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_M1M2-单词什么时候whenwenT恤衫T-shirtti,t开始beginbgn图片picturepkt开始startstt礼物giftgft聚会partypt礼物presentpreznt当然sure:(r)儿子sonsn带来bringbr仍旧stillstl带走taketek工作workwk穿着wearwe聪明的smartsmt最喜欢的favouritefev()rt聪明的cleverklev听起soundsand聪明的brightbrat有趣的interestingntrst问asksk欢迎welcomewelkm回答answerns方法;道路waywe骑riderad仅仅onlynl出租车taxitks步行walkwk斑马zebrazebr; zibr地铁undergroundndgrand十字路口crossingkrs交通traffictrfk灯lightlat居住livelav;lv人行道pavementpevm()nt离开leaveliv到达arriverav穿过crosskrs右rightrat左leftleft快速地quicklykwkl海报posterpst正确的correctkrekt行程journeydn搭乘taketek分钟minutemnt最后finallyfanl将来futurefjut作家writerrat农民farmerfm工人workerwk帮助helphelp售货员shop assistantsst()nt不同的differentdfrnt驾驶flyfla学生studentstjud()nt工作jobdb旅行traveltrv()l旅行家travelertrvl突然suddenlysdnl世界worldwld救生员lifeguardlafgd湖lakelek飞行员pilotpalt勇敢的bravebrev厨师cookkk生病的sicksk围绕aroundrand叫喊声crykra梦想dreamdrim救savesev常常oftenfn两次twicetwas一次oncewns国际象棋chesstes周末weekendwikend祖父母grandparentsgrndpernts年yearj周week/ wik谈话talktk通常usuallyjul拜访visitvzt他们themm电子邮件e-mailimel拥抱hughg有时sometimessmtamz电影院cinemasnm因特网internetntnet购物shoppingp狼wolfwlf敲knocknk家务事houseworkhaswk孙子,孙女grandchildgrndtald奇怪的strangestrend听soundsand公寓flatflt节日festivalfestvl感冒coldkld传统的traditionaltrdnl笑laughlf猎人hunterhnt两者都bothb运动sportspt相同的samesem不同的differentdfrnt三或三者以上都alll成员membermemb队teamtim英雄herohr金色的goldengldn祝贺恭喜congratulationskngrtjlenz困难的difficultdfklt中场休息时间half-timeh:f tam胜利winwn蛇snakesnek蜘蛛spiderspad小时houra班级,课classkls担心worrywr一起togethertge比赛matchmt为什么whywa老鼠ratrt哪一个which wt因为becausebkz阳光sunshinesnan可爱的lovelylvl知道known安静的quietkwat朝向facefes学习study std东面eastist南southsa西面westwest北面northn合用,分享sharee好极了greatgret改变changetend搬迁,移动movemuv通过throughru找到findfand 足够的enough nf想念miss/ ms乘,花费taketek野生的wild/ wald鹅(复数)geese复数gisM1M2-词组在九月十九号on the 19th of September在星期天on Sunday某人很累sb. be tired在下午in the afternoon做一顶帽子make a hat在晚上at night我最喜欢的颜色my favourite colour在2点at two oclock在两点at two oclock在一月份in January在皮特的生日聚会上at Peters birthday party把拿到.bringto制作一张生日请帖make a birthday invitation一条桔色的裤子a pair of orange trousers一张你的图片a picture of you生日礼物birthday present第二天早晨the next morning过得高兴,尽情享受have some fun我去学校的路上my way to school住在学校附近live near school骑自行车去学校go to school by bike步行去学校go to school on footride a bike to schoolwalk to school离开家leave home在七点四十五at a quarter to eight地铁站underground station向左看向右看look leftright大约在七点三十at about seven thirty从到from to 穿过马路cross the road等候(绿灯)wait for (the green light)在人行道上on the pavement在彩虹小学at Rainbow Primary School在格林路on Green Road一个地铁站an underground station乘火车take the train= by train在公交车站at the bus stop在路灯处at traffic lights在斑马线at zebra crossings上车get on下车(火车)get off (the train)乘12路车take Bus No.12在站atStation到达学校arrive at school到达上海arrive in Shanghai驾驶飞机fly an aeroplane帮助病人help sick people做美味的食物cook nice food想成为一名厨师want to be a cook想做某事want to do sth.