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Business English Writing,Goodwill Effects,Conversational style language is simple, warm and natural. 2. You viewpoint/ attitude e.g. We will be pleased to deliver your order by the 10th. Practice: i. We can permit you to attend classes when you are free. ii. We have received your letter of June1.,3. Positive language e.g. Unfortunately, your order cannot be sent until next week. Fortunately, your order can be sent next week. Practice: 1. To avoid the loss of your credit rating, please remit payment within ten days. 2. Your misunderstanding of our June 1 letter caused this mistake. 3. You cannot visit the office except on Sunday. 4. Our stone-skin material wont do the job unless it is reinforced.,flv,avi,2 Letter,Dear Jess, I am glad to Love, Mike,Functions,1. to inform 2. to persuade 3. to entertain,The 6 c s principles,1. Clarity 2. Correctness 3. Conciseness 4. Completeness 5. Courteousness 6. Concreteness,Structure of English letters,There are at least 5 parts of an English letter: date, salutation , body, complimentary close and signature In a business letter , there are more items :,Structure 1.Letterhead 2. Date 3.Inside address 4. Salutation 5 .(subject line) 6 . Body 7. Complimentary close 8. Signature 9. Enclosure 10. CC,Address of an Envelop,Envelop addressing calls for accuracy, legibility and good appearance. Two forms: 1. indented style 2. block style,1. The indented form,Stamp,2. The block form,Stamp,Other envelop addressing,i.Ask somebody to pass on a letter to the addressee.,Stamp,ii. Ask somebody to forward a letter to the recipient in person,CHAPTER 7,Requests & Inquiries,STEPS:,1.Start with purpose (questions or narration) 2.Give details: specific information (self introduction, enquiries) -Attract by possible prospects: current situation (optional) 3.End with goodwill/ expectation,Explaining briefly the circumstance of writing Stating how you came to know about the company Providing some brief information about you or your firm,FIRST PART,Introducing who we are,We are a/an importer/ manufacturer / wholesalerof (commodity) and we are interested in having some information from you company. We are regular customer of yours and are now in the market for (commodity),I am very eager to enter the Graduate School of your University next fall as a Ph. D. candidate in physics. May I have the general outline for the qualification examination?,我非常希望能在明年秋天成为贵校物理系的博士候选者。望能告知考试大纲。,我想知道关于黄山的旅游信息。,I am writing to inquire about the travel to Mount Huang.,请告知贵公司的业务范围?,Would you tell me the main items you export?,Could I have some information about your scope of business?,可以告知你方出口业务吗?,What is your regular practice about terms of payment?,一般情况下你方采用的付款方式?,We are interested in buying large quantities of screws in all sizes.,本公司有意大量购买各型号螺钉。,Making requests,我们想坐火车去那里,住宿在有独立卫浴的双人间。请告知这次旅行是多少天,花费和日程安排?,We would like to go by train and to live in a double room with private bathroom. 1.Would you please tell me how many days the travel takes? 2How much will it cost? 3.What is the scheduling?,I would appreciate it very much if you would send me a graduate catalogue of your university, and also a set of application forms for admissions.,如果你能提供贵校的研究生目录和入学申请表将不胜感激。,We would be obliged if you would give us a quotation per kilogram CFR Liverpool, England. It would also be appreciated if you could forward samples and your price-list to us.,欲知每公斤运抵英国利物浦的成本加运费价格,如能告知, 不胜感激。如同能惠寄样本和价格表,将感激不尽。,THIRD PART,从目前情况看,合作前景广阔,投资面临着十分有利的机遇。,From what we have achieved, we can see the broad prospects for cooperation and the very favorable investment opportunities.,我们相信我们将和主要的制造商有很好的合作-比如索尼和松下。,What we believe is that there will be a good relationship with major manufacturers -like Sony and Panasonic.,We used to purchase these products from other sources. We may now prefer to buy from your company because we understand that you are able to supply larger quantities at more attractive prices. In addition, we have confidence in the quality of your products.,本公司一直以来从其他公司购买此类货物,现知贵公司货物质优价廉,故欲大量进购。,to give the best price with the superior quality of the goods in large quantities.,FOURTH PART,Thank you for your kind assistance.,盼复,We look forward to hearing from you.,Please make us an offer within this month since we have made an inquiry for your products.,我们已对你们的产品进行询价,请在本月内给予报盘 。,谢谢你的帮助。,Chapter 4 Reply- layout,1. Express thanks for making the enquiry and state clearly whether the commodity or services asked for is available or not. 2. Supply all the information inquired. 3. Provide additional information: draw attention to items you think may interest the reader in his line of business. 4. Encourage further contact like placing an order.,Practice:,感谢你11月20 的来信询问有关棉织床单的情况。对你方的询问,请查看附件中的价格表。,我方很高兴收到你10月1号的传真并得知对我方产品感兴趣。现提供我方的产品目录以及详细的折扣范围。,e.g. Thank you for your letter dated 20 Nov., asking for information about cotton bed sheets. Please find enclosed price-list inclusive of the details you asked for.,e.g. we are pleased to receive your fax letter of 1 Oct. and to know of your interest in our products. We are now sending you our catalogue and giving details about the range of discount available.,Part 2,Practice:,衣服有四个型号和提供三个颜色:粉,蓝和玫红。,e.g. Clothing are designed in four sizes and supplied in three colors: pink, blue and rosy.,报价包含包装和运费。我们将提供特别折扣: 购买超过1万美元打九折;超过3万打8折;超过5万打7.5折。,e.g. The prices quoted include packing and freight. We will offer special discounts on the following basis: 10% discount for purchases exceeding $ 10,000 20% discount for purchases exceeding $ 30,000 25% discount for purchases exceeding $ 50,000,Part 3,Practice:,请你注意我们的其他商品, 比如地毯和窗帘。具体信息 也请在目录中查找。,Wed like to have your attention to our other products, such as carpets and curtains, details of which will be found also in the catalogue.,在12页你将找到适于欧洲市场的新设计, 我们强烈推荐,因为他们的质量和价格都是独一无二的。,On page 12 you will see some new designs for European market. We strongly recommend them because they are of top-quality and exceptional


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