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单元质量检测(一)(时间:100分钟满分:120分).阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。AI did an experiment by talking to strangers recently.Here are some things I experienced during the experiment.On October 9th, while visiting my family hometown for a wedding, I met a man sitting on the side of the hotel pool.We started talking.It turned out that he had just moved to the area with his family from Chicago.I told him what I knew about the community, the schools, and particular neighborhoods where he was looking to buy a house.He was grateful to me for my information.The interaction made me feel useful and valuable.On May 20th, we had three men from a tree trimming(修剪) company visiting our house to cut back our trees.Normally, I would let them work outside without engaging them in conversation.This time, after they finished their work, I asked one of the tree trimmers, only halfjoking, if they fell off trees frequently.One of the tree trimmers said that he had been climbing trees for 27 years and reported he had fallen out of a tree once and hurt his knee.I loved that conversation.I didnt always talk to someone whose job was to climb up trees, but it was interesting for learning about how they did it.I also realized I learned something new.On May 30th, I went to an outdoor block party on Friday night, along with my wife and our 3monthold baby.Our baby was wearing oversized noisecancelling headphones that truly looked pretty ridiculous on a baby.When I tried to talk with others, they immediately started talking with me after seeing the baby.I found it was almost very easy to start talking with people when you had a baby with you.All in all, I felt great about most of my interactions with strangers.Almost every interaction left me feeling a little happier.I also felt I learned new things by talking to people from different walks of life who I wouldnt normally meet.语篇解读:作者做了一个为期21天的与闲聊有关的试验,试验结束后发现自己颇有收获。1The man was grateful to the author because _.Ahe made his first friend thereBhe gained some useful informationCthe author helped him kill the timeDthe author helped him make a decision解析:选B细节理解题。根据第二段的“I told him what I knew . grateful to me for my information.”可知,那人感激作者是因为得到了一些有用的信息。2The tree trimmer who talked with the author _.Adidnt like talking to strangersBwas a respectable workerCwasnt a very careful manDgot injured once at work解析:选D细节理解题。根据第三段的“One of the tree trimmers said that he had been climbing trees for 27 years and reported he had fallen out of a tree once and hurt his knee.”可知那人曾经在工作的时候受过伤。3What did the author probably learn from the experience on May 30th?ABabies are great conversation starters.BIts inconvenient to go out with a baby.CPeople love looking at ridiculous babies.DIts not challenging to talk with strangers.解析:选A推理判断题。根据第四段的最后一句可知,这次经历让作者意识到小孩是开展闲聊的利器。4At this experiment, the author most probably found it _.AuselessBexcitingCrewarding Dembarrassing解析:选C推理判断题。根据末段的叙述可推断,作者觉得这次经历很值得。BEvery year, my son and I visit the Art Institute in Chicago for a day. This past spring, as we were walking in the halls, we came across an exhibit of furniture from the past 50 years. I watched my sons eyes grow wide as we walked through. Afterwards, he looked at me and said, “Mom, I get it now. A couch can be a work of art! A chair can be a work of art!” It was a really neat moment because he came to that realization completely on his own. And my son is a good example of why kids should be exposed to art.Many parents think exposing their children to art is a waste of time. But I think this is a wrong idea. Children can learn a lot of things through studying art.Even at a very young age, children can appreciate works of art. They enjoy looking at pictures of fruit, flowers, animals, and other popular artistic subjects. Bright colors and sharp contrasts (对照) are inspiring obviously and aid in brain development.Older kids begin to notice that art has the meaning beyond the images themselves. As they observe the feelings and emotions that works of art cause, they will see how art can be a way of expression for themselves, too. Studies show that exposure to great art increases a childs verbal ability, expressiveness, reasoning and logical thinking as a child seeks understanding.Besides strengthening their verbal and analytical (分析的) skills, studying art can teach children about design, color, shading, shadows, lighting, composition, and various artistic skills. Also, I find that children begin to view the world around them from an artists perspective (角度)Luckily, art is all around us. Parents can encourage their kids to appreciate a book of a lovely building, an artfully composed photograph, a handpainted vase, or even a beautifully designed website. Once they start looking, they will find art everywhere and learn many things from it.