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英国电缆标准(BS cable standards)编号中文名称英文名称BIP 0007-2004 通信电缆和设备安装.要求和可靠性指南 Telecommunication cabling and equipment installations - A Guide to requirements and responsibilities BS 1858-2002 电缆.附件.沥青基填充化合物 Electric cables - Accessories - Bitumen-based filling compounds BS 196-1961 电压达250V单相交流电路用带接地线的保护式不可反转插头、插座电缆藕合器与设备藕合器规范 Specification for protected-type non-reversible plugs, socket-outlets cable-couplers and appliance-couplers with earthing contacts for single phase a.c. circuits up to 250 volts BS 2316 Pts.1 & 2-1968 射频电缆规范.第1部分:一般要求与试验.第2部分:英国政府公用设施要求 Specification for radio-frequency cables. General requirements and tests. British Government Services requirements BS 2484-1985 混凝土与粘土制直形电缆沟盖板规范 Specification for straight concrete and clayware cable covers BS 2562-1979 变压器与电抗器用电缆箱规范 Specification for cable boxes for transformers and reactors BS 2E 21-1957 飞行器用普兰式电缆 Pren type electric cables for aircraft BS 2G 180-1974 飞行器用电缆固定编接规范 Specification for permanent splicing of aircraft electrical cables BS 2G 215-1-1985 飞机镍-铬和镍-铝热电偶延伸电缆.第1部分:导线规范 Nickel-chromium and nickel-aluminium thermocouple extension cables for aircraft - Specification for conductors BS 2G 215-2-1989 飞机镍-铬和镍-铝热电偶延伸电缆.第2部分:终端规范 Nickel-chromium and nickel-aluminium thermocouple extension cables for aircraft - Specification for terminations BS 2G 221-1980 米尼氏电缆(米制)规范 Specification for Minyvin type electric cables (metric units) BS 2G 223-1989 飞行器电缆用屏蔽端接装置规范 Specification for screen terminating devices for aircraft electric cables BS 2G 232-1987 普通飞机机体或设备互连用(135)绕扎绝缘电缆规范 Specification for electric cables for general airframe or equipment interconnect use (135 C), wrapped insulation BS 2G 238-1996 普通机体或设备互连用(260)镀镍铜和铜合金导线绕扎绝缘电缆规范 Specification for electric cables for general airframe or equipment interconnect use (260 C), nickel plated copper and copper alloy conductors, with wrapped insulation BS 3454-1995 煤矿用的1.9/3.3kV、300A螺栓连接防火电缆连接器和适配器规范(包括380/660V和640/1100V,300A适配器)规范 Specification for 1.9/3.3 kV, 300 A bolted flameproof cable couplers and adaptors (including 380/660 V and 640/1100 V, 300 A adaptors) for use in coal mines BS 3858-1992 电缆和电线用捆扎和识别套管规范 Specification for binding and identification sleeves for use on electric cables and wires BS 3905-1995 煤矿用3.8/6.6 KV、300 A螺栓连接防火电缆连接器和适配器规范 Specification for 3.8/6.6 kV, 300 A bolted flameproof cable couplers and adaptors, for use in coal mines BS 3988-1970 电气用锻铝规范.绝缘电缆用实芯导线 Specification for wrought aluminium for electrical purposes - Solid conductors for insulated cables BS 3G 197-1982 飞行器用电缆终端的螺柱式接线合规范 Specification for stud-type terminal blocks for terminations on aircraft electric cables BS 3G 198-2-1997 飞机电缆和设备电线用套管.第2部分:套管识别标签规范 Sleeves for aircraft electric cables and equipment wires - Specification for slip-on sleeves for identification purposes BS 3G 198-4-1996 飞机电缆和设备电线套管.第4部分:粘结和绝缘用碳氟化合物热收缩套管规范 Sleeves for aircraft electric cables and equipment wires - Specification for fluoropolymer heat shrinkable sleeving for binding and insulation BS 3G 210-1996 单芯和多芯镀银铜导体(190)或镀镍铜导体(260)聚四氟乙烯绝缘设备软线和电缆规范 Specification for PTFE insulated equipment wires and cables, single- and multi-core, with silver plated copper conductors (190 C) or nickel plated copper conductors (260 C) BS 3G 231-1997 通用航空电缆和航空航天应用导电体规范 Specification for conductors for general-purpose aircraft electrical cables and aerospace applications BS 3G 233-1990 普通机体或设备互连用(135)挤制绝缘电缆规范 Specification for electric cables for general airframe or equipment interconnect use (135 C), extruded insulation BS 4553-1-1998 600/1000V单相分芯同轴电缆规范.