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Unit 2 News Media,Warming up,Warming up,From where do we get the news?,Newspaper,Magazine,TV,Internet,What does news media mean? How do news media affect our daily life?,Tools used to spread news.,With news media we can know what happens at home and abroad.,Which one do you usually use? And which one do you prefer, why?,The characters of different media,TV,A broadcast medium; provide people with colorful moving pictures; have to own a TV set.,The characters of different media,Internet,fast / varieties of information / have different opinions of the same subject / communicate with each other easily / have a computer which is linked to the Internet,The characters of different media,Radio,A broadcast medium / listen to it whenever you like with a portable radio / cant have visible enjoyment,The characters of different media,Magazine,provide people with detailed information on a certain subject / focused on a topic /published weekly / monthly / news comes late,The characters of different media,Newspaper,A medium for reading / report the latest news / can be kept for a long time / cheap to buy / cant express ones idea freely,Speaking,You are the editor of a newspaper.There are five important things appearing in your newspaper,tell us the reasons why you choose them?,1. 200 people died in an earthquake in Turkey. 2. Food prices are going up. 3. A house in your city burnt down,Nobody was injured. 4. 2000 people in your city moved into new buildings today and were happy. 5. A Chinese scientist has invented a car engine that does not pollute the air.,Useful expressions What do you think of ? Whats your opinion? Why do you choose.? Perhaps is more important.,I would rather choose I dont think we should choose. Maybe it would be better to choose . Our readers want to know about ,Example:,A: What do you think of these events? B: I think I would choose . C: Why do you choose .? B: Because Whats your opinion? C: I dont think we should choose. Maybe it would be better to choose / I would rather choose/ Perhaps is more important. A:I agree with because ,Language points,would rather 宁愿,宁可 would rather (not) do sth. 宁愿(不)做某事 would rather (not) have done sth. would rather do sth. than do sth. else A would rather (that) B did sth. 现在/将来 A would rather (that) B had done sth. 过去,2. rob sb./sw. (of sth.) (rob sth.) e.g. The thief robbed Tom of his money. steal sth. from sb./sw. e.g. She was caught stealing food from the shop. steal sb. sth. 为某人偷窃某物 She stole into the office. (溜进),3. be generous to sb. It is generous of sb. to do sth.,4. go up 上升;增长;攀登;建立;爆炸;焚烧;启幕; 开演 e.g. Prices have gone up again. (上涨) How many houses have gone up this year? (兴建) The whole house went up in flames. (焚烧) What time does the curtain go up? (开演) 5. burn down e.g. The hotel burned down. The hotel was burnt down.,Exercises,_ his cash and cheque yesterday, the clerk was afraid to go to see his boss. A. Stealing B. Stolen C. Robbed D. Robbed of,【答案及解析】 D rob sb. of sth. sb. be robbed of sth. 本句相当于As he was robbed of his cash and,Listening,Pre-listening:Describing people,Give a suitable word for each of the descriptions to show what a person is like. You can choose from the below:independent,serious,determined,clever,selfless,humorous.honest.,1A person always helps those in trouble without seeking any repay. 2 A person always tells truth,never tells a lie. 3 A person is good at finding a way out.Heshe can work out maths problems quickly and correctly.,selfless,honest,clever,6 A person doesnt like depending on others when doing something . 7 A person is not afraid of failure , but keeps on trying to gain success.,independent,determined,4 A person never tells a joke or smiles. 