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二滩水电站调速器的交叉冗余双微机调节器关键词:交叉冗余 PLC 适应式变参数 功率控制 容错控制摘 要:介绍了二滩水电站调速器的总体结构,微机调节器的工作原理和应用效果。微机调节器由两套相互独立相互通讯的Quantum系列PLC控制,具有独立的供电电源系统、独立的信号采样(机组频率、导叶开度、有功功率等)通道和独立的输入输出通道。调速器实现双微机调节器及其输入输出通道的交叉冗余,并进行适应式变参数的转速调节和功率调节。着重描述了交叉冗余双微机调节器的容错控制和功率控制方法。Dual Crossing redundant Micro-computer governor of ERTAN Hydropower StationKey Words:crossing redundancy, PLC, adaptive variable parameter, power control, fault-tolerantly control Abstract:This paper introduces the general structure, operation principle and the using result of the double micro-computer regulator of ERTAN Hydropower Station governor. The micro-computer regulator is controlled by two sets of independent Quantum series PLC which communicates with each other. The micro-computer regulator runs with independent power supply system, independent signal sampling path (such as frequency measurement, wicket gate position sensor, active power sensor, etc.) and independent IO channels. The micro-computer regulator carries on the dual crossing redundant of controllers and the IO channels. At the same time, it carries on the frequency adjustment and power control with the adaptive variable parameters rule. The paper describes emphatically the methods of fault-tolerantly control and power adjustment.一、 概述二滩水电站位于雅砻江下游四川省攀枝花市境内,装有6台单机容量550MW的水轮发电机组,总装机容量3300MW,多年平均发电量170亿度,是我国20世纪末建成投产的最大的水电厂。二滩水电厂在四川电力系统中属于主力电厂,并且在电网中担任调频任务,地位十分重要。二滩电厂第一台机组于1998年7月25日正式投入运行,于1999年12月4日6台机组全部投入电网运行。为满足电站以及电力系统的安全稳定运行,以及将来实现 “无人值班”(少人值守)的生产管理模式,根据电厂要求,经过招标由武汉事达电气股份有限公司对其原有的微机调节器进行改造。武汉事达电气股份有限公司的二滩电站数字式电液调速器微机调节器的技术特点为:“交叉冗余双微机调节器/适应式变参数转速、功率调节规律”。二、 调速器总体结构框图二滩电站调速系统总体结构图见图1 。调速系统保留了原有的机械液压系统,其电/机液转换装置为电液转换器。微机调节器采用Quantum系列的双PLC 交叉全冗余系统,CPU、AD、DA、DI、DO和电源等均为全冗余结构;采用残压信号(双路)和齿盘信号(双路)冗余的频率测量方式;频率(转速)为适应式变参数PID调节规律,机组功率是适应式变参数PI控制规律。图1 二滩电站调速系统总体结构图三、 调速器工作原理1. 系统构成微机调节器核心控制元件采用Quantum系列PLC,它具有模块化、可扩展的体系结构,所有模块均为相互独立可热插拔形式;具有防爆的安全型模块、符合美国军标的表面涂敷涂层的模板特性;它具有极高的抗干扰能力、可靠性及稳定性。两个调速器微机控制器均配置有同样的Quantum系列PLC模块:电源模块(140 CPS 214 00)、CPU模块(140 CPU 434 12A)、开关量输入模块(140 DDI 353 10)、开关量输出模块(140 DDO 353 10)、模拟量输入模块(140 AVI 030 00)、电压模拟量输出模块(140 AVO 020 00)、电流模拟量输出模块2个(140 ACO 020 00)、高速计数模块2个(140 EHC 202 00)。1). 系统技术规格Quantum系列PLC已通过的认证机构有:UL 508、CAS 22.2-142、Factory Mutual Class I,Div 2、European Directive on EMC 89/336/EEC(CE)。所有PLC摸板都符合IEC 1000系统技术规格:抗射频干扰(801000MHz,10V/m),连续接地(2KV shield to ground),静电放电(8KV air/4KV contact),快速瞬变冲击(0.5KV 共模方式),衰减振荡冲击(1KV 共模方式),抗浪涌冲击(1KV 共模方式)。a. 电源模块(140 CPS 214 00)输入电压:2030VDC;输入电流:3.8A最大;浪涌电流:25A 24VDC;输入电源中断:1ms最大24VDC;内部电力消耗:22W。b. CPU模块(140 CPU 434 12A)Quantum CPU 是位于Quantum 本地 I/O底板上的一个CPU摸板。CPU是一种数字化的电子操作系统,它使用用户保存在可编程存储器中的指令进行操作。这些指令用于实现一些专用功能,诸如逻辑、过程顺序控制、时序、耦合、算术运算等,以通过数字量和模拟量输出对装置和过程进行控制。2). 编程软件可编程序控制器的编程软件是针对PLC的开发软件Concept 2.2软件包,是工控界公认的功能强大的编程软件平台,支持WIN98/NT(及更高版本)操作系统;有专业化的过程控制函数库,提供过程控制的基本函数,包括:PID、全馈、串级、回路整定工具、模糊控制逻辑、诊断等,可实现复杂的过程控制及专家控制系统;提供多达7层的软件存取保护,防止非法访问,安全、可靠强大的在线帮助功能;界面友好,信息量大,方便应用开发人员的使用;程序编制采用符合IEC 1131-3标准的FBD功能块图,特别适于过程控制,可用IEC仿真器调试。