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业绩和发展评估Performanceand DevelopmentReview评估指南Appraisal guide公司 Company员工姓名 Employees Name评估年度 Appraisal Year评估所年度Appraisal Year: 发展和业绩评估Development and Performance公司Company:员工姓名Employees name:职务/任职起始Position / Since:直属上司Name of supervisor: 职能上司Name of functional manager:面谈日期Date of interview:上次面谈日期Date of last interview:September 2003 v3发展和业绩评估Development and Performance业绩Performance能力Competencies发展Development意见Comments 每一位主管都要对他们员工的未来发展负责。这是达能集团的基本管理原则,集团的价值观也明确肯定了这一要求。 Each supervisor is responsible for the development of his/her employees. It is a fundamental management principle in the DANONE Group, and this requirement is clearly confirmed by the Group values. 业绩评估和发展指南是为帮助管理人员更好地履行这一要求而设计的。它适用于集团内的所有公司,并作为上级管理人员和员工之间进行年度评估的基本依据。 The Performance and Development Guide has been designedto help managers better satisfy this requirement.It is common to all companies within the Group and is usedas a basis for the annual appraisal between the supervisorand his/her employees. 业绩和发展评估的面谈须达到以下四个目标: The performance and development appraisal interview satisfies 4 objectives: 评估上一年目标的达成情况(成功和困难之处)To assess the results (successes and difficulties),respecting the objectives of the previous year. 评估员工的能力(集团所期望的管理能力和部门所要求的特殊能力),并确定以后的发展需求。HUMAN RESOURCES APPRAISAL GUIDE September 2003 v3To evaluate the competencies of the employee (managerial competencies expected by the Group and the specific ones of the function), and to identify development needs. 确定个人和职业的发展计划To produce personal and professional development plans. 确定来年的目标,并明确达到目标的手段方法,以及未来评估所需要的指标。To set the objectives for the coming year, and to specify the means for achieving them, and the indicators needed for their future evaluation. 为达成上述目标,管理人员和员工之间必须进行一次谈话以充分交流观点。面谈时间要足够长,以便深入评估。在面谈之前,管理人员和员工都必须进行充分准备。 All these items are subject to a proper exchange of viewsand a dialogue between the supervisor and his/her employee.The interview must be long enough to allow an in-depth appraisal, and both supervisor and employee will need to prepare in advance. 业绩Performance本文件将记录设定的下一年的目标和业绩衡量标准The objectives and performances measured for the following year are recorded in this document.年底将使用同样的文件用以衡量预定目标的达成,能力的评估,并确定职业和个人发展计划。This same document is also used at the end of the year to review these objectives, evaluate competencies,and determine the professional and personal development plans.在第一年度,本评估指南只用于设定目标In the first year, the evaluation guide is only used for setting the objectives. 业绩评估:总结PERFORMANCE REVIEW SUMMARY1对业绩进行综合评估,在对应的方格内打勾Assess the general performance by ticking the appropriate box.远远超越了目标Far beyond objectives1超越了部分目标Exceeded some objectives2达到目标Achieved objectives3达到了部分目标Achieved some objectives4没有达到目标Not achieved objectives5员工的意见Employees Comments主管的意见Supervisors CommentsHUMAN RESOURCES APPRAISAL GUIDE September 2003 v3 目标及评估GOALS AND EVALUATION2直属上司必须结合职能上司所设定的目标。The supervisor has to integrate the objectives set by the head of the function. 为下一年设定5-6个目标(包括集体目标和个人目标:注意将两者区分开来)。Set 5 to 6 objectives for the following year (including collective and individual objectives: take care to differentiate them). 至少包括一个团队(或跨部门的)目标,和一个个人发展及(或)管理目标。Include at least one team (or cross-disciplinary) objective as well as an individual improvement and/or management objective. 这些目标必须适合所涉及职位的级别。These objectives must be appropriate for the level of position concerned.如果必要的话,可设定一个年中时间,以便更新那些可能发生变化的目标。A mid year point can be set, if necessary, for updating any objectives that may have changed.这些目标必须表达明确,可用设定的标准进行衡量,同时这些目标是实际能达到的,具备足够的挑战性和激励性。