5 A person likes making people laugh and happy by doing funny things or by telling interesting stories,serious,humorous,Listening,You will hear two descriptions of the same event. (Part 1 is an interview and Part 2 is a dialogue) . The descriptions are different partly because of what is said and partly because of how is said. Read the instructions and questions before listening. Try to guess what you will hear on the tape based on the questions and tick the information you hear in each part. the speakers different opinions towards Mr. Gray,Listening Text,R: Good morning, Mr Keller. My name is Harry Hunter and I work for the Daily Times. I would like to ask you a few questions about Jim Gray. K: Good morning, Nr Hunter. What would you like to know about Mr Gray? R: Well, I want to know if it is true that Mr Gray no longer works for your company. K: Yes, thats true. Mr Gray was fired today. He has been having problems lately and it was time for him to leave.,R: I see. What kind of problems? K: Mr Gray was too slow and it took him too long to do his job. He talked too much and was noisy and sometimes even wild. He was not serious enough, instead of thinking about work, he would spend too much time disturbing the other workers with questions and comments. R: So the other workers didnt like Mr Gray? K: Mr Gray was very nosy, always trying to find out what other people were doing. Many people were also unhappy with Mr Gray because he was rude and said bad things about people. R: I see. Were there any other reasons why you fired him? K: Yes, Mr Gray was also careless with his money. Now if you will excuse me, I have to get back to work. R: Thank you for answering my questions.,Part 2 P: Hi, Wendy. Did you hear that Jim was fired today? W: Yes, I did. Isn t it awful I have worked with him for ten years and he is one of my best friends. I cant believe that he was fired. P: I dont understand it, either. Jim faced many difficulties but wouldnt give up. He was careful and always took the time to do a job well. W: Even when he was very busy, Jim always found time to speak to others. He was funny and happy and liked to make others laugh. He always had a kind word for me. P: Yes, he was always interested in other people and cared about their life and problems. When my wife was ill, he always asked me about her and tried to cheer me up. W: Jim was always so generous. He was happy to spend money on good meals and gifts. P: Yes. He was. And he was also very honest and always told people what he thought about sth.,W: I suppose we wont see him very often in the future. Ill miss him. P: Ill miss him, too.,Speaking,Work in groups. You are the editor of a newspaper. Below is a list of ten things put in your newspaper and give reasons for your choices. Compare your choices with those of your classmates.,Speaking,You are the editor of a newspaper.There are five important things appearing in your newspaper,tell us the reasons why you choose them?,1 200 people died in an earthquake in Turkey. 2 Food prices are going up. 3 A house in your city burnt down,Nobody was injured. 4 2000 people in your city moved into new buildings today and were happy. 5 A Chinese scientist has invented a car engine that does not pollute the air.,Subject Food prices are going up Reason Food is very important to peoples life. On one hand, going-up prices can increase the farmers income; on the other hand, it will affect other peoples living standards.,France elected a new president,People who care for international issues would like to read the news, especially those who want to know the results of the election in France.,Three children killed,Reasons: Many people are interested in social problems. They may be eager to know the causes and results of the accident.,Useful expressions,I would rather choose What do you think of Maybe it would be better to choose Why do you choose Whats your opinion? Our readers want to know about Perhaps is more important.,Exercise 3 Page90,edit v.,Amy: a reporter,report v.,Harry: the interviewer George: the interviewee,_ interviewed _ .,employ v. 雇佣: employer, employee,Tina: retired,retire v. from 退出,撤退,退职,Harry: prison guard,body guard,Sarah:an editor,Harry George,Exercise 2 Can you talk about Mr Huangs reading habit ?,be addicted to sth,glance through the titles,be concerned with current affairs,沉溺于/对有瘾,a TV/ drug addict,浏览标题,关心时政,Our failure concerned me. He is concerned in the crime. The news is concerned with social problems.,使担心/忧虑,与有牵连/ 对负责,与有关/涉及,1.Mr. Jone, who has worked for the company for 25 years, _ president last week. 2. More than 200 people died or _ in the earthquake. 3. Mr. Thompson _ by the publishing company because many of his news stories were not true. 4. As he _ (说着流利的) both languages he_ _ from Chinese into English.