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定语从句,1 Information condensed in the attributive modifier As English is a noun-dominated language, the noun phrase has a high frequency in usage .Most noun phrases contain nouns with their attributive modifiers, which can be words ,phrases or clauses. The meaning of the attributive modifier has been greatly enlarged to contain various possibilities or various logical relations between the modifier and the central word, some of which can hardly be expressed in Chinese through the “attributive +the modified “ structure.,Examples: 1) warm weather: weather of fairly high temperature 暖和的天气 warm clothes: clothes that will keep a person warm 保暖的衣服 2)a graphic account : an account that is vivid and full of details 生动的描述 a graphic writer: a writer whose writings are graphic 文笔生动的作家,We can see the attributive modifiers in the first one of these pairs are modifiers in the real sense ,but all the rest obviously imply much more loaded meanings and can be Considered as short or condensed forms (with something omitted).,Now study the following translation and see how the attributive modifiers are translated according to their semantic relations with the modified.,1) As cause (1) There was an amazed silence. Slowly Alexander turned away. 人们一阵惊讶,默不作声,亚历山大慢慢转过身走了。,2) As purpose (1) That is the speech he made at the appreciation banquet. 这是他在答谢宴会上的讲话。 (2) His supervisor was probably already pacing up and down with a dismissal speech rehearsed. 他的上司大概在一边踱步,一边构思着用什么话解雇他。,3)As result (1) Mike leaped to his feet, moving with surprising agility. 迈克纵身跳了起来,动作敏捷的叫人感到吃惊。 (2)He had the terrifying feeling that if he let Mike go, he would be lost. 他知道要是放走了迈克,他会茫然不知所措。想到这一点他心里很害怕。,(3)The reefs loomed in front of them with startling clarity. 暗礁在他们面前慢慢露出了水面,清清楚楚,让人惊骇。 4)Of parallel meaning (1) Alice and Mary stood in quiet sorrwo for some time. 爱丽丝和玛丽伤心的站着,好一阵子谁也没有说话。,Very often attributives are translated into adverbials: 1 She wanted to find a lonely place to shed private tears. 她想找个没人的地方,自己一个人哭一场。 2 We went our separate ways home from the theatre. 我们从戏院出来就各自回家。,There is a saying in English : Adjectives are enemies of nouns. This does not mean adjectives are useless, it is only that they should be used when necessary. If the adjective (attributive modifier) does not offer any additional information that is not contained in the modified, such an adjective would be redundant and should be left out ,such as the attributive modifiers in true facts, an acute crisis. We often hear sayings like 极其疯狂 etc. In most cases ,such modifiers should be left out when translated into English.,不切实际的幻想 Unrealistic fancies / impractical illusions 毫无根据的捏造 Groundless lies 残酷的迫害 Cruel persecution 偶然的巧合 Accidental coincidence 正面引导 Positive guidance 免费的礼物 A free gift,二 The attributive clause The attributive clause ,which does not often function as the attributives but In most cases offers some additional information, especially seen from the semantic view-has a very high frequency in both spoken and written English.,1) This is the rat that ate the malt that lay in the house that Jack built. 这就是那只吃了放在杰克造的屋子里的麦芽的耗子。 2)The doctor examined the rat that carried the flea that harbored the germ that infected the poor Indian. 大夫检查了那只耗子,耗子身上寄生有跳蚤,跳蚤身上则寄生有细菌,这种细菌使那个可怜的印第安人染上了病。 