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Environment and Health Issues,Unit Seven Lesson One,主讲:梁方琪 整合PPT:钟瑜灵 背景、习题、Para1:赵涵 Para2、3:钟声 Para4、5:徐璐瑶 Para6:程西雅 Para7:程静洁 Para8、9:蔡宇慧 Para10、11:管心茹 Para12、扩展资料:逯香香,15级英语二班,及 段 落 相 关 习 题,Background,There are so many environment and health issues in the world, which do not care about national boundaries.,Greenpeace,绿色和平组织简称绿色和平(Greenpeace),国际非政府组织。前身是1971年9月15日成立于加拿大“不以举手表决委员会”,1979年改为绿色和平组织,总部设荷兰阿姆斯特丹。 宣称使命:“保护地球、环境及其各种生物的安全及持续性发展,并以行动作出积极的改变。“不论在科研或科技发明方面,提倡有利于环境保护的解决办法。宗旨是促进实现一个更为绿色,和平和可持续发展的未来。,Green parties,绿党是提出保护环境的非政府组织发展而来的政党,绿党提出“生态优先”、非暴力、基层民主、反核原则等政治主张,积极参政议政,开展环境保护活动,对全球的环境保护运动具有积极的推动作用。,Structure,1.Ozone 2.Global warming 3.Renewable resources 4.Nulear issues,Para one:,Concern about the state of the worlds environment has grown domestically and internationally in the 1990s.The growth of Greenpeace as a movement, the limited success of Green parties in Europe, and legislation to halt the destruction of the environment in most developed democracies are concrete indictations of the importance of this policy field.,Paraphrase:,Anxiety about the trend of the worlds environment has developed internally and internationally in the 1990s. The development of Greenpeace as a movement, the limited success of Green parties in Europe, and lawmaking to stop the destruction of the environment in most developed democracies are real exhibition of the importance of this policy way.,Words: legislation : the act or process of creating or passing laws 立法 destruction:the act of destroying sth破坏 indication:a remark or sign that shows that sth is happening or what sb is thinking or feeling 标志,Para two,2) The essential problem for the environment, and many other international issues such as health protection, comes from the fact that it is a collective good. That such goods need to be preserved is often explained by what is called the “tragedy of the commons.” In villages and towns where there are “common lands,” they are invariably overgrazed by individuals who choose to keep their own lands under-utilized while they use the common land extensively. In other words, short-term individual, company, or state interests tend to prevail over common concerns and issues. Collective goods are not considered as important as the selfish interests of states, corporations, and individuals. In the same manner oceans are overfishedand parklands destroyed.,preserve:to keep or maintain intact v.保护,保存 tragedy of the commons公地悲剧:每个当事人都知道资源将由于过度使用而枯竭,但每个人对阻止事态的继续恶化都感到无能为力。而且都抱着“及时捞一把”的心态加剧事态的恶化。公共物品因产权难以界定而被竞争性地过度使用或侵占是必然的结果。这一个概念经常运用在区域经济学,跨边界资源管理等学术领域。 overgraze:v.过度放牧 prevail:win out;triumph v.盛行,获胜,劝说,Para three,3) The advance of scientific knowledge and technology has brought immeasurable good and bad consequences for humankind. It has been responsible for improvements in health, nourishment, and physical labor , but its side effects are often dangerous. Environmentalists have pointed out many ways that humans are destroying the planet. They have shown that state borders do not count for very much with regard to environmental issues. Policy must, therefore, be developed at a level above the state - in other words, internationally., nourishment:provision with food or other substances necessary for life and growth n.营养, 滋补品,Here are some examples of environmental issues that call for global action: Ozone. Then release of harmful man-made gases is destroying the ozone layer that protects the earth from ultraviolet rays(紫外线). In the mid-1980s scientists discovered that this thin layer of ozone encircling(包围) the stratosphere(同温层) was being destroyed by the emission(发射) of chlorofluorocarbon(CFC)(含氯氟烃)gases and bromine(溴) from haloids(卤化物) into the atmosphere.,para.45,As the ozone layer is destroyed, it allows more ultraviolet light to reach earth causing increased incidents of skin cancer, endangering marine life, and possibly affecting the climate. In response the developed democracies signed and later amended(修改) a Montreal Protocol on Substances(蒙特利尔议定书) that Deplete the ozone layer, which freezes and eventually begins to decrease the use of CFCs and halon production.,incident: n. an occurrence, event 事件,事变;小插曲;敌对行动;骚乱 adj. 