3). Modbus和Modbus Plus通讯CPU模块(140 CPU 434 12A)含有Modbus和Modbus Plus两种三个通讯端口。Modbus是具有超过500个工业供应商支持的通信协议,已成为事实上的工业标准,能实现在线编程或数据采集,很容易地从任何计算机的串口端口得到支持。Modbus Plus作为一个判定性令牌传递网络,以一个兆波特的速率进行通讯,具有快速的数据存取过程。4). 供电电源根据电厂要求,微机调节器由两路厂用直流220V的电源供电(也可以用直流220V和交流220V的电源供电),用MEANWELL的S-250-24和Q-250型开关电源进行隔离、稳压。内部模块和器件(CPU、输入输出、印制板、导叶开度传感器、工控机)均用双路电源冗余供电。单个电源模块的原理图见图2。图2 电源模块单元的原理图2. 导叶开度的测量二滩电站微机调速器的导叶开度测量装置选用美国LUCAS的角位移传感器RVIT-15-120I。该角位移传感器分辨率高,以4-20mA直流模拟信号输出,分别在1、2号接力器上安装。3. 功率测量功率测量装置采用SINEAX PQ502型功率变送器。功率变送器以4-20mA直流模拟信号输出,指示0-650MW功率,分别作为1#PLC和2#PLC的实时机组功率变送器。4. 软件调节框图机组调节模式主要有:频率(转速)调节、功率调节和开度调节;频率调节为适应式变参数PID调节规律(适应机组运行工况和水头),功率和开度调节为适应式变参数PI调节规律(适应机组运行工况、水头和调节偏差)。微机调节器具有多种运行方式和可调运行参数组以保证水轮机正常、高效运行,调整值存储在PLC可记忆存储单元中,信息不会因可编程断电而丢失。因此,用户可方便、可靠地调用其参数数据。调速器软件原理框图如图3所示,它给出了起闭环自动调节作用的各主要环节框图。图3 二滩电站水轮机调速器微机调节器软件原理框图5. 机组功率适应式变参数调节(图4)二滩电站双可编程微机调速器的功率控制,通过适应式变参数的调节规律进行控制。当功率给定和实际功率的偏差(称为功率偏差)较大时,以较快的速率增加/减小机组功率,使其尽快逼近功率给定值;当功率偏差值小,进入区间工作,减慢调节速率;在更小的区间(区间)中,使机组功率按指数曲线规律趋近于机组给定功率。这样,使功率的调节快速而平稳,避免超调。机组功率在大功率偏差和小功率偏差(区间)区间的调节速率,能适应机组不同的运行水头。当机组运行水头高,机组功率增加/减小速率小,当机组运行水头低,机组功率增加/减小速率大,以实现在不同机组运行水头下机组功率的单调快速调节。图4 机组功率的适应式变参数控制6. 微机调节器交叉冗余容错原理1). 独立的双微机调节器冗余控制结构a. 全冗余双PLC调节器:CPU、输入模块、输出模块、传感器、测频单元、电源均为冗余结构,实现“主机/热备”功能。b. 微机调节器自动调节主通道采用两个独立的微机调节器A和B,通过现场总线MB+实现双机状态和数据一致;c. 每一个微机调节器与相应的机械液压系统等相配合,均能独立实现全部控制功能和保证达到全部调节性能要求;d. 当微机调节器A或B之一故障时,可发出故障信号并自动、无扰动地切换到正常机工作,故障机可在线更换模块、检修;2). 双机交叉冗余容错在不増加硬件的条件下,用通讯和软件构成交叉冗余控制结构,具有更强的容错能力。当双微机调节器均出现部分模块故障时,这种交叉冗余控制结构可以容忍两个单机的不同名模块故障情况(容错),交叉构成新的、正常的调节器,使调速器能正常工作,实现真正的双机冗余容错结构,进一步提高了调速器的可靠性。a. 基本定义将单个微机调节器A和B划分成下列6类功能模块,见表,下标A和B分别表示微机调节器A和B。表: 微机调节器功能模块F模块(FA、FB): 频率测量模块DI模块(DIA、DIB): 开关量输入模块DO模块(DOA、DOB): 开关量输出模块AI模块(AIA、AIB): 模拟量输入模块AO模块(AOA、AOB): 模拟量输出模块C模块(CA、CB): 通信模块记模块变量为MY(X),Y表示A或B调节器,X表示6种模块类型F、DI、DO、AI、AO、C。设定模块1时为正常,模块0时故障。例如FA1,表示微机调节器A的频率测量模块正常; FA0表示其故障。,表示微机调节器A各模块工作正常。表明微机调节器A中,至少有一个模块工作不正常。,表明微机调节器B各模块工作正常。表明微机调节器B中,至少有一个模块工作不正常。,表示微机调节器A和B的故障模块不相同。b. 微机调节器A、B 间切换条件当: ,时,可在“调节器A”和“调节器B”间进行人为切换,使其中任一机为主机,另一机为辅机。假设“调节器A”为主机时,表明“调节器A”正常,“调节器B”至少有一个模块不正常,此时将无法由“调节器A”切至“调节器B”。反之亦然。若,则系统自动切到“调节器B”工作。c. 微机调节器A和B交叉构成一套新的正常调节器微机调节器A和微机调节器B间通过MB+网,实时交换数据,使两者数据状态共享,且完全一致。因此只有当微机调节器A和B之间通讯正常时可实现交叉冗余系统,即。若,则只能成为独立双机的冗余结构。微机调节器A为主机,如出现,但,则可由微机调节器A和B的正常模块共同构成一正常工作机工作。例如:FA =1,DIA0,DOA1,AIA1,AOA1FB =1,DIB1,DOB0,AIB0,AOB1则以微机调节器A为主机:组成一套由FA,DIB,DOA,AIA,AOA结构的正常调节器。d. 自动切换逻辑设微机调节器A为主机。,不切换。,不切换。,切到微机调节器B为主机。,。则微机调节器A为主机,两机正常模块交叉构成正常结构的调节器。,无法交叉构成正常结构的调节器,发出双系统故障信号,根据要求停机。,无法交叉构成正常结构的调节器,发出双系统故障信号,根据要求停机。四、 应用效果二滩电站2机组调速器改造于2003年5月30日投人运行, 6机组调速器改造于2004年5月投人运行。更换后的交叉冗余双微机调节器已在二滩水电厂成功运行,在技术性能和控制功能上取得了满意的结果,并于2003年12月19日通过专家改造评估论证。现正对其余机组陆续进行改造。更换后的交叉冗余双双微机调节器有下列特点:1. 机组功率控制性能优越调速器具有机组转速(频率)的适应式变参数PID调节规律,能适应机组运行工况、水头等调节对象特性优化动态品质;在调速器机组功率适应式变参数策略控制下,当接收到电站计算机监控系统下达的机组功率给定指令后,实现不同运行水头、不同给定功率偏差条件下的机组功率单调而快速的调节,改善了电网一次和二次调频的动态性能,提高了电网运行的性能和可靠性。2. 