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Tales of the unexplained,Unit 1 Boy missing,police puzzled,Fill in the table.,didnt show up at,the family lunch the next day.,that Justin went home after playing baseball with them.,Justin shout.,Language points,Boy missing, police puzzled男孩失踪,警察迷惑。= A boy went missing, and the police were puzzled. missing 和puzzled分别为现在分词和过去分词作表语。现在分词作表语和主语之间往往是主动关系,表示主语的性质;过去分词作表语和主语之间往往是被动关系,表示主语所处的状态,The news was exciting and the students were all excited at it. 消息很激动人心,所以听到这个消息学生们都很激动。 His shouting was frightening and the boys felt frightened. 他大吼一声把那些男孩都吓住了。,missing adj. 失掉的,不见的,My book is missing. 我的书不见了。,miss v. 1. 错过(车辆,机会) We missed the bus and walked home. 我们错过了公车就走回家了。 He missed a good chance. 他错失良机。 2.未击中(目标,球) He missed the target. 他没打中目标。 3. 避免(灾难),逃过 It is by sheer luck that I missed the accident. 我躲过那次事故完全是靠运气。 4. 想念,思念 Ill miss you very much if you move. 如果你搬家,我会很想念你的。,puzzle vt.使迷惑,使为难 No maths problem can puzzle him. 任何数学难题都难不倒他。 puzzle sb. 使困惑 puzzle over/about sth. 苦苦思索,仔细琢磨 He puzzled his brain all day over the problem. 他整天伤脑筋思考那个问题。 n.难题,困惑,谜 The students are doing a word puzzle. 学生们在做拼字游戏。,step up 加快, 加速 When Jack found that he was going to be late, he stepped up his pace/step(步子). 杰克发现他就要迟到了,他加快了脚步。 The factory has stepped up its output of cars. 工厂加快了汽车生产。,( increase, speed up),step forward 走上前来,跨前一步 step back (由于吃惊)后退一步 step inside(in) 进屋里来 step into 进入里面 step by step 一步步地 out of step 合不上步子 take steps (a step) to do sth 采取措施 ,走(一步),search n. 搜查,寻找 in a/ones search for in search of He came here in search of the watch. 他到这里来寻找手表。 vt. search sb. for. 搜查某人身寻找 search sp. for. 搜查某地寻找 He searched the room for his watch. vi. search for.寻找 He is still searching for the watch.,go+adj. 1.常和有关颜色,状态,质地的形容词一起用,表示”变成,处于某种状态”,His hair has (变得花白)over the years. We cant let the child (挨饿). She (发疯)when she found out that she had failed the exam.,go hungry,went crazy,gone grey/white,interest 兴趣(不可数);利益(可数,多用复数) Do you have any interest in music? 你对音乐有兴趣吗? What we do must be in the interests of the people. 我们做的任何事情一定符合人民的利益。 receive great interest 引起很大兴趣 show an interest in 对.表现出兴趣 develop an interest in 培养的兴趣 a place of interest 名胜,due to,After due consideration, he decided to accept the position. 经适当考虑之后,他决定接受这个职务。,( because of, caused by),Due to his rudeness, I didnt say one more word to him.,1.由于,因为,归功于2.后可接不定式 due. 1. adj,应付的,应得到的,到期的 2.正当的,适宜的,Justin Foster, a high school student, went missing last Friday night. 同位语:一个名词(或其它形式)对另一个名词或代词进行修饰、限定或说明,这个名词(或其它形式)就是同位语。同位语与被它限定的词的格要一致,并常常紧挨在一起。,用同位语合并下列句子,Mr. Smith is our new English teacher. He is very kind to us. -Mr. Smith, our new English teacher, is very kind to us. 2) Yesterday I met Tom. Tom is a friend of my brothers. -Yesterday I met Tom, a friend of my brothers. 3) Mr. James is my English teacher. Yesterday I talked to him. -Yesterday I talked to my English teacher, Mr. James.,witness,n. 目击者,见证人,v.当场看见,亲眼看见,The police found the witness to the murder.,Did you witness the accident?,你亲眼目睹了这场事故吗?,警方找到了谋杀案的目击者.,see sb. doing sth. 看见某人正在做某事,see sb.do sth. 看见某人干了某事,强调看 到整个过程,He saw the plane flying over the city.,We saw him take away the book.,我们看见他拿走了书.,他看到一个飞机正飞过城市的上空.,sb.be seen to do sth.,see sb./sth done 看见某人某事被,He was seen to fall off his bike .,Someone saw him taken away by the police.,有人看见他被警方带走了.,他被看到从自行车上摔了下来.,练习一刻 This is the plan they would like to see( ) A.carry out B.carrying out C.to carry out D.carried out 解析:句意:这就是他们希望看到被执行的计划为。此句为一个定语从句的复合句。the plan 为先行词,they would like to see carried out为省略了关系代词that/ which的定语从句;carry out 与省略的关系代词之间是动宾关系,所以用过去分词表被动,D,heard her brother return home 形式:hear sb.do hear sb. do sth. 