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研究生英语写作3,图表式作文,(二)图表式作文 考研图表作文是通过提供的一组或几组数据来反映某个趋势或某一问题、现象。要求考生对图表中的相关数据进行描述、分析和评论,并得出合乎逻辑的结论。它是将数据、形象信息转换为文字信息的过程。 图表作文要求的不是对图表的简单叙述,而是抓住图表所反映的主要问题。因为图表式作文所要讨论的现象和问题都隐含在数据里,所以考生常会感到比较难写。因此要想抓住主旨,就要分析图表中那些最有代表性、规律性的数字,或变化大的数字。它的写作误区是报流水账,对数据面面俱到,却不能指出图表所反映的中心,也不能利用数据进行有力的论证。,常见的图表类型有: 表格(Table) ,它表示多种事物的相互关系;它可以使大量数据系统化,便于阅读、比较。表格常由标题(Title)、表头(Boxhead)(表格的第一行)、侧目(Stub)(表格左边的第一列)和主体(Body)部分(表格的其余部分)等部分组成。 用表格表达的信息具体准确,而且表格中的各项均按一定规律排列。阅读表格时要注意找出表格中各个项目的相互关系,表格中各个项目的变化规律 。,曲线图(Line graph)也称为线性图或坐标图。它常表示两个变量之间关系的发展过程和趋势。一般来说,曲线所呈现的形状比某一点所代表的变量的值更有意义。曲线图有横轴和纵轴。一般先看横轴所代表的数量或时间等,然后再看纵轴所显示的意义。同时必须找出线条所反映的最高或最低的变化 ;,柱状(Bar graph)也称为条形图或立柱图,它用来表示几种事物的变化情况及相互关系。条形图由宽度相同但长度不同的条块代表不同的量。当要比较几个项目或量时,常用不同颜色来区分。条形图主要用来表示:1)同一项目在不同时间的量;2)同一时间不同项目的量。阅读条形图时,要先看图例,再看横轴、纵横各代表什么量,每一个刻度所代表的值是多少,最后找出图中各长条所表示的数据及各长条间的相互关系。,饼状(Pie chart)图,也称为圆形图或圆面分割图,表示各事物在总体中所占的比例及相互关系。整个圆表示总量,楔形块表示分量。有时圆形图还有数值表,两者结合可把各分量表示得更准确、清楚。,三图一表-柱状图(Bar Graph)、线形图(Line Graph)、饼状图(Pie Graph)、表格(Table),考研真题回顾,(1997-2012 ) 给提纲的图画或图表作文(writing based on visual information or pictures or graphs) (从2010年开始出现英语一和英语二区分) (1991-1996)提纲式作文或主题句作文 (writing based on given outline or opening sentences ),2012 48 write an essay based on the following table .In your writing you should 1)describe the table ,and 2)give your comments You should write at least 150 words (15points),2011试题2 2008、2009年国内轿车市场部分【品牌份额示意图】,2010年考研英语2,根据以上图表作文来看,一般在图表题目中给出作文的标题和一个或几个统计表格、圆形图、曲线图或条形图,有时还用英文或中文提纲的形式给出提示,要求我们: 1)用文字描述图表,客观解释图表中所传递的信息,并找出某种规律或趋势; 2)就图表中所反映的某种趋势或问题分析其原因或后果。,故,写图表作文时,常采用三段式的谋篇方式,文章的第一段往往分析图表中的数据变化反映什么问题或趋势,概述图表所揭示的信息。第二段分析造成这一问题或趋势的原因。第三段则展望未来的情况或提出解决问题的办法或建议。 这一结构可以简述为: 第一段:概述图表反映的主题思想 第二段:分析产生的原因 第三段:展望未来或提出方法或建议,图表类文章写作逻辑结构: Paragraph I: (1)描述图表:趋势描写; (2)描述图表:必要数据支持(细节性)。Paragraph II: (1)提出自己理由和观点;(2)细节性分论点(支持自己观点)。 Paragraph III: (1)预测未来和提出解决方法; (2)总结全文和表达作者自己观点。,图表式作文的描述方法: 第一种情况:横向对比。描述这种图表需要对比各数据间的差别,主要以数值、倍数、排列等方式来描述。 常用句型: A department has the lowest sales figure in the three departments,followed by the B department and C department. The figure of A is about twice as much as that of B. The income from sales is 10 million,making the company the highest one in sales. The As income reaches 20 million,which is in the middle of the list.,第二种情况:纵向说明。只要指出不同单位之间的比较,描述如何增减,增减幅度如何,反映出什么问题,就可以了。描述这样的图表时,可用以下词汇和句型: The rise lasted for two weeks and then began to level off in June. The trend/increase slowed down in May. The trend of increasing working hours began to gain momentum in January. (开始走强) Prices went up by 50%, but the number of smokers maintained. It picked up speed at the end of this year.,第三种情况:纵向、横向均有的说明。这种图表不仅要注意同一事物的变化趋势,也要注意不同事物之间的差距及变化。 表示百分比常用句型: It accounts for 30% of the total population. There are 4 members with masters degrees,making up nearly a quarter of the workforce. Doctors make up 40% of the staff in the hospital.,表示增长率的常用句型: The figure of income increased by about 200% as compared with ten years ago. The number of students has reached 200,indicating a rise of 4%,compared to last year. 常用词汇及表达法:increase,decrease,rise,fall,slow down,level off,pick up speed,maintain,drop,the trend reverses,decline,gain/lose momentum, a steady/ substantial(实质性的)increase,a minor/slight/dramatic drop。,其它图表式作文的常用句型: The curves show_in a certain year. It can be seen that _ (sth) fluctuates quite substantially in this year. It just increases slightly. The pie charts show the changes_in some place in 1999 It can be seen from the chart that the proportions of A and B are going down, though the falling level of the latter is a lot higher/lower than that of the former.,The expansion is more noticeable during the second half of the 8-year period. It falls from 30% of the staff in 1990 to 20% in 1998 and then the trend reverses, finishing at 34% in 2000. And A is higher than B except for the months June to September._drops dramatically from about_in January to_in June. The falling trend levels off from_to_,_(sth) goes all the way up to_and then it begins to drop to.,2010 sample In this chart, we can see the mobile phone subscriptions in developed countries have a steady and slight increase from 1990 to 2007 and then remain constant in 2008. Meanwhile the mobile phone subscriptions in developing countries have witnessed a slow increase from 1990 to 2004 and then a great surge from 2004 to 20007: the biggest surge happens from 2005 to 2006.,This chart reflects different developing modes of mobile phone industry in developed and developing countries. The developed countries have a limited number of populations, most of whom are well-educated. Therefore, the spreading of the mobile phone service is efficient and soon the market is saturated. Also at the beginning the developed countries have more people who can afford this service. The developing countries have a large population who keeps a large demand for mobile service. As the mobile phone service becomes cheaper and cheaper, the increasing customers subscribe to benefit from this service.,As discussed above, it is not surprising to see this change. In my opinion, this trend that the number of mobile-phone subscriptions is increasingly increasing will continue for a while in the future.,Sample 1 What can be clearly seen from the chart above is the proportion of cars sold in domestic market. In general, the figures reveal that the percentage of China-made autos increased from 25 percent in 2008 to nearly 35 percent in 2009, while Japan-made cars ran in the opposite direction. Notably, the percentage of U.S.