六年级英语上册 Unit 3 What’s your hobby(Lesson14)教案 人教新版.doc_第1页
六年级英语上册 Unit 3 What’s your hobby(Lesson14)教案 人教新版.doc_第2页
六年级英语上册 Unit 3 What’s your hobby(Lesson14)教案 人教新版.doc_第3页
六年级英语上册 Unit 3 What’s your hobby(Lesson14)教案 人教新版.doc_第4页




Unit 3 Whats your hobby(Lesson14) 课题:L14知识目标:掌握两个重点单词:basketball, football掌握两个重点句子:I like listening to music.He likes playing basketball会说本课的chant练习字母组合au的发音能力目标:运用所学句子向别人介绍自己和他人的兴趣和爱好提高语言运用能力情感目标:培养学生高尚的兴趣和爱好:教学过程教师指导学生活动设计意图激疑诱趣导入新课Everybody has hobbies. Do you know What Peter YangMing and Bobs hobby is ?.Lets ask and answer. WhatsPeters hobby?Whats Bobs hobby?Whats YangMins hobby?Peters hobby is collecting toy cars.Bobs hobby is collecting stamps.YangMings hobby is collectingcandy paper.四组对话通过复习引出新课探究问题学习新知教师板书说过的词组:Collect candy paper stamps toy cars Anyone else, open your book OK picture cardsWe can say I like collecting We can say My hobby is (板书)I enjoy Im interested in 学生用指定的这四种句子来练习学生自由说句子,学生说教师指导探究问题学习新知some people like collecting many kinds of things. Now I have some informations. Can you read it ? (世界十大收藏之王)学生读。教师板书:newspapersPostcards ,cars ,butterfly specimens buttons match boxes, cigerates boxes, keys, beer trade markers 学习chant 休息一会OK boys and girls Do you like sports?OK . Do you know any table tennis player? 王励勤,马林,王浩They are good player. They won many championships for our countries. Say sentences: Wangliqin likes playing table tennis. Hes good at it.(板书 be good at)Give you other player YaoMing Wang Zhizhi basketball playerCaoyang, Wangjun football player YangHao Fen Kun volleyball player分组活动say it in pairs.One ask One answer学生自由说句子,学生说教师指导He likes collecting cars.He enjoys collecting keys.学生说出:I like playing table tennis. I enjoy playing basketball. Im interested in playing vollyball.My hobby is playing football.学生按老师的要求说句子Ma Lin likes playing table tennis. He is good at it.The students say it in groups.利用24页的图片用I like collecting . I like playing . He likes collecting . He likes playing . 自由会话。通过学生搜集的材料,扩大学生的视野,扩充学生的语言材料通过介绍我国著名的体育运动员来增强学生的民族自豪感,扩充语言材料。Interview your classmatesWhats his hobby?What are his family members hobbies?让学生更好地运用语言布置作业引申提高必做:1。copy the words and sentences of lesson 14 2Prepare Lesson 15 板书设计L14basketball football collect candy paper I like listening to music. collect toy cars He likes playing football. collect stampscollect picture cards 课后反思本节课是一节普普通通的常态课,我很好地完成了本节课的教学内容,基本上达到了教学效果。在本节课的教学设计上,我没有局限于教材中的内容,而是通过让学生搜集信息,扩充了语言材料,让学生得到了大量的练习机会。如:在讲完collect candy paper, toy cars ,stamps, picture cards 后,适时地推出了“世界十大收藏之王”培养了学生的搜集信息的能力,也扩大了学生练习的语言材料,同时拓宽了学生的视野。在学习play table tennis play football play basketball,play volleyball 之后推出了有关运动的著名运动员并以此来练习句子,如:Wang Liqing likes playing table tennis. He is good at it.这样学生有了更多练


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