



20182019学年度上学期八年级月考考试二、完形填空 ADear Mum and Dad; I will go to Kathys home with her after school and I will have dinner and sleep there. Dont worry about me. You know that Kathy is_1_ of my best friends. If you want to talk with me; you can _2_ me at 8852828 after 6:00 pm. Please forgive(原谅)me for not telling you first. I dont think you will _3_me to do so. But I think teenagers should be allowed to stay at their friends homes sometimes. I am fifteen years old and Im not a little kid any more. I hope I can make_4_ for myself. At home; there are too many_5_ for me to obey: Dont wear a short dress; dont stay out too late; dont have meals before_6_ hands; dont watch TV without finishing homework; and so on. Parents should be_7_ teenagers; but we need freedom; too. I dont like doing my home_8_ work at home. Id like to study with Kathy. We always learn a lot_9_ each other. So please allow me to stay at Kathys home once a week. If you _10_; Kathy can stay at our home with me; too. Mum and Dad; I can take good care of myself. Dont worry. Yours; Lillian( )26. A. a B. an C. the D. one( )27.A. look B. call C. replay D. play( )28.A. allow B. stop C. try D. wish( )29.A. trouble B. mistakes C. money D. delicious( )30.A. members B. ways C. rules D. points( )31.A. holding B. washing C. putting D. giving( )32.A. angry with B. afraid of C. strict with D. interested in( )33.A. awake B. alone C. alive D. asleep( )34.A. up B. on C. under D. from( )35.A. agree B. worry C. think D. make BEveryone likes pocket money._1_ pocket money do you get from your parents every month500 yuan or more? Some students need much money; because it_2_ a lot to buy delicious food; birthday presents; school things and so on. _3_ for Liu Chao; 100 yuan each month for lunch is enough. “I love vegetables and rice; and meat is too _4_ for me. I never eat it;” he said. Liu Chao is a middle school student in Henan Province. He said his parents come from a small village far away. His father works _5_ a worker in a factory and just gets 2000 yuan a month. His mother has no job. He has a sister. Last year his family had _6_ money to send him to school so he had to go back home. Later; with the help of his classmates and teachers; he returned to _7_. From then on; Liu Chao studied even harder. Now he is good at all his subjects. To many teachers; he is one of _8_ students in the class. He also helps his parents do the housework at home. Liu Chao wants to be a _9_ when he grows up; because he wants to invent a lot of useful things for people. What a _10_ boy!( )36. A. How many B. How much C. How old D. How often( )37. A. pays B. spends C. costs D. gets( )38. A. Although B. So C. Because D. But( )39. A. expensive B. cheap C. bad D. terrible( )40. A. with B. for C. as D. at( )41. A. lots of B. a little C. much D. no( )42. A. home B. school C. village D. farm( )43. A. laziest B. worst C. best D. tallest( )44. A. policeman B. scientist C. doctor D. teacher( )45. A. good B. happy C. bad D. sad三阅读理解 A English Teacher WantedLoving teaching and childrenTime: at weekend between 4:00 pm6:00pm; one hour per(每) dayPayment: 150 yuan per hourTel:Great Basketball GameChina VS AmericaDate: January 20thTime: 5:00 pmTel:The Chinese Red CrossWe hope you can do more for the people in the earthquake-hit areasYou can donate(捐赠)on .Tel:Ladies ShopWe have all kinds of clothes; bags; shoes and so on for ladies. Please come and see!Shop hours: 8:004:30 pmTel:TVXQ Comes to ChinaWant to spend a wonderful evening?Want to enjoy exciting pop music?Want to see TVXQs perfect performance(演出)Place: Quancheng SquareTime: 7:30 pm; October 6thTicket: 280yuan( ) 46. Mr. Zhang is an English teacher. He may get_ yuan one week. A. 150 B. 300 C. 600 D. 750( ) 47. Lucy may get some information(信息) about_ on the Internet.A. Ladies Shop B. English Teacher Wanted B. Great Basketball Game C. The Chinese Red Cross( ) 48. We can know that TVXQ is a _A. a music group B. the name of a song C. a perfect performance D. a name of a CD B It was Tuesday; September 19th. I arrived at the bus station at 7:20. Because the bus was full of students; the bus didnt stop at the station. I didnt catch the bus at 8 oclock for the same reason. Four students talked about this and said it had never happened before. At 8:50; I saw a lot of students beginning to walk to school. I decided to walk to school; too. I was not sure if I could get on the bus at a 8:15. I followed two students with my bus pass(乘车卡) in my hand and practiced my listening a lot. When I arrived at school; I found I lost bus pass. There was nothing in my hand. I didnt go back to look for it because I even didnt know where I lost it. In a few seconds I found another problem that I couldnt find where our classroom was! At last; I finally found it; but the first class had already been for 20 minutes. I thought it was the worst(最差的) day; but I also got some benefit(好处) from it. From that day I walked to school in the morning every day. The air was very fresh and I could enjoy the sightseeing(风景) a lot. So never say a thing that happened to you is too bad.