第1部分:带聚氯乙烯绝缘层的电缆 Specification for 600/1000 V single-phase split concentric electric cables - Cables having PVC insulation BS 4553-2-1998 600/1000V单相分芯同轴电缆规范.第2部分:带热固绝缘层的电缆 Specification for 600/1000 V single-phase split concentric electric cables - Cables having thermosetting insulation BS 4553-3-1998 600/1000V单相分芯同轴电缆规范.第3部分:带热固绝缘层和遇火有低发散烟雾和腐蚀性气体的电缆 Specification for 600/1000 V single-phase split concentric electric cables - Cables having thermosetting insulation and low emission of smoke and corrosive gases when affected by fire BS 4579-2-1973 电缆和电线连接器机械和压合接头性能规范.第2部分:镍、铁及镀铜导线压合接头 Specification for performance of mechanical and compression joints in electric cable and wire connectors - Compression joints in nickel, iron and plated copper conductors BS 4678-1-1971 电缆管道.第1部分:钢制地表管道规范 Cable trunking - Steel surface trunking BS 4678-2-1973 电缆管道.第2部分:钢制地板下管道规范 Cable trunking - Steel underfloor (duct) trunking BS 4678-4-1982 电缆管道.第4部分:绝缘材料制电缆管道规范 Cable trunking - Specification for cable trunking made of insulating material BS 4727 Pt.2 Group 08-1986 电工、电力、电信、电子学、照明和颜色术语词汇.第2部分:电力工程专用术语.第08集:电缆术语 Glossary of electrotechnical, power, telecommunication, electronics, lighting and colour terms. Terms particular to power engineering. Electric cable terminology BS 4727-2 Group 08-1994 电工、电力、电信、电子学、照明和颜色术语.第2部分:电力工程专用术语.第08集:电缆术语 Glossary of electrotechnical, power, telecommunication, electronics, lighting and colour terms - Terms particular to power engineering - Electric cables BS 4737-3.30-1986 擅入者报警系统.第3部分:元部件规范.第30节:接线用聚氯乙烯绝缘电缆规范 Intruder alarm systems - Specifications for components - Specification for PVC insulated cables for interconnecting wiring BS 4808-1-1972 电信用带聚氯乙烯绝缘和聚氯乙烯绝缘护套的低频电线及电缆规范.第1部分:一般要求和试验 Specification for L.F. cables and wires with PVC insulation and PVC sheath for telecommunication - General requirements and tests BS 4808-2-1972 电信用带聚氯乙烯绝缘和聚氯乙烯绝缘护套的低频电线及电缆规范.第2部分:单股无屏蔽实心或绞合设备线 Specification for L.F. cables and wires with PVC insulation and PVC sheath for telecommunication - Equipment wires with solid or stranded conductors, unscreened, single BS 4808-3-1972 电信用带聚氯乙烯绝缘和聚氯乙烯绝缘护套的低频电线及电缆规范.第3部分:单股屏蔽实心或绞合设备线和电缆 Specification for L.F. cables and wires with PVC insulation and PVC sheath for telecommunication - Cables and equipment wires, with solid or stranded conductors, screened, single BS 4808-4-1974 电信用带聚氯乙烯绝缘和聚氯乙烯绝缘护套的低频电线及电缆规范.第4部分:双股、三股、四股和五股无屏蔽实心 Specification for L.F. cables and wires with PVC insulation and PVC sheath for telecommunication - Equipment wires with solid or stranded conductors, unscreened, in pairs, triples, quads and quintuples BS 4808-5-1973 电信用带聚氯乙烯绝缘和聚氯乙烯绝缘护套的低频电线及电缆规范.第5部分:双股屏蔽护套实心或绞合线电缆 Specification for L.F. cables and wires with PVC insulation and PVC sheath for telecommunication - Cables with solid or stranded conductors, screened and sheathed, one pair BS 4937-30-1993 国际热耦基准表.第30部分:延伸和补偿电缆.公差和标识制度 International thermocouple reference tables - Extension and compensating cables - Tolerances and identification system BS 4G 178-2-1986 飞机电缆电线压接头.第2部分:压接检验规范(包括用户检验试验) Crimped joints for aircraft electrical cables and wires - Specification for control of crimping (including user control tests) BS 4G 198-1-1997 飞机电器电缆和设备导线用套管.第1部分:连接和识别用橡胶套管规范 Sleeves for aircraft electric cables and equipment wires - Specification for elastomeric sleeves for binding and identification BS 4G 198-3-1999 飞行器电缆和设备导线的套管和模制元件.