(汉英转换没问题).,election n.,injury n.,was elected,were injured,was fired,was influent in,had no problem (in) switching,switch on/ on,5. Mathildes rough hands and face _ a life of hard work. 6. What you have said _ (与无关) what we _ _ (关心) now.,reflect light/ heat A mirror reflected a picture of you.,反射,映出,reflected,is not related to,are concerned with,is not in relation to / is not relative to,Readers can relate to the stories.,反映,7.He is so rude to his parents. I wouldnt _(忍受那种行为)in my family. 8. She spent the whole weekend collecting information on the product, and planned to _her findings to her boss on Monday.,tolerate that kind of behaviour,present,now,Li Ping presented himself at the meeting. He presented her roses. May I present Mr.Smith to you? at present = 现任总统 : n. present =,present president,呈现 v.,gift,Listening What kind of person is Jim Gray? Part 1 Mr. Keller & the reporter Part 2 Wendy& Paul What is the fact ?,Jim is nosy and noisy.,negative,Jim faced difficulties and was careful, funny, honest, generous and nice.,positive,Jim was fired,Which do you think of is the most reliable news medium?,Media,Websites,TV,Newspapers,Magazines,Radio,Warming up,advantages & disadvantages,Radio: is a broadcast medium like TV. Everyone can hear it, even people without reading ability. But its less lively ,striking than TV. And cant be picked up clearly.,TV: shows us programs, news with pictures. People have more choices. It gives us the on-the-spot feeling. But without electricity TV cant work.,Newspapers: report latest events every day and give readers the detailed information and reviews, but compared with TV, websites and radio, the news comes a little late and the reader should have reading ability.,Magazines are published monthly or weekly and from them we can get detailed reports on a special topic with pictures, such as business, life and fashion. But like newspapers, magazines seem useless to people who cant read,Websites can be visited by any people and be always updated. The news and information online are various and easily got , and websites give the netizen more to choose. However, the news and information online may be not the facts and some may have bad effects on the young.,Speaking,would rather + (not) V原 宁愿(不)做. would rather do than do would rather have done 本来想做. would rather that + (Ved / had Ved) 宁愿做了,(但却没做),Extensive reading Behind the Headline * Dictation * Homework checking * Pre-reading Read new words Guess the title,Reading & understanding True or False,.,Newspapers and other media just record everything that happens.,2. Zhu Lin and Chen Yang switch from the role of the interviewee to that of the interviewer.,4.Zhu Lin likes to interview famous people.,3.Chen Ying liked his interview of the Chinese and international experts in the protection of cultural relics .,1. Newspapers and other media just record everything that happens.,Newpapers and other media do more than simple record what happens.,Jason is more than a lecturer; he is a writer,too. More than 20 boys are in this class. They are more than glad to help you. More than one student was praise.,F,不仅仅是,2. Zhu Lin and Chen Ying switch from the role of the interviewee to that of the interviewer.,Para. 1 The two reporters agreed to switch roles for once and be the interviewees rather than the interviewers in order to,agree to do / n. 同意做/ 赞同(提议,计划) agree with sth/sb 同意某人/意见,看法 agree on sth 就达成一致,At last,China and USA agree _ each other _ the rice price.,F,with / on,rather than 而不是 :(注意前后平衡),He ran rather than _.,I like swimming rather than running.,walked,more than: 超过/ 很,非常/ 不仅仅/ more than can 远不是所能够,other than: different from (人物等)不同于,The truth is quite other than what you think.,真相与你想得完全不同,3.Chen Ying liked his interview of the Chinese and international experts in the protection of cultural relics .,Para.4 bring stolen cultural relics back to Chinainterview both Chinese and international experts in the field.,bring back to: bring the city back to life bring the memory back to me bring up/ out/ in/ about/,在领域的专家,T,使恢复 归还 回忆起,4.Zhu Lin likes to interview famous people.,Para.5 Even though I have interviewed many famous people , the story I like best is about an ordinary young man who tried to adapt to her new life after having studying abroad.,He adapts to living in a noisy city.,F,他适应住在闹市。,Questions 1. What the editors job? 2.Whats the reporters job? Whats his basic task? 3. What do ZhuLin like to write about and why? 4. What about Chen Ying? Why? 5. How do newspapers help us understand the world? 