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管理学 -Management,请思考:,为什么来学管理学? 你体会哪些管理? 科技是第一生产力吗?,朱融基,管理科学,兴国之道,经管类必修的基础课,培养从事管理职位的管理技能与综合素质。,课程定位,教学目的,管理入门,初步养成作为新世纪人才的管理思维模式。正确理解中英文管理的基本概念,掌握管理的普遍规律、基本原理和一般方法,并能综合运用于对实际问题的分析,初步具有解决一般管理问题的能力,培养综合管理素质,为以后学习其它专业管理课程打下基础。,本课程在管理学体系中的地位,管理学知识体系,管理学原理(基础),营销管理,生产管理,物资技术设备管理,财务管理,其他职能管理,管理实践,综合管理,职能管理,指导,指导 提供基础,本课程内容体系,管理学原理,上篇:管理原理,下篇:管理职能,管理系统,管理思想,计 划,组 织,领 导,控 制,教学与考核方法,目的:做学习主人,生动活泼地学,, 教学方法,以调动学生的积极性为核心; 由以教师为中心转为以学生为中心。 本课采用英语和国语相结合的双语教学,以培养同学学习和借鉴国外先进的管理经验和掌握经济理论动态的能力。 除讲授方法外,有头脑风暴法、多媒体教学、角色扮演、调查与访问、情景剧、计算机模拟、网络冲浪、管理沙龙等。,考核体系:建立以能力为核心的、开放式的全程化考核系统。 1、理解概念、注重能力 2、多元性与开放性答案 3、实行全程化考核。 考核结构如图, 考核方法,如何学好本课程?,1. 良好的学习态度态度决定成败 2. 预习、复习、充足的课余准备 3. 课外带问题自学、案例讨论、分组团队学习 4. 要求通读全书,积极参与教学工作,参考资料,1、报纸类(电子版) 中国经济时报 中国经营报 中国市场经济报 经济参考报 中国消费者报 经济日报 国际经贸报 今日商报 企业市场报 投资导报 经贸导报 经济与信息 厂长经理日报 市场报 2、杂志类 管理世界、财经导刊 、中国企业家 、 环球企业家 、 东方企业家 、 新财经 、 新财富 、 经济 、 财富 中文版、 财经 、 商界 、 经理人 、 创业者 、 创业家 、 企业文化,参考资料,3、经济网站 IBM知识管理研究院网站 英国金融时报的知识管理网站 IT经理世界 中外管理 BBS 水木清华站 MANAGEMENT版 企业评价网、企业之桥网、中国企业网、中国市场网、百万企业、世界华商网、世界企业报道,ManagementBrief contents,1. Introduction to management and organizations-管理者与组织 2.Management Yesterday and Today-管理学的历史 3. Organizational Culture and the Environment-组织文化和环境 4. Social responsibility and Managerial Ethics-社会责任与管理道德 5. Decision-Making: the essence of the Managers job-决策:管理者工作的实质 6. Foundation of Planning-计划的基础 7. Strategic Management-战略管理,8. Planning Tools and Techniques计划的工具和技术 9. Organizational Structure and Design组织结构与设计 10. Managerial Communication and Information Technology管理沟通与信息技术 11. Human Resource Management人力资源管理 12. Motivating Employees激励员工 13. Leadership领导 14. Foundations of Control控制的基础,话 题,与企业家对话,思索案例1,谈谈你对海尔与中联公司成败的关键的看法。,Introduction to management and organizations 管理者与组织,Learning Objectives,Why study management? Who are Managers? What is Management? What do managers do? What is an organization?,1-20,Why Study Management ?,1.1 Why Study Management?,Universality of Management-管理的普遍性 management is needed in all types and sizes of organizations at all organizational levels in all work areas management functions must be performed in all organizations-,1-21,EXHIBIT 1.11: UNIVERSAL NEED FOR MANAGEMENT,1-22,Why Study Management? (cont.),The Reality of Work most people have some managerial responsibilities most people work for a manager,Challenges of Being a Manager - being a manager is hard work must deal with a variety of personalities (需要与各种性格的人打交道) must motivate workers in the face of uncertainty (需要在不确定情况下激励工人),1-23,Why Study Management? (cont.),Rewards of Being a Manager回报 create an environment that allows others to do their best work 创造一种工作环境使得组织成员充分发挥他们的能力 provide opportunities to think creatively -提供机会进行创造性的思考 help others find meaning and fulfillment in work 帮助他人发现工作的意义和完成工作 meet and work with a variety of people 与多样化的员工一道工作,1-24,1.2 Who are managers-谁是管理者,Manager:Someone who works with and through other people by coordinating their work activities in order to accomplish organizational goals. 管理者通过协调他人的活动达到与别人一起或者通过别人实现组织目标的目的。,Who are managers ?,Who Are Managers? (cont.),Managerial Titles管理者的头衔 First-line managers - manage the work of non-managerial individuals who are directly involved with the production or creation of the organizations products 基层管理者管理着非管理雇员所从事的工作,这些工作是生产和提供组织的产品的工作 Middle managers - all managers between the first-line level and the top level of the organization-manage the first-line managers 中层管理者包括所有处于基层和高层之间的各个管理层次的管理者,1-26,Who Are Managers? (cont.),Managerial Titles管理者的头衔 Top managers -responsible for making organization-wide decisions and establishing the plans and goals that affect the entire organization. 