语篇解读:作者认为小孩子学习艺术对他们有很多好处。5The author introduces the topic of the text through telling _.Aa story of her sonBwhat she realized one dayCher sons attitude toward art Dabout the Art Institute in Chicago解析:选A篇章结构题。本文主要是关于小孩子学习艺术有很多好处的,作者提到她儿子的那次经历是为了引出下文,故选A项。6Which of the following benefits of looking at art works is NOT mentioned in Paragraph 4?ALeading to a better oral ability.BLeading to a better reasoning ability.CHelping them get along well with others.DHelping them gain better logical thinking.解析:选C细节理解题。根据第四段的“Studies show that exposure to great art increases a childs verbal ability, expressiveness, reasoning and logical thinking as a child seeks understanding.”可知A、B、D三项的内容都有提到,但并没有提到可以更好地跟别人相处,故选C项。7According to Paragraph 5, what benefit can children get from studying art?AAllowing them to look at things from various perspectives.BBenefiting their study at school later in life.CEncouraging them to seek understanding.DEnabling them to look at things like artists.解析:选D细节理解题。根据第五段的最后一句可知,艺术学习可以让孩子从艺术家的角度看东西,故选D项。8What is the text mainly about?AWhy kids love art works.BWhy kids should study art.CWhy art is useful in our life.DWhy art can teach kids things.解析:选B主旨大意题。本文主要讲述了学习艺术对孩子有哪些好处,即孩子为什么需要学习艺术,故选B项。CInformal conversation is an important part of any business relationship. Before you start a discussion, however, make sure you understand which topics are suitable and which are considered taboos in a particular culture. Latin Americans enjoy sharing information about their local history, art, and customs. They expect questions about your family and be sure to show pictures of your children. You may feel free to ask similar questions of your Latin American friends. The French think of conversation as an art form, and they enjoy the value of lively discussions as well as disagreements. For them, arguments can be interesting and they can cover pretty much or any topic as long as they occur in a respectful and intelligent manner.In the United States, business people like to discuss a wide range of topics, including opinions about work, family, hobbies, and politics. In Japan, China, and Korea, however, people are much more private. They do not share much about their thoughts, feelings, or emotions because they feel that doing so might take away from the harmonious business relationship theyre trying to build. Middle Easterners are also private about their personal lives and family matters. It is considered rude, for example, to ask a businessman from Saudi Arabia about his wife or children.As a general rule, its best not to talk about politics or religion with your business friends. This can get you into trouble, even in the United States, where people hold different views. In addition, discussing ones salary is ususlly considered unsuitable. Sports is typically a friendly subject in most parts of the world, although be careful not to criticise a national sport. Instead, be friendly and praise your hosts team.语篇解读:本文主要介绍了在商业交往中一些国家和地区倾向的闲聊话题。9The underlined word “harmonious” most probably means “_”AcompetitiveBfriendly and peacefulCoriginal Dsensitive解析:选B词义猜测题。根据该词前后的语境可知,在中国、日本、韩国,人们更注重隐私,他们不会谈论过于私人的话题,认为这会破坏他们正尝试建立的“和谐的”人际关系。harmonious意为“和谐的,协调的”,B项最符合文意。10The writer thinks politics and religion are _ for business.Acheerful topics BtaboosCrude topics Dwise topics解析:选B细节理解题。根据最后一段第一句“As a general rule, its best not to talk about politics or religion with your business friends.”可得知。11Which is typically a friendly topic in most places according to the author?ASports. BChildren.CPersonal feelings. DFamilies.解析:选A细节理解题。根据最后一段倒数第二句得知在大部分地方“体育”是一个典型的友好的话题。