可靠性高电气控制部分采用两套进口国际先进水平的高可靠性可编程控制器,实现双PLC交叉冗余控制,每一个控制器包括CPU、输入/输出、频率测量、电源等均为独立、完整的配置;显示部分采用进口工业控制计算机触摸显示屏;使用了抗干扰和容错控制技术,调速器电磁抗干扰能力满足IEC1000-4 3级的标准,并在系统故障时能维持机组稳定运行。3. 可操作性强运行可靠、操作简单、具有一定的容错功能。4. 可维护性强微机调节器的用户软件具有独立自主的知识产权,调速器程序全面向电站技术人员交底,设置有故障诊断、故障录波、事件记录等辅助功能。当故障发生时,故障定位系统迅速给出故障类型,便于运行人员维护。华中科技大学博士生导师、武汉事达电气股份有限公司董事、技术总监魏守平教授审阅了本文,并提供了一些极有见地的修改意见和有价值的计算分析材料,对此表示衷心的感谢。参考文献:1. 魏守平 现代水轮机调节技术 华中科技大学出版社 2002.12. Modicon TSX Quantum 硬件手册 施耐德自动化3. “二滩水电站2#机组调速器改造后评估会”会议纪要 二滩水电开发有限责任公司 2003.12 作者介绍:张富强 男 1963年11月12日生 事达电气调速器设计总工程师 长期从事水轮机调速器的开发和研制工作,拥有多项国家专利,二滩水电站调速器由其主持开发和研制。Introduction of author : Zhang Fuqiang, male, born in November 12, 1963. the chief design engineer of electrical governor in Wuhan Stars Electric Co., Ltd. Long been engaged in research and development of hydraulic turbine governor. Owner of many national patents. Main designer of turbine governor of Ertan hydropower station.Dual Crossing Redundant Micro-computer Governor of ERTAN Hydropower StationZHANG Fu-qiang 1 HU Yi-jin 1 TAN Zhong-mei2(1.Wuhan Stars Electric Co., Ltd. 2.ERTAN Hydropower Development Company)Key Words:crossing redundancy, PLC, adaptive variable parameter, power control, fault-tolerantly control Abstract:This paper introduces the general structure, operation principle and the using result of the double micro-computer regulator of ERTAN Hydropower Station governor. The micro-computer regulator is controlled by two sets of independent Quantum series PLC which communicates with each other. The micro-computer regulator runs with independent power supply system, independent signal sampling path (such as frequency measurement, wicket gate position sensor, active power sensor, etc.) and independent IO channels. The micro-computer regulator carries on the dual crossing redundant of controllers and the IO channels. At the same time, it carries on the frequency adjustment and power control with the adaptive variable parameters rule. The paper describes emphatically the methods of fault-tolerantly control and power adjustment.5. General Ertan hydropower station is located in Sichuan Panzhihua city of the Yalong Jiang downriver. It installed 6 set of turbine generators which has single capacities of 550MW, total capacity of 3300MW, and has multi- annual means power rate up to 17 billion kwh. It is the largest hydropower plant which is build and goes into production at the end of 20 century of our country. Ertan hydropower station is one of the most important power plants in Sichuan Electrical Power System and takes on the duty of regulating frequency in power grid. Its position is significant. The first turbine generator of Ertan hydropower station came into use on July 25, 1998. On December 4 1999, all the turbine generators came into use. According to the safe and stable running requirement of Ertan hydropower stations, and that in the future power station must realize the management mode of nobody-duty, Wuhan Stars Electric Co., Ltd win the bid of rebuilding the original