



教学资料参考范本九年级英语上册 Module1 Unit2 I was on the edge of the Grand Canyon教案 外研版撰写人:_时 间:_Teaching modelReading and writingTeaching methodBottom-up approachTeaching aimsKey words: waterfall, natural, light, beside, stranger, reply, rock, clear,rise rose-risen , ground , below , edge , bottom , canyon ,top, disappear, distance , huge , myself , likely , faceKey Phrases: get out of; look over, on the edge of, at the bottom of Teaching aidsPPT, tape recorderTeaching StepsStep1 Warming-up 1. Show a picture of the Great Wall and talk something about the picture.Whats the name of the place? Is it an ancient building? How long/ wide is it?2. Show some pictures of famous buildings, seas, towers, waterfalls and so on. Describe them with the words in Activity 1 as well as learn some new words.Step 2: Reading1. Fast readingscan the passage and find out the name of the wonder.2. Careful readingRead the first paragraph and answer: What did the writer do after he arrived?Read the second paragraph and answer: Why was there nothing to see?Read the third paragraph and answer: Where was the writer facing on the edge of the Grand Canyon?Read the fourth paragraph and fill in the table:Grand CanyonHow deep/high is it?How wide is it?How long is it?Read the fifth paragraph and feel the writers feeling3. Play the tape and have them read and answer.Q1: A: A guidebook B: A grammar book C: A dictionary D: A diaryQ2: What is the writers purpose in writing it? A: Give facts about the Grand Canyon. B: Tell how he feels about the Grand Canyon. C: Introduce the Grand Canyon. D: Tell people to visit the Grand Canyon.Step 3 Do exercisesMatch the words in the box with their meanings in Activity 4.Step 4 Explain the important and difficult points 1. The sun rose behind me and beyond the rocks. I saw that the ground fell away and down to a river, far below me.太阳从位于我身后的岩石远处升起.我看到地面沉降至下面深谷中的一条河里.2. I was on the edge of the Grand Canyon, one of the wonders the natural world. 我站在大峡谷边缘,它是自然界中的奇观之一.3. I looked down to the Colorado River about 2,000metres below me.我俯视着距我两千多米之遥的科罗拉多河. Then I looked across to other side of the canyon.然后,我眺望峡谷的另一边. Finally, I looked to my left and to my right.最后,我向左右遥望.在上面这三个句子中, look 和不同的介词/副词组成不同的词组,有着不同的意思. look down表示“向下看”; look across表示向对面看; look to ones left 表示向某人左侧看.还有很多介词/副词可以和look这个动词组成词组,如; Look over there-theres a rainbow!看那边!彩虹! She looked up and smiled at me.她抬起头来,冲我笑了笑.Step 5 Writing1Make a table with facts about:The West Lake2Imagine you have to the West Lake. Write sent


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