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Inversion (倒 装 句),Out _.,A. rushed the children B. did the children rush C. the children rushed D. rushed the children did,A,On the bed _.,A. lay a poor old lady B. a poor old lady lay C. did a poor old lady lie D. a poor old lady did lie,A,Round the corner _.,A. a large policeman walked B. walked a large policeman C. did a large policeman walk D. did walk a large policeman,B,Only after the New China_, _ to go to school. A. was founded; he was able B. was found; was he able C. was founded; was he able D. was found; he was able,C,Only by practising a few hours every day _ be able to master the language.,A. you can B. can you C. you will D. will you,D,A. so does Dave B. so is Dave C. so goes Dave D. Dave is so,Im going to the meeting, and _.,B,A. So do I B. I do so C. So I do D. So do you,I see you enjoy music very much. _. Im a music fan.,C,A. So he has; so you have B. So he has; so have you C. So has he; so have you D. So has he; so you have,David has made great progress recently. _ and _.,B,Tom couldnt go to school, _find a job.,A. either he could B. either could he C. neither he could D. neither could he,D,Ms. Jones does not like shopping, _.,A. and she does like gardening B. nor she does like gardening C. or does she like gardening D. nor does she like gardening,D,A. so didnt I B. Nor I didnt C. Neither did I D. I didnt so,I didnt invite Susan to my party. _.,C,A. neither he will B. neither wont he C. neither will he D. he wont neither,If Bobs wife doesnt agree to sign the paper, _.,C,A. so doesnt Molly B. so Molly doesnt C. neither does Molly D. neither Molly does,Barry never eats potatoes and _.,C,A. I dont too B. neither did I C. neither I did D. I didnt also,Ann didnt like our new roommate, and _.,B,_that even people in the next room could hear him.,A. So loudly did he speak B. Such loudly did he speak C. So loudly he spoke D. Such loudly he spoke,A,So loudly _their lessons that people could hear them out in the street.,A. the students read B. the students did read C. read the students D. did the students read,D,A. we returned; and B. did we return; when C. after we returned; and D. had we returned; than,We are lucky, for no sooner _home _it rained.,D,A. had the plane landed when B. had the plane landed than C. the plane had landed when D. the plane was landing than,Hardly _the police ran towards it.,A,A. he had gone; than B. had he went; when C. he had gone; when D. had he gone; than,No sooner _to bed _he fell asleep.,D,A. had he got B. he had got C. did he get D. he got,Hardly _to the cinema when the film began.,A,_got on the train when it started to move.,A. Scarcely I had B. Scarcely had I C. No sooner I had D. No sooner had I,B,No sooner had the bell rung _.,A. when the class began B. while the class was beginning C. then the class was going to being D. than the class began,D,_, he doesnt study well.,A. As he is clever B. He is as clever C. Clever as he is D. As clever he is,C,_it rain, the crops would be saved.,A. Were to B. Would C. Should D. Could,C,; / 庆云海岛金山寺 庆云贴吧 hoq695egk 棘手的问题就束手无策,存在严重的水土不服,只能走人。后面的三任总经理,都是身在曹营心在汉,第四届总经理只在单位呆了7天就走了。你说他们这样,单位怎么能搞得好!去年单位啤酒年产量才3.8万多吨,亏损高达一千多万。”“那你们单位下一步怎么办?企业经营起起落落现在是常事,也许你们会很快走出低谷。” 江文轩说道。马启明忧心忡忡地叹道:“只能看中方有没有回天之力。” 他感到花开啤酒单位是个沉重的话题,眼睁睁地望着花开啤酒单位风雨飘摇,随时有可能粉身碎骨,而自己又无能为力,确实不想谈啤酒厂了,一提到啤酒厂心里就想发疯。马启明烦闷地挥了挥手,烦躁地说:“换了个话题,不说我们厂了,你们厂今年怎么样?”“你们企业发展也许是谷底” 江文轩还想安慰马启明。马启明确实不想再谈啤酒厂,赶紧打断江文轩的话,说:“我听说你们厂近几年来效益很好,已经建了分厂。”“是的,建了十四个分厂!目前是国内数一数二的医药大集团。”“你们厂现在发展地这么快啊!” 马启明惊得目瞪口呆。对护佑制药厂这种发展速度马启明是无法想象的,因为初来本地的时候,护佑制药厂还是一家名不见经传的作坊式小厂,没想到仅几年时间,就从一个无名小卒迅速发展成一个在国内数一数二的药品大集团。而花开啤酒厂却从鼎盛走向了衰退,甚至已到了朝不保夕的地步,为什么?马启明始终想不明白,是人的问题?体制的问题?还是?太多的疑问和无耐也只能深深地埋在心里,只是变换得如此之快,让人无以适从罢了。3僵尸企业 (一)|进入了隆冬,老天爷下起了大雪,强劲的西北风夹杂着鹅毛大雪吹打着大地,天气十分寒冷,连骨子里都打着寒颤,马启明下意识地揉揉冻红的耳朵,又把衣服往紧里裹了裹,顶着西北风从厂里往家里艰难地行走。看着漫天的大雪,自然就想到“瑞雪照丰年”,觉得应该是个好兆头,果然就在这天下午,外方派来的总经理曾臣人走马上任了。曾臣人是经过改良以后的亚洲人,说具体点就是个地地道道的“香蕉人”。他不仅仅担任中国江苏花开啤酒有限单位总经理,在A国单位里还担任着重要的领导职务,因此他每个月在花开啤酒单位只能工作一周,其它时间则仍


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