DI believe that, as a doctor, I should always get a blanket for my patients who need one. Why do I believe I should offer to bring my patients a blanket? To me it is the first step in communicating to the patient. My priority is his or her comfort, both physical and emotional. It is a simple act that acknowledges my desire to meet their basic needs as a patient. It may be an overused expression but I want to treat my patients the way I would want my family members to be taken care of. This_behavior_was_also_modeled_for_me_when_I_was_a_patient.Shortly after college I was involved in a serious accident while working in an ambulance as a volunteer. The short story is that I broke my femur, the large bone in my thigh, and my recovery required a total of four surgeries over a year or so. The surgeon (外科医生), Dr. David, who performed the last three operations (and to whom I credit my ability to now walk unaided), usually did his rounds late at night.He was a brilliant and talented surgeon who reminded me in appearance of a chainsmoking Einstein. He would ask about my pain and my mental state, but what I remember most was his offering to bring me French fries the next time he visited me. What moved me, was that I felt he cared about me. More importantly, he understood what I wanted. He connected with me, and I trusted and obeyed everything he told me to do. He set a good example for me.Getting a blanket and placing it on my patient is, in the end, a check and balance for me. I have the power to order hundreds of tests and treatments. I try to always be right (or at least never be wrong). And on some occasions, I help save a life. However, in the end, if I have not made that connection with my patients, or if I have not shown them I understand their needs, then I have failed them as a physician and as a person.语篇解读:本文作者以第一人称介绍了“我”作为一名医生的一些感悟。“我”经常会给有需要的病人送去一条毯子,“我”认为这样的小小举动拉近了医生与病人的距离,对病人来说无论是在身体上还是精神上都是一种安慰。12What is the underlined sentence meant to tell us?AThe author was once treated by a caring doctor.BKind behaviors should be learned from.CA doctors behavior has an effect on patients.DPatients usually treat doctors as role models.解析:选A句意理解题。“be modeled for”意为“被复制给”,另外结合下文的内容,可以判断此句指的是作者生病时也受到一位医生的关心和照顾。13What touched the author most based on Paragraph 3?ADr. David gave the author something to drink.BDr. David was aware of the authors needs.CDr. David gave the author a blanket in the night.DDr. David performed four operations on the author.解析:选B细节理解题。根据文章“What moved me, was that I felt he cared about me. More importantly, he understood what I wanted.”可知Dr. David能体会“我”所经历的痛苦最让我感动。14What does the author think of Dr. David?ACaring and ambitious.BBrilliant and energetic.CResponsible and honest.DReliable and considerate.解析:选D推理判断题。综合全文特别是第三段可知,作者认为Dr. David是一个值得信赖、善解人意的医生。15What can we conclude from the last paragraph?APatients always need a blanket.BDoctors skills are the most important.CDoctors should balance work with life.DMeeting patients needs makes a good doctor.解析:选D推理判断题。文章从一开始就提到作为医生,“我”总是为需要的病人提供毯子,最后一段又提到“我”不可以忽略病人的需求,所以我们可以得出结论:满足病人的需求对做一名好医生是很重要的。.阅读七选五(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Four simple steps to be truly thankfulThanksgiving is more than pie and turkey. Its about helping and loving the family, friends and world around you. The following tips will help you show your thankfulness.1FamilyA lot can happen in a year. Your family may have added some loved ones and lost some at the same time. _16_,and let your family know how important they are to you and how glad you are that you all could get together.2FriendsDo what you always do throw a party. In college, Chicago natives Heather and Nosheen threw a dinner party for their friends on Thanksgiving and came up with HANTDE: Heather and Nosheens Thanksgiving Day Extravaganza. _17_.“HANTDE is a reunion time that we all look forward to every year,” Heather says. “_18_,so HANTDE has become a time to see and be with each other.”3Community (社区)You could volunteer at a local soup kitchen or bring unused items (物品) to a food bank. _19_. This year, Heather and Nosheen are asking their HANTDE guests to offer a monetary donation, which they will donate to help lowincome families.4Self_20_,for example, the debts you paid off or the friends youve made. Being able to give thanks for yourself and what youve done is the first step to being able to show thankfulness to others.AStop racing for the next raiseBLook back on your recent achievementsCTake the time to raise a glass during dinnerDWe have jobs now and dont see each other that muchEYou could also turn your celebration into a good causeFWhat started in their dorm room now is a yearly traditionGPerhaps a family member is fighting against a deadly disease语篇解读:文章主要是关于如何表达感谢的几条建议。