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- 6 Unit 1 Will people have robots?(A卷)班级: 姓名: 得分: 发展性评语:.听力(25分) (略).基础知识(45分)A.火眼金睛,你能分辨出每组中的异类吗?(5分)1.A.swimming B. rollor-skating C. parrot D. soccer ball答案:C2.A.Japan B .Picasso C. Zhou Jielun D. William答案:A3.A.computer B. keyboard C. blackboard D. pollution答案:D4.A.astronaut B. cleaner C. write D. cook答案:C5.A.study B. have C. must D. fly答案:CB.把括号中的汉语翻译成英语(10分)1.Do you have a little _ _(空闲时间)?Yes, I do. Why?I want to talk about something with you.答案:free time2.I think I will be in a high school _(四年以后).答案:in 4years3.What do you think about in the future?I think students will all study at home _ _(用电脑).答案:on computers4.Which movies will _ _(得奖) next year?答案:win award 5.Can you play _ _(吹喇叭)?A little.Then join us, please.答案:the trampetsC.单项选择(15分)1.Jack is one of my best _.A. friend B. of friends C. friends D. of friend答案:C2.They _ last year.A. get marry B. got marry C. get married D. got married答案:D3.The little boy does well _ singing.A. on B. in C. about D. at答案:B4.Their teacher and they are on a _ Shaoshan.A. visit to B. visiting C. visit D. visited答案:A5.The teacher is often _ the classroom.A. on B. of C. up and down D. down答案:C6.It rained hard last night,_?A. does it B. did it C. doesn t it D. didn t it答案:D7._ do you buy so much bread _?A. Why; for B. What; for C. Why; to D. What; to答案:B8.Where _ you born?I _ born in Changsha.A. were; were B. was; were C. were; was D. was; was答案:C9.Last autumn, we help the farmer _ the apple picking.A.about B.for C.with D.of答案:C10._ the weather _ today?It s sunny.A. What; like B. What s; like C. How; like D. How; about答案:B11.The sports meet _ four days last week.A.lasts B.is lasting C.will last D.lasted答案:D12.What was the date the day before yesterday?_.A.It is March 2nd,2004 B.It s 2004,March 2ndC.It was March 2nd,2004 D.It was 2004,March 2nd答案:C13.The teacher told us _ on duty today.A.were B.be C.to be D.being答案:C14.I _ on duty tomorrow.A.were B.be C.to be D.will be答案:D15.It s the coldest _ this time of _ year.A. in;the B. will in;/ C .at;/ D. at;the答案:CD.查缺补漏。理解句意,填补所缺部分(10分)1.Thursday is the f day of a week.答案:fifth 2.Yesterday it rained very h ,so I didn t go out.答案:heavily 3.My parents enjoy l in the countryside very much.答案:living 4.Do you have any l time?I want your help.答案:leisure5.The computer is an important i .答案:invention6.There will be less p in 100 years.答案:pollution7.We will have a long v after a few days.答案:vacation 8.Do you have a c card?答案:credit9.The other students kept their eyes c right away.答案:closed 10.Their lives will be a lot b than it is now.答案:betterE.完成对话,每空一词(5分)A:What 1 you do last night?B:I went to the concert.A:Did you 2 yourself?B:Yes.I had a good time.I enjoyed the music and songs very much.A:What do you 3 of the singers?B:They were very good.A:When will there be the next concert?B:Next Friday evening. 4 you want to go?A:Yes,I do.How much is the 5 ?B:50 yuan.1._ 2._ 3._ 4._ 5._1.答案:did 2.答案:enjoy3.答案:think 4.答案:Do 5.答案:ticket.阅读理解(20分)APeter was an inventor.His job was to invent new things,and he worked when he had an idea.His workroom was in his house,so he could work whenever he wanted to.Sometimes he worked seven days a week and sometimes he didn t work for days.He did all his work right at home,but he left the house to go to meetings sometimes.Peter usually got up at about five o clock.He made some tea and started to work at six.He drank tea all dayhe couldn t work without itbut he didn t eat anything until in the evening.First,Peter cleaned the workroom and turned on the answer-phone because he couldn t talk to people when he had an idea.Then he started to work.He usually had a rest after two or three hours,but he didn t leave the workroom.He did something different to help him relax.Sometimes he did some exercise,and sometimes he listened to music.He usually stopped working at about nine o clock in the evening.He thought about his work most of the time,even when he was out.He was interested in what was around him and he liked looking for new ideas and new problems to solve.读短文,完成句子(10分)1.Peter was an _.答案:inventor2.Peter did his work at home,but he left his house to have _ sometimes.答案:meetings3.When he was working at daytime he didn t _ anything until in the evening.答案:eat4.He _ the answer-phone because he couldn t talk to others.答案:turned on5.To relax,he often did some exercise and _ in his workroom.答案:listened to musicBWe are all busy talking about and using the Internet,but how many of us know about the history of the Internet?Many people are surprised when they find that the Internet was set up in the 1960s.At that time,computers were large and expensive.Computer networks(网络) didn t work well.If one computer in the network broke down,then the whole network stopped.So a new network system(系统) had to be set up.It should be good enough to be used by many different computers.If part of the network was not working,information could be sent through another part.In this way the computer network system would keep on working all the time.At first,the Internet was only used by the government,but,in the early 1970s,universities,hospitals and banks were allowed to use it too.However,computers were still expensive and the Internet was difficult to use.By the start of the 1990s,computers become cheaper and easier to use.Scientists had also developed software(软件) that made “surfing(浏览)” the Internet more conveninent(方便).Today it is easy to get on-line and it is said that millions of people use the Internet every day.Sending e-mail is more and more popular among students.The Internet has now become one of the most important parts of people s life.阅读短文,选择正确答案(10分)1.The Internet has a history of _ years.A.about 40 B.less than 30 C.more than 45 D.nearly 35答案:A2.Scientists set up a new network system to _.A.make the computer cheaper B.make the system work wellC.make the computer go well D.develop new softwares答案:B3.The Internet was widely used in the _.A.1960s B.1970s C.1980s D.1990s答案:D4.The underlined words “get on-line” in Chinese mean _.A.上机 B.上网 C.接线 D.买电脑答案:B5.Which of the following is NOT true?A.In the 1960s computer network system went wrong easily.B.Computers are much cheaper than before.C.Today the Intern


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