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Unit 7The Sea能力提升题组训练(A).阅读理解Every ocean lover knows the dangers of getting caught in a rip current (离岸流).Experienced swimmers know it is relatively easy to escape the narrow channel of the fast moving water by floating and allowing it to drag you further into the ocean or by swimming alongside the shore.However,inexperienced beachgoers often panic,and try to swim to land,placing themselves at risk of drowning due to tiredness.According to the US National Ocean Service,the currents kill about 100 Americans each year and account for 80% of all lifeguard rescues.These scary statistics may soon be a thing of the past,thanks to Clever Girl,a smart buoy (浮标) that warns swimmers of the presence of deadly rip currents.The smart device is the brainchild of Australian teenager Maddison King,who created Clever Girl as a project for her Grade 12 Design and Technology class.The 18-year-old,who works as a lifeguard during her spare time,came up with the brilliant idea after discovering that most children were unable to detect rip currents.The basketball-sized plastic buoy,which can be attached to a chain of similar devices or the ocean floor,is fitted with a small propeller (螺旋桨).When the water travels at speed of over 70 centimeters per second,it spins the propeller fast enough to power the light atop the buoy,warning swimmers to stay clear of the area.Though it sounds simple enough,the youngster had to overcome numerous design challenges.For instance,she picked a red light since it is easy to see in the bright sunlight and also because the color serves as a universal warning sign for tourists that do not speak the local language.The devices smooth surface and high handles ensure swimmers do not get hurt,while the black,white,and red striped underside,keeps sharks and other animals at bay.Future versions might include something like a warning siren,which would provide sound warnings of rip currents.Besides,the present model cost about $300 to make.“Thats beyond my purse.”she laughs,“the cost has to be cut down.”1.Which of the following is the right way to escape the rip current?A.Waiting for rescues. B.Swimming to the shore.C.Moving fast in the water.D.Floating with the water.2.Why did Maddison decide to invent Clever Girl?A.She wanted to challenge her creativity.B.She was motivated by her working experience.C.She was supposed to complete it for her class.D.She was scared by the statistics of the government.3.What do we know about the present version of Clever Girl?A.Its not available on the market.B.Its quite attractive for sea animals.C.Its based on a complex theory. D.It can give warnings in different ways.4.What could the future version of Clever Girl be like?A.Safer and greener. B.Cheaper and safer.C.Greener and more effective.D.Cheaper and more effective.语篇解读:对于每一位海洋爱好者来说,被困于离岸流是很危险的。本文主要介绍了当人们被这种海流困住时,应如何自救才能化险为夷,并介绍了澳大利亚女孩发明的离岸流警报装置Clever Girl。答案及剖析:1.D细节理解题。根据第一段第二句“.to escape the narrow channel of the fast moving water by floating and allowing it to drag you further into the ocean or by swimming alongside the shore.”可知,对于有经验的游泳者来说,相对容易地摆脱离岸流的方法是漂浮在水面顺流游动或者沿着海岸游动。2.B推理判断题。根据文中第二段最后一句“The 18-year-old,who works as a lifeguard during her spare time,came up with the brilliant idea after discovering that most children were unable to detect rip currents.”可知,这位18岁的女孩在她业余时间当救生员时,发现大多数孩子不能发现离岸流,所以她想到了这个主意。3.A推理判断题。根据文中最后一段“Besides,the present model cost about $300 to make.”可知,这种装置目前还只是模型(model),这说明目前市场上还没有这种产品。4.D推理判断题。根据文章最后一段第一句中的include something like a warning siren,which would provide sound warnings of rip currents及最后一句中的“the cost has to be cut down”可知,这一装置将来会更高效,且目前超出了她的经济能力,所以其成本还要降低。.七选五(2018重庆第八中学高三五月模拟)Weve all heard about the power of our attitude,and its our attitude that determines how much we succeed in life.All the things that you have been through,all the people you have met and interacted with can have an impact on your attitude.If you think that all these factors have molded you into a person with a poor attitude towards life,there is no need to worry.1.Identify and understand what you want to change.The first step towards change is clearly understanding what needs to be changed.2. When it comes to changing your attitude,you need to do an honest and in-depth self-evaluation so you could point out exactly which of your traits need to be improved or totally changed.3.Find someone who has the kind of attitude that you want to have,and let his or her life give you inspiration and encouragement to move beyond your temporary failures in your journey towards becoming a better person.Choose the right company.As they say,“Bad company corrupts good character.” You dont expect yourself to