法附带的;光入射的;易有的,附随的,marine: adj. of or relating to the sea 海的;海产的;海军的;海事的 n. 水兵;海军陆战队士兵;海事,海运业,encircle: vt.包围;围绕 be around form a circle around bind with sth round or circular,emission: n.排放,辐射;排放物,散发物(尤指气体);(书刊)发行,发布(通知) the act of emitting a substance that is emitted or released the release of electrons from parent atoms,para six. Global Warming,What is global warming? The increase in the average temperature of the earths atmosphere and oceans in recent decades.,Global warming is taking place at an alarming speed. This so-called”greenhouse”affect is caused by the release of pollutants - CFCs,methane,nitrous oxide,and 0z0ne - into the atmosphere and by the destruction of the rain forests.,What Lead to Global Warming? (para6),Greenhouse Gases: carbon dioxide, methane(甲烷), nitrous oxide(氧化亚氮), CFCs(氯氟烃), ozone,the sharp drop in forest resources factor森林资源锐减 Water Pollution factors水污染因素 Toxic waste factor有毒废料污染因素 “industrialization is causing the earths climate condition to change”,Earth Summit(para6),In order to help the earth, the United Nations held a meeting to discuss the problems. Whats the name of the meeting? The Earth Summit. The United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED), also known as the Rio de Janeiro Earth Summit , Rio Summit, Rio Conference, and Earth Summit (Portuguese: ECO92), was a major United Nations conference held in Rio de Janeiro from 3 to 14 June 1992.,para.7,Renewable Resources. The earths vegetation, too, is deteriorating. Forests are being destroyed and plant and animal species are becoming extinct. This waste of renewable resources is the subject of much controversy and is covered by a large variety of international treaties and protocols. Possibly the most important concept in this field is sustainable development. In 1987, the authors of Our Common Future, published by the UN Commission on Environment and Development, called for a commitment to the idea of sustainable development, it asked states and individuals to understand that the environment must be protected at the same time as economic growth takes place. The sustainable development concept calls for both values to be considered in tandem, not in opposition. Our Common Future stressed the needs of the worlds poor and the necessity for limits to be imposed on technology and social organization.,Renewable resources.可再生资源 A renewable resource is an organic natural resource which can replenish to overcome usage and consumption, either through biological reproduction or other naturally recurring processes in a finite amount of time. Renewable resources are a part of Earths natural environment and the largest components of its ecosphere. A positive life cycle assessment is a key indicator of a resources sustainability“可再生资源”是一个有机的自然资源,可以补充克服使用和消费,通过生物繁殖或其他自然循环过程在一个有限的时间。可再生资源是地球自然环境的一部分和最大的组件的生物圈。一个积极的生命周期评估资源的可持续发展是一个关键指标。,Para seven,Definitions of renewable: resources may also include agricultural production, as in sustainable agriculture and to an extent water resources.2 In 1962 Paul Alfred Weiss defined Renewable Resources as: “The total range of living organisms providing man with food, fibers, drugs, etc.“.3 Another type of renewable resources is renewable energy resources. Common sources of renewable energy include solar, geothermal and wind power, which are all categorized as renewable resources. 可再生的定义:资源可能还包括农业生产、可持续农业和水资源在某种程度上。1962年保罗阿尔弗雷德维斯可再生资源定义为:“生物的总范围给人提供食物、纤维、药物等”。另一种类型的可再生资源是可再生能源资源。常见的可再生能源包括太阳能、地热能和风能,都归类为可再生资源。,1.vegetation n. 植被, 呆板单调的生活, 植物, 草木 同义词: flora, growth Eg:Forests and jungles have thick vegetation. 森林和热带雨林中有茂密的植被。 2. deteriorate v. 使恶化; 使退化; 使下降; 使堕落; 恶化; 退化; 质量下降; 堕落 反义词: ameliorate, improve Eg:Americas balance of trade has been deteriorating.美国的贸易差额日趋恶化。,3.protocol n. 议定书, 协议, 处理某问题的方法; 草案, 谈判的起草; 礼节, 行为准则; 协议 同义词: agreement,treaty,contract, understanding, convention, accord, bargain Eg:Once in a while, emergency justified a break with protocol. 偶而遇到紧急情况,就得破例了。 4.sustainable adj. 