连接、绝缘和标识用的热收缩套管规范 Sleeves and moulded components for aircraft electric cables and equipment wires - Specification for heat-shrinkable sleeving for binding, insulation, and identification BS 5099-2004 电缆.火花试验电压级 Electric cables - Voltage levels for spark testing BS 5308-1-1986 仪器用电缆.第1部分:聚乙烯绝缘电缆规范 Instrumentation cables - Specification for polyethylene insulated cables BS 5308-2-1986 仪器用电缆.第2部分:聚氯乙烯绝缘电缆规范 Instrumentation cables - Specification for PVC insulated cables BS 5372-1997 额定电压为600/1000V和1900/3700V的铜或铝导体多芯挤制固体电介质绝缘电缆终端的尺寸规范 Specification for dimensions of cable terminations for multi-core extruded solid dielectric insulated distribution cables of rated voltages 600/1000 V and 1900/3300 V having copper or aluminium conductors BS 542-1973 矿井和采石场设备用电缆密封装置和密封盒规范 Specification for cable glands and sealing boxes for association with apparatus for use at mines and quarries BS 5G 178-1-1993 飞机电缆和电线用压合连接器.第1部分:元件和工具设计要求(包括试验)规范 Crimped joints for aircraft electrical cables and wires - Specification for design requirements (including tests) for components and tools BS 6004-2000 电缆.电力、照明和内部布线用电压不超过450/750V(含450/750V)的PVC绝缘非铠装电缆 Electric cables - PVC insulated, non-armoured cables for voltages up to and including 450/750 V, for electric power, lighting and internal wiring BS 6007-2000 电缆.内部布线用电压不超过450/750V(含450/750V)的单芯未包覆绝热电缆 Electric cables - Single core unsheathed heat resisting cables for voltages up to and including 450/750 V, for internal wiring BS 6007-2006 电缆.内部布线用电压不超过450/750V(含450/750V)的单芯非铠装耐热电缆 Electric cables - Single core unsheathed heat resisting cables forvoltages up to and including 450/750 V, for internal wiring BS 6121-1-2005 机械电缆密封套.铠装密封套.要求和试验方法 Mechanical cable glands - Armour glands - Requirements and test methods BS 6121-5-2005 机械电缆密封套.电缆密封套和铠装密封套的选择、安装和检验的实施规范 Mechanical cable glands - Code of practice for selection, installation and inspection of cable glands and armour glands BS 6207-3-2001 额定电压不超过750V的矿物绝缘电缆.使用指南 Mineral insulated cables with a rated voltage not exceeding 750 V. Guide to use BS 6234-1987 电缆的聚乙烯绝缘包覆层规范 Specification for polyethylene insulation and sheath of electric cables BS 638-4-1996 电弧焊电源、设备和附件.第4部分:焊接电缆规范 Arc welding power sources, equipment and accessories - Specification for welding cables BS 6387-1994 在火灾情况下保持电路完好的电缆性能要求规范 Specification for performance requirements for cables required to maintain circuit integrity under fire conditions BS 6435-1984 变压器与电抗线圈的高压电缆干燥端子用未充填护套规范 Specification for unfilled enclosures for the dry termination of HV cables for transformers and reactors BS 6436-1984 电缆箱或分电站连接用接地配电变压器规范 Specification for ground mounted distribution transformers for cable box or unit substation connection BS 6469-99.1-1992 电缆的绝缘和护套材料.第99部分:应用于英国但不规定在BS EN 60811标准和BS 6469标准其他部分的试验方法,.第 Insulating and sheathing materials of electric cables - Test methods used in the United Kingdom but not specified in BS EN 60811: Non-electrical tests BS 6469-99.2-1992 电缆的绝缘和护套材料.第99部分:用于英国的试验方法,但不规定在BS EN 60811或BS 6469的其它部分中.第2节:电 Insulating and sheathing materials of electric cables - Test methods used in the United Kingdom but not specified in BS EN 60811 or other Parts of BS 6469: Electrical tests BS 6480-1988 额定电压在33KV及以下的铅与铅合金护套浸渍纸绝缘的电缆规范 Specification for impregnated paper-insulated lead or lead alloy sheathed electric cables of rated voltages up to and including 33000 V BS 6500-2000 电缆.