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Unit 7 Cultural Relics Reading by 刘阳,Eiffel Tower 埃菲尔铁塔,Notre Dame de Paris 巴黎圣母院,The Arch of Triumph (France),Leaning Tower 比萨斜塔,London Tower Bridge,The Big Ben Clock Tower,London,Dutch Windmill 荷兰风车,Sydney Opera House 悉尼歌剧院,The Pyramids in Egypt 埃及金字塔,Statue of Liberty 自由女神像,Great Barrier Reef 大堡礁,Rhine 莱茵河,Antarctica 南极洲,Taj Mahal 泰姬陵,Money temple in India 印度金庙,Venice 威尼斯,What are your favorite cities? Why ?,Please try to guess which city it is:,It was a capital of Russia(俄罗斯) 300 years ago.,It is called “the Venice of the north ”(北方 的威尼斯)and the city of heroes.,There are a lot of cultural relics.,It is the largest harbor (港口)in Russia.,Its St Petersburg.,Position: in the northwest of Russia Population: more than 54 million Area: 607 square kilometres,It is made up of more than 40 islands and is called “the Venice of the north”.,St Petersburg,Its the second most important city in Russia.,Neva River,The bank of the Neva Rivers view,Cultural relics,palaces,churches,castles,A CITY OF HEROES,Skimming (who),_built the city. _destroyed the city. _ rebuilt the city.,Peter the Great,The Germans,The people of St Petersburg,Peter the Great,Peter the Great was one of the most famous rulers in history. Under Peters rule, Russia became one of the strongest European country.,Peter the Great is the hero of the city .,3.Read the 1st paragraphs for the detailed information and complete the following table.,Build the city,When:,300 years ago,Where:,on the Neva River,Who:,Peter the Great,people of the city,Where there is a river, there is a city.,4. Read the 2nd paragraph and then complete the following table.,Destroy the city,When:,1941,Who:,the Germans or Nazis,How:,burn the city; destroy the buildings; break paintings and statues in ruins,We will not let our history and culture be destroyed, and we will do every thing we can to save our city!,Para 3 :,Q: How did they rebuild the city?,The city was rebuilt.,1.Pieces of the palaces that had been hidden before the Nazis came could now be used to rebuild the city and its culture.,2.Painters and workers had to be very careful when they were trying to bring the city back to life.,3.With the help of old paintings and photographs, the people of St Petersburg were able to bring back the beauty of their culture and history.,Painters and workers had to be very careful when they were trying to bring the city back to life.,bring the city back to life,Parts of statues have been put back together.,Old paintings have been recreated.,Old palaces have been made as beautiful as before.,after years of hard work,5. Read the 4th paragraph and then complete the following table,Heroes of the city,Peter the Great,strong and proud,people of the city,strong, proud and united,The people of St Petersburg are the modern heroes of Russia.,Summarize each paragraph with only a key word.,Paragraph 1 Paragraph 2 Paragraph 3 Paragraph 4,build,destroy,rebuild,heroes,Fill in the blanks according to the text:,The city is built on the banks of the Neva River flowing through its center. After the Russian Revolution, the palaces there were kept as museums. The city was under attack for three months during the Second Word War, but people there didnt give in. The Germans destroyed the buildings and everywhere you could see paintings and statues in pieces and the whole city was in ruins. After the war, Russian people began to rebuild the city. They wanted to bring the city back to life. Now, many missing pieces have been replaced, old portraits have been recreated, and the city has been restored. Dreams can come tr


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