足可支撑的, 可以忍受的, 养得起的 同义词:keeping,maintaining,persistent,continuous sustainable development 可持续发展 sustainable growth 可持续增长 strategy of sustainable development 可持续发展战略 sustainable agriculture 可持续农业;永续农业 sustainable competitive advantage 可持续的竞争优势 Eg:The aim must always be to create a sustainable peace, just as we aim to achieve sustainable development.,5.in tandem 1.一前一后的;2.合伙地;联合地;相互合作地 in-tandem model 串联模式 run in tandem 串接组合 Eg:Despite their diversity, or rather because of it, devices with multiple wireless capabilities can use them in tandem. 尽管它们存在差异,或者是其他原因,但是具有多种无线功能的设备可以综合利用它们。,Our Common Future Our Common Future, also known as the Brundtland Report, from the United Nations World Commission on Environment and Development (WCED) was published in 1987.我们共同的未来,也被称为布伦特兰报告,从联合国世界环境与发展委员会(指)于1987年出版。 Its targets were multilateralism and interdependence of nations in the search for a sustainable development path.其目标是多边主义和相互依赖的国家寻找一个可持续的发展道路。,para.8,Nuclear issues. The breakdown of nuclear plants may create deadly radioactivity as happened in the Chernobyl disaster in the former USSR. As well,states continue to prepare for the non-peaceful use of nuclear energy. Nuclear testing continues. In 1995-1996 France again tested underground nuclear explosions in the South Pacific. Greepeace ships are tried to sail in the waters but were prevented by French military personnel. Rioting in Papeete,the capital of Tahiti,did not halt the tests,but world pressure finally caused French president Jacques Chirac to cancel the tests as of January 1996 after six explosions.,radioactivity:n. possessing or producing energy from the breaking up of atoms,or resulting from the production of such energy 放射(性); 辐射能; riot: to take part in a public uproar or disturbance vi.暴动,闹事; 放荡; vt.浪费; 挥霍;,Biology.Biological research may lead to major international issues.One example is gene splicing(recombinant DNA),which could lead to the inadvertent development of new violent microbes.,para.9,And more than one out of four who had HIV has contracted the deadly disease. n.合同;契约;协议; v.签合同;缩小;感染 (n.)a binding agreement between two or more persons that is enforceable by law;the highest bid becomes the contract setting the number of tricks that the bidder must make (v.)be stricken by an illness, fall victim to an illness; make or become more narrow or restricted.,Para ten and eleven,In all cases HIV damages cells involved in the immune system, which then makes the body vulnerable to infections. adj. 易受攻击的;易受伤的;易受批评的; (adj.) capable of being wounded or hurt; susceptible to criticism or persuasion or temptation; susceptible to attack Old people are particularly vulnerable members of our society. 老年人是社会中尤为明显的弱势群体。,AIDS is transmitted from person to person by an exchange of bodily fluids through sexual contact, blood transfusions, shared IV needles, and open sores. Transmitted: v.传播;发射,播送,广播;传导; (v.) occurring among members of a family usually by heredity Audio signals can be transmitted along cables without distortion. 声音信号可以通过电缆传送而不失真。,fluid:,n.液体,流体 (n.) continuous amorphous matter that tends to flow and to conform to the outline of its container: a liquid or a gas; a substance that is fluid at room temperature and pressure Make sure that you drink plenty of fluids. 务必保证足够的水分摄入。,n. (肌肤的)痛处,伤处 (n.) an open skin infection,n. 输血;渗透;倾注 (n.) the action of pouring a liquid from one vessel to another; the introduction of blood or blood plasma into a vein or artery,transfusion:,sore:,The highest rates of AIDS are found among homosexuals and even heterosexuals who do not practice safer sex and drug abusers. Homosexual: n. 同性恋者 (n.) someone who practices homosexuality Can you accept that your friend is a homosexual? 如果你的朋友是同性恋,你能接受吗? Heterosexual: n. 异性恋的人 (n.) a heterosexual person Normative sexual behaviour in our society remains heterosexual. 我们社会标准的性行为仍旧是异性间的。