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_ 新人教版九年级英语上册第三单元重点语法练习感叹句专项练习1. _ great news it is ! Well have a school trip next week.A. What a B. What C. How2. We are going to take part in Running Man. -_ exciting news!A. What B. What an C. How D. How an3. -_ it is ! -Lets go out and enjoy the sunshine.A. What a lovely day B. How windy C. What a rainy day D. How wet4. _ fat sheep they are!A. What B. What a C. How D. How a5. _ angry Kangkang looks! What happened?A. How B. What C. What an6. _ nice holiday the Turners have had!A. What B. What a C. How D. How a7. -_ heavy the rainstorm is!- Yes, the town has experienced the most serious flood during the past ten years.A. What B. What a C. How D. How a8. _ wonderful speech Emma gave at the UN conference!A. How B. What C. What an D. What a9. _ interesting book the girl has!A. What B. What an C. How D. How an10. -The fireman did all their best to put out the fire. - _ excellent firemen!A. What B. What an C. How an D. How11. _ good father Mr.King is! He always plays games with his daughter after work.A. What B. What a C. How D. How a12. Look! The model is walking to us. _ nice dress!A. What B. What a C. How D. How a13. -Jane won the first prize in the English speech contest. -_ big progress she has made! She used to be weak in English.A. What B. What a C. How D. How a14. _ excellent advice he has given us!A. What B. What an C. How D. How an15. -Tu Youyou has won the Nobel Prize. -_ great she is ! We Chinese are so proud of her.A. What B. What a C. How D. How a宾语从句专项练习:1. Can you tell me why _ yesterday?A. you didnt come B. did you not come C. didnt you come D. you didnt come2. Can you tell me _ yesterday?A. what they do B. what they did C. what do they do D. what did they do3. I want to know _ his homework yesterday evening.A. if he finished B. whether he had finished C. had she finished D. has she finished4.Do you know what _ this time yesterday?A. they are doing B. are they doing C. they were doing D. were they doing5. I want to know _ you will come back at 8:00 tomorrow.A. that B. when C. where D. Whether6. The teacher came up to see _.A. what was the matter B. what the matter wasC. what the matter is D. whats the matter7. She said _ it wouldnt matter much.A. that B. if C. which D. what8. Can you tell me _ the train leaves?A. what B. where C. when D.how9. The teacher told us _.A. is the earth round B. the earth was round C. the earth is round D. was the earth round10. I dont understand _ you said.A. when B. that C. where D. what二:将下列句子改为陈述语序。1. Are Tom and Jerry good friends? I wonder _.2. Could you please pass me the salt?I wonder _.3. Did your father come back home?I wonder _.4. Have you ever been to Australia ?I wonder _.5. Whats the matter with him?I wonder _.6.What can you do?I wonder _.第三单元检测一单项选择1. Does my question sound enough? I dont think so. You can ask more by using “could” instead of “can”. A. politely; politely B. politely; polite C. polite; politely D. polite; polite2. Its not enough _an English club. A. join B. to join C. joiningD. to joining3. You really went to the park last weekend? Yes, I go there. Look! This is a photo of me in the park.A. will B. would C. do D. did4. I dont know next. Lets ask our teacher for help.A. what to do B. what should I do C. how to do 5. Would you like to go to the forest park or the water park? Oh, its hard to choose. _are my favorites.A. EitherB. Neither C. Both D. All6. I wonder _ well go to the Childrens Park this weekend. We can go there by bus. A. how B. when C. where D. if7. Could you please tell me _?A. where is the nearest library B. where the nearest library isC. where is the nearest bookstore D. where the nearest bookstore is8. What did you say just now? I asked her . A. where is the hotelB. where the hotel is C. where was the hotelD. where the hotel was9. I am worried about the coming speech. I dont even know . What about singing a song? A. how I can start with B. what I can start with C. how should I start with D. what should I start with10.Tom never went to bed he finished his homework last night.A.because B.if C.until D.while11.On my way home,I pass a fruit shop every day.A.to,by B.to,past