( ) 49. The writer didnt get on the bus because_.A. the bus didnt stop at the bus station.B. there was no bus that morning.C. the bus broke down that morning.D. the writer got up later than usual.( ) 50. On the way to school; the writer was_ A. singing a song B. practicing his listening C. talking with other students D. enjoying the sightseeing( ) 51. The best title for the passage is “_” A. My Bus Pass B. The Late Bus C. A Terrible Morning D. Two Students C 20 years ago; I was a little tree living in the forest. I enjoyed the warm sunshine; the soft wind; the birds singing in the forest all the time. Years later; I grew into a big tree. My body became bigger and stronger; I had more and more leaves and I even began to produce fruit. Then one day; some old trees had a talk with me. They told me I was important and useful to humans and the Earth. “We take harmful gas from the air; and give off oxygen. People love us because we can produce clean and fresh air for them to breathe(呼吸). Our leaves can take the dust from the air and rain then washes it onto the ground. We can store water and stop the soil from running away. We are also the home to the wild animals. We provide food for both humans and animals;” said the old trees. Im really proud to be a tree. I can help humans and the Earth in so many ways. But yesterday; some people came to my home and cut down some trees. Now; when I look around; I see many of my friends lying on the ground; moaning (呻吟).( ) 52. Twenty years ago the life of the tree in the forest was_ A. terrible B. hard C. simple D. happy( ) 53. Which of the following is NOT mentioned(提到) in this passage?A. The leaves of trees can take the dust from the air.B. Trees can produce clean water for people to drink.C. Trees can store water and stop the soil from running away. D. Trees can take harmful gas from the air and give off oxygen.( ) 54. We can learn from the passage that the tree_A. hates to be a tree nowB. is probably ten years old nowC. feels puzzled(困惑的) about humans behavior(行为) nowD. feels proud now because he could produce fruit in the past( ) 55. What does the passage mainly talk about?A. Ways to produce trees.B. Dont cut down trees.C. The life experience of a little tree.D. The friendship between trees and humans. DOnce a little boy became very ill. ( 56 )_ Because other children werent allowed to come near him; he spent his days feeling sad. He often looked out of the window. Time passed; and his feeling of despair(绝望) just grew. ( 57 ) _ It was a penguin(企鹅) eating a sandwich. The penguin said “Good afternoon” to the boy; turned around; and left. ( 58 ) _ He was still trying to work out what had happened outside his window when he saw a monkey holding a balloon. After a while; as more and more crazy-looking characters(角色) appeared out of his windows; the boy laughed out loud. Those strange characters ended up putting happiness back in his heart; and in his body. ( 59 ) _ There he told his best friend all the strange things he had seen. While he was talking; he saw something sticking out of his friends schoolbag. ( 60 ) _ Finally his friend had to show him what was in the bag: There; inside; were all the funny-dress suits(化妆服) that his best friend had used to try to cheer the little boy up!A. Of course; the boy was very surprised.B. He had to spend all his day in bed; unable to more.C. But one day he saw a strange shape in the window.D. Soon; his health improved and he could go back to school.E. The boy asked his friend what it was.四 短文填词 Do you like collecting things? Many people do. And Ernestina from Italy is one of ( 61 )_ ( they ). She likes collecting river rocks very much; ( 62 )_ she doesnt just look at them for fun. She enjoys ( 63 ) _ ( paint ) pictures on them. The Italian artist is good ( 64 ) _ turning river rocks into beautif


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