高层管理者承担着制定广泛的组织决策、为组织制定计划和目标的责任,1-27,Organizational levels-组织的层次,1.3 What is Management-什么是管理?,the process of coordinating work activities so that they are completed efficiently and effectively with and through other people -同别人一起,或通过别人使活动完成得更有效的过程。,What is Management? (cont.),elements of definition Efficiency 效率- getting the most output from the least amount of inputs “doing things right” concerned with means Effectiveness 效果- completing activities so that organizational goals are attained “doing the right things” concerned with ends,1-30,Efficiency and Effectiveness in Management -管理中的效率和效果,Management Strives For: Low resource waste (high efficiency) High goal attainment (high effectiveness),Resource Usage,Efficiency (Means),Goal Attainment,Effectiveness (Ends),Low Waste,High Attainment,1-31,1.4 What Do Managers Do?,1-32,1.4 What Do Managers Do?,Management Functions and Process -most useful conceptualization of the managers job 1. Planning defining goals, establishing strategies for achieving those goals, and developing plans to integrate and coordinate activities 计划-确定目标,制定战略,开发分计划以协调活动 2. Organizing - determining what tasks are to be done, who is to do them, how the tasks are to be grouped, who reports to whom, and where decisions are made 组织-决定组织要完成的任务是什么,谁完成,这些任务怎么分类组合,谁向谁报告,各种决策应在哪一级制定,1-33,What Do Managers Do? (cont.),3. Leading - directing and motivating all involved parties and dealing with employee behavior issues 领导-激励下属,指导他们活动,选择最有效的沟通渠道,解决组织成员间的冲突。 4. Controlling - monitoring activities to ensure that they are going as planned 控制-监控、比较和纠正的活动. managerial activities are usually done in a continuous manner,What Do Managers Do? (cont.),Management Roles-管理者角色 specific categories of managerial behavior Interpersonal - involve people and duties that are ceremonial and symbolic in nature-人际关系角色 Informational - receiving, collecting, and disseminating information-信息角色 Decisional - revolve around making choices-决策角色 emphasis that managers give to the various roles seems to change with their organizational level,1-35,EXHIBIT 1.4: MINTZBERGS MANAGERIAL ROLES-明茨伯格的管理者角色,1-36,What Do Managers Do? (cont.),Management Skills-管理技能 1. Technical - knowledge of and proficiency in a certain specialized field -技术技能熟悉和精通某种特定专业领域的知识 2. Human - ability to work well with other people both individually and in a group-人际技能 3. Conceptual - ability to think and to conceptualize about abstract and complex situations -概念技能对复杂情况进行抽象和概念化的技能 see the organization as a whole understand the relationships among subunits visualize how the organization fits into its broader environment,1-37,EXHIBIT 1.5: SKILLS NEEDED AT DIFFERENT MANAGEMENT LEVELS不同管理层次所需的技能(P11),1-38,What Do Managers Do? (cont.),Managing Systems System - a set of interrelated and interdependent parts arranged in a manner that produces a unified whole 系统-一组相互关联和相互依赖的组成部分按一定方式形成的整体 (1).Closed system - not influenced by and do not interact with their environment 封闭系统-不与它所处环境发生相互作用。,1-39,(2). Open system - dramatically interact with their environment 开放系统动态地与它所处的环境发生相互作用。 