These objectives must be clearly expressed, measurable or observable against the given indicator, realistically achievable but challenging enough to be motivating.目标1 GOAL 1 集体目标Collective个人目标 Individual衡量标准MEASURE比重WEIGHT (%)状态STATUS达到目标的程度Extent to which the objective has been achievedA B C D N Achievement level (%age)完成率%A: 超过Exceeded B: 达到Met C: 部分达到Partially attained D:没有达到 Not met N: 不适用Not applicable意见(仅适用于个人目标)COMMENTS (for individual goals only)员工的意见EMPLOYEES COMMENTS主管的意见SUPERVISORS COMMENTS目标2 GOAL 2 集体目标Collective个人目标 Individual衡量标准MEASURE比重WEIGHT (%)状态STATUS达到目标的程度Extent to which the objective has been achievedA B C D N Achievement level (%age)完成率%A: 超过 Exceeded B: 达到 Met C: 部分达到Partially attained D: 没有达到Not met N: 不适用Not applicable意见COMMENTS (for individual goals only)仅适用于个人目标EMPLOYEES COMMENTS员工的意见SUPERVISORS COMMENTS主管的意见目标3 GOAL 3集体目标 Collective 个人目标Individual衡量标准MEASURE比重WEIGHT (%)状态STATUS达到目标的程度Extent to which the objective has been achievedA B C D N Achievement level (%age)完成率%A: 超过Exceeded B: 达到Met C: 部分达到Partially attained D: 没有达到Not met N: 不适用Not applicable意见COMMENTS (for individual goals only) 仅适用于个人目标EMPLOYEES COMMENTS员工的意见SUPERVISORS COMMENTS主管的意见目标4 GOAL 4集体目标 Collective 个人目标Individual衡量标准MEASURE比重WEIGHT (%)状态STATUS达到目标的程度Extent to which the objective has been achievedA B C D N Achievement level (%age)完成率%A: 超过 Exceeded B: 达到Met C: 部分达到Partially attained D: 没有达到Not met N: 不适用Not applicable意见COMMENTS (for individual goals only)只适用于个人目标EMPLOYEES COMMENTS员工的意见SUPERVISORS COMMENTS主管的意见目标5 GOAL 5集体目标 Collective 个人目标Individual衡量标准MEASURE比重WEIGHT (%)状态STATUS达到目标的程度Extent to which the objective has been achievedA B C D N Achievement level (%age)完成率%A: 超过Exceeded B: 达到 Met C: 部分达到Partially attained D: 没有达到Not met N: 不适用Not applicable意见COMMENTS (for individual goals only)只适用于个人目标EMPLOYEES COMMENTS员工的意见SUPERVISORS COMMENTS主管的意见目标6 GOAL 6集体目标 Collective个人目标 Individual衡量标准MEASURE权重WEIGHT (%)状态STATUS目标达到的程度Extent to which the objective has been achievedA B C D N Achievement level (%age)完成率%A: 超过Exceeded B: 达到Met C: 部分达到Partially attained D: 没有达到Not met N:不适用 Not applicable意见COMMENTS (for individual goals only) 只适用于个人目标EMPLOYEES COMMENTS员工的意见SUPERVISORS COMMENTS主管的意见能力Competencies 管理能力综合评估MANAGERIAL COMPETENCIES SUMMARY1 管理能力MANAGERIAL COMPETENCIES SUMMARY综合以下结果给予评分Specify the general level of applied competencies A:优异 Exceptional B: 高于期望Higher than expectedC: 达到期望In line with the requirementsD:低于期望 Lower than expected 管理能力MANAGERIAL COMPETENCIES2直属主管就有关职位所要求的每个能力,对员工进行评估。The supervisor evaluates the competencies of the employee in relation to the expectations for the level of position concerned. 以下能力是集团认为应予以优先发展的能力The competencies listed are those that the Group judges to be a priority for development.单项管理能力Managerial competencies评估EvaluationABCDN1. 发展业务Develops business.2. 有效地实现目标Achieves results effectively.3. 预期/ 积极主动 Anticipates / is proactive.4. 带来战略性的贡献 Brings a strategic contribution.5. 发展跨部门工作的效能Develops cross-functional effectiveness.6. 领导和追求变革 Leads and drives for changes.7. 建立能快速履行任务的团队,培养团队精神Builds high-performing teams. Fosters team spirit.8. 发展人才: 提供反馈与指导并创立一个良好的学习环境。 Identifies and develops peoples talents:-Provides feedback Coaches and provides a learning environment.9. 与高级管理层充分沟通Communicates with hierarchy.10. 有衡量风险和改进的能力 Is able to take measured risk and to innovate.11. 有追求卓越的热情Has passion for excellence.12. 