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Background,Getting Ready,Text A,Language Focus,Text B,Vocational Focus,Skill Focus,Practical Learning,“十二五”职业教育国家规划教材 经全国职业教育教材审定委员会审定,新航标职业英语 综合英语 1,Vocational English Communication for Your Career,1,Background,Getting Ready,Text A,Text B,Vocational Focus,Skill Focus,Practical Learning,Language Focus,2,Background,Getting Ready,Text A,Text B,Vocational Focus,Skill Focus,Practical Learning,Language Focus,Bill Gates,Bill Gates House,3,Background,Getting Ready,Text A,Text B,Vocational Focus,Skill Focus,Practical Learning,Language Focus,Bill Gates Bill Gates was born on October 28, 1955. He is an American business magnate (巨头), philanthropist (慈善家), author, and chairman of Microsoft. He was the worlds wealthiest man from 1995 to 2009, excluding 2008 when he was ranked third. He was the CEO and chief software architect during his career at Microsoft. He has authored or co-authored several books. He has donated large amounts of money to various charitable organizations through the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, which was established in 2000. Presently he works full-time at the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and part-time at Microsoft.,4,Background,Getting Ready,Text A,Text B,Vocational Focus,Skill Focus,Practical Learning,Language Focus,Bill Gates House According to Wikipedia, Bill Gates bought a piece of land in 1988 for $2 million, and the construction of his house lasted for over 7 years. In 2005, the house and land were assessed at $200 million. Annually Gates pays nearly $1 million in taxes on the property. The house is 40,000 square feet and situated on a wooded five-acre compound on the side of a hill in the Seattle suburb of Median. It was designed by James Cutler in the “Pacific lodge” style that is made of huge wooden panels to give it a “cabin lodge” effect. The house foresees the near future and reflects a new type of world.,5,A Work in pairs. Guess what the following pictures illustrate and what functions are performed.,a,b,c,d,Background,Getting Ready,Text A,Text B,Vocational Focus,Skill Focus,Practical Learning,Language Focus,6,B Work in pairs. Match the following pictures with their names.,1. wooden cabin,2. optical fiber,3. video wall,4. electric outlets,Background,Getting Ready,Text A,Text B,Vocational Focus,Skill Focus,Practical Learning,Language Focus,7,Bill Gates Big House,Before-reading,While-reading,Background,Getting Ready,Text A,Text B,Vocational Focus,Skill Focus,Practical Learning,Language Focus,8,1. Why is Bill Gates home named the “Big House”?,2. Where is Bill Gates Big House located? What does the house look like?,Exercise A,Read the text and answer the following questions.,Bill Gates home is named the “Big House” because it has so many rooms.,Bill Gates home is located in a Seattle suburb, overlooking Lake Washington. The house looks like a wooden cabin.,Background,Getting Ready,Text A,Text B,Vocational Focus,Skill Focus,Practical Learning,Language Focus,9,3. Whats the best thing about the Big House? List some functions of the automation system in the Big House.,Exercise A,Perhaps the best thing about the Big House is its automation system. For example: the reception hall features a large video wall that is composed of 24 individual screens measuring 40 inches each; lights, music or a TV program automatically follow you as you move from room to room.,Read the text and answer the following questions.,Background,Getting Ready,Text A,Text B,Vocational Focus,Skill Focus,Practical Learning,Language Focus,10,4. What can the Big House do for Bill Gates visitors?,Exercise A,The big house learns about each person when they visit the home. Thanks to the automation system, it remembers every movement, every sound and every choice a person makes. When you visit the home for the second time, the home can identify and recognize you. It will recall your favorite music, your favorite drink, and even the temperature of water you like for your bath.,Read the text and answer the following questions.,Background,Getting Ready,Text A,Text B,Vocational Focus,Skill Focus,Practical Learning,Language Focus,11,5. Do you like Bill Gates house? Why or why not?,Exercise A,The answers to this question may vary. As long as the answer is reasonable, it is acceptable. The following answers are for your reference. (1)Yes, because it is very