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,针对学生动词词形填空失分较多的问题,特总结以下笔记。课上已反复讲解,学生应该已经熟记于心。 根据考察的动词变化类型共分为4类 本笔记非常重要,还适用于 单选题,完形填空题,词形填空提,选词填空题,汉译英和作文。,1. 动词原形,1.情态动词(can,may,must,have to)后必须用动原 2.固定搭配动词组 1.help sb do sth 2. make sb do sth 3. let sb do sth (特别注意let him help you),2. 动词三单(注意以下变化规则),以s, sh, ch,x结尾的动词 要加 es 以辅音字母加y结尾的动词要变y 为i加es relaxes, watches, washes, teaches, studies,3.动词要加ing的,1.动词后 like/love/practice doing 2.介词后 的动词一定要加ing 如: be good at doing help sb with doing think about doing(考虑做某事) think of doing (如何看待做某事) 3. 现在进行时 be(am,is,are) doing,4. to do 不定式,1. 动词固定搭配 want/like/love/need/wish to do learn to do 2. 宾语补足语 want sb to do sth tell sb(not) to do sth ask sb(not) to do sth teach sb to do sth need sb to do sth,3. to do 做主语的三个“骨头架子” It is(Its)+adj.+( for sb)+ to do It is(Its)+n. + to do It takes sb some time to do 4.to do表目的 I ride a bike to get to school. I need one hour to practice English. Parents make rules to help us. This helps them to live. The students go on a ropeway to cross the river.,5. to do 做后置定语 Its a good place to see animals. The school needs help to teach music. I dont have time to watch TV.,学习过的后置定语,1. to do不定式 Its a good place to see animals. The school needs help to teach music. 2. 介词短语 for the students in one small village in China We are students from Thailand. Elephants can remember places with food and water. There is still no place like home. 3.其他 There are a lot of things you can do. We must not buy things made of ivory.,1.Its interesting for him_(play) soccer. 2.He wants_(save) the pandas. 3.Its a good idea(主意)_(remember) places with food and water. 4.My mother always makes me_(do) the dishes. 5. I need _(cut) down the trees. 6. I really want him_(follow) the rules.,7. Does he have_(be) on time? 8. Let him_(clean) the room for you. 9.Let me help him_(open) the door. 10. Mary, _( not do) your homework at home. 11.He likes_(sleep) all day. 12.It takes him half an hour_(finish) his homework.,13. He usually _(relax) on weekends. 14. I need five minutes _(get) dressed. 15. Why dont you think about_(swim) for half an hour? 16.She is good at_(make) rules. 17. The school needs help _(teach) music. 18.Dont practice_(speak) English here. 19. Our school _(be strict) with the students. 20 You cant _(be) late for school.,21. Tom, please_(be)_(friend) to your classmates. 22. Please_(not do) the dishes now. 23. My father tells me_(not play) computer games. 24. This is really a good place_(have) a holiday. 25. Mary doesnt have any time_(clean) the room 26. Her mother wishes_(make) rules_(help)her_(be) a good girl. 27. How long does it take him _(finish) his homework? 28. she really _(wish)_(be) a teacher. 29. I need_(teach) her how_(learn)English. 30. Either they or Tom_(run) now, right?,现在进行时和一般现在时区别,1.现在进行时 标志词(now, listen, look, Its 9:00. 其他特定语境) 2.一般现在时 标志词(every day, on Sundays, in the morning, on weekends, always, usually, often, sometimes等) 3.注意:以下两类词没有现在进行时 (1) 心理感觉 like/love/want/wish/miss (2) 感官动词(sound, smell, taste, look看起来) 但是look at有进行时(He is looking at the baby.),1. My father always _(come) back from work very late. 2. The teacher is busy. He _ (sleep) six hours a day. 3. Listen! Joan _(sing) in the classroom. She often _ (sing) there. 4. _ your brother _(speak) French? 5. Where _ you _ (have) lunch every day? 6. The girl _(like) wearing a skirt. Look! She _(wear) a red skirt today.,现在进行时和一般现在时区别练习,期中复习20个重难点,1. be good at& be good with 2. time 四个用法 3. 宾语从句 I dont know what I can do. I dont know what to do. 4. get& arrive 5.take表花时间句型 (物做主语) (1) It takes sb some time to do (2)The bus ride takes about an hour. (注意minute 拼写),6. 描述距离 三种句型并分别划线提问 (注意kilometer 拼写) 7. live 3句话(住的近,远,具体几公里) 8.like的两种词性(介词和动词),9. of 结构 many of the students some of the students One of Thailands symbols is the panda 10.leave 的两个意思 (1) leave the village (2)leave the dirty dishes in the kitchen leave my homework at home 11.talk的短语 talk to sb on the phone talk with sb talk about 12. late的两个用法 形容词 be late for class 副词 arrive late for class 13. either & too& also,14. 非常喜欢 I like pandas very much. I like pandas a lot. 15. symbol的用法 one of Thailands symbols a symbol of good luck 16. get lost & be lost a lost boy 17. 介词with表“有”,做后置定语 Elephants can remember places with food and water. I know that girl with long hair. 18. ride的两个用法 (1) ride a bike (2)The bus ride takes about 20 minutes.,19. job & work job 可数 具体的工作 I like this job. work 不可数 抽象的工作 I have much work to do. 20. be afraid of +n. be afraid of doing,The panda is one of Chinas symbols. They are black and white. Pandas are only from China. They are now in great danger. So we have to save them. Pandas like to


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