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教学资料参考范本八年级英语上册 Module 3 Unit 1教案 外研版撰写人:_时 间:_教学目标:1. To understand conversations about the space mission to Mars.2. To use present perfect tense.重点难点:1. The present perfect tense.2. Talk about the space mission to Mars教具媒体:Tape recorder, 第一课时主设计者思路改进思路步骤设计意图教师指令学生活动1Lead-in1. Show pictures of the space.2. Ask: Have you ever seen it? What have you seen in the picture?3. List the words concerning with the space.BrainstormListing2Listening and Vocabulary1. Write down the words Ss listed on Bb. 2. Teach the new words: Earth, Mars, moon, scientist, spacecraft., space station, astronaut space shuttle, galaxy, solar system, Milk Way Galaxy, planet3. Listen and number the words Listen and number3Listen and read1. Listen to the tape of the conversation between Daming and Tony.2. True or False3. Listen and repeat the conversation.4. Ask and answer the questions in pairs. ListenRepeatAsk and answer4ReadAnd Explanations1. Read the conversation in pairs.2. Give some extension explanationsbe up to / Dont panic /the latest news / it has taken to get there/ on the news/ discover / not yet/ has been to / have gon3. Read the conversation again.Read in pairs.作业1. Finish off workbook (1) Exercise. Unit 12. Read the conversation 3. Recite the new words. 第二课时主设计者思路改进思路步骤设计意图教师指令学生活动1Warming up1. Greetings and some questions.Brainstorm2Read and write4. Get the Ss to read the conversation on page 18 again.5.3. Get the Ss to write down what we have and havent done on page 19. Activity 8. First done individually, then work in pairs or groups to share the ideas.ReadWrite3Listen 5. Listen to the tape.6. Ask the Ss to check the true sentence of Activity 2.7. If possible, get the Ss to listen and repeat the tape. (optional) ListenRepeat4Read and Listen1. Get the Ss to read the passage on page 121, Exercise 52.3. Check the answers.4. Talk about the first landing on the moon. er Neil Armstrong became the first man on the moon. He said the historic words, One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.)5. Ask: Have you ever seen a woman astronaut? Andrea Jenkins 6. Get the Ss to listen to the tape of Exercise 6 on page 121.7. Conduct Exercise 7 continuously.Read作业4. Finish off workbook (2) Exercise. Unit 15. Try to recite the conversation 6. Finish work book Exercise 9 on the workbook.教学反思:Additional Materials for Unit 1-(2)Tape script Weve just had some news about the mission to explore Mars. The spacecraft has reached Mars after a journey of six months. The European scientists on Earth havent heard if it has landed on Mars yet because it hasnt sent any messages back. We know that there isnt any life on the moon, but scientists hope to find signs of life on Mars and other planets on our galaxy.Questions:1. What are you up to?2. What do you think of the space craft?3. What do you think of the space station?4. Have you ever been to a space statio


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