大夫检查了那只寄生有跳蚤的耗子,是跳蚤身上的细菌使得那个可怜的印第安人得病的。,As there is no relative clause in Chinese, it is necessary sometimes to “break up “the original sentence structure and make re-arrangement. This again tells us translation is a kind of re-creation.,英语定语从句的汉译主要有以下四种技巧。 一. 译成前置定语 英语定语从句可以翻译成汉语带“的”字的定语词组,置于被修饰词之前,将原文的主从复合句译成汉语的简单句。这种方法一般用语比较短的限制性定语从句和一些不长的描述性非限制性定语从句。 Before college ,the only people I had ever known who were interested in art or music or literature, the only ones who read books were the mothers and daughters. 上大学前,我所认识的对艺术,音乐或文学感兴趣的人,爱读书的人,统统都是做母亲和做女儿的。,Santayana described leisure as “being at home among manageable things”, and if he was right we who are the chore-doers of the world are the true leisure classes. Santayana 把有线说成“能在家中做些容易完成的事。”如果当真如他所言,那我们这些常坐家务的人就是真正的有闲阶级了。,二 译成并列结构 如果定语从句比较长,起的是对先行项加以描述或补充说明的作用,可译为主句的并列分句。这种并列分句又可以分为重复先行词和省略先行词。,重复先行词 John called Mike ,who did not answer his cell phone. 约翰给迈克打电话,迈克没有接。 When I try to understand what it is that prevents so many Americans from being as happy as one might expect ,it seems to me that there are two causes, of which one goes much deeper than the other. 我想弄清楚为什么那么多美国人不像人们料想的那样快乐,觉得似乎有两个原因,其中一个比另一个深刻得多。,He was born in Germany in 1829,and during the European political turmoil of 1848 decided to take his chances in New York, to which his two brothers already had emigrated. 他于1829年出生于德国,1848年欧洲政治动荡期间,决定去纽约碰碰运气,他的两个哥哥已经移民去了那里。,省略先行词 有时候,如果逻辑语义不点自明的话,译文可以省去先行词。 All he needs Is a place off the ground that can make him master and commander of a little piece of sky. 他所需要的只是离开地面的一个场所,能使他成为一小块天空的主人和指挥官。,三 译成合成独立句 把原文主句中的先行词和定语从句融合在一起,多用于翻译限制性定语从句。 There is something that they long to do or some public object that they long to work for. 他们希望有点事情可做,希望为某项公共事业做点贡献。,I have something important that I want to tell the manager himself. 我有件重要的事情要告诉经理本人。 Scarcely an adventure or character is given in this works that may not be traced to his own party-colored story. 他的作品中几乎没有一桩事件或一个人物不是取材于他一生丰富多彩的生活经历。,四 译成状语 英语中有些定语从句从语法角度看是定语,但在意义上与主句有逻辑状语关系,表明时间,原因,结果,条件,目的,让步等。翻译时,首先要判断主从句之间的逻辑关系,然后再讲定语从句翻译成相应的分句。,1)My publishers, with whom I have excellent relations, always give my new books wide publicity. 由于我和出版商关系很好,他们总是为我的新书广作宣传。 2)The current, which is very rapid, makes the river dangerous. 由于水流很急,这条河很危险。 (adverbials of cause),The thief ,who was about to escape ,was caught by the policemen. 小偷正要逃跑时,被警察抓住了。 (adverbials of time ),As she turned the corner she had a new idea which made her stop at once. 她走到拐角处突然想起一个新主意,于是立刻停了下来。 There are lots of mistakes in this blue print, which has taken us much time to correct. 这张蓝图中的错误很多,我们花了许多时间去改正。 (adverbials of result),The armed rebellion, which looked very serious at first, was soon put down by the government. 这次武装暴乱,尽管开始时显得很严重,很快就被政府平定下去了。 Many American boys who have had few advantages in their youth have worked their way into prominence. 许多美国孩子虽然年轻时并没有多少优越条件,但凭个人努力而出人头地。 (adverbials of concession),He would be a rash man who should venture to forecast the result of this event. 如果有人敢于预测这件事的结果,肯定是鲁莽之徒。 How can anyone hope to be a political leader who doesnt know what the neighborhood are thinking? 一个人不知道自己的左邻右舍想 什么,怎么能指望成为政治领袖呢? (adverbials of condition),The London team, which played so well last season, has done badly this season. 伦敦队上赛季打得挺好的,这个赛季却打得


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