organizations - take in inputs from their environments transform or process inputs into outputs outputs are distributed into the environment managers must coordinate various work activities ensure that interdependent parts work together recognize and understand the impact of various external factors decisions and actions taken in one organizational area will affect other areas and vice versa,1-40,The Organization As An Open System,Feedback,1-41,Managing in Different and Changing Situations在不同的和变化的情境中进行管理,require managers to use different approaches and techniques Contingency perspective - different ways of managing are required in different organizations and different circumstances 权变观点(情境方式)在不同的组织,所面对的情境不同,要求不同的管理方式 stresses that there are no simplistic or universal rules contingency variable权变变量,1-42,EXHIBIT 1.8: POPULAR CONTINGENCY VARIABLES -普遍的权变变量,1-43,1.5 What Is An Organization?,Organization a deliberate arrangement of people to accomplish some specific purpose 组织是对人员的一种精心安排,以实现某些特定的目的。 elements of definition each organization has a distinct purpose each organization is composed of people all organizations develop some deliberate structure todays organizations have adopted: flexible work arrangements open communications greater responsiveness to changes,1-44,EXHIBIT 1.10: THE CHANGING ORGANIZATION,1-45,1.6 管理定义的多样化,泰勒的定义:管理是一门怎样建立目标,然后用最好的方法经过他人的努力来达到的艺术。 法约尔的定义:管理就是计划,组织,控制,指挥,协调。 西蒙的定义:管理就是决策。 马克斯韦伯定义:管理就是协调活动。 美国管理协会的定义:管理是通过他人的努力来达到目标。,对管理定义的归纳,强调作业过程:管理是计划、组织、 领导、控制的过程; 强调管理的核心环节:管理就是决策; 强调对人的管理:管理就是通过其他 人把事办好; 强调管理者个人作用:管理就是领导; 强调管理的本质:管理就是协调。,1.7 管理属性,管理二重性原理:管理既有自然属性,又有社会属性。 自然属性 :同生产力相联系的管理的普遍性,是由生产力决定的。 社会属性 :同生产关系相联系的管理的特殊性,是由生产关系决定的。,管理的二重性,管理属性的关系图,生 产 过 程,生产力,生产关系,自然属性,管理的一般职能,社会属性,管理的特殊职能,管理基本职能:计划、组织、领导、控制,自然属性主要体现在组织生产要素上。,社会属性 主要体现在协调生产关系上。,管理属性 管理是科学与艺术的结合,管理的科学性:强调其客观规律性; 管理的艺术性:强调其灵活性与创造性。,1、你觉得管理重要吗?你对学好管理学充满了信心吗? 2、实际管理中需要管理者具备哪些素质?基层管理者最重要的素质与技能是什么? 3、请举例说明为什么说管理既是科学又是艺术? 4、分析一个管理成功的案例,谈谈自己对管理的理解。 5 、访问一位你感兴趣的管理者,了解他的职位、职责和胜任工作所(应)具备的素质与能力。,思考与训练,课后作业,结合所学内容与三孔啤酒公司的实际,在右图的空格中填写管理者的职能与主要工作。,返回,管理者,Case applicationSweet Music,1.Which management skill-conceptual, human, or technical-do you think would be most important to Chris Martin?,Case applicationSweet Music,Conceptual management skills are the most important He must also have a certain amount of human skills The skills he needs the least is technical skills,Case applicationSweet Music(cont.),5. Chriss management style was described by employees as friendly and personal, yet firm and direct. What do you think this means as far as the way he plans, organizes, leads, and controls? Do you think this style would work in other organizations or does this style work only because its a family business and Chris is the sixth generation of the family to run the business?,Case applicationSweet Music(cont.),He manages in a friendly manner,but can really get quite serious and aggressive when the occasion demands. Very people-oriented, but also process-oriented.,Case applicationSweet Music (cont.),Its quite effective in other organizations. As long as business is going well,Herb and Chris are pretty friendly and personal, but during a difficult time, both gentlemen would probably choose to be less friendly and more decisive and serious.,2. Management Yesterday and Today -管理的昨天和今天,The purpose,A knowledge of management history can help you understand todays management theory and practice. 关于管理历史的知识能帮你理解今天的管理理论和实践。