适应性、有决心、有弹性 Displays resilience, determination and flexibility.A: :优异Exceptional B: 高于期望Higher than expected C: 达标In line with the requirements of the job D:低于期望 Lower than expected N:不适用 Not applicable 业务能力综合评分FUNCTIONAL COMPETENCIES SUMMARY3 业务能力综合评分FUNCTIONAL COMPETENCIES SUMMARYA优异ExceptionalMasterB高于期望Higher than expectationExperiencedC达标QualifiedD初级Junior发展Development 强项STRENGTHS / 有待发展的领域DEVELOPMENT AREAS1 强项STRENGTHS / 有待发展的领域DEVELOPMENT AREAS强项Strengths有待发展/需要提高的能力Development areas2 年度发展计划ANNUAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN发展的能力Development focus行动计划(培训、指导、项目)Action plan (training, coaching, projects)cts)考核期限Deadlines 未来的工作机会FUTURE JOB OPPORTUNITIES3 员工的建议EMPLOYEES PROPOSAL你的中短期发展目标是什么?如果你想调动工作,请说明目标职位。What is your short and medium term professional development plan? If you would like a job change, specify the target position:你希望何时调动?When would you like to change? 主管对员工发展的推荐意见RECOMMANDATIONS OF THE SUPERVISOR FOR DEVELOPMENT这些推荐意见将在经理评估及人力资源委员会上进行讨论,并由主管反馈给员工These recommendations will be discussed and validated at the Manager Review and then at the Resources Committee. Feedback will be given to the employee by the supervisor.你认为你的员工在他的工作中应该获得什么样的发展?What development do you plan for your employee in his/her job?可以考虑的下一个职位或者工作?What professional development (next job, next position) can be considered as foreseeable?何时?When? 员工在工作地点方面的灵活性 EMPLOYEES GEOGRAPHICAL MOBILITY4全球流动 International mobility 本国流动National mobility不具流动性 Not mobile希望去的地区Zone preferences限制的因素Obstacles to mobility 希望去的国家Country preferences对此的意见General mobility comments 意见Comments上级主管(上两级)的意见Supervisor (N+2)职能上司的意见Functional Manager直属上司的意见Supervisor (N + 1)员工的意见Employee签字Signatures员工Employee直属上司Supervisor (N+1)职能上司Functional Manager 上级主管(上两级)Supervisor (N+2)管理能力:定义MANAGERIAL COMPETENCIES: DEFINITIONS1. Develops business.发展业务 Understands consumer markets and area of professional activity in depth, is able to integrate business issues and builds client-focus (internal/external) into business processes. Shows financial acumen, understands key Group economic indicators. Seizes opportunities to expand business, is able to evaluate and to optimize the impact of any action on the economic outcome.n 详细了解客户市场及专业行为的领域,能够结合业务议题和在业务流程中建立起以客户(外部和内部)为中心的理念。n 显示对财务的敏锐性,了解关键的集团经济指标。n 抓紧机遇拓展业务,能够评估和优化在经济成果上的行动的影响。2.Achieves results effectively.有效地实现目标 Is concrete, takes action and achieves results consistently and for the long-term. Directs the teams action toward results. Ensures availability and appropriate use of the team and of the financial, information, material, technical resources for delivery of desired results. Monitors performance and assesses results; identifies actions to give significant improvement. Takes improvement decisions, even in uncertain circumstances.n 具体明确,采取行动及坚持不懈地实现目标,同时也是为了长远的目标。n 指导团队的行动向目标冲刺。n 确保有效性和通过对团队、财务信息、原材料、技术资源的适当使用来保证渴望的目标的传递。n 监控业绩和评估结果,确定行动以给出重大的改进。n 作出改进工作的决定,甚至在不确定的环境下。3. Anticipates / is proactive.预期/ 积极主动 Anticipates the consequences of his/her decisions on business. Is receptive to new trends in the market and his/her profession, and integrates them in his/her actions. Plans all steps of a new project or process before taking action. Provides strong inputs about his/her area of business, and beyond.n 预期个人在业务上的决定所造成的后果。n 能接纳市场上和个人职业上的新趋势,并把他们统一到个人的行动上。n 在采取行动前计划一个新项目的所有步骤或流程。n 对于个人的业务领域和之外的领域提供有力的信息。4.Brings a strategic contribution.带来战略性的贡献 Builds and shares a vision. Integrates the strategy of the Group and translates it into objectives and concrete & motivating actions for the members of the team. Analyzes situations in terms of opportunities and risks for the company and the Group. Globally and systematically evaluates different options for action. Through analysis determines concrete and viable recommendations. Gets to the point in analysis and doesnt get lost in the details. Is creative in order to propose a new strategy or new orientations.n 建立和分享远景目标。n 结合集团的战略并把它转化为目标以及对团队成员具体和激励的行动。