



教学资料参考范本中考英语总复习专题检测3冠词和数词试题撰写人:_时 间:_.用所给数词的适当形式填空(每小题1分,共10分)1.I have tried three times,and the teacher asks me to have a fourth(four)try.12.Even a child knows September is the ninth(nine) month of a year.3.(20xx江苏泰州区三模)In her late forties4.(20xx浙江临海第三教研区模拟)Yesterday was my daughters second(two) birthday.5.Climb up to the eleventh(eleven)floor,and you can enjoy a better view.6.(20xx西北工业大学附中三模)The number of the pages in this book is five hundred(hundred).7.(20xx江苏启东模拟)Two fifths(fifth)of the land in that district is covered with trees and flowers.8.The nineteenth(nineteen)World Book Day was on April 23,20xx.9.He has already tried a third(three)time and Im sure hell make it.10.(20xx四川南江实验中学模拟)Mike goes to see his grandparents once(one)a week.用冠词“a,an,the”或“/”填空(每小题1分,共9分)1.(20xx甘肃临洮明德中学第三次月考)We want to be volunteers for the Olympic Games in 2020.2.She can play the piano,but she cant play / soccer.3.Eric is the first student to win the prize.4.(20xx江苏扬州二模)What / great fun he had watching the 3-D film!25.Mary usually goes to school by / bike,but this morning she took a/the taxi to school.6.Theres an“s” in the word“save”.7.(20xx山东济南槐荫一模)Students in our school are encouraged to take an active part in volunteer activities.8.Jim likes playing / chess with his grand-father after supper in the yard.9.(20xx甘肃兰州一模)The book DreamsFromMyFather,written by Obama sells well in the USA.3.单项选择(每小题1分,共22分)1.(20xx山东东营胜利一中模拟)A lady in red has eight-month-old baby.A.The;anB.A;aC.The;aD.The;/2.(20xx江苏南京高淳区二模)The students donated over two B books at our school charity sale last Friday.A.thousandsB.thousandC.thousands ofD.thousand of3.Where is Class C?Its on the floor.A.Ninth;secondB.Ninth;twoC.Nine;secondD.Nine;two4.The farmer said he saw B UFO in the sky the other day.A./B.aC.anD.the45.About B of the students like keeping diaries in English in our class.A.two fifthB.two fifthsC.second fiveD.two five6.What B heavy rain it was!Yes,but I love air after it rains.It smells so fresh.A.the;aB.a;theC.the;theD.a;a7.Aunt Sally has Dchildren,two boys and two girls.A.fourthB.fortyC.fourteenD.four8.Did you know that the Earth is home to D animals?A.millionB.millionsC.million ofD.millions of9.I hear your American friend is taking vacation in Sanya again.Is it the second time for him?A time next spring.A.a thirdB.thirdC.the thirdD.three10.In his B,Wilson returned to his hometown and began to teach.A.thirtyB.thirtiesC.thirtiethD.thirtys511.Dont make A same mistake for the second time in day.A.the;aB.a;aC.the;the12.There are C doctors in this hospital; of them are women doctors.A.two hundred;two fifthB.two hundreds;two fifthC.two hundred;two fifthsD.two hundreds;two fifths13.What do you want to be in the future,Nick?I want to be B pilot.It is exciting job.A.a;aB.a;anC.the;anD.a;the14.(20xx安徽当涂联考)A warm idea suddenly came to him that he might use pocket money to buy a gift for his father on Fathers Day.A.A;theB.The;theC.The;/D./;the15.My Ccar usually runs sixty kilometers hour.A.a;anB.a;theC./;anD./;a16.Will you get there by A train?No,Ill taketaxi.A./;aB.a;theC./;/D.the;a17.Yesterday was my mothers C birthday.I bought orange purse for her.A.thirty-eighth;aB.thirty-eight;anC.thirty-eighth;anD.thirty-eight;a18.There are B months in a year.December is the month of the year.A.twelve;twelveB.twelve;twelfthC.twelfth;twelveD.twelve;twelveth619.In order to find B better job,she planned to learn second foreign language.A.the;aB.a;aC.the;theD.the;an20.This is A useful book,and book is my brothers.A.a;theB.an;theC.a;anD.an;a21.Please turn to Page Band read thestory.A.Ten;twoB.Ten;secondC.Tenth;secondD.Tenth;two22.Tom,Ill invite you to have D lunch after playing violin.Thank you.A.a;theB.the;theC./;/D./;the.选词填空(每小题1分,共10分)(20xx江苏市实验初级中学二模)an,who,show,five,the,teach,few,daughter,a,millionIndianhitinChinaHollywood movies seem to be Chinas favourite movies.But that is not always the case.Recently 1.anThe movie called Dangal (摔跤吧!爸爸)came out on May 5.In less than2.five days,it has made more than 100 million yuan,according to ChinaDaily.The movie is about a father 3.who turns his daughters into great wrestlers(摔跤手).It is based upon the story of former Indian wrestler Mahavir Phogat.Famous Indian actor Aamir Khan,52,plays 4.thefather.Indian movies often include lots of singing and dancing.But Dangalteaches his daughters to wrestle,people in the village all laugh at him.After all,6.few girls did this sport at the time.But the father keeps teaching them.He even leaves home and goes to his 7.daughters city to train them.“It makes me think of my fat


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