be able to change if you go on surrounding yourself with people who possess all the negative traits that you want to change.Consider befriending new people,especially those who are optimistic and have a healthy attitude towards life.4.Believe that you are able to change.5. If you dont believe in yourself or believe that you or your life can change,it just wont happenyou will either never start,or give up quickly.So you wont have even given yourself the opportunity to succeed.A.Look for a role model.B.There is always an opportunity for change.C.Setting clear goals is the key to success in any attempt.D.Think about how your attitude change will affect your life.E.The greatest obstacle is our inability to trust in what we can do.F.Your effort to change will be easier with these people as friends.G.Fix your mind on the things that would come as a result of your attitude change.答案:15BCAFE.完形填空When I was a teenager I volunteered to pass out water at a local race.I was so excited to 1 all the different runners who passed by and quickly took a cup of water.Some walked past,some jogged past and a few 2 past.Watching so many 3 of people doing it,I thought maybe I could do it too!The next year I decided to 4 the race.With 5 running practice,I just wanted to finish.On the day of the race,it was terribly hot.Only after two miles,I felt sweat 6 off me and my legs swelling.I began to 7,“Why am I doing this?What was I thinking?I must be 8.”For the following miles,I jogged.I walked.I jogged and walked.I wondered if I could 9.10 the end,a 70-year-old man rushed past me,very 11,and I felt a little 12 that I was more than 50 years younger than him and I couldnt 13 keep up with him.But then I realized something:he was running his race and I was running mine.How often in life do we 14 ourselves to others and feel 15 in ourselves when we really couldnt?We are all unique human beings with unique 16.Its really no good focusing on others race.I decided that I would not 17 running and that one day I would be one of those 18 people who were still running races.As I crossed the finishing line,I was proud of myself.I didnt regret having such an experience.If you dont 19 others but get the lesson and grow,you are truly a 20.1.A.see B.inspectC.stare D.notice2.A.struggledB.draggedC.rushedD.moved3.A.stylesB.ranksC.typesD.races4.A.competeB.holdC.leadD.run5.A.someB.littleC.muchD.any6.A.pouringB.takingC.meltingD.blowing7.A.doubtB.rememberC.imagineD.suppose8.A.friendlyB.crazyC.generousD.tired9.A.winB.stopC.makeD.finish10.A.OnB.AtC.NearD.By11.A.slowlyB.gentlyC.heavilyD.fast12.A.pleasedB.frightenedC.delightedD.embarrassed13.A.justB.evenC.still D.already14.A.compareB.devoteC.recommend D.show15.A.motivatedB.surprised C.disappointedD.satisfied16.A.significanceB.paceC.principleD.concept17.A.insist onB.look up toC.put up withD.give up18.A.elderlyB.professionalC.internationalD.educated19.A.persuadeB.changeC.beatD.follow20.A.learnerB.winnerC.dreamerD.competitor语篇解读:作者在年少时做了跑步比赛的志愿者,后来自己也参加了比赛,并且经过那次比赛得到了宝贵的人生感悟。答案及剖析:1.A根据空后的all the different runners who passed by and quickly took a cup of water可知,作者作为志愿者给跑步者递水,看着(see)跑步者经过身边。inspect意为“检查;视察”;stare意为“凝视;盯着看”;notice意为“注意到;发觉”。2.C根据上文different runners可知,此处在描述不同的跑步者有不同的跑步动作,一些人走过去,一些人慢跑过去,少部分人冲(rushed)过去。struggle意为“挣扎;奋斗”;drag意为“拖拽;拖拉”;move意为“移动;感动”。下文第11空前的rushed也是提示。3.C根据上文中的“Some walked past,some jogged past and a few.”可知,作者看着不同类别的跑步者参加跑步比赛,觉得或许自己也可以参加。type意为“种类;类别”,符合语境。style意为“风格”;rank意为“阶级;等级”;race意为“赛跑;竞赛;种族”。4.D根据上文的“I thought maybe I could do it too!”可知,作者下一年决定参加(run)比赛。compete意为“竞争;争夺;参加比赛”;hold意为“举行”;lead意为“领先”。5.B根据下文的I just wanted to finish可知,作者几乎没怎么(little)进行跑步训练,只是想完成比赛。6.A根据上文的“On the day of the race,it was terribly hot.”和下文的my legs swelling可知,跑完两英里后,作者就感到汗流(pouring)浃背,双腿肿痛。take off意为“脱掉;起飞;突然开始成功”;melt意为“融化”;blow意为“吹;刮”。7.A根据下文的“Why am I doing this?What was I thinking?”可知,作者开始怀疑(doubt)自己参加比赛的初衷。remember意为“记得;记住”;imagine意为“想象”;suppose意为“猜想;以为”。8.B根据上文的“Why am I doing this?What was I thinking?”可知,作者开始怀疑自己参加比赛的初衷,觉得自己一定是疯了(crazy)。friendly意为“友好的”;generous意为“慷慨的;大方的”;tired意为“劳累的;疲惫的”。9.D根据上文的“Only after two miles,I felt sweat.For the following miles,I jogged.I walked.I jogged and walked.”可知,作者跑完两英里后就汗流浃背、双腿肿痛,开始走走跑跑,由此推知,作者开始怀疑自己能否完成(finish)比赛。win意为“赢得;获得”;stop意为“停止;阻止”;make意为“做;制造”。10.C根据下文的keep up with him可知,接近终点时,一个七十岁的老人迅速超过了作者。11.D根据前面的rushed past me可知,老人的速度很快。fast意为“快地;迅速地”,符合语境。slowly意为“缓慢地;慢慢地”;gently意为“温柔地;轻轻地”;heavily意为“严重地;沉重地”。12.D根据下文的I was more than 50 years younger than him 可知,一位七十岁的老人超过了比其年轻五十多岁的作者,作者应该感到有点尴尬(embarrassed)。pleased意为“高兴的;满意的”;frightened意为“害怕的;受惊吓的”;delighted意为“高兴的”。13.B此处表示一位七十岁的老人超过了比其年轻五十多岁的作者,所以作者感到有点尴尬,而且作者甚至追不上老人。even意为“甚至”,符合语境。14.A


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