convenient, safe, comfortable, and smart, since it is equipped with all kinds of devices of the latest high technology.,Read the text and answer the following questions.,Background,Getting Ready,Text A,Text B,Vocational Focus,Skill Focus,Practical Learning,Language Focus,12,5. Do you like Bill Gates house? Why or why not?,Exercise A,(2) No, because it is too smart. In such a house, there are no secrets at all. Besides, the Big House is not close to the city so it takes a long time to drive anywhere. There are no stores, restaurants, theaters, clubs, or other businesses near the Big House. Additionally, it is very hard to have privacy in the Big House because of its automated system. Visitors may feel uncomfortable having everything they say or do recorded by cameras and sensors in the home. Last but not least, it is very easy to be lazy in the Big House because the home is so smart. Some people prefer to choose their own music, TV programs, and the temperature of their bath water by themselves.,Read the text and answer the following questions.,Background,Getting Ready,Text A,Text B,Vocational Focus,Skill Focus,Practical Learning,Language Focus,13,Exercise B,The article tells us about the _, _ and _ of Bill Gates Big House.,Fill in the blanks to complete the main ideas of the text.,location,appearance,features,Background,Getting Ready,Text A,Text B,Vocational Focus,Skill Focus,Practical Learning,Language Focus,14,Exercise C,List some functions of the automation system in Bill Gates house.,Background,Getting Ready,Text A,Text B,Vocational Focus,Skill Focus,Practical Learning,Language Focus,15,Paragraph 1,Many media reports say that Bill Gates home is the best home in the world. Lets take a close look at it and learn why it is so special.,译 文,Bill Gates Big House,Background,Getting Ready,Text A,Text B,Vocational Focus,Skill Focus,Practical Learning,Language Focus,16,Paragraph 2,Bill Gates home is named the “Big House” because it has so many rooms. However, almost half of the rooms are built underground, so the house is actually much bigger than it looks from the outside.,Bill Gates Big House,Background,Getting Ready,Text A,Text B,Vocational Focus,Skill Focus,Practical Learning,Language Focus,17,Paragraph 3,The Big House is located in a suburb of Seattle overlooking Lake Washington. Looking like a wooden cabin, it is actually an automatic, wired house filled with high technology. Over 64 km of optical fiber is used in the house in which all appliances and devices are connected. Amazingly, there is no visible electric outlet in the Big House.,Bill Gates Big House,Background,Getting Ready,Text A,Text B,Vocational Focus,Skill Focus,Practical Learning,Language Focus,18,Paragraph 4,Perhaps the best thing about the Big House is its automation system. There are over 100 cameras, 400 sensors and a powerful computer to gather information in the home. The information is used to control the house environment, including temperature, music, pictures, and more. For example, the gate is equipped with a weather sensor system that controls the temperature and other conditions in the Big House. The reception hall features a large video wall composed of 24 individual screens measuring 40 inches each. Hidden cameras are all over the house. Floor sensors can track anyone up to 6 inches. Amazingly, lights, music or a TV program automatically follow you as you move from room to room. Only the phone nearest to you rings when you get an incoming call.,Bill Gates Big House,Background,Getting Ready,Text A,Text B,Vocational Focus,Skill Focus,Practical Learning,Language Focus,19,Paragraph 5,Bill Gates talks to his Big House and receives efficient responses. When he is on the way home, he can ask his house to fill his bathtub with hot water. Additionally, the Big House looks after his favorite plant, a 140-year-old maple, for him. The maple is monitored electronically 24 hours per day by computers. Whenever it seems dry, it gets just the right amount of water.,Bill Gates Big House,Background,Getting Ready,Text A,Text B,Vocational Focus,Skill Focus,Practical Learning,Language Focus,20,Paragraph 6,Most importantly, the Big House learns about each person when they visit the home. Thanks to the automation system, it remembers every movement, every sound and every choice a person makes. When you visit the home for the second time, the home can identify and recognize you. It will recall