micro-computer governor. The micro-computer regulator of ERTAN Hydropower Station digital governor made by Wuhan Stars Electric Co., Ltd. has two technical characters. One is that the micro-computer regulator carried on the dual crossing redundant of controllers. The other is that it carried on the frequency adjustment and power control with the adaptive variable parameters rule. 2 General structure The structure figure of ERTAN Hydropower Station governor is shown in figure 1. The new governing system was still using the old mechanical hydraulic pressure system, whose electricity / mechanical hydraulic transforming device was a electricity / hydraulic pressure converter. The micro-computer regulators used the dual crossing redundant PLC system. The controller is Quantum series PLC. CPU、AD、DA、DI、DO and power source modules are all redundant structure. The redundant methods of frequency measuring are by the remain voltage signal(double channels) and dentate plate signal(double channels).The frequency (rotate speed ) regulating rule is adaptive variable parameters PID regulating principle. The regulating rule of turbines active power is adaptive variable parameters PI control principle. Figure 2 General structure of governor in ERTAN Hydropower Station 3 Working Principle of the GovernorStructureThe core part of the micro-computer regulators use Quantum series PLC, which has modular, expansible structure. All modules can be independently plugged in or pulled out when power on. They are safe modules which can prevent blast, and accord with the surface-coated module plate features of American Army Standard. They also have high anti-jamming ability, reliability and stable ability.The two micro-computer regulators are both equipped with the same Quantum series PLC modules :a power source module(140 CPS 21400), a CPU module(140 CPU 434 12A)、a DI module(140 DDI 353 10)、a DO module(140 DDO 353 10)、a AI module (140 AVI 030 00)、a voltage AO module (140 AVO 020 00)、two current AO modules(140 ACO 020 00)、two high-speed count modules(140 EHC 202 00).1) System technical specificationQuantum series PLC are conformed by following authentication organizations: UL 508、CAS 22.2-142、Factory Mutual Class I,Div 2、European Directive on EMC 89/336/EEC(CE). All PLC modules apply with IEC1000 standards: anti-jamming of radio frequency(801000MHz,10V/m),continuous ground(2KV shield to ground),electrostatic discharge(8KV air/4KV contact),fast instantaneous concussion(0.5KV common mode),damply vibrate concussion(1KV common mode),resistant-surge concussion(1KV common mode)。(a) power source modules(140 CPS 214 00)Input voltage :2030VDC;input current : the maximum is 3.8A;surge current:25A 24VDC;Input power source interrupt :the maximum is 1ms24VDC;consumption :22W。