家庭,办公室和类似环境用的装置和设备使用的额定电压在300/500V以下的柔性电缆 Electric cables - Flexible cords rated up to 300/500 V, for use with appliances and equipment intended for domestic, office and similar environments BS 6513-1-1984 宽带电缆配电系统.第1部分:术语词汇 Wideband cabled distribution systems - Glossary of terms BS 6513-2-1984 宽带电缆配电系统.第2部分:测量方法 Wideband cabled distribution systems - Methods of measurement BS 6513-4-1984 宽带电缆配电系统.第4部分:逆向电视机性能要求规范 Wideband cabled distribution systems - Specification for performance requirements, for upstream television BS 6513-5-1987 宽带电缆的配电系统.第5部分:单向和相互作用的数据使用推荐标准 Wideband cabled distribution systems - Recommendations for one-way and interactive data services BS 6622-1999 额定电压范围为(38006600)V和(1900033000)V,有挤压交叉连接的聚乙烯或乙烯丙烯橡胶绝缘层的电缆规范 Specification for cables with extruded cross-linked polyethylene or ethylene propylene rubber insulation for rated voltages from 3.8/6.6 kV up to 19/33 kV BS 6701-2004 电信设备和电信电缆敷设.安装、运行和维护规范 Telecommunications equipment and telecommunications cabling - Specification for installation, operation and maintenance BS 6708-1998 矿井和露天矿用挠性电缆 Flexible cables for use at mines and quarries BS 6724-1997 采用热固绝缘和受火情影响时散发出少量烟雾和腐蚀气体的600/1000V和1900/3300V铠装电缆规范 Electric cables - Thermosetting insulated, armoured cables for voltages of 600/1000 V and 1900/3300 V, having low emission of smoke and corrosive gases when affected by fire BS 6883-1999 船舶和活动式与固定式近海设备中固定布线用的弹性绝缘电缆.要求和试验方法 Elastomer insulated cables for fixed wiring in ships and on mobile and fixed offshore units - Requirements and test methods BS 6904-1987 额定电压等于或高于72.5kV的气体绝缘金属封闭式开关装置用电缆连接件指南 Guide for cable connections for gas-insulated metal-enclosed switchgear for rated voltages of 72.5 kV and above BS 6910-1-1988 电压范围为交流1000V 和直流1500V 的冷浇注树脂复合物和热缩电缆接头.第1部分:材料规范 Cold pour resin compound and heat-shrink cable joints in the voltage range up to 1000 V a.c. and 1500 V d.c. Specification for materials BS 6910-2-1989 电压范围为交流1000V和直流1500Vd.c.的低温浇注树脂复合物和热缩电缆接头.第2部分:现场安装实用规程 Cold pour resin compound and heat-shrink cable joints in the voltage range up to 1000 V a.c. and 1500 V d.c. Code of practice for on-site installation BS 6913-6-1991 运土机械的操作和维修.第6部分:电线和电缆的识别和标志规范 Operation and maintenance of earth-moving machinery - Specification for identification and marking of electrical wires and cables BS 6946-1988 电气设备用金属管道电缆支撑系统规范 Specification for metal channel cable support systems for electrical installations BS 7019-1989 电压可达或等于6.6KV的系统(主要用于矿山)采用全屏蔽400A栓接式防火电缆连接器和转接器规范 Specification for fully screened 400 A bolted flameproof cable couplers and adaptors for use on systems up to and including 6.6 kV, primarily for use in mines BS 7197-1990 电力电缆终端连接和电压达36KV系统连接性能规范 Specification for performance of bonds for electric power cable terminations and joints for system voltages up to 36 kV BS 7211-1998 受火情影响时排放少量烟雾和腐蚀性气体的电力和照明设备用热固绝缘(非铠装)电缆规范 Electric cables - Thermosetting insulated, non-armoured cables for voltages up to and including 450/750 V, for electric power, lighting and internal wiring, and having low emission of smoke and corrosive gases when affected by fire BS 7215-1990 电压大于1KV和达36KV的分离式绝缘电缆连接器系统规范 Specification for separable insulated cable connector systems above 1 kV and up to 36 kV BS 7346-6-2005 烟和热控制系统部件.电缆系统规范 Components for smoke and heat control systems - Specifications for cable systems BS 7383-1990 煤矿用电压不超过11KV的作为外壳内连接电缆填充剂的冷浇树脂基化合物规范 Specification for cold-pour resin-based compound for use as a filling medium in terminating cables in enclosures for voltages not exceeding 11 kV for use in coal mines BS 7450-1991 动力电缆尺寸最经济值测定方法 Method for determination of economic optimization of power cable size BS 7540-2-2005 电缆.