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,English,Reading,and its history,Language points,1. throughout history 在整个历史进程中 2. That is why 这就是为什么 3. confusing rules 令人困惑不解的规则 4. be made up of 由组成 5. rules and vocabulary 规则和词汇,Paragraph 1,That is why English is a language with so many confusing rules. (p22) 正因为如此,英语才成了一种具有许多令人困惑不解的规则的语言。 1. 问题是我们找不到合适的时间。 The problem was that we couldnt find a suitable time. 2. 我们学校不再是以前的样子了。 Our school is no longer what it used to be. 3. 这是鲁迅曾经生活过的地方。 That is where Lu Xun once lived.,The traditional view is _ we sleep because our brain is “programmed” to make us do so. (2007上海) A. when B. why C. whether D. that,The English language is made up of the rules and vocabulary each group of people brought to Britain with them. (p22),英语是由每个进入不列颠的人群所说语言中的规则和词汇构成的。,Each class in our school is made up of fifty-five students.,be made up of由组成(主动为make up),Fifty-five students make up each class in our school.,我们学校每个班由55名学生组成。,1. 编造 Make up a story. 2. 补足,弥补 我们需要五十元以弥补损失。 We need $50 to make up the loss. 3. 化装 她花了一个多小时才打扮好。 It took her more than an hour to make herself up.,make up,Someone is coming, but I cant make out who it is.,Can you make this length of cloth into a suit?,Desks can be made of wood. Wine is made from rice.,由制成,弄懂,分辨,把制成,Its the sort of work that _ a high level of concentration. (2007山东) A. calls for B. makes up C. lies in D. stands for,Everybody in the village likes Jack because he is good at telling and _ jokes (2005江苏) A. turning up B. putting up C. making up D. showing up,each They each have an English dictionary. =Each of them has an English dictionary. Therere many tall buildings on each/ either side of the street.,注意,主谓语单复数的不同及原因,注意,不可用every, every用于三者或三者以上。,1. invade 2. mixwith 3. create 4. It is certain that 5. consist of 6. .find it hard to decide which words 7. This is because,Old English,侵入,侵略 诺曼人于1066年入侵英国。 The Normans invaded England in 1066. 侵犯,侵扰 侵犯某人的权利 invade sbs rights 拥入,大批进入 这个城市涌来了一批游客。 The town was invaded by a crowd of tourists. (疾病等)侵袭 这种疾病侵袭了他的身体。 The disease invaded his body. invasion n.,invade,They each had their own language and Anglo-Saxon (the base of Old English) developed from mixing these languages with Celtic. (p22) 这三个日尔曼部落分别有自己的语言,作为古英语基础的盎格鲁-撒克逊语就是在这三种语言与凯尔特语相交汇的过程中发展起来的。 使混和,搀和,混淆,搞混 mix joy with sorrow. Oil doesnt mix with water.,mix . with .,喜悲交集,油和水不能混合。,mix up 使弄不清;使混乱;混淆;,His explanation just mixed me up more. I always mix up the twins.,我总是把这对双胞胎弄混。,他的解释令我更加糊涂了。,Its certain that 肯定,一定(此处不可用 sure) 他明天肯定会来。 Its certain that he will come tomorrow. He is sure /certain to come tomorrow. be certain / sure of / about 对有把握 在英语学习方面他对语法把握不大。 He is not certain/ sure of grammar in English learning. 某一位,某个 A certain Mr. Li called on you yesterday.,The language consisted of an Anglo-Saxon base plus words from the languages of Denmark and Norway. 它以盎格鲁-撒克逊语为基础,加上丹麦语和挪威语的词汇构成。,consist of / be made up of 由构成;包含,这个研究小组由两名中国科学家和三名美国专家组成。 The research team consists of two Chinese scientists and three American experts. 联合王国包括大不列颠与北爱尔兰。 The United Kingdom consists of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.,plus:加,加上(介词)added to Two plus five is seven.,When we speak English today, we sometimes find it hard to decide which words or phrases to use. (p22) 如今,我们在说英语时,有时发现很难确定到底该选哪些单词或词组。,it,1. It is quite difficult to find ones family history. 2. Do you consider it necessary to send more people to help them? 3. It was at midnight that he heard a crying softly.,The chairman thought _necessary to invite Professor Smith to speak at the meeting . (2005全国) A. that B. it C. this D. him It wasnt until nearly a month later _ I received the managers reply. (2005全国) A. since B. when C. as D. that,The doctor advised Vera strongly that she should take a holiday, but _ didnt help. ( 2005全国III ) Ait Bshe Cwhich DHe It was some time _ we realized the truth. (2005山东) A. when B. until C. since D. before,1. contribute to 2. take control of 3. replace 4. despite 5. have an impact on 6. result in 7. raise 8. adopt,Middle English,Many factors contributed to the development of this new type of English.,很多因素使得英语发展成这种新的类型。,It was believed that smoking had contributed to his early death.,人们相信是抽烟使他过早死亡。,contribute to,1) 为造成某一结果而作出贡献; 促成的因素:,锻炼能促成更强健的体魄。,Exercise contributes to better health.,caused,Many people are willing to contribute their money to Hope Project.,2) 捐(款);捐献;投稿 contribute/donate to ,He contributed an article to China Daily.,许多人愿意把他们的钱捐赠给希望工程。,他为中国日报撰写了一篇文章。,contribution n.,make great contributions to,对作出巨大贡献,under control 在控制之下; out of control 失去控制 lose control of 失去控制 The English conquered this country and took control of it. 英国人征服了这个国家并掌控了它。 