(b) CPU modules(140 CPU 434 12AQuantum CPU is a CPU module located in local I/O board. CPU is digital electron operating system. It uses instructions saved in the programmable memory to operate . These instructions can perform some special functions, such as logic, process control, time sequence, coupling, arithmetic operation etc, and control the devices and the operating process through digital output an analog output.2) Programme SoftwareThe programme software of PLC is Concept 2.2. This software is considered to have a powerful function programme platform, which supports Win98/NT or higher version of operating systems. The software has special process control function library and supplies process control basic functions, including PID, complete feedback, serial link,circuit adjusted tools, fuzzy control logic , diagnosis, etc. It can realize complex process control and specialist control system. It can supply 7 levels of software writing and reading protections, prevent illegal visit and has safe , reliable, powerful on line help function. It has friendly interface and huge information capacity which makes it easy for developer to use. Programmings apply IEC 1131-3 standard FBD function blocks and are specially fit for process controls. Program can be debugged by IEC simulator.3) Modbus and Modbus Plus communication CPU module(140 CPU 434 12A)has three communicate ports , which support Modbus and Modbus Plus protocol. More than 500 industrial supplies support Modbus protocol. In fact, Modbus is already industrial standards. It can program on line and collect datas .It can easily communicate with any computer serial port. Modbus plus is a decision token transition net, its communication speed is Mbit/s. Modbus plus has fast process of data writing and reading. 4) Power source According to the requirement of ERTAN Hydropower Station, the micro-computer regulator use two independent DC220V plant power source. (Of course , the micro-computer regulator can use one AC220V source and one DC220V source). MEANWELL switch power(S-250-24 and Q-250) is used to isolate and stabilize voltage. Internal modules and components (CPU,DI,DO, wicket gate position sensor, industrial computer) use dual redundant sources. The theory of single source module is shown in figure 2.Figure 2 The theory figure of source moduleMeasurement of wicket gate position The wicket gate position sensors of ERTAN Hydropower Station governor use angle displacement sensor (RVIT-15-120I) made by LUCAS, America. The sensor has high resolution .Its output analog signal is 420mA. The sensors are installed on NO.1 and No.2 servomotors.Measurement of active power The measurement device of active power is SINEAX PQ502 type power sensor. It produces 420mA output analog signal to indicate power range of 0-650MW. These sensors are separately used as real time turbine power transformers of PLC No.1 and No.2.Software regulating schematicThe main modes of turbine are frequency regulating mode, power regulating mode and opening regulating mode. The frequency regulating mode is adaptive variable