在家工作work at home给学生上课give lessons to students卖东西给别人sell things to people种植蔬菜grow vegetables环游世界travel around the world害怕做某事be afraid of doing sth.做一个调查do a survey在将来in the future来自彩虹小学from Rainbow Primary School擅长于.(be)good at doing跳入湖中jump into the lake听到一阵哭声hear a cry梦想的职业dream job做一个调查do a survey在街道上in the street多久how often与(某人)住在一起live with sb.一周一次once a week一年两次twice a year每月三次three times a month看电视watch TV在周末at weekends下棋play chess住在北京live in Beijing写一封电子邮件write an e-mail在互联网上on the Internet去购物go shopping锋利的牙齿sharp teeth做家务do the housework爬山climb mountains在去的路上on ones way to敲门knock at the door患感冒have a cold逃跑run away远足,去郊游go on an outing花展flower show老年之家Old Peoples Home在这个节日at this festival想抱某人want to hug sb.重阳糕Double Ninth cakes看电影go to the cinemathe Double Ninth cakesee a filmwatch a movie中国传统节日traditional Chinese festival重阳节the Double Ninth Festival看望拜访某人visit sb.聚在一起get together在同一个班级in the same class在不同的队伍in different teams在同一所学校at the same school过马路cross the street打羽毛球play badminton喜欢打排球like playing volleyball互相each other学校足球俱乐部the schools football club你们所有的人all of you与一样the same as与不同be different from帮助某人做某事help sb. do sth.许多阳光a lot of sunshine许多房间a lot of rooms远离far from花20分钟take 20 minutes一只大雁a wild goose飞向北方fly to the north住在南方live in the south在中国的东面in the east of China朝南face south在春天in Spring对满意be happy with sth.客厅living room分享同住一个卧室share one bedroom飞回来fly back在花园里in the garden在那儿看书read books there告诉某人某事某物tell sb. about sth.一整天all day找到足够的食物find enough food变老get old工作得很晚work late乘公交车by bus起得早get up early想念他们的家miss their homeM1M2-句子我知道了。I see.那听上去很有趣。That sounds interesting.生日快乐!Happy birthday!我等不及了。I cant wait.欢迎来到我的桔色聚会。Welcome to my orange party.我从车站走到彩虹小学。I walk from the bus stop to Rainbow Primary School.他在彩虹路站下车He gets off at Rainbow Road Bus Stop.你很勇敢Youre brave.我能问你些问题吗?Can I ask you some questions?我和爷爷一起下棋I play chess with grandpa.你能写封电子邮件给他们吗?Can you write an e-mail to them?这是一个老人们的节日。This is a festival for old people.这是一场势均力敌(难打)的比赛This is a difficult match.恭喜!Congratulations!我想和你们所有人一起玩I want to play with all of you.让我们等着瞧!Lets wait and see!不要担心!Dont worry.我喜欢骑自行车。I like riding bicycles.我有一个叫Tom的朋友I have a friend called Tom.这个房间朝东南西北This room faces eastsouthwestnorth.日光从窗子照进来The sun shines through the window.他们冬天住在南方They live in the south in winter.M3M4-单词在周围around rand 海洋ocean n 宾馆hotel htel 海豚dolphin dlfn 面包店bakery bekri 聪明的clever klev(r) 改变turn t:n 淘气的naughty n:ti 集合meet mi:t 十字路口crossing krs 鲨鱼shark :k 医院hospital hsptl 参观visit vzt 电影院cinema snm 深色的dark d:k 小路lane len 沿着along l 世界world w:ld 银行bank bk 池子pool pu:l 博物馆museum mjuzi:m 饭店restaurant restrnt 鳄鱼crocodile krkdal 大笑laugh l:f 买buy ba 拖鞋slipper slp(r) 需要need ni:d 靴子boots bu:ts 漂亮的pretty prti 哪个,哪些which wt 拉链zip zp 口袋pocket pkt 有魔力的magic mdk 主意idea ad 保持keep ki:p 