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全球十大蜜月旅游胜地,旅游英语,MADE BY MF,Summer is prime wedding season, which means its also prime honeymoon season. And just as weddings can take a variety of forms from quick-and-dirty city hall ceremonies to opulent events thatd put William and Kate to shame there are various honeymoons you can take to help you celebrate (and recover from) your wedding day. 夏季是个结婚旺季,也是个度蜜月的旺季。从市政厅简单快捷的仪式,到足以令英国王子威廉和王妃凯特相形见绌的奢华典礼,婚礼的形式五花八门。同样的,全球有各种各样的蜜月胜地可供你庆祝新婚,并从紧张忙碌的婚礼中缓过神来。,1. Tahiti 塔西提岛,Famous for its crystal-clear waters, overwater bungalows, and hefty price tag (the airfare alone will likely run $3,000 to $5000 per couple), this South Pacific paradise is the epitome of the (hopefully) once-in-a-lifetime indulgence honeymoons represent. If you and your new spouse are active vacationers, Tahitis for you; the nearby island of Moorea is a fantastic diving spot. If its delicious food you wish to dive into, Tahiti is also for you; local establishments offer a variety of American and Asian cuisines. Where to stay: The InterContinental Resort Tahiti 塔西提岛(Tahiti),又译大溪地,因晶莹透彻的海水、建于水上的房屋以及昂贵的标价(每对夫妇仅机票就需花费3000至5000美元)而著称。这个位于南太平洋上的海岛天堂,展示着每个人一生仅有一次(但愿如此)能够尽情享受的蜜月期缩影。如果你和你的新婚伴侣都是度假爱好者,那么塔西提岛绝对是首选之地;附近的茉莉亚岛(Moorea)是个潜水的好去处。如果你希望置身美食堆中,那么塔西提岛也能满足你。当地餐饮企业会为你提供种类繁多的美洲菜和亚洲菜。,住宿推荐:洲际酒店大溪地度假村,2. Venice 威尼斯,Ah, Venice. The waterlogged Italian citys reputation for romance is irresistible for honeymooners. Its unique architecture and world-famous art (and those gondolas!) helped make it one of the few cities weve seen James Bond visit three times! Tip: dont make this a quick stopover as part of a tour. Venice needs to be experienced, so give yourselves a few days to fully enjoy it or better yet, spend your entire honeymoon there! Where to stay: Venissa Ristorante Ostello 啊!威尼斯!这座因浪漫而享负盛名的意大利水城令蜜月夫妻难以自拔。其独特的建筑和举世闻名的艺术氛围(还有贡多拉)使其成为詹姆士邦德(James Bond)少有踏足三次的城市之一。小贴士:别让自己成为这里的匆匆过客!威尼斯需要用心感受,花几天时间尽情享受吧或者在那里度过你的蜜月期,这是最好不过的了!,住宿推荐:威尼斯奥斯特罗酒店,3. Santorini 圣托里尼,If the bride (or groom) fell in love with this Greek island after seeing Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants, then a honeymoon here can fulfill a lifelong fantasy. The towns of Fira and Oia are the main tourist attractions here. The pics you post of you whiling away the days wandering the cobblestone streets and enjoying the breathtaking sunsets will make your friends jealous. Where to stay: Katikies 如果新娘(或新郎)在观看了牛仔裤的夏天这部电影后爱上了这座希腊小岛,那么在这里度个蜜月将满足其毕生的梦想。 费拉镇(Fira)和伊亚镇(Oia)是该岛的主要旅游景点。将你徜徉希腊小镇、漫步鹅卵石街道、欣赏令人叹为观止的日落美景的照片传到网上去,保准能让你的朋友羡慕嫉妒恨。,住宿推荐:卡缇吉酒店,4. Crete 克里特岛,The largest of the Greek islands. And like Santorini, amazing views abound here. The mountains on the western part of the island and the beaches on the east can accommodate whatever kind of honeymoon adventure you have in mind and its possible to experience both in a day! Where to stay: Ammos Hotel 克里特岛是希腊群岛中最大的岛屿,有着如圣托里尼般迷人的景色。 