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Welcome to the world of Jay Chou,姓名:刘振语 学号:Z31314055 专业:测控技术与仪器,Structure,Basic information THE EXPERIENCE OF JAY A musical genius - Jay Chou Album introduction The Golden Melody The Golden Melody,English Name: Jay Chou Birthday: 1979-01-18 Height: 173 Centimeter Weight: 60 Kilogram Blood Group: O Music Style: R&B Hobby: Made songs,See films, Play basketball, Play computer games,Basic information,THE EXPERIENCE OF JAY,Jay Chou was born in a small town in Taiwan on January 18, 1979. He grew up in a single-parent family. Jay has always been shy and quiet, even as a child. He did not do well in school, and his mother often worried about his future . His mother enrolled Jay in piano lessons when he was three years old. Jay practiced piano beautifully, and by the time he reached high school, he could improvise (即兴创作) with many songs.,Jay first entered the music industry when he appeared in a talent show with his friend, where he accompanied as the pianist. They failed miserably in making a mark on television, but the producer saw the line notes written by Jay was good, so he decided to take a chance on him.,He is a talented singer and producer . He became famous for his special traditional Chinese style R and B.,As a small child, he showed a special sensitivity towards music,A musical genius - Jay Chou,His music has gained recognition throughout Asia, most notably in countries such as China, Japan and so on. A lot of his songs won him many prizes,Album introduction,JAJJAYAYY,JAY,The Golden Melody,七里香-Common Jasmine Orange “Common Jasmine Orange“ is a Chinese style poetic love songs, making you feel cool and refreshing in summer. From the perspective of music, Jay Chou makes “Common Jasmine Orange“ back to free fresh tunes from his Europe style before . 七里香是一首中国风味的诗意情歌,夏天听有一种的凉爽感觉。 从音乐上看,七里香已从欧洲风情中走出回到了自由清新的曲调中。,Compared with “East Wind Breaks“, they have the same shallow sing based on the stringed instrument music .The two are both regarded as Chinese classical style songs, but “Common Jasmine Orange“ less is less gloomy and forlorn, much more the Miss after times have passed and circumstances have changed. There is a harvest mood. 和东风破比同样是在弦乐铺垫下的浅唱,同样是被中国的古典风情冠了名,但七里香少了迟暮,多的是时过境迁后的怀念,有一份收获的心情。,听妈妈的话,The song is in a R & B tunes, but the lyrics are very sincere. “Mothers hard work isnt seen by others. She knows the warm recipe by heart. When you have time, hold her hand and sleep dream together” 这首歌曲是R &B 曲调,但歌词句句真切,“妈妈的辛苦不让你看见,温暖的食谱在她心里面,有空就多多握握她的手,把手牵着一起梦游”,Warm lyrics subvert the Jay ever left unruly image. Simple lyrics reveal Jays childish and playful humor, his unique style warmth, sincere and moving but not hypocritical posturing,. in-between the lines , Jay expressed his deepest feelings for mother. 温暖的歌词颠覆了周杰伦以往留给人们的不羁形象,浅显易懂的歌词里显露出周杰伦孩子气的俏皮幽默,周杰伦最独特的温馨风格,真挚动人不矫情作态,字里行间表达了周董对妈妈的深厚感情。,The Golden Melody,头文字DInitial D 2 扮演 藤原拓海 满城尽带黄金甲 Curse of the Golden Flower 扮演 杰王子 大灌篮 Kung Fu Dunk 扮演 方世杰 不能说的秘密 Secret 扮演 叶湘伦 刺陵 The Treasure Hunte 扮演 乔飞 苏乞儿 True Legend 扮演 武神 青蜂侠 The Green Hornet 扮演 加藤,Summary,I think a lot of people like me, over the past years a


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