6. Whats the future world ?,The editors job,discuss the article with the reporter,give the reporter some suggestions,tell the reporter how he should develop the story,keep the newspaper balanced and interesting to the readers,keep the book on the shelf keep him reading keep the door closed,Keep + adj./ Ving/ 介词,develop the photo a city/ a habit/ interest/medicine,The reporters job,discuss with the editor,prepare questions for the interview,contact the people to be interviewed,how to ask the questions how to get people to talk about the topic,present the material in an organised way,interview people :,Basic task:,is to make sure that the article reflects events and opinions truthfully,有条理地,使某人做,联络上被采访者,v. sb 联系上某人 n. 交流,联系 make eye / be in with / make with sb / lose with sb,get sb to do 说服,使某人做 get sb/sth doing 使起来,have / make/ let sb do 让,使某人做 keep sb doing 使一直/保持做,contact,I shall get the machine going soon.,make sure of sth : 务必, 确保/核实,查明 make sure that +句子,经验丰富的编辑和记者确保读者能理解 这些报道。,_ editors and reporters _ the reader can_ the stories.,Experienced,make sure that,relate to,Zhu Lin:,like to write about music, art, nature and the importance of spiritual fulfilment/ explore the mysteries in life,people you seldom read about, for example people who have AIDs or who are addicted to drugs.,Their stories must be told if we want to solve difficult social problems and help those who suffer from them.,Chen Ying:,She seldom watches TV, _?,Seldom _.,否定词seldom. Hardly, scarcely, rarely, never, neither,nor, not until 反意问句用肯定 在句首用倒装,suffer 经历,遭受(不快) suffer from患病/ 受苦,苦于,suffer the war,suffer from ALS,does she,dose she watch TV,seldom 不常,很少,5. How do newspapers help us understand the world?,Para. 8 *draw attention to situations where help is needed. *help us understand what life is like in other parts of China and the rest of the world *become interested in important questions around the world *help people in other countries learn about China and the Chinese people,吸引人们关注需要帮助的情况,6. Whats the future world ?,Para. 8 The result is a better understanding of the world on all sides, leading to a future world where people from all the countries are respected and different views and opinions are tolerated .,lead to sth/ doing导致, 用Ving表结果状语,Discussion Page 12,famous , influence, power , experienced, experts in some field,young, less responsible, not understand ordinary people,2 我们请了两位出色的记者告诉我们有关新闻和报纸的详细情况。,1 经验丰富的编辑和记者对于报道什么事件, 如何报道做出明智的决定。,Experienced editors and reporters make informed decisions about what to report and how to report them.,We asked two of Chinas many talented journalist to tell us more about news and newspapers.,3 记者必须有条理地呈现出材料,The reporters must present the material in an organised way.,4. 陈鹰写了篇关于努力将被盗文物回归 祖国的文章。,5 书面文章帮助人们了解世界。,Chen Ying wrote about the efforts to bring stolen culture relics back to China.,Printed articles help people understand the world.,6 我想写毒品瘾君子的文章。,I want to write about people addicted to drugs.,experiencededitors informed decisions an organised way stolen culture relics printed articles,* n. + V ed 词组,*单独Ved + n.,Ved 作定语:,printed articles,well printed articles,articles printed by the factory,articles well printed by the factory,* adv. 紧跟在Ved后,印刷的文章 印刷精美的文章 由该厂印刷的文章 由该厂印刷精美的文章,*不定带代词something, anything Ved 作定语后置,I like anything placed in my room.,Ved 与定语从句的转化,Ved + n.,2. Ved作为非限制定语,改为非限制定语从句,The computer, brought last year, works well.,The computer, which was brought last year, works well.,3. 不及物动词Ved的作定语,改为定语从句: n. + which/that/who+Ved,the fallen leaves,the leaves which fell,n. + (that/ which/who + be )+ Ved,Ved 的含义,表状态 Ved表主语感到,觉得 Ving 表主语令人,使人,The _ film makes me feel _.(scare),scaring,scared,2. 表动作 Ved 动作主动, 进行 Ving动作被动, 过去,inform The driver _ us of the accident quit (辞去) his job. The driver _ of the accident quit his job.,informing,informed,interview I had already met the man _ me before I came here. I had already met the man _ by the boss before I came here. I will contact the man _ by the boss next week. present 介绍 Do you happen to know the host _ the professor? Do you happen to know the host _ by the professor.,interviewing,interviewed,to be interviewed,presenting,presented,Ved 作表语 通常在系动词后 如,be, get, become, seem, sound, look,I get _ (catch) in the rain. I get him _(catch) the thief. I get _ (use)to r


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