parameters PID regulating principle .The power regulating mode and opening regulating mode are both adaptive variable parameters PI control principle. The micro-computer regulator has a few running modes and adjustable running parameters in order to assure the safety and high efficiency running of turbine generators. The software theory schematic of governor is shown in figure 3. It shows every schematic of main functional segments automatically regulate under the mode of closed loop.Figure 3 The software theory schematic figure of governorAdaptive variable parameters regulation of turbines active power The power control mode of ERTAN Hydropower Station governor applies adaptive variable parameters rule. When the difference between power set in program and practical power is rather large, turbines power can be increased or decreased at fast speed to make practical power close to setting power. When the difference is small, governors are working in region I in order to decrease the regulate speed. When the difference is smaller, governors are working in region II in order to make turbine power close to power set in program on the exponential curve rule. So, the adjustment of power is fast and stable. This can prevent over adjustment.The speed adjustment of turbines power in the region of the large power difference and small power difference, can be fit for all kinds of water levels. When the water level is high, the regulating speed is small. When the water level is low, the regulating speed is large in order to fast adjust turbines power under all kinds of water levels. Figure 4 Adaptive variable parameters control rule of powerCrossing redundant and fault tolerance theory of micro-computer regulator1) Redundant control structure of dual independent micro-computer regulator a. Dual redundant PLC regulators: CPU, DI, DO, Sensor, Measuring frequency unit, power source are all redundant structures. This type of structure can realize the switchover function between the host controller and the standby controller.b. The main channel of micro-computer regulator makes use of two independent micro-computer regulators A and B. The status and data of the two controllers keep consistent through MB+ field bus.c. Every micro-computer regulator cooperates with its corresponding mechanical hydraulic pressure system and can independently perform the whole control function. Every micro-computer regulator can achieve all requirement of regulating performance. d. When fault occurred on either micro-computer regulators A or B, the system can send a fault signal and switch to the normal working regulator without any interfere. The faulty micro-computer regulators module can be examined and exchanged on line. 2) crossing redundancy and fault tolerance of dual micro-computer regulators Without adding hardware, the crossing redundant control structure is consist


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