your favorite music, your favorite drink, and even the temperature of water you like for your bath.,Bill Gates Big House,Background,Getting Ready,Text A,Text B,Vocational Focus,Skill Focus,Practical Learning,Language Focus,21,Paragraph 7,Bill Gates home is definitely special and amazing, but is it perfect for everyone?,Bill Gates Big House,Background,Getting Ready,Text A,Text B,Vocational Focus,Skill Focus,Practical Learning,Language Focus,22,Vocabulary,Structure,Translation,Language Focus,Grammar,Background,Getting Ready,Text A,Text B,Vocational Focus,Skill Focus,Practical Learning,Language Focus,23,Vocabulary,A Choose the correct form of the words to complete the following sentences.,1. apply, appliance, applicable a. The laboratory is equipped with modern _. b. He _ to be transferred to another department.,2. visible, vision, visibility a. In the Buddhist _, wisdom and compassion are the most important sentiments that inspire human behavior. b. Pollution in the air reduced the _ near the airport.,3. automatic, automatically, automation a. Promotion in this company was almost _ after two or three years. b. _ resulted in the loss of many factory jobs.,appliances,applied,vision,visibility,automatic,Automation,Background,Getting Ready,Text A,Text B,Vocational Focus,Skill Focus,Practical Learning,Language Focus,24,Vocabulary,4. favor, favorable, favorite a. Im certainly not in _of a picnic in such weather. b. Why not add this web page to your list of _ pages.,5. identify, identification, identical a. A phone card usually comes with a number and a personal _ number (PIN). b. I cannot _ the difference of the two samples.,favor,favorite,identification,identify,A Choose the correct form of the words to complete the following sentences.,Background,Getting Ready,Text A,Text B,Vocational Focus,Skill Focus,Practical Learning,Language Focus,25,Vocabulary,B Match the words in Column A with the appropriate phrases in Column B.,1. receive 2. follow 3. overlook 4. recall 5. control,a. the temperature b. his school days c. the rules and regulations d. the city from the tower e. an efficient response,Background,Getting Ready,Text A,Text B,Vocational Focus,Skill Focus,Practical Learning,Language Focus,26,Vocabulary,C Complete the sentences below with the correct form of the words and phrases in the box.,recall recognize feature equip visible efficient look after on the way,1. A(n) _ timetable can help you manage your work easily. 2. The road was hardly _, but we moved on. 3. Your professional training will _ you for your future job. 4. We got lost _ to my grandmothers.,efficient,visible,equip,on the way,Background,Getting Ready,Text A,Text B,Vocational Focus,Skill Focus,Practical Learning,Language Focus,27,Vocabulary,recall recognize feature equip visible efficient look after on the way,5. They spent their weekends in _ the old man. 6. He finally _ the advantages of this plan. 7. I cant _ your name, but I can recognize your face. 8. Wet weather is a _ of life in this area.,looking after,recognized,recall,feature,C Complete the sentences below with the correct form of the words and phrases in the box.,Background,Getting Ready,Text A,Text B,Vocational Focus,Skill Focus,Practical Learning,Language Focus,28,Structure,A Study the example and rearrange the words and phrases into correct sentences.,1. whenever, lock the door, you, leave, please,e.g. whenever, gets, just, the right amount of, water, it, seems dry, it,Whenever it seems dry, it gets just the right amount of water.,2. wherever, is determined to, Tom, find her, Mary is,Whenever you leave, please lock the door.,Wherever Mary is, Tom is determined to find her.,Background,Getting Ready,Text A,Text B,Vocational Focus,Skill Focus,Practical Learning,Language Focus,29,Structure,3. whatever, would, they, happened, not, say a word,4. whoever, should, you, she is, not cheat her,However he does it, he will do it perfectly.,Whoever she is, you should not cheat her.,Whatever happened, they would not say a word.,5. however, perfectly, he, will do it, he, it, does,A Study the example and rearrange the words and phrases into correct sentences.,Background,Getting Ready,Text A,Text B,Vocational Focus,Skill Focus,Practical Learning,Language Focus,30,Structure,B Study the italicized part of the example sentences and compose sentences with the same structures using the words and phrases in parentheses.,1. e.g. Thanks to the