ambulance D. A car6. Speedy Cab is _. A. a law to protect people in cars B. an emergency service center C. the name of a bus route D. the name of a taxi company7. Its a good idea _ according to one of the 4 texts. A. to stop the bus for the people away from the bus stops B. to wear seat belts in the back seatC. not have to wear a uniform at all timesD. to ride in an ambulance for something important 8. The best title for all the texts is _. A. Traffic Rules B. TransportationC. Road Users D. Road Safety Key: 7. B; 8. C Exp 83 Answer the following questions. 1. Is BART a subway system in London? 2. When did Chicagos subway start its service? 3. Where do subway railways usually run above the ground? 4. What are the subway rules for according to the passage?5. How many rules are talked about? Name one of the rules, please. 6. Whats the passage mainly about? No, it isnt. In 1897. On the edge of city.4. They are for making passengers more comfortable during the trip. 5. 3 rules. One of them is that people outside a tube should let people inside get off before they get on. 6. Its mainly about subways in different cities in the world, such as their names, lines, rules and services. Lesson 33 You should get some fresh air.1.3 Answer the following 6 questions1. How is Jerry feeling? 2. Why does he go to bed late? 3. Does he exercise? Why/ Why not? 4. What does he usually eat when he is hungry?5. Why doesnt he like the food in the school? 6. What three suggestions does the doctor give him? Hes feeling dizzy and tired. He often plays computer games at night. 3. No, he doesnt. He thinks he doesnt have time for exercise. 4. Chocolate bars or some chips. 5. Because there are always vegetables in the dishes there. 6. Theyre to have enough sleep, to take enough exercise and to have three healthy meals. 高端生一定不可抄书作答案,一定要训练在理解的基础上归纳表达回答问题。Lesson 34 What should I eat to keep healthy? 1.2A Make the best choice according to the text. 1. Most teenagers like _ according to the text. A. a snack bar B. junk food C. vegetables D. fruits2. Too much salt in food can _. A. cause overweight B. cause high blood pressure C. help our bone grow D. can be good for our body and mind 3. The word “this” in Line 2 refers to (指的是) _. A. a fast food restaurant B. a snack bar C. overweight D. junk food4. The word “it” in Line 5 refers to (指的是) _. A. bad eating habits B. fast food C. to eat healthily D. not to have breakfast 5. Bad eating habits mean _ according to the text.A. a healthy diet also B. not only a proper lunchC. just junk food D. more than junk food Key: 1. B; 2. B; 3. C; 4. C; 5. D 1.2B Answer the following questions. 6. What is junk food? 7. What other bad eating habits are they? 8. What do parents worry about for their children? 9. What is the text mainly about?It is the type of food with a lot of fat, oil, salt and sugar. They are doing without breakfast, eating little vegetables and fruits. They worry about their childrens eating habits and their diet. Its mainly about teenagers bad eating habits, their poor eating diet and advice about how to eat healthily. 2.1 A Follow the steps given to complete No 2 task. 1. The topic of the task is _ (copy a phrase from the directions).2. Read every question and form a phrase to show the point of each of them. Q1 _ , Q2 _ Q3 _3. Read every answer and match it to each of questions. Then give your reason inform of phrases.4. Choose one of the statements and put it in a proper place in one of the answers.A. Your ability to work and learn depends on the sugar in your blood. B. Soda has a lot of sugar. C. You need to look at two things: A1: Your mom is right. You should drink enough water, usually around six to eight glasses a day. This will help your body stay healthy. A2: First, dont worry too much, but at the same time, you should pay attention to your health. what you are eating and how much exercise you do. You should talk to a doctor about what you can do to lose weight. A3: Yes, there is a relationship between eating healthy breakfast in the morning and how well you do in school. This special sugar affects how much blood gets to your brain. If your brain doesnt get enough blood, it is harder for you to work and learn. Key: 1. healthy eating; 2. Q1- Worry about weight/ How to lose weight. Q2 - Breakfast and do better in school. Q3-Which is better for health, Soda and water? 3. Lesson 35 If you exercise, you will stay healthy. 2.1 A Make the best choice according to the text. 1. Who may be a student? A. Dave B. Alan C. Jill D. Martha2. Who is going to be a mother? A. Dave B. Alan C. Jill D. Martha3. Martha is worried about _. A. smoking B. her friends poor habit C. her future baby D. the bad effect of stopping smoking4. One problem that all the three people are worried about is _. A. the friends B. smoking C. the family D. the bad habit 2.1 B Answer the questions.5. Does Dave begin smoking? 6. What is Alan most worried about for her friend Jill? Key: 1. A; 2. C; 3. D; 4. B. 5. No, he doesnt yet. He just feels pressure to smoke from his friends.6. She is most worried that Jill doesnt accept her advice of stopping smoking. 2.1 C Fill in blanks with the verbs in their proper forms. Then read them aloud until they can read them fluently.1) Dear Stephanie, My friend Jill _ (smoke) quite a lot. Im worried because she is expecting a baby. I _ (tell) her about the dangers of smoking, but she wouldnt listen. What should I do? What else _ I _ (tell) her? 2) I am forty years old. I _(start) smoking when I was sixteen. Now I _ (want) to stop smoking, but at the same time, Im worried about _ (give) it up. What _ (happen) if I stop smoking? Will I put on weight?Lesson 36 Its important to keep your mind and body healthy. 1.2A Complete the table with right information in proper forms of phrases.ProblemsWhat to need?Possible CausesAdviceNervous before examsShy In mad moodWith key: ProblemsWhat to need?Possible CausesAdviceNervous before exams; forget every- thing at the exam.To stop being nervous before exams/ forgetting everything in an examNot to study well enough before examsStudy hard before exams; feel sure of yourself when you feel prepared; not to think of the result at the exam.Shy To stop being shy.Go to public place; go out with friends, especially good with some interesting topics; think more of your strengths; act like youre not shy.In mad moodTo change my mood. Not sleep enough; in poor healthGet enough sleep and exercise every day; talk to your friends about your feelings; cry if you need to; count to ten before youre going get angry.1.2B Answer the questions. 1. How many tips are there to the problem of being in a bad mood? 2. What is a good idea when youre going get upset?3. How many tips are given to the person who is shy? 4. What is the best way to fight against being shy? Key to 1.2B, lesson 36: 1. Five. (Get enough sleep, get enough exercise, talk to people about your feelings, cry if you want to, and count to ten before the start of anger.) Or: Three. (Get enough sleep and exercise, Find a way out for your feelings like talking with people or just crying, and count to ten before the start of anger.) 2. To count to ten. 3. Four. (Go to public places, go out with friends and prepare some interesting topics beforehand, think more of your strengths and act like youre not shy.)4. To act like youre not shy. 2.1 A Complete the text with should or shouldnt and listen to check your answer. 2.1 B Read the text and put one of the following sentences in a proper place in the text that can make the context makes sense. A. All of these things harm the body,B. You should also keep your body clean. C. Its a good idea to drink at least one liter of water every day. D. You have to get up early on weekdays. E. You should get enough sleep every night. Here is some advice for keeping your mind and body healthy. First of all, 1_ If you go to bed late, you wi


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