C., by D.of, for12.I miss my grandparents very much. Im seeing them again.A.looking for B.looking after C.looking forward D.looking forward to13.Its always busy, so come earlier to get a table. A.a bit of B.a little C.very D.more14.The bookstore is your right,beside the bank. A.in B.at C.on D.of15.The expressions they use might whom they are speaking to or how well they know each other. A.instead of B.lead in to C.because of D.depend on16. The game is too hard for me. I will certainly lose. You never say no before you try.A. Forget it! B. Im sorry. C. Come on! D. Pardon me?17.Students should learn how _ problems.Asolve Bsolving Ccan solve Dto solve二、用所给单词的适当形式填空。1.I looking forward to (see) you again.2.Would you like (go)to a ovie with us tonight?3.We should speak to the old (polite).4.I dont know how long he spent (drive) a car to shanghai yesterday.5.Thank you very much for (tell) e the truth.6.He drove his car in the (derect) of Beijing.7.Its sunny today, let him (go) swimming.8.She is an (Italy) singer.9The flower is _ (迷人的) at night.10It is _ (方便的) to go shopping in this area.11Please speak_ (礼貌地) to the old people.12I have enough time _ (go) to school by bike.13Could you tell me how _ (go) home?14Its _ (polite) to speak loudly in public.15There are few people in the street.Its _ (crowded) at all.16I would like _ (make) a postcard.17He is _ (wonder) if he will go to the Summer Place.18Would you mind _ (open) the door?19Could you tell me where the restrooms _ (be)?20I am _ (excite) to go swimming.21You dont need _ (go) to school.22If it doesnt rain tomorrow, we _ (have) a party.23The restaurant is always busy, so come a little _ (early) to get a table.一到三单元综合训练一、单项选择( )1.I study math by lots of exercises.A.did B.doing C.do D.to do( )2. He often practices the piano in his room.A.play B.to play C.playing D.played( )3. I am in your plan because it sounds _.A. interestinginterested B. interesting interesting C. interested interesting D. interestedinterested( )4.He can do the work. He any help.A. neednt B. neednt to C. dont need D. doesnt need( )5. interesting information they have got!A. What an B. What C. How D. What a( )6.There more people in the future.A. will have B. be C. will be D. are( )7.What language can you better, English or Japanese?A. say B. tell C. talk D. speak( )8. There is milk in the fridge, lets go to the shop and buy some.A. a little B. little C. a few D. few( )9.-I hope you my party next weekend.-OK,I .A.to come to,will B.come to,can C.can come to,am D.can come to,will( )10. How is your grandfather? Oh, he _ for half a year. I am sorry to hear that. A. has diedB. diedC. has been dead D. dies( )11. The number of guests invited _ eighty, but a number of them_ absent(缺席的). A. were; wasB. was; wasC. was; were D. were; were( )12.I like these photos and they can _me _the life living in America. A. think; of B. Let; down C.remind; of D.wake; up ( )13.Excuse me,could you tell me how to Beijing Zoo. A.gets B.can I get C.to get D.getting ( )14.May I go to the concert with you? Im afraid not you have a ticket,because I have only one. A.if B.although C.unless D.but ( )15.Jenny is on holiday now,I wonder .A.when she will come back B.when she came backC.when will she come back D.when did she come back二、完型填空(共10分)Emily is a schoolgirl. She 16 the black children in South Africa during the past five years. 17 she was 11 years old, she learned that it was hard for the black children in South Africa to have the same rights as the white people. She decided to give 18 to these children. In 19 year, Emily got more than 3,000 books and sent these books to the children in South Africa. Now she has sent over 70,000 books to the children in South Africa. 