n 根据公司和集团的机会和风险来分析现况。n 在全球角度系统性地评估不同的行动方案。n 通过分析决定具体可行的建议。n 在分析中取得要点但不舍本逐末。nn 具创造性地提出新战略或新的导向。5. Develops cross-functional effectiveness.发展跨部门工作的效能 Effectively builds, energizes, manages non-hierarchical teams and networks. Looks beyond the limits of his/her function and understands the impact of his/her actions on others. Influences the decision making process even without direct line responsibility. Cooperates, communicates, shows solidarity with the members of other functions with whom he/she works. Develops and shares best practice. n 有效地建立、加强和管理非等级团队和网络。n 放眼在个人职能限制之外的方面,并明白到他/她的行动对于他人的影响。不仅在个人职能内发挥影响,同时寻求对其他人的影响力。n 影响决策的制定过程即使没有直接的直线责任即使在没有直接责任的前提下,依然能够影响决策的制定过程。n 在同其他职能部门的成员一起工作时,体现协调、交流和团结。n 改善和分享最佳实践6. Leads and drives for change.领导和追求变革 Initiates and conducts major change initiatives or improvement actions. Proposes new organizations and is able to put them into action, whilst considering the human impact. Is optimistic about change and shows it. Is able to get action, convince, get agreement. Is able to lead change projects quickly and successfully. Deals effectively with resistance to change, and helps teams to remove the barriers. Can change priority if necessary and adapt a flexible approach in order to achieve required results. n 发起和组织主要的变革主动权或改进行动。?主动引领和倡导变革或者改进行动n 向新的组织提议并能够把提议付诸实施,同时考虑到人事上的冲击。?提议新的组织结构并付诸行动,同时考虑到对人力的影响n 对变化感到乐观并体现出来。n 能马上行动、说服他人和取得共识。n 能够快速、成功地领导变革项目的实施。n 有效地处理对于变革的抗拒和帮助团队清除障碍。n 如果必要的话使变革优先进行和采取一种弹性的理论来取得所需要的结果。?在必要的情况下,改变优先次序并且采用弹性的做法以达到要求的效果。7. Builds high performing teams. Fosters team spirit.建立能快速履行任务的团队,培养团队精神 Attracts and recruits the best talent. Builds and benefits from multi-functional and multi-cultural teams. Supports his/her team. Communicates openly and effectively. Structures team working, conducts meeting efficiently, follows up on results. Calms situations down and resolves team conflict. Communicates success and recognizes individual contributions.n 吸引和招聘最佳的人才。n 建立并开展跨部门和跨文化的团队。建立并开展。n 支持所在的团队。n 公开和有效的交流。n 组织团队工作,有效地管理会议和对结果进行跟进。n 平息矛盾和解决团队冲突。n 交流成功经验和认可个人的贡献。7. Builds high performing teams. Fosters team spirit.建立能快速履行任务的团队,培养团队精神 Attracts and recruits the best talent. Builds and benefits from multi-functional and multi-cultural teams. Supports his/her team. Communicates openly and effectively. Structures team working, conducts meeting efficiently, follows up on results. Calms situations down and resolves team conflict. Communicates success and recognizes individual contributions.n 吸引和招聘最佳的人才。n 建立并开展跨部门和跨文化的团队。建立并开展。n 支持所在的团队。n 公开和有效的交流。n 组织团队工作,有效地管理会议和对结果进行跟进。n 平息矛盾和解决团队冲突。n 交流成功经验和认可个人的贡献。8. Identifies and develops peoples talents: Provides feedback Coaches and provides a learning environment.发展人才:提供反馈与指导并创立一个良好的学习环境。 Assesses team members performance and competencies (strengths and improvement opportunities). Provides specific, timely feedback constructively (positive or negative). Fosters an open dialog within the team. Creates learning opportunities: gives challenging tasks, shows confidence in teams success, encourages individuals autonomy Encourages initiative, reasonable risk-taking, uses failure as a means of learning. Coaches and challenges ways of working uses constructive criticism. Takes part in the training of the staff, gives development advice, feels responsible for the teams evolution.n 评估团队成员的表现和能力(强项以及改进机会)。n 提供具建设性的具体、及时的反馈。n 与团队成员进行公开对话。n 创造学习机会:给予具挑战性的任务,对团队成功充满信心,鼓励个人的主动性。n 鼓励主动、合理地承担风险,在失败中学习。n 辅导和挑战其工作方式,建设性地批评。n 参与员工培训,给予发展的建议,对团队的发展富于责任感。9. Communicates with hierarchy.与高级管理层充分沟通: Communicates openly and effectively. Is able to convince and defend ideas to the hierar


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