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Unit Two,Company Structure 公司的组织结构,Part I Text A,Task 1 Human Resources 人力资源部 Marketing 市场部 Sales 销售部 Administrative 行政部 Finance 财政部 Research and Development 研发部,Recruiting, training and looking after the benefits of the staff Market research, product creation and advertising campaign Selling products and communicating with customers Managing operational affairs of a company Making budget, keeping accounts and dealing with financial matters Doing market/product research, designing products, conducting experiment and customizing products,Task 2,campaign (系列)活动 logistics 物流 welfare 福利 recruitment 招聘 supervisor 主任,主管 administration 行政,Mini Text Organization Chart 组织系统图,Task 3,The Marketing Department is responsible for market research, product creation and advertising campaign. The Sales Department is responsible for selling products and communicating with customers. Supervisor Junior Manager Senior Manager The Human resources Department looks after recruitment and training of new employees Unilever. (联合利华,总部在荷兰,英国),Phrases and Expressions,1. regardless adj.不顾的, 不注意的 adv. 不顾 She is determined to do regardless of all consequences. 她不顾一切后果,决心这样做。 I protested, but she carried on regardless. 我极力反对,但她置之不理仍一意孤行。 They decorated the house regardless of cost. 他们不惜工本装修这栋房子。,New Words,2. encounter n.意外的相见,邂逅, 遭遇 v.遭遇, 遇到, 偶然碰到 meet, encounter, face, contact 这些动词均有“遇见、会见、碰见”之意。 meet: 普通用词,本义指双方或多方从不同方向或相反方向作相对运动,最终相碰(遇)。 encounter: 通常指遇到困难或挫折,也指偶然或意 外地相遇。 face: 侧重双方静止地面对面,或指充满勇气、信心和决心去正视人或事。 contact: 多指通过书信、电话或直接会面和别人联系,口语用词。,His encounter with the guard dog had completely unnerved him. 他遇上了警卫犬,把他吓坏了。 I encountered an old friend at Rome. 我在罗马邂逅了一个老朋友。,3. conflict n. 冲突, 战斗, 矛盾, 斗争 vi. 冲突, 抵触, 争执 There has always been some conflict between the sexes. 两性之间从来就有矛盾。 If so, your points of view are bound to conflict with his. 如果这样的话,你的观点一定会和他的起冲突。,4. bump v. 碰撞, 颠簸而行, 提高 n. 肿块, 撞击, 表面隆起 adv. 突然的,猛烈的,We bumped up and down along the gravel path. 我们沿砾石小路颠簸而行。 Ive bumped my knee on the wall. 我的膝盖撞上了墙壁。 He fell down with a bump. 他噗通一声倒了下去。,5. credit n. 信用, 荣誉, 贷款, 学分, 赞扬, 电影等的)演职员名单 vt. 归功于, 赞颂, 信任, 记入贷方 It is greatly to your credit that you gave back the money you found; your honesty does you credit. 你拾金不昧是非常难能可贵的; 你很诚实,应该受表扬。 The bank refused further credits to the company. 银行拒绝再贷款给这家公司。 He is a credit to the family. 他是家族中的光荣。,6. quote v.引述, 报价, 举证 n.引用 It was quoted 5 dollars. 这在市面上开价5美元。 He quotes the Bible to support his beliefs. 他引用圣经来支持他的信仰。 The price they quoted was very low. 他们报的价很低。,7. be armed with 用 . 武装起来; 装备有; 带着 The new battleship shall be armed with 16-inch guns. 新战舰将以16英寸口径的大炮武装起来,8. in return 作为回报,作为报答 Ill let you borrow it on one condition (that) you lend me your bicycle in return. 我借给你也行,但有个条件,你得把你的自行车借给我。 I sent him a present in return for his help. 我送给他一份礼物以回报他的帮助。,Text A Cross-Departmental Conflicts and Communication 跨部门的矛盾和沟通,Para 1,不论我在那里工作,不论在什么国家的什么地区,有一种情况是几乎所有的公司都比较常见的 在销售,物流,和行政管理之间的各种程度的内部冲突。 先让我们看看下面的对话。