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Money exchange,一、ways of payment Cash Check/ cheque Credit card Charge to the room Voucher company,Money exchange,二. Credit cards accepted in china Master Card Diners Club American Express Visa Million Card JCB Card Federal Card Great Wall Card,paying the bill and check out,三. 常见外币英文符号及缩写 人民币 RMB ( ¥) 美元 USD () 日元 JPY ( ¥ -en) 欧元 EUR ( ) 英镑 GBP( ) 加拿大元 CAD () 港币 HKD(HK)韩元 KRW (W-won) 俄罗斯卢布 SUR (Rbl) 新加坡元 SGD () 新西兰元 NZD () 泰铢 THB (B),Useful terms,Foreign currency false note (coin) Counterfeit Exchange rate transfer Confiscated travelers check Personal check credit limit denomination,Money exchange,四、Sentence patterns: Can U.S. dollars be used in mainland China? Where can I change American dollars into RMB? You may change your money at banking offices or hotel front desks. Never exchange your money with individuals you dont know. Whats the exchange rate between the u.s. dollar and RMB?,Money exchange,四、Sentence patterns: 6. At present one dollar is equal to 6.80 RMB. 7. Please fill in the Foreign Currency Exchange From and sign it. 8. Do you handle foreign exchange? 9. How much would you like to change? 10. You will get 500 U.S. dollars for that.,Money exchange,五:Translation: 见导游英语118 页,Shopping,二. Listen to dialogue 1 and answer questions: What did the tourists buy, a landscape or figure painting? How much is the tea set?,Translation,水彩画 花鸟画 唐三彩 复制品 真品 百货商店 购物天堂 Water color painting Flower-and-bird painting Tri-colored glazed pottery of Tang Dynasty Reproduction Genuine article Department store/shopping mall Shopping paradise,Translation,文房四宝 檀香扇 刺绣 绣花 紫砂壶 The four treasure of study:HuBiHuiMouDuanYanXuanZhi Sandalwood fan Embroidery Cross stitching Purple clay teapot,Shopping,三. Listen to dialogue 2 and answer questions: Which size of the cloisonne bought by the tourists? Whats the difference between western oil painting and Chinese ink painting?,shopping,Oil paintings are created by colors and brush touches while traditional Chinese paintings are by lines and strokes. 西方油彩重色彩和润饰,而中国画则注重线条和笔触。,Shopping,四、 Sentence patterns: What size do you want? Its a bit too large/small. Have you got any medium size? Would you like to try it on? The fitting room is over there. How is it, sir/madam/miss?,Shopping,四、Sentence patterns: 7. I am sorry, we dont have your size. 8. Would you like to have a closer look? 9. Would you like to have it gift-wrapped? 10. May I take your measurement?,Shopping,五. Useful information: Hawaiian pineapples Mexican tequila Peruvian llama rugs German cutlery French perfumes Italian leather articles Irish crystal Japanese duty-free store,Tea,Clear tea Quench ones thirst Jasmine black tea green tea Oolong tea Rich in aroma auction Fragrant Delicate fragrance and mellowness Reddish After a rich oily meal,Green tea Black tea Oolong tea Scented tea,How to select excellent tea,1.Observe. Good or fresh tea has a green luster in a tight shape, but poor tea is loose and dull. The leaves should be dry enough to make a rustling noise in the palm. 2. Smell The fragrance of tea should be pure without a charred taste or acid smell. Good tea, especially fresh tea, has a natural aroma like orchid or jasmine while poor tea smells stale.,How to select excellent tea,3. Taste You can taste the leaves by chewing them carefully. Good tea leaves have a fresh mellowness. You can also infuse some tea to see if the leaves extend smoothly and sink slowly to the bottom. Good tea is emerald green or golden. It has a tint of bitterness with a lasting sweet aftertaste. Stale tea liquor is malodorous and dark brown. 4. See See the infused tea leaves whether they are without impurity.,Chinese slang,An eye for an eye. Look before you leap. Good work deserves good pay. Only the brave deserves the fair. East or west, home is the best. Soon learnt, soon forgotten. Troubles never co


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