,Learning Objectives,1. Managements Connection To Other Fields 2. Development Of Major Management Theories 3. Current Trends And Issues,2.1 Managements Connection To Other Fields 管理与其他研究领域的联系,Anthropology - work on cultures and social environments 人类学-文化和社会环境 Economics - concern about the allocation and distribution of scarce resources 经济学分配和配置稀缺资源 Philosophy - examines the nature of things 哲学考察事物的本质,特别是价值观和伦理道德,2-61,Political science - effect of political environment on individuals and groups 政治学研究个人和群体在政治环境中的行为 Psychology - seeks to measure, explain, and change human behavior 心理学测量、解释和改变行为 Sociology - studies people in relation to their fellow human beings 社会学研究人们相互之间的关系,2-62,2.2 Development Of Major Management Theories,Historical Background,Scientific Management,General Administrative Theorists,Quantitative Approach,Management Theories,Industrial Revolution,Adam Smith,Early Advocates,Hawthorne Studies,Organizational Behavior,2-63,Early Examples of Management,2.2.1 Historical Background Of Management,Organizations Have Existed for Thousands of Years early management practice the Pyramids, Great Wall of China Significant Pre-Twentieth-Century Events Wealth of Nations - Adam Smith 国富论-亚当斯密 division of labor - breakdown of jobs into narrow and repetitive tasks increased productivity 劳动分工将工作分解成狭窄的重复性的任务将提高生产率。 分工提高工作效率的原因分析: (1)工人技术熟练程度的提高; (2)转换工种所需时间的节约; (3)技术进步,即许多方便操作且节约时间的劳动工具被制造出来。,2-64,2.2.1 Historical Background Of Management,Significant Pre-Twentieth-Century Events Industrial Revolution - 产业革命 substitution of machine power for human power以机器力代替人力 large organizations required formal management-大型组织需要正式的管理人员,2-65,2.2.2 Scientific Management-科学管理,F.W. Taylor 弗雷德里克.W.泰罗: 1856年出身于费城一个富裕家庭。1875年因眼疾终止大学学业进入费城的一家工厂当制模工和机工学徒,1878年进入费城的米德维尔钢厂当机工并在夜校学习,获得工程学位后提升为该厂的总工程师。1890年离开该厂,1891年开业专门从事管理咨询工作。1901年,45岁的泰罗便从有报酬的工作岗位上退休,作为一名不取报酬的顾问和演讲者到处宣扬他的科学管理思想,并以这种方式度过了他一生中的最后14年。1915年,泰罗死于他的家乡费城,终年59岁。泰罗一生论著较多,如 论传送带 、 记件工资制 等,代表著为 科学管理原理 。,2-66,2.2.2 Scientific Management(cont.),F.W. Taylor - Principles of Scientific Management- 弗雷德里克.W.泰罗:“科学管理”理论 use of scientific methods to define the “one best way” for a job to be done 应用科学方法确定从事工作的最佳方式,2-67,员工为什么会磨洋工? 如何解决磨洋工现象,泰勒的主要观点,管理是一门科学 劳资应该开展一场心理革命 制定科学的工作方法 科学地选择和培训工人 实行职能工长制 实行差别计件工资制,管理是一门科学,不能仅靠超人与经验 管理有方法与原则 管理知识可以通过培训获得 对管理应象对待数学,机械学一样,提倡一场心理革命,效率低是因为劳资对立 劳资对立是分配利益对立 双方应该重点放在提高效率 最后双方都受益,心理革命:由分大饼到做大饼,科学选择与培训工人,不同的人适合干不同的事 干同一件事应有一种最好的方法 师傅带徒弟是不可取的 对工人进行统一培训,实行职能工长制,计划工长 执行工长 质量工长 工艺工长 每人都有指挥权,差别计件工资制,完成100件,每件1元,共100元 完成80件,每件0.9元,共72元 完成120件,每件1.20元,共144元 产量差30件,工资差52元 计件加超额任务给奖金,EXHIBIT 2.2: TAYLORS FOUR PRINCIPLES OF MANAGEMENT,2-75,Frank and Lillian Gilbreth吉尔布雷思夫妇 use of motion pictures to study hand-and-body movements-动作研究 Microchronometer精密计时装置 therbligs - classification system for 17 basic hand motions-动作分类体系,对泰勒制的评价,科学管理的创始人 泰勒的实践精神令人感动 把科学的方法用到管理上 把人当经济人 局限于基层管理 高效率、低成本、高工资、高利润的新局面。,2.2.3. General Administrative Theorists 一般行政管理原理,Henri Fayol-(法)亨利法约尔-“现代组织管理之父” 1841年出生于法国,1860年大学毕业,并以采矿工程师的身份开始其职业生涯。1888年被任命为所在的科芒博联矿冶公司的总经理,一干就是30年,到1918年77岁时才从总经理的位置上退休,然后一直致力于他的管理思想的宣传,直至1925年去世,终年84岁。 法约尔一生著述颇多,且大多数著作都是在退休后完成的。其代表性著作是1916年用法文出版的 工业管理和一般管理 。,2-78,Henri Fayol-(法)亨利法约尔 concerned with making the overall organization more effective developed theories of what constituted good management practice proposed a universal set of management functions published principles of management fundamental, teachable rules of management 研究的中心问题是组织结构和管理原则的合理化,管理人员职责分工的合理化。,2-79,EXHIBIT 2.3: FAYOLS 14 PRINCIPLES OF MANAGEMENT,2-80,Max Weber developed a theory of authority structures and relations发展了权威的结构与关系理论 Bureaucracy - ideal type of organization clearly defined hierarchy-清晰定义等级制度 detailed rules and regulations impersonal relationships,2-81,EXHIBIT 2.4: WEBERS IDEAL BUREAUCRACY,2-82,2.2.4. Quantitative Approach To Management -管理的数量方法,2-83,以经济效果好坏作为评价标准。 使衡量各项活动效果的标准定量化,并借助于数学模型找出最优的实施方案和描述事物的现状及发展规律。 依靠计算机进行管理。 特别强调用先进的科学理论和管理方法。 主导思想:使用先进的数学方法及管理手段,使生产力得到最为合理的组织,以获得最佳的经济效益,而较少考虑人的因素。