20 years ago, an official from South Africa came to visit 21 and showed Emily a video of the happy kids who were getting the books. “They have their own 22 ,” said Emily. “It makes me feel good to know I am helping.”But thats not all! Emily 23 helps people in many other ways. She raises money for childrens charities. She works hard to let the war 24 people, and she founds clubs for middle school students. Emily also 25 children Chinese culture, and encourages middle school girls to study science. ( )16. A. has helpedB. has visited C. has foundD. has taught( )17. A. BecauseB. If C. When D. Since( )18. A. clothes B. books C. money D. medicine( )19. A. oneB. the first C. first D. last( )20. A. A few B. A little C. A bit D. A lot( )21. A. himB. her C. them D. you( )22. A. school B. home C. library D. hospital( )23. A. too B. either C. also D. still( )24. A. away from B. near to C. far to D. nearby( )25. A. teaches B. speaks to C. gives D. makes up三、阅读理解:(每小题2分,共40分)AJiujiang Bridge is well-known in Guangdong. It lies between Jiujiang and Heshan. Its the main road to reach Guangzhou. The bridge was built in September, 1985. It was finished about three years later. It is about 1,675 metres long and sixteen metres wide. The bridge town is 80 metres high from the river. It is so busy every day. Over two hundred cars cross the bridge per minute. But people never forget that dayJune 15th of 2007, when Jiujiang Bridge was knocked down by a boat full of sand. At that moment, the bridge was falling down, and four cars stopped suddenly. Oh, my god! We hope the same thing wont happen again.( )26. When was Jiujiang Bridge finished?A. In 1988. B. Before 1985. C. In 1985. D. After 2007.( )27. How wide is the bridge?A. 1, 675 metres. B. 16 metres. C. 60 metres. D. 80 metres.( )28. What happened to the bridge on June 15th, 2007?A. It was rebuilt. B. It was broken. C. It set up a new record. D. Nothing happened.( )29. If two hundred cars cross the bridge one minute, how many cars cross the bridge one day?A. 28,800.B. 288,000. C. 4,800. D. 48,000.30. Whats the boat full of? A. Stones.B. Sand. C. Wine. D. Cans.BIn most parts of the world, many students help their schools make less pollution. They join “environment clubs”. In an environment club, people work together to make our environment clean.Here are some things students often do.No-rubbish lunches. How much do you throw away after lunch? Environment clubs ask students to bring their lunches in boxes that can be used again. Every week they will choose the classes that make the least rubbish and report them to the whole school!No-car day. On a no-car day, nobody comes to school in a car, not the students and not the teachers! Cars give pollution to our air, so remember:Walk, jump, bike or run.Use your legs! Its lots of fun!Turn off the water! Do you know that some toilets can waste twenty to forty m3 of water a half hour? In a year, that will fill a small river! In environment clubs, students mend those broken toilets.We love our environment. Lets work together to make it clean.( )31. Environment clubs ask students _.A. to run to school every day B. to take exercise every dayC. not to forget to take cars D. not to throw away lunch boxes( )32. From the passage we know the students usually have lunch _.A. at school B. in shops C. in clubs D. at home( )33. On a no-car day, _ will take a car to school.A. both students and teachers B. only studentsC. neither students nor teachers D. only teachers( )34. After students mend toilets, they save _.A. a small river B. a clubC. a lot of water D. a toilet( )35. The writer wrote the passage to ask students to _.A. clean schools B. make less pollutionC. join clubs D. help teachers C. Oscar CinemaDay open:Monday to Sunday10:00 am- 04:00 amTickets prices:Children below 1.3 meters, free.80 yuan for one ticket.Call at 67986521 to book tickets , 50% off. Book the tickets on MeiT for just 19 yuan each.2 tickets for the huge screen.New movies on:X-Men: Days of Future Past ( Starring: Hugh Jackman Michael Fassbender James Mcavoy) 15:00 16:35 17:35 19:00 Coming Home ( Starring: Chen daoming, Gongli)14:00 15:20 17:25 19:30Overheard III ( Starring: Liu Qingyun Gu Tianle Wu Yanzu Zhou Xun.)12:05 13:05 16: 40 17: 15 19:30根据材料内容选择最佳答案,并将其标号填入题前括号内。( )36. When can we go to the cinema to see movies?A. 9:00 am B. At any time C. 04:00 am D. 11:30 am( )37. If Peter is interested in science fictions and comics, which movie may he see?A. X-Men B. Coming Home C. Overheard 3 D. None( )38. To save most money, how can we book tickets?A. On the Internet B. On the phone


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