



教学资料参考范本新北师大小学英语四年级上册unit 2 I like Bobby (1)教案撰写人:_时 间:_Unit 2 I like Bobby 第一课时教学目标:1.能够听懂并并使用I likeI dont like 表达个人的喜好,并且会询问别人对某种动物的喜好。2.学习课文,了解故事主要内容。A、B等生能够正确、流畅地朗读课文。3.通过故事学习,引导学生讨论、交流、想象,培养学生朋友之间互相帮助的意识和热爱大自然的情感。重点:通过讨论交流理解故事内容,并能够正确流畅地朗读课文。难点:对于句型:He isnt wearing his glasses. Do you know them? 的理解与朗读。教学准备:光盘、幻灯片、心形图片等。教学过程一、warming up1.Look, there is a forest .How is it? Is it beautiful? There are many animals are in the forest .What animals are there? Can you guess? (生自由说一说)估计:birdfrogmonkeyrabbitbearsnakedeerbutterfly师引导学生表达喜欢的原因,可通过师生一起做动作展示。师小结:Animals are our friends. We all like animals.2.投影图片:Do you like birds?(Yes, I do.No, I dont.)师问生答,指名生问生生问答展示2、3组3.看图示范表达:I like rabbits. I dont like snakes.指名表达,自由练习。展示4.Today Ann and Ken are in the forest. They are walking and playing.What animals can they see?投影出示问题:What animals can they see?二、整体感知1.Lets listen to a story.师整体播放光盘。2.指名回答:What animals can they see?估计:bear rabbit fox对策:师帮助学生把问题回答完整They can see a bear, two rabbits and a fox.(师边说边出示图片) 读一读fox3.师针对投影提问:(1)Do you know him? Whats his name? (His name is Bobby.)(2)Do you like Bobby? (Yes,I do.)询问2、3名学生I like Bobby,too.But Does Ann like Bobby? Does Ken like Bobby?三、讲故事第一幅图:(1)Does Ann like Bobby? Does Ken like Bobby?估计:学生能回答。(2)对策:Lets listen.让学生重点听相关的内容。再次询问:Does Ann like Bobby?生回答后,师帮助说明并拿出一颗心:Ann likes Bobby.Does Ken like Bobby? 生回答后,师说明并拿出两颗心: Ken likes Bobby a lot. Whats meaning “a lot”? 师板书:a lot估计:生会用中文说:非常过渡:Now, Ann and ken see Bobby, What can they say?第二副图:Hello, Bobby.What is you doing?Good morning Bobby.生猜测后,师播放第二附图,师提问Do Ann and Ken know Bobby? Does bobby know Ann and Ken? (They are friends. Ann and Ken are Bobbys friends.) But Bobbysays: who are you? Why?估计学生表达上有一定的困难:可让学生听光盘师做动作领着生说一说:Bobby cant seehe isnt wearing his glasses. (师拿出一个眼镜说句子)师过渡:Bobby cant see Ann and Ken. Ann says:师拿出Ann 和Ken 的头像。师拿出Bobby的头像说:I cant see you, Im not my glasses. Lets listen, what are they saying?播放3、4副图。师:Bobby can see Ann and ken. Do you know why?师引导:He is 第五附图:投影出示第五附图: 用光标指着兔子:They are rabbits.Does bobby know them? Are they good friends? Do Ann and Ken know them? Lets listen!播放第五、六附图,提问:Does bobby know them?生回答后,师引导:The rabbits are Bobbys friends.师:Do Ann and Ken know them? 生简单回答。(若有困难可再听一听第五附图)师:Ann and Ken dont know them. But do they like rabbits? why?生回答后师小结:The rabbits are beautiful and cute. Look, whats this? Its a fox.Look at his mouth and eyes. What can he say? 提示:What does he want to do? 估计:I like them .I want to eat them. They are delicious.Listen! the fox says:播放7副图引:The fox says:. What does the fox want to do?So he says: I like them, too! (指名读:读出狡猾、想吃的语气)过渡:The fox wants to eat the rabbits. Do they like the fox? Does Bobby like the fox?师:Yes, they dont like the fox. So Bobby says. 播放第八附图。(齐读指名3、4生读)So Bobby threw a stone.(师做动作)投影出示第九附图look,where is the fox?(He is going.) Are they happy?What can they say to Bobby? (Thank you.you are good.)Listen! 播放第九附图。过渡:Bobby helps the rabbits. The fox is going. They are very happy.Do you like the story? Lets read it.四、读故事1.跟光盘读。师重点领读:(1)He isnt wearing his glasses.Im not wearing my glasses.(2)They are so cute.引导学生理解使用:Cute.rabbits is cute. So we like rabbits.What animals are cute? (师可举例:birds are cute. Pandas are cute. squirrels are cute.)让生举例,师:Snakes are cute?2.Read the story in your groups.师巡视,了解情况。3. Lets make a role reading. Who wants to be AnnKenBobbythe foxthe rabbits?指名分角色朗读。五、讲故事Take out the papers. Use these words, describe the pictures.For example: pictur


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