,Para.12 These are only some of the international issues concerning the environment and health-issues only governments can solve. But the issues are complex and values about them are often conflicting. Should one push up the cost of industrial production in order to eliminate toxic wastes? Should we preserve the Amazon rain forest if it means a reduction of employment for poverty-stricken Brazilians? What role should international organizations play in protecting the environment? value:价值(worth as measured in usefulness or importance; merit) push up: 提高 toxic wasters:有毒的废料 poverty-stricken: 为贫困所困恼的,非常贫穷的,The whole world should work together to protect the environment and fight with diseases. Besides, developed countries should take more responsibility. Only in this way can we live a better life.,depletion: the act of decreasing something markedly n.消耗 legislation : the act or process of creating or passing laws. n立法 preserve:to keep or maintain intact v.保护,保存 prevail:win out;triumph v.盛行,获胜,劝说 nourishment:provision with food or other substances necessary for life and growth n.营养, 滋补品 incident: n. an occurrence, event 事件,事变;小插曲;敌对行动 protocol: A protocol is a written record of a treaty or agreement that has been made by two or more countriesn.协议,P91 I,marine: adj. of or relating to the sea 海的;海产的;海军的;海事的 extract:extract by the process of distillation v.提取 sustainable:capable of being sustained adj.可持续的,可支撑的 impose:compel to behave in a certain way vt.强加;征税 riot: to take part in a public uproar or disturbance vi.暴动,闹事; inadvertent: happening by chance or unexpectedly or unintentionally adj. 不经意的,出于无心的 radioactivity:n. possessing or producing energy from the breaking up of atoms,or resulting from the production of such energy 放射(性); 辐射能; value: worth as measured in usefulness or importance;merit n.值得,1、Concern about the state of the worlds environment has grown domestically and internationally in the 1990. A.Catastrophe B.Develpoment C.Anxiety D.Involvement catastrophe :n. an event resulting in great loss and misfortune大灾难; 惨败; a state of extreme (usually irremediable) ruin and misfortune悲剧的结局; a sudden violent change in the earths surface地表突然而猛烈的变动,灾变; Involvement:n.牵连,参与;加入;财政困难;牵连的事务,复杂的情况,2. The essential problem for the environment, and many other international issues such as health protection, comes from the fact that it is a collective good. A.Major B.serious C.Fundamental D.urgent major in sth. serious/grave/earnest/solemn 形容人严肃 稳重 认真 fundamental/essential 基础的,基本的 urgent/pressing急迫的,3. The advance of scientific knowledge and technology has brought immeasurable good and bad consequences for humankind. A. results B. drawbacks C. advantages D. functions Consequences: having important effects or influence; the outcome of an event especially as relative to an individual. as a consequence: 因为、因此 be a consequence of sth: 是某事的后果 escape the consequence: 逃避后果,5. In response the developed democracies signed and later amended(经过修订的) a Montreal Protocol(蒙特利尔议定书) on Substances that Deplete(消耗) the Ozone Layer(臭氧层),which freezes and eventually begins to decrease the use of CFCs(氯氟烃) and halon production. A. revised(经过修订的) B. passed(通过的) C. announced(宣布的) D. published(出版的) pass by sb/sth通过,经过(旁边) pass sb/sth by 未影响某人某事 pass sth down/hand down 流传,6. Country participants at 1992 Earth Summitin Rio de Janeiro drafted conventions (国际公约)on climate change, biological diversity, and forests. A.minutes B.agreement C.declarations D.communiques convention: an official agreement between countries or leaders minute: record of meeting 会议记录 agreement: a promise or a contract made with sb between A and B agreement 协议 declaration: an official or formal statement, esp about the plans of an organization.申报,声明 communiques: an official statement or report, esp to newspapers 公报,官报,7. The waste of renewable resources is the subject of much controversy and is covered by a large variety of international treaties and protocols. (In paragraph 7, line 2) A. dispute B. chaos C. discussion D. enlightenment dispute:coming into conflict with; a disagreement or argument about something important 争端 chaos: a state of extreme confusion and disorder 混乱,紊乱 discussion: an exchange of views on some topic 讨论 enlightenment:education that results in understanding and the spread of knowledge 启蒙运动; 启迪,8. The breakdown of nuclear plants may create deadly radioactiv


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