16解析:选C根据该空后的“let your family know .”可知,所给选项中只有C项符合该处语境。raise a glass意为“祝酒”。17解析:选F根据上一句中的“came up with”和下一段首的“HANTDE is a reunion time that we all look forward to every year”可知,HANTDE从一项宿舍活动变成了一个年年如此的传统。18解析:选DD项中的“dont see each other that much”和该空后的“become a time to see and be with each other”相互呼应。19解析:选E该空后的内容是对E项“你也可以把庆祝变成一种高尚的目标”的举例。20解析:选B根据该空后的“the debts you paid off or the friends youve made”可知,应该回首自己近来的成就。.完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。I recently read a quote by Louisa May Alcott. It said, “We all have our own life to pursue, and our own kind of _21_ to realize. And we all have some power to make wishes come true, as long as we keep _22_.” Her words reminded me of a _23_ about a man who had a dream. It was a dream that became his burning _24_ and a dream that took him thirty years to achieve. It was a dream that had to be put on hold several times, a dream that dashed his _25_ by circumstances beyond his immediate control, and a dream that cost him his life when it is finally _26_.Some of you must _27_ this story, in the story this man dealt with _28_ businesses, personal bankruptcies, and personal tragedies but _29_ gave up despite all the challenges. Its a story that should _30_ you to do what you want. You know, this was a(n) _31_ man who wasnt born to wealth, who had to _32_ himself to gain knowledge, but he was a man who had a _33_ vision that would not be dimmed (使变暗淡) by the failures over many years. This man was Abraham Lincoln.A lot of us wont even want to _34_ waiting thirty years to accomplish a dream or a goal no matter how _35_ it is. For most of us, we want to achieve what we want _36_. And if a goal _37_ too long for us to achieve, we will usually abandon it. Now, step back a minute and look at your own life, your goals, and your dreams. If this story of great perseverance (坚持) _38_ anything to you, it should be this you can be empowered to absolutely _39_ any obstacles or roadblocks until youve realized your _40_ desires. Do it as Abraham Lincoln did!语篇解读:我们应该有梦想,并且要敢于去努力实现梦想。21A.eventBplanCpurpose Ddream解析:选D根据下文内容可知,这句引言最有可能是和梦想相关的,选D项。22A.explaining BsearchingClooking Dbelieving解析:选D这句引言是为了鼓励我们相信能够实现梦想,故这里是指只要我们一直“相信”我们能够实现梦想,就有力量去让梦想实现。23A.website BdescriptionCstory Dreport解析:选C根据后文可知主要提到了Abraham Lincoln的“故事”。24A.issue BdesireCpoint Dfire解析:选B这个梦想让Abraham Lincoln 坚持了三十年,故可知他有着强烈的“欲望”去实现这个梦想。25A.interests BfactsChopes Dhobbies解析:选C此处意为:这是一个曾被多次搁置的梦想,一个由于无法即时掌控的环境而曾让“希望”破灭的梦想,一个最终“实现”时却让他付出了生命代价的梦想。26A.realized BbrokenCstopped Dhidden解析:选A见上题解析。27A.create BknowCwrite Dunderstand解析:选BAbraham Lincoln 的这个故事很著名,故作者说可能有些人“知道”这个故事。28A.failed BimprovedCrestored Dincreased解析:选A根据后文的“personal bankruptcies, and personal tragedies”可知选A最好,表示“失败的”生意。29A.also BevenCstill Dnever解析:选D虽然经历了这么多挫折。但是Abraham Lincoln“从来没有”放弃过。30A.hurt BallowCforce Dencourage解析:选D这个故事很励志,故作者认为这个故事可以“鼓励”我们去做我们想做的事。31A.kind BrichCordinary Dhealthy解析:选C根据后文的“who wasnt born to wealth”可知这里是在突出Abraham Lincoln 在当总统前是个“普通的”人。32A.declare BteachCprove Dfind解析:选B根据后文的“to gain knowledge”可知这里是指Abraham Lincoln 通过“自学”来获取知识。33A.clear BcommonCdisappointing Dnarrow解析:选A根据后文的“that would not be dimmed (使变暗淡) by the failures over many years”可知这里是指Abraham Lincoln 有“清楚的”认识。34A.enjoy BfearCconsider Dsuggest解析:选C这里是指很多人都不“考虑”等上三十年来实现梦想。35A.familiar BsmallCpractical Dimportant解析:选D很多人都不考虑等上三十年来实现梦想,不管这个梦想有多“重要”。36A.patiently BquicklyCgradually Dfrequently解析:选B前文提到很多人不愿意花很多年去实现梦想,故这里是指很多人只想要“快速”的成果。37A.takes BspendsCwastes Dreceives解析:选A根据后半句内容可知,此处为如果成就一个目标“耗费”一个人太长时间,我们往往会放弃。38A.lends BpushesCmeans Dawards解析:选C这里是指如果这个故事对你有什么“意义”的话。39A.notice BovercomeCanalyze Dcheck解析:选B根据后文的“any obstacles or roadblocks”可知这里是指“克服”困难和挑战。40A.deepest BlatestCbest Dnicest解析:选A本文是关于努力去实现自己的梦想的,并且提到Abraham Lincoln 花了三十年来实现梦想,故这里是指内心“最深的”渴望。.语法填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。Talking is the most effective and satisfying way of communication with others. There are


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