-made cars remained at about 15% stably during that period。,What on earth can be learned from this chart? Studying it further, we may find that simple as it appears, what the illustrator actually aim to convey is by no means simple - home-made autos are becoming increasingly popular among domestic consumers. Indeed, the past couple of years has witnessed an marked rise of the quality of China-made cars. Extensive studies show that cars of foreign brands make up a falling percentage of the market share。,It should be observed, of course, that home-made products will enjoy a much higher proportion in both domestic and overseas market. I am confident that so long as the whole society make substantial and sustainable efforts, our country will surely be better。,Sample 2 The chart reflects changes in domestic market share of automobiles of Chinese, Japanese and US brand in 2008 and 2009. As is shown in the chart, the market share of home-made automobile increased from 25% to 33%, almost an increase by 50%. In contrast, the Japanese-made automobile was on the decline from 35% to 25%, a decrease by nearly 50%. Meanwhile, the USmade automobiles remain stable in the market share。,Several factors may account for the market share change of the chart. The increase in home-made automobile market share is at least closely related to the following three factors. First, in 2009, Chinese government is enhancing favorable policies to improve domestic automobile production. Meanwhile, we can see that Geely merged with Volvo in 2009, which contributes to the increase of home-made automobile market share. Another obvious evidence we can find is that the poor after-service policy of Japanese automobile toward domestic market, which irritated us Chinese consumers. And the US market policies remain unchanged in this period。,In brief, the trend suggests that as long as we are improving our strategy and service, the home-made automobiles will continue to take a lions share of the auto-market. We look forward to that day。,1996 Directions: A Study the following set of pictures carefully and write an essay in no less than 120 words. B Your essay must be written clearly on the ANSWER SHEET. (15 points) C Your essay should cover all the information provided and meet the requirements below: 1. Interpret the following pictures. 2. Predict the tendency of tobacco consumption and give your reasons.,Sample 1 About Tobacco Consumption From the above set of pictures, we can see that there were a total of 14.364 billion pounds of tobacco produced in 1994 and 14.2 billion pounds in 1995. Because the amount of tobacco production is falling yearly, it can be predicted that the tendency of tobacco consumption would also be falling yearly.,There are many reasons. Firstly, smoking wastes money. Every year there are two hundred billion dollars “burnt” in the cigarette “fire.” Secondly, smoking would hardly do people any good and it can even cause cancer. Every year there are three million people “buried” in the cigarette “tomb”.,Although tobacco consumption is falling, there are too many people who smoke. The population in the world is 5.8 billion, but about twenty percent of the population, that is to say 1.1 billion people, smoke. So the situation is serious and the movement against smoking is still a difficult task.,Sample 2 We meet smokers everywhere: in the streets, on college campuses and in shops. There are 5.8 billion people in the world, and the smokers are about 1.1 billion, which makes up 20 percent of the worlds total population.,Smoking is very harmful. I think there are two main aspects to the damage. First, smoking consumes a great deal of money. As is shown in the pictorial graph, smiling wastes 200 billion dollars each year in the world. Second, smoking does harm to the health of smokers, and it is the main cause of lung cancer. About 3 million people die because of the relevant diseases derived from smoking every year.,Because more and more people are aware of the great harm of smoking to humans, the amount of tobacco consumption is on the decrease. From the following figures we can clearly see the tendency. The total amount of world tobacco production added up to 14.364 billion pounds in 1994, but it dropped to 14.2 billion pounds in 1995. At the same time, many countries call on people to give up smoking. So it is certain that the number of smokers is to decrease.,1999 76. Directions: A Study the following graphs carefully and write an essay in at least 150 words. B Your essay must be written neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2. (15 points) C Your essay should cover these three points: 1. effect of the countrys growing human population on its wildlife 2. possible reason for the effect 3. your suggestion for wildlife protection,From the two graphs, we can draw a conclusion that the rapid growth of the U.S. population resulted in the sharp decline of the number of species of wildlife. According to the statistics, Americas population of 250 million in 1990 is 250 times that of in 1800. In contrast, about 70 wildlife species vanished from the earth in the past 200 years. In other words, Americas popu


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