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洪恩英语*新概念入门级B期中测试题U1-U8Name:_ Score: _一、听音,选择所听到的单词。10 ( ) 1. A. grandmother B.mother C.grandfather ( ) 2. A. bedroom B. kitchenC. chicken ( ) 3. A.morning B.afternoon C. mother ( ) 4. A. tomato B. poster C. potato ( ) 5. A. donkey B. duck C. dog 二、选择听到的句子,并将序号写在括号里。10 () 1. A. This is your cousin. B. Is this your cousin? ( ) 2. A. Thats Eddys spaceship. B. Thats Eddys ship. () 3. A. Its time for lunch. B. Its time for supper. () 4. A. These are birds. B. These arent birds.() 5. A. Theyre mums cars. B. Theyre mums scarves.三、听到的句子与图画是否一致,对的打钩,错的打叉。10 ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )笔试部分一、给下列的中文选择正确的单词或词组, 并把它圈出来。107 1. 爸爸 father mother2. 客厅 sitting room kitchen3. 在下面 under next to 4. 我们的 our my 5. 书桌 table desk 6. 玩偶 puppet poster7. 驴子 monkey donkey 8. 草莓 strawberry cherry 9. 牛仔裤 jeans trousers10. 早上 evening morning二、名词单数变复数。10名词单数变复数的规则是: 1. 大多数都是在词尾加上_; 2. 以“o, s, sh, ch, x”结尾的单词加上_; 3. 以辅音+y结尾的单词要把y改为i再加_; 4. 以f或者fe结尾的单词要把f或者fe去掉改为_; 5. 特别的,单复同形,什么都不加。bird-_ box-_ dish-_duck-_ potato-_ jacket-_cherry-_ glass-_ trousers-_cow-_ strawberry-_ dress-_sheep-_ shoe-_ knife-_farm-_ tomato-_ scarf-_sandwich-_ lamb-_3、 根据句子画时钟。12 Its two oclock. Its four oclock. Its one oclock.Its ten oclock. Its six oclock. Its eleven oclock.四、根据中文意思,选择正确的英文句子。10( )1.这是你的表弟吗? A. Is this your cousin? B. Is this your uncle?( )2.那是我的家。 A. Thats our house. B. Thats my house.( )3.书在椅子下面。 A. The book is under the chair. B. The book is behind the chair.( )4.有一只猫。 A. There isnt a cat. B.There is a cat. ( )5.到时间吃早餐了。 A. Its time for lunch. B. Its time for breakfast. ( )6.那是Eddy的滑板。A. Thats Eddys skateboard. B. Thats Eddys ship.( )7.没有一个女孩。 A. There is a girl. B.There isnt a girl.( )8.这些是奶牛。 A. These are cows. B. These arent cows.( )9.它们是你的连衣裙。 A. Theyre their dresses. B. Theyre your dresses.( )10.那些是小鸡吗? A. Those are chickens. B. Are those chickens?5、 仿造例句用 There is有、 There isnt没有 完成小短文。10Hi! My name is Eddy. This is my bedroom. There is a cupboard(柜子). There isnt a table._ a window. _ a desk._ a shelf. _ a bed._ a TV. _ a computer._ a dog. _ a cat._ a sock on the bed. _ a poster.6、 读短文,圈出正确的选项。6My names Mike. Emma is my sister, shes in front of our house. In our house, the kitchen is next to the dining room. The sitting room is between a big bedroom and a little bedroom. Look at my mum and dad! Theyre in their bedroom! Their bedroom is big and yellow. My bedroom is little and blue.1. Whats your name? A. Mike B.Emma 2. Whos(谁) that in front of our house? A. Emma B. Mike3. Wheres(哪里) the kitchen? A. next to the dining room B. next to the house4. Whos that in the big bedroom? A. Mum and Dad B. Emma and Mike5. What color(什么颜色) is the big bedroom? A. blue B. yellow6. What color is the little bedroom? A. blue B. yellow七、看图,选择正确的单词来完成句子。12are arent 1. These _ boxes._my your2. Theyre _ jeans. _These Thos


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