皇帝emperor empr(r) 毛衣sweater swet(r) 微笑smile smal 运动鞋sneaker sni:k(r) 没有什么nothing n 衣服clothes klz 雨衣raincoat renkt 认为think k 连衣裙dress dres 纽扣button btn 拖鞋slipper slp(r) 价格price pras 无声的silent salnt 点头nod nd 美丽的beautifulbju:tfl漂亮的prettyprt可爱的lovelylvl发烧fever fi:v(r) 森林forest frst 感冒cold kld 秘密secret sikrt 感觉feel fi:l 主意idea ad 休息rest rest 拔,拉pull pl 牙医dentist dentst 牙痛toothache tu:ek 国王king k 应该should d 隐藏hide had 药medicine medsn 洞穴cave kev 不久soon su:n 疼痛hurt h:t 无牙齿的toothless tu:ls 咳嗽cough kf 害怕的afraid fred 医生doctor dkt(r) 他们自己themselves mselvz 医院hospital hsptl 真的吗really ri:li 更好的better bet(r) 成为become bkm 坏的bad bd 首先first f:st 握住hold hld 最后finally fanli 报告report rp:t 倒出pour p:(r) 通过through ru: 开始start st:t 然后then en 雨点raindrop rendrp 茶tea ti: 在里面inside nsad 茶壶teapot ti:pt 尝taste test 河river rv(r) 更多的more m:(r) 地面ground grand 接着next nekst 在上面above bv 煮沸boil bl 厨房kitchen ktn 喝drink drk 上升rise raz 湖lake lek 吹blow bl 风铃wind-bell wndbel 强有力地strongly strl 线line lan 慢慢地slowly slli 天气weather we(r) 风车windmill wndml 轻柔地softly sftli 木头wood wd 风wind wnd 小木棍stick stk 移动move mu:v 用(大头针等)固定pin pn 明天tomorrow tmr 轻轻地gently dentli (make过去式)made med 高兴地happily hpli 折叠fold fld 迅速地quickly kwkli 严重的heavy hevi 火fire fa(r) 空投drop drp 消防员firefighter fafat(r) 使用use ju:z 抽烟smoke smk 生的raw r: 燃烧burn b:n 尝试try tra 乡村的country kntri 电梯lift lft 直升机helicopter helkpt(r) 盖住cover kv(r) 勇敢地bravely brevl 不允许mustnt msnt 热heat hi:t 火柴match mt 扔throw r 篝火campfire kmpfa(r) 极好的great gret 因为because bkz 有烟的smoky smki 到处everywhere evriwe(r) 必须must mst 与作斗争fight fat 安全safety sefti 标志sign san 生(火)start st:t 讨厌hate het 幸运地luckily lkl 尝起来taste test 厚的thick k 危险的dangerous dendrs 仔细的careful爬行crawl kr:l M3M4-词组沿着走walk along 向左转turn left 打扰了excuse me 向右转turn right 紧邻next to 到达get to 在第一个十字路口at the first crossing 一个地铁站an underground station 在公园路上on Park Road 寻找look for 一张动物园的地图a map of the zoo在我们的左边on our left 在海洋世界at Ocean World对的一次参观a visit to 乘地铁take the underground在海洋大街站下车get off at Sea Street Station穿上put on保持沉默keep silent服装店clothes shop一丝不挂have nothing on叫喊cry out 买蓝色的这件take the blue one多少钱how much圆点polka dot 讲实话tell the truth给这个人很多钱give the man a lot of money 成百的hundreds of给这个人很多钱give a lot of money to the man试穿try on需要一个新的need a new one带着一个大大的微笑with a big smile什么都没有穿have nothing on看医生see the doctor感觉好feel well咳嗽have a cough吃药take some medicine好好休息have a good rest穿暖和的衣服wear warm clothes太多软饮too many soft drinks吃午饭have lunch在牙医诊所at the dentists对有害be bad for 森林之王the king of the forest对感到害怕的be afraid of 开会have a meeting一大袋糖a large packet of sweets 拔出pull out沏茶make some tea把倒进去pour into把茶叶放进茶壶put some tea in the teapot长江the Yangtze River三峡the Three Gorges黄浦江the Huangpu River做报告give a report在中国西部in the west of China从山上往下流run down the mountains奔流入海run into the sea穿过上海run t
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