,Para 2,distribution 分配,派送, blast into my office 冲入我办公室 at the eleventh hour 在最后一刻 with an emergency delivery 紧急发货 on a first-out 第一个送出,快速输出 He is always armed with every reason 他总是备有一个理由。 bump another customers order 挤出另外客户的订单 slide his customer in its place 插队,Para 3,salesperson 推销人员 the biggest hurdle I face everyday 我每天面临的最大的障碍 He has never grasped the concept of customer service. 他从来也没有掌握到“服务客户”的概念。 take care of my customers needs 照顾(满足)我的顾客的需求 get on a schedule按照时间安排表,Para 4,credit manager 信贷部经理 a bunch of grade school kids 一帮小学生 fill out their credit applications properly 正确地填写他们的贷款申请 to correct their mistakes 纠正(修改)他们的错误 customers are forever refusing to pay invoices because theyre priced differently from the prices they were quoted. 顾客老是拒绝按照发票付款,因为他们当时得到的报价与发票上的价格不一样。,Para 6,Whats contributing to so much hostility are customer-service related. 所有促成这么多敌意的东西都是和客服相关的。 contribute to 促成,对做贡献 Does smoking contribute to lung cancer? 吸烟会导致肺癌吗? Honesty and hard work contribute to success and happiness. 诚实加苦干有助于成功和幸福。,Para 7,See Kevin as a selfish and inconsiderate salesperson 视Kevin为一个自私又不考虑别人的销售人员 By nature, many salespeople are better at building customer relationships than they are at paperwork. 本质上,许多销售人员就更擅长于建立良好的客户关系,而不擅长笔头工作。,Para 8,However, Kevin is also an internal customer to distribution and administration. 然而,Kevin也是一位内部客户专管分配和行政。 In return, distribution and administration are also internal customers of the sales force. 作为回报,配送和行政也是销售部门的客户。,Para 8,Without their willingness to service customers,salespeople are helpless. 没有他们愿意帮忙来一起服务顾客, 只靠销售人员公司是无法运作的。 willingness n. 愿意,意愿, willing adj. 愿意的,情愿的,Para 9,It helps when employees in various departments take time to understand /that different talents are required to perform different jobs, and that they have the common goal serving their customers, both external and internal/. 让各个部门的职员都静下来想想下面事实,也许会帮助大家相互理解:不同的工作需要不同的能力;公司各个不同部门都有一个共同的目标,就是服务好外面的和内部的各位顾客。,Task 4,1. conflicts n.矛盾,冲突 2. prima donnas n. 妄自尊大, 3. hurdle n. 障碍 4. applications n. 应用 5. hostility n. 敌意,对立 6. regardless of 不管,不顾,Text B Learning Style 学习风格,What is learning style? 学习风格的定义 学习风格是指学习的不同学习方法和学习策略,包括方法,计划,和教师所采用的学习材料。 也就是说,学习风格指学习者所偏好的“学什么”和“怎么学”。 refer to 指,参考 adopt v. 采用,采取,领养,Type One:Activist 积极主动者,Take on new problems,experiences and challenges 接受(承担)新问题,新经历,新挑战 To solve problems through brainstorming 通过集体出点子来解决问题,Work with other people so that you get ideas, improvements, and encouragement from them. 和其他人共事,这样他们给你出主意,让你改进,提高,他们还给你鼓励。 Through collaboration, your teammates help you identify your own mistakes and share the workload with you. 通过合作,你的队友们帮助你认识错误,并分享你的工作任务。,Type Two: Theorist 理论家 They like to engage in asking question, think through problems step-by-step, and analyze possible reasons and theories behind. 他们喜欢提出问题,一步一步地彻底考虑问题,分析问题背后的原因和理论。 direct(pay) attention to doing or learning a particular area 集中注意力做(学习)某一个特定领域,Type Three: Pragmatist 实干家,实用主义者 When they encounter things they like, they are enthusiastic and act qui


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