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医学院校硕士研究生英语 听与说,首都医科大学应用语言学系,English for Master Students in Medical Universities,Department of Applied Linguistics Capital Medical University,Unit 2,Section A Traveling and Public Transportation Section B Chronic Kidney Disease,Section A Traveling and Public Transportation,I Reference Answer I Brainstorming 1. E 2. B 3. D 4. C 5. A,Carpool Day pass Double-decker Congestion charging,Section A Traveling and Public Transportation,III Monologue 1. A 2. C 3.D 4. A 5. D IV Conversation T 2. T 3. F 4.T 5.T VI Passage Passage 1 1.C 2.A 3.B 4.A 5.D,Section A Traveling and Public Transportation,Passage 2 Exercise 1 1. to imagine life without a subway 2. even though you cant see its tunnels from the street. 3. were moving to the cities, couldnt carry them all. 4. cities and their transportation systems ran out of room. 5. became congested and dangerous, grew increasingly difficult.,Section A Traveling and Public Transportation,6. with above-ground mass transit. 7. from place to place, with horses, carts and the first cars 8. to relieve the congestion, led to violence. 9. that theyd have to build a new system of transportation, to put this system under the city. 10. more than 160, overcrowding, pollution or urban sprawl,Section A Traveling and Public Transportation,VII Speech 1the Nations Capital 2enjoyable 3a treasure trove 429,000 5preservation law 6heritage and appeal 7a pleasing mix,Section A Traveling and Public Transportation,8trendy shops 9the rich diversity of 10specialty restaurants 11or revel in 12the renowned Metrorail system 13Through this Internet site 14visiting us in person 15your next vacation an unforgettable one.,Section B Chronic Kidney Disease,Reference Answer Part I Word Building Power I. Nephric 肾的,关于或属于肾的 nephritis肾炎 nephritogenic 致肾炎的 nephrogram 肾X线照片 nephrography 肾X线造影术 nephrologic 肾的,肾病学的 nephrologist 肾病学家 nephrology肾病学,Section B Chronic Kidney Disease,nephrocalcinosis 肾钙质沉着 nephron 肾单位 nephrosis 肾变病 renography 肾造影术 renovascular 肾血管的,与肾的血管有关的,Section B Chronic Kidney Disease,hydronephrosis 肾盂积水 hydrocephalus 脑积水 hydrocolloid 水胶体,水胶囊 hydrodynamics 流体力学 hydromyelia 脊髓积水 hydrophobia 狂犬病 hydrotherapy 水疗法,Section B Chronic Kidney Disease,sclerosis 硬化症 scleroderma 硬皮病 scleroskeleton 硬化骨骼 sclerotherapy 硬化疗法 sclerotic 硬的,硬化的,Section B Chronic Kidney Disease,II. H 2. D 3. F 4. B 5. G 6. C 7. E 8. A,Section B Chronic Kidney Disease,III. glomerular filtration rate (GFR): 肾小球滤过率。 血浆流经肾小球生成超滤液的速率,以毫升/分钟或升/天表示。一个标准成人的正常值为130ml/分钟或180L/天。 chronic dialysis:血液透析。也叫做maintenance dialysis. 该透析指的是为维持生命或等待肾移植所做的间歇性或周期性血液或腹膜透析。与之相关联的透析还包括acute dialysis(急性透析,在有限时间内为急性肾衰发作所做的透析)、periodic dialysis( 周期性透析,有规律进行的血液或腹膜透析,一般为每周三次),Section B Chronic Kidney Disease,water balance: 水平衡,指身体对水的摄入和排出的平衡状态。 radio-opaque stone:不透X-射线的结石。指结石对X-射线或其他放射线相对不可透的,其所吸收的射线在放射照相或荧光屏上可以显像。 intravenous pyelography:also called intravenous urography, 静脉内尿路造影术,指的是当静脉内注射的含碘造影剂从尿中排除后,做泌尿道X线照相术。,Section B Chronic Kidney Disease,Part II listening and doing I 1. What is Chronic kidney disease? Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is defined as either kidney damage or a decreased kidney glomerular filtration rate (GFR) lower than 60 mL/min for 3 or more months.,Section B Chronic Kidney Disease,2. What is the most common cause of death in the dialysis patients? The most common cause of death in the dialysis population is cardiovascular disease.,Section B Chronic Kidney Disease,3. What are the helpful ways to reveal findings characteristic of the CKD? The helpful ways include plain abdominal x-ray, intravenous pyelography, renal ultrasound, renal radionuclide scan, CT scan, IV contrast-enhanced CT scans, MRI, magnetic resonance angiography and renal arteriography.,Section B Chronic Kidney Disease,4. What are the treatments of the patients with CKD? The treatments include the following like delaying or halting progression of CKD, treating pathologic manifestations of CKD, and timely planning for chronic renal replacement therapy.,Section B Chronic Kidney Disease,II. 1.T 2. F 3. T 4. F 5. F,Section B Chronic Kidney Disease,III. 1. A 2. C 3. D 4. B 5. D,Section B Chronic Kidney Disease,IV. 1. Plain abdo
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