The fire lasted half an hour before it was under control. 大火持续了半小时才得到控制。 He lost control of the plane. 他控制不了飞机了。,take control of,1) 代替(take the place of) Electric lights have replaced candles. 电灯已经取代了蜡烛。 2) 放回原处 报纸读完后请放回原处。 When you have finished reading the newspaper, please replace it.,replace,despite prep.= in spite of 不管,尽管,任凭 尽管他病了,他还去上班。 He went to work despite his illness. 尽管他年事已高,他还在学驾驶。 Despite the advanced years, he is learning to drive. 虽然他花费了许多时间,但是他就是不擅长音乐。 He is not good at music despite the fact that he has spent much time on it.,despite,In spite of,Despite such a big difference in _ towards what one eats, there is no doubt that people in the west regard the Chinese food as something special. (2007湖北) A. point B. idea C. attitude D. sight,have an impact on 对有影响,他的思想对他后来的研究有很大影响。 His ideas had a great impact on the research afterwards. 那一刻他的话对你有怎样的影响? What kind of impact did his words have on you at that moment?,have an impact on,result in=lead to/cause 导致结果 他的粗心致使比赛失败了。 His carelessness resulted in the loss of the game. result from由于而产生;作为.的结果 Sickness often results from eating too much. 因为吃得太多而病了。 as a result of 由于的结果 as a result 结果 由于下大雨,我们得呆在家里. We had to stay at home as a result of the heavy rain. =It rained heavily. As a result, we had to stay at home.,As a result of the serious flood, two-thirds of the buildings in the area . (2007陕西) A. need repairing B. needs to repair C. needs repairing D. need to repair,At this point, many English people worked as servants who raised animals and cooked for the Normans. 在此期间, 很多英国人沦为诺曼人的仆人, 他们为诺曼人饲养牲畜, 给他们做饭。 raise v.饲养; 养育 How did you manage to raise such a big family on such small income? 你是如何设法用这么少的收入养活这么一个大家庭的。,raise,Raise your right hand if you can answer my question. In order to make everyone hear him clearly, he raised his voice. They are going to raise money for the school buildings.,at this/that point 在这时/那时,举起,提高,筹集,就在那时我认出他来了。,At that point, I recognized him.,Translations,By the latter half of the 14th century, English was adopted by all classes in England. (p23) 到14世纪后半叶,英国各阶层都使用了英语。 vt. 采用;采纳;吸收 校长决定采纳她的建议。 The headmaster decided to adopt her suggestions. 他采用了我们的教学方法。 He adopted our methods of teaching. 过继,收养 许多美国家庭收养孩子。 Many American families adopt children.,adopt,Students are not allowed to talk in class. Our class is made up of 54 students. Most people in Japan think they belong to the middle class. She belonged to that class of people, who only think of themselves. The school is very famous, in fact, I think it is among the first-class schools.,English was adopted by all classes.,1. undergo 2. style 风格 3. dialect 方言 4. process 进程,过程 5. depend on,Modern English,Pronunciation also underwent huge changes during this period. (p23) 在此期间,英语发音也经历了巨大变化。 undergo-underwent-undergone vt. (1) 经历;经受;忍受 在取得成功之前你可能得忍受失望和失败之苦。 You may have to undergo disappointment and failure before achieving success. (2) 接受(治疗,检查等) 所有新来的都要接受体检。 All the freshmen will undergo a medical examination.,undergo,There are many different dialects of English depending on where people live. (p25) 依人们居住地的不同,方言有很多不同的种类。 相信;信赖(+on/upon) 你可以相信他。 You can depend on him. Jane is a person to be depended upon. 依靠,依赖 (+on/upon) 好的身体要靠优质的食品,新鲜的空气和足 够的睡眠。 Health depends on good food, fresh air and enough sleep.,depend on,- Are you going? - It all depends. =It / That / depends. It depends on whether you want to do it or not.,(口语)看情况,依而定;取决于 (+on/upon) 价格取决于质量。 The price depends on the quality.,Choosing the right dictionary depends on _ you want to use it for. (2007江苏) A. what B. why C. how D. whether, Could I use your computer for a few moments, please? . Im not using it myself. (2007陕西) A. Come on B. It depends C. Go ahead D. Thats great,1. 这就是为何英语是一种有许多令人困惑不解的规则的语言。 2. 英语是由每个进入不列颠的人群所说语言中的规则和词汇构成的。,Thats why English is a language with so many confusing rules.,The English language is made up of the rules and vocabulary each group of people brought to Britain with them.,3. 他们分别有自己的语言,盎格鲁-撒克逊就是在这三种语言与凯尔特语相交汇的过程中发展起来的。,They each had their own language and Anglo-Saxon developed from mixing these languages with Celtic.,4. 他们所创造的语言就是我们今天所称的古英语。,The language they created is what we now call Old English.,5. 事实上如果我们现在听了古英语也肯定听不懂了。 6. 这是因为英语中有许多对单词和词组有相近的意思。,In fact it is certain that we would not be able to understand it if we heard it today.,This is because many pairs of words and phrases have similar meanings in English.,7. 很多因素使得英语发展成这种新的类型。 8. 早期的侵略后,凯尔特语被替换成英语。 9. 法语却没有取代英语而成为英国的第一语言。,Many factors contributed to the development of this new type of English.,After the earlier invasion, Celtic had been replaced with English.,French did not replace English as the first language.,1


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