automation system, it remembers every movement, every sound and every choice a person makes.,(his effort, the assignment, more successful, than we had expected),Thanks to the fine performance of all the staff, the project succeeded.,Thanks to your help, we got through a difficult situation.,Thanks to his effort, the assignment was more successful than we had expected.,(your help, we, get through, a difficult situation),(the fine performance of all the staff, the project, succeed),Background,Getting Ready,Text A,Text B,Vocational Focus,Skill Focus,Practical Learning,Language Focus,(the book contains 10,000 pages, 500 maps),31,Structure,2. e.g. The information is used to control the conditions, including temperature, music, pictures, and more in the Big House.,(please complete, all parts of the form, your weight and height),The book contains 10,000 pages, including 500 maps.,The total tuition fee is $1,500, including the admission fee.,Please complete all parts of the form, including your weight and height.,(the total tuition fee is $1,500, admission fee),B Study the italicized part of the example sentences and compose sentences with the same structures using the words and phrases in parentheses.,Background,Getting Ready,Text A,Text B,Vocational Focus,Skill Focus,Practical Learning,Language Focus,32,Translation,A Translate the following sentences into Chinese.,1. Although he looked amazingly different from before, I recognized him immediately by his voice.,2. Whenever you phone, remember to smile because the listener feels it.,天有不测风云,人有旦夕祸福。,无论何时打电话,记得微笑,因为听电话的人能感觉到。,虽然他看起来跟以前大不一样了,但我通过他的声音立即认出了他。,3. Storms gather without warning in nature, and bad luck befalls men overnight.,Background,Getting Ready,Text A,Text B,Vocational Focus,Skill Focus,Practical Learning,Language Focus,33,Translation,我们去饭店的路上要在商店停一下。,4. We will stop at the shop on the way to the restaurant.,许多银行有自动取款机,这样我们可以自己取款。,5. Many banks have automatic teller machines so we can withdraw money by ourselves.,Background,Getting Ready,Text A,Text B,Vocational Focus,Skill Focus,Practical Learning,Language Focus,A Translate the following sentences into Chinese.,34,Translation,1. 大屏幕看起来像一面玻璃墙。(look like.),2. 郊区大多数木屋向南而立。(stand),Every office door will be equipped with sensors.,Most of the wooden cabins in the suburb stand facing south.,The big screen looks like a glass wall.,3. 所有办公室的门都将配上传感器。(be equipped with.),Our products feature good quality.,4. 我们的产品以质量卓越为特点。(feature),Thanks to the automatic system, he soon gathered a lot of information.,5. 由于有了自动化系统,他很快收集了很多信息。(thanks to.),B Translate the following sentences into English using the words or phrases in parentheses.,Background,Getting Ready,Text A,Text B,Vocational Focus,Skill Focus,Practical Learning,Language Focus,35,Grammar,Modal Verbs,A Complete the following sentences by choosing A, B, C or D. 1. Im sorry, but I _ use the book myself. I must finish it today. Thats OK. I _ borrow Toms. A. must.could B. have to.can C. have to.must D. must.must 2.You _ be tired. Youve only been working for an hour. A. must not B. wont C. cant D. may not 3. _ you tell me how I _ get to the bank? A. Do.can B. Can.could C. Could.can D. Could.could,Background,Getting Ready,Text A,Text B,Vocational Focus,Skill Focus,Practical Learning,Language Focus,36,Grammar,Modal Verbs,A Complete the following sentences by choosing A, B, C or D. 4. Mr. White _ at 8:00 for the meeting, but he didnt show up. A. should have arrived B. should arrive C. should had arrived D. should be arriving 5. As you worked late yesterday, you _ come this morning. A. neednt B. must not C. cant D. may not 6. The fire spread through the hotel very quickly, but everyone _ get out. A. had to B. would C. could D. was able to,Background,Getting Ready,Text A,Text B,Vocational Focus,Skill Focus,Practical Learning,Language Focus,37,Grammar,Modal Verbs,A Complete the following sentences by choosing A, B, C or D. 7. Peter _ come with us tonight, but he isnt very sure yet. A. must B. can C. may D. will 8. Tom _ wear a suit to work, but he often does. A. mustnt B. cant C. neednt D. may not 9. Im sorry I cannot join your party tonight. I _ work overtime. A. must B. have to C. can D. may 10. Come on! We _ hurry because there isnt much time left. A. may B. must C. can D. need,Background,Getting Ready,Text A,Text B,Vocational Focus,Skill Focus,


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