该岛西部的山脉和东部的海滩可以满足你有关蜜月冒险的所有幻想而且仅需一天,便可同时感受群山与海滩的双重魅力。,住宿推荐:阿缪斯酒店,5. Turks & Caicos 特克斯和凯科斯群岛,Widely known as one of the low-key Caribbean vacation spots, Turks & Caicos is perfect for honeymooners looking to get away from all the other vacationers looking to get away from it all. But this (mostly) hidden gem still features all the good stuff Caribbean vacation spots are known for: beautiful beaches, wonderful diving, and otherworldly blue waters. Where to stay: Grace Bay Club 特克斯和凯科斯群岛作为加勒比海地区一个低调的度假胜地而远近闻名。这里是度蜜月的绝佳去处,能让你避开所有渴望远离尘嚣的度假者。虽然这是个隐蔽的(整体而言)世外桃源,但它仍拥有加勒比海度假胜地广为人知的许多特色:迷人的海滩、绝妙的潜水以及梦幻的蓝色海洋。,6. Cancun 坎昆,There are vacation spots honeymooners flock to for their slow, romantic pace. And then theres Cancun. Popular with collegiate spring breakers and hard partiers of all ages, Cancun is the place to go if you want to keep the wedding reception party going through your honeymoon. Where to stay: Nizuc 全球有许多度假胜地因舒缓浪漫的生活节奏而令大批蜜月新人蜂拥而至,坎昆便是其中之一。坎昆深受放春假的大学生及各年龄层狂欢党的欢迎。如果你想在蜜月期里延续新婚派对上的欢乐时光,那么坎昆绝对是你的不二之选。,住宿推荐:尼祖克酒店,7. Maldives 马尔代夫,Private islands. Miles of ivory beaches. You can dive or snorkel with whale sharks and manta rays by day and stay in a luxury villa with a private plunge pool by night. The nearly 1,200 islands (100 of which house resorts) that make up the Maldives make it a key Indian Ocean honeymoon spot. Where to stay: The Four Seasons Maldives has two properties in the Maldives, Kuda Huraa which is closer to the capital city of Male and LandaaGiraavaru which offers more remote wilderness in the Baa Atoll (be sure to ask for their private sand bar dinner experience). 这里有许多私人岛屿和连绵数英里的的白色海滩,你可以白天和鲸鲨、魔鬼鱼一起潜水,晚上在奢华的别墅里享受私人游泳池的安逸时光。马尔代夫由1200多个岛屿(其中有100多个度假村)组成,这也使其成为印度洋地区的主要蜜月胜地之一。 住宿推荐:马尔代夫四季度假村(Four Seasons Maldives)在马尔代夫有两处产业:一处位于(Male)库达呼拉岛,靠近首都马累;另一处位于兰达吉拉瓦鲁岛(Landaa Giraavaru),拥有更为幽僻的芭环礁(Baa Atoll)原始风光(酒店的私人沙滩晚宴绝不容错过)。,住宿推荐:雅湾俱乐部酒店,8. Fiji 斐济,Honeymooners will find the best diving in the Pacific (and famously friendly locals) in the Fiji Islands. And if you and your new spouse want to have some laughs, bring a volleyball, draw a smiley face on it, and talk to it as if it were a third member of your travel party; Tom HanksCast Awaywas filmed on one of the islands of Fiji. Where to stay: Turtle Island Resort Fiji 蜜月新人们将在斐济群岛上发现太平洋地区最佳的潜水胜地(以及以友好著称的当地人)。如果你和新婚伴侣想要制造点欢乐,那就拿一个排球,画个笑脸,然后把它当做同游的伙伴,跟它聊天;汤姆汉克斯(Tom Hanks)主演的荒岛余生(Cast Away)便是在斐济的一个小岛上拍摄而成的。,住宿推荐:斐济龟岛度假村,9. Seychelles 塞舌尔群岛,115 islands make up this Indian Ocean chain, while diving and beachgoing make up its primary activities. But this is also a good place to s


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