,2.2.4. Quantitative Approach To Management(cont.),Operations Research (Management Science) use of quantitative techniques to improve decision making applications of statistics-统计学 optimization models-最优化模型 computer simulations of management activities-计算机模拟 Linear programming - improves resource allocation decisions线性规划-改进资源分配决策 Critical-path scheduling analysis - improves work scheduling关键路线进度分析,2-84,2.2.5. Toward Understanding Organizational Behavior理解组织的行为,Organizational Behavior study of the actions of people at work early advocates late 1800s and early 1900s believed that people were the most important asset of the organization人是组织最重要的资产 ideas provided the basis for a variety of human resource management programs employee selection员工选择 employee motivation员工激励,2-85,EXHIBIT 2.5: EARLY ADVOCATES OF OB (P38),2-86,Hawthorne Studies-霍桑实验 started in 1924 at Western Electric Company began with illumination studies-照明实验 intensity of illumination not related to productivity Elton Mayo - studies of job design revealed the importance of social norms as determinants of individual work behavior 揭示社会规范是对个人工作行为的更关键的决定因素 changed the dominant view that employees were no different from any other machines 改变了那个时代占主导地位的认为员工与组织所用的机器没太大差别的观点,2-87,2.2.5. Toward Understanding Organizational Behavior(cont.),2.3 Current Trends And Issues-当前的趋势和问题,Globalization-全球化 all organizations are faced with the opportunities and challenges of operating in a global market no longer constrained by national borders Workforce Diversity-劳动力多元化 “melting pot” approach versus celebration of differences溶化锅方式与庆贺差异化,2-88,Entrepreneurship创业精神 three important themes pursuit of opportunities -对机会的追求 capitalizing on environmental change to create value innovation 创新- introducing new approaches to satisfy unfulfilled market needs growth 增长- not content to remain small will continue to be important in all societies will influence profit and not-for-profit organizations,2-89,2.3 Current Trends And Issues (cont.),2.3 Current Trends And Issues (cont.),Managing in an E-Business World E-commerce - any form of business exchange or transaction in which parties interact electronically 电子商务-企业与其利益方通过电子方式进行交换与交易的任何形式 E-business - comprehensive term describing the way an organization does its work by using electronic (Internet-based) linkages with key constituencies 电子企业含义广泛的术语,描述一组织通过电子联结与它的关键利益相关者开展工作的方式。,2-90,2.3 Current Trends And Issues (cont.),Managing in an E-Business World intranet - an internal organizational communication system that uses Internet technology and is accessible only by organizational employees 企业内部网组织内部的交流系统,利用互联网技术但只允许组织内部成员进入该网络。,2-91,Types of E-Commerce Transactions,E-Commerce,2-92,2.3 Current Trends And Issues (cont.),Need for Innovation and Flexibility 对创新与弹性的需要 without a constant flow of new ideas, an organization is doomed to obsolescence or even worse 没有新思想的不断涌现,一个组织注定会过时,甚至失败。 must be flexible to accommodate changing customers needs, appearance of new competitors, and shifting employees from project to project 要适应消费者的需求变化、新竞争对手的出现、雇员及其技能在不同的项目之间的转换,组织必须具备弹性。,2.3 Current Trends And Issues (cont.),Quality Management Total Quality Management (TQM) - philosophy of management based on continual improvement and responding to customer needs and expectations 全面质量管理是一种管理哲学, 它受到不断改进和响应顾客需求与期望的驱动。,EXHIBIT 2.8: WHAT IS TQM?,2.3 Current Trends And Issues (cont.),Learning Organizations and Knowledge Management learning organization - one that has developed the capacity to continuously learn, adapt, and change create learning capabilities throughout the organizat
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