额定电压不超过450/750V的电缆使用指南.HD 21和HD 22的协调电缆类型 Electric cables - Guide to use for cables with a rated voltage not exceeding 450/750 V. Harmonized cable types from HD 21 and HD 22 BS 7540-3-2005 电缆.额定电压不超过450/750V的电缆使用指南.不包括在HD 21和HD 22中的国家标准电缆 Electric cables - Guide to use for cables with a rated voltage not exceeding 450/750 V. National standard cables not included in HD 21 and HD 22 BS 7609-1992 铜或铝导线动力电缆用非绝缘压缩和机械联接器的安装和检验实用规程 Code of practice for installation and inspection of uninsulated compression and mechanical connectors for power cables with copper or aluminium conductors BS 7629-1-1997 具有低排放烟雾和腐蚀性气体的300/500 V电缆受火情影响时的耐火规范.第1部分:多心电缆 Specification for 300/500 V fire resistant electric cables having low emission of smoke and corrosive gases when affected by fire - Multicore cables BS 7629-2-1997 具有低排放烟雾和腐蚀性气体的300/500 V电缆受火情影响时的耐火规范.第2部分:多双股电缆 Specification for 300/500 V fire resistant electric cables having low emission of smoke and corrosive gases when affected by fire - Multipair cables BS 7655-1.2-1997 电缆用绝缘和铠装材料规范.弹性绝缘化合物.90时通用 Specification for insulating and sheathing materials for cables - Part 1. Cross-linked elastomeric insulating compounds - Section 1.2 General 90 C application BS 7655-1.3-2000 电缆用绝缘和铠装材料规范.弹性绝缘化合物.XLPE Specification for insulating and sheathing materials for cables - Elastomeric insulating compounds - XLPE - Sec1.3 XLPE BS 7655-1.4-2000 电缆用绝缘和铠装材料规范.弹性绝缘化合物.耐油型 Specification for insulating and sheathing materials for cables - Elastomeric insulating compounds - Oil resisting types - Oil resisting types BS 7655-1.5-2000 电缆用绝缘和铠装材料规范.弹性绝缘化合物.耐火复合物 Specification for insulating and sheathing materials for cables - Part 1: Cross-linked elastomeric insulating compounds - Section 1.5: Flame retardant composites BS 7655-10.1-2000 电缆用绝缘和铠装材料规范.聚乙烯铠装化合物.热塑中等密度聚乙烯(MDPE)铠装化合物 Specification for insulating and sheathing materials for cables - Part 10: Polyethylene sheathing compounds - Section 10.1: Thermoplastic medium density polyethylene (MDPE) sheathing compound BS 7655-2.3-2000 电缆用绝缘和铠装材料规范.弹性铠装化合物.一般用途 Specification for insulating and sheathing materials for cables - Elastomeric sheathing compounds - General application - General application BS 7655-2.4-2000 电缆用绝缘和铠装材料规范.弹性铠装化合物.焊接电缆包敷物 Specification for insulating and sheathing materials for cables - Part 2: Cross-linked elastomeric sheathing compounds - Section 2.4: Welding cable covering BS 7655-2.6-2000 电缆用绝缘和铠装材料规范.弹性铠装化合物.船只布线和近海设备用铠装化合物 Specification for insulating and sheathing materials for cables - Part 2: Cross-linked elastomeric sheathing compounds - Section 2.6: Sheathing compounds for ships wiring and offshore applications BS 7655-3.2-2000 电缆用绝缘和铠装材料规范.PVC绝缘化合物.硬等级型 Specification for insulating and sheathing materials for cables - PVC insulating compounds - Hard grade types - Hard grade types BS 7655-4.2-2000 电缆用绝缘和铠装材料规范.PVC铠装化合物.一般用途 Specification for insulating and sheathing materials for cables - PVC sheathing compounds - General application - General application BS 7727-1994 铜导体面积达6平方毫米(10AWG)电缆的预绝缘压力终端和连接器的安装和检测实用规程 Code of practice for installation and inspection of pre-insulated compression terminals and connectors for cables with copper conductors up to 6 mm2 BS 7769-1.1-1997 电缆.电流额定值的计算.电流额定值方程式(100%载荷系数)和损失率的计算.总则 Electric cables - Calculation of the current rating - Current rating equations (100% load factor) and cal


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