听到某人做了某事 hear sb. doing sth. 听到某人正在做某事 hear sth. done 听到某事被做 I often hear her sing that song in the next door. 我经常听到她在隔壁唱那首歌。 感官动词see,watch,observe,notice,feel,taste,smell等都有此用法,get/make/be ready for 为做好准备 Everything is ready for the party. 聚会的一切事宜已准备妥当。 be ready to do sth. 乐意做某事,准备好做某事,眼看就要做某事,有做某事的趋向 Im always ready to help you. 我随时都可以帮助你。 He told me he ( ) there. A was ready to work B was readying to work C was getting to work D ready to work,A,put on 1.打开(电灯等) Half a tick and I will put on the light. 稍等片刻,我就打开电灯。,(2) 穿上, 戴上 Why dont you put on the dark grey suit today? (3)上演, 演出, 展出 A play written by Shakespeare was put on successfully at the theatre. 一出莎士比亚写的戏在剧院成功地上演了。,(4)假装,伪装 She is not ill; she put it on to get peoples sympathy,今天你为什么不穿那套深灰色的衣服?,Standing inside were lots of strange creatures with white skin and large black eyes. (这是一个倒装句) =Lots of strange creatures with white skin and large black eyes were standing inside. 本句倒装句结构是:表语+ be+主语Sitting /Seated at the back of the room was a shy girl with two big eyes.,练习,_on the blackboard _the names of those who were late yesterday. A. Written, were B. Written, was C. Writing, was D. Written, were,A,take 捕捉,把(人)带去 300 prisoners were taken in the battle. 在那次战役中,有300人被俘。 Dont be ( )by products promising to make you lose weight quickly. A taken off B taken out C taken away D taken in 解析:take off 拿掉,取消,脱衣 take out 拿出,取出,去掉,出发 take away 取走 take in 欺骗,D,1 spend花费(金钱,时间等)主语是人 spend +钱/时间+on sb./ sth. spend +时间+(in) doing sth. I spent my spare time on that job. 我把我的休闲时间都投入到那份工作当中。 2 take It takes sb. some time to do sth. 3 cost 主语常用物 4 pay 主语是人 pay for sth. pay sb. sth. Which sentence is wrong? ( ) A The book cost me $5. B I paid $5 for the book. C I spent $5 on the book.D I cost $5 for the book.,D,show up :1.出现, 出席, 到场 Elizabeth showed up in Paris, having got a weeks leave. 得到一个星期的假后,伊丽莎白来到巴黎。 Weve been waiting for hours for you to show up! 我们等你来已经等了几个小时。,2.揭露,揭穿 Someone showed him up as a thief 3.露出,显出,When asked about the possibility that Justin was taken by aliens, Detective Sam Peterson, who has taken charge of the case, told journalists, . 1.状语从句的省略原则:在时间、条件及让步状语从句中,若从句的主语和主句的主语一致或主语是it,且谓语含有be动词,则可省去从句中的主语和be动词。 When speaking English,he often makes mistakes. 他说英语时常犯错误。 Once (it is) seen, it will never be forgotten. 一旦见到,它将难以被忘记。,1.The experiment shows that proper amounts of exercise,if( )regularly,can improve our health. A being carried out B carrying out C carried out D to carry out 2.Though( )to see us,the professor gave us a warm welcome. A surprising B was surprised C surprised D being surprised,C,C,take charge (of) 负责(处理某事或照顾某人),接管 John was elected the new president of the club and took charge of the next meeting. 约翰被选为俱乐部的新主席并在下一次的集会上接管了俱乐部。 Who will take charge of all the plans of the party? 谁将负责所有的晚会计划?,in charge (of ) 负责(某事) Tom works there, in charge of the sales department. 汤姆在那儿工作负责销售部。 in the charge of (sb.s charge) 由掌管、负责 The girl was safely in the charge of a nurse. 那个女孩安全地又一个护士看护着。 free of charge 免费 These books were sent to our school free of charge. 这些书是免费送给我们学校的。,1.Can he( )the computer company? Im afraid its beyond his ability. A take charge of B take charge C take care of D take care 解析:take care of 关心,照顾 take care 当心 2.Tom is ( )the company when the boss is away. A in charge B in the charge of C in charge of D in the charge,A,C,make up 编造, 捏造 Uncle made up a very interesting story for the children. 大叔给孩子们编了一首很有趣的故事。 He didnt have a good excuse for being late, so he made one up. 因为没有迟到的的理由,他就编了一个。,弥补, 把补上 Hard work can often make up for a lack of intelligence. 勤能补拙。 John mus


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