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第八课,单词,imply,暗示,暗指,意味着: His words implied displeasure. 他的话暗示出他很不高兴。,必须具备;必然包含; Speech implies a speaker. 事必有因。 Drama implies conflict. 戏剧必有冲突。,suggest,imply,implication,By implication,He seemed by implication to acknowledge that fact. 他似乎含蓄地承认了那事实。,implication n. (Title) something that is suggested,I. Word Using,I resent your implication that my work is not satisfactory.,我讨厌别人暗示我,说我的工作做得不好。,I have no implication with that thing. 我跟那事毫无牵连。 It and estate bubble are without implication. 它与房地产泡沫毫无干系啊。 He has not actually realized the full implication. 他还没有真正认识到全部含义。,clone,clone technology 克隆技术 gene clone 基因克隆,Shes just another Marilyn Monroe clone. 她仿佛是从玛丽莲梦露 克隆而来的。,gene,基因(遗传,先天),Genetic Ic是形容词词根“学的” Ics是“学”的词根 遗传学(的),genius,(不可数)天才,天赋 (可数)天才人物,-ics electronelectronics linguistlinguistics,Genius 和talent 有什么区别吗?,有talent的不少, 但是有genius的 人很罕见,The relation of genius to talent is the same as That of instinct to reason. 天资之于才华,一如 本能之于理智。,ingenious,(在内),人头脑灵活的, 善于创造发明的 有创造性的 绝妙的,An ingenious idea suddenly came upon me. 我突然想到了一个绝妙的主意。,genuine,Genuine 由gene而来, 因而其“真正的”含义为 “纯种的”,“地道的” “正宗而非冒牌的” 反义词 “artificial” 人工的,人造的,英denjn,One should acquire knowledge genuinely And ingeniously, hard and flexibly; if he studies genuinely but not ingeniously, or hard but not flexibly, he will not be able to single out one thing and bring out its bearings. 学习知识要真,巧,苦,活;真而不巧,不能触类旁通; 苦而不活,不能举一反三。,gene,generate,生殖,产生,导致,His kind smile soon generated friendliness. 他友善的微笑很快造成了友好的气氛。 to generate hope 产生希望 A fire generates heat. 火产生热 to generate electricity 发电,generator,degenerate,De 向下,衰退,堕落 堕落者 堕落的,We must not allow our creative protest to degenerate into physical violence. 我们不能容许我们的具有崭新内容的抗议蜕变为暴力行动。,generation,From generation to generation 世代相传 Generation gap 代沟,regenerative,Indeed, all meant egg as a symbol of the regenerative forces of nature. 实际上,都是因为觉得蛋是 自然界再生力量的象征。,再生的 更生的,In general,In particular,I like meat in general, and mutton in particular. 我总得来说喜欢吃肉,特别的喜欢吃羊肉。,Generalize 概括,归纳,Generalize a conclusion 总结出结论,They offer a new way to probe how the brain generates and understands language, and throw new light on an old scientific controversy. 他们(手语)为探索大脑如何产生和理解语言提供了新的途径,而且给弄清科学界的一个长期存在的争议带来了启迪。,special,特别的,特殊的,specially,特别地 特殊地,especially,特别 尤其,你知道especially和 Specially之间的区别吗?,The weather has been especially cold. I came specially to see you. 最近天气特别冷。我特地来看你。 Specially多指为一特定特别的目的而做;especially 侧重达到异常的程度。(to an exceptional degree.),Special 特殊的。专门的。 Specific 特定的。具体的,明确的。,specialist,专家,A specialist In history 历史专家 To specialize in history 专攻历史,Speciality specialty,Wood carvings are a speciality of the area. 木雕是该地区的特产。 Make a speciality of 以为专长,专售,专卖 This shop makes a speciality of mens shoes. 这家商店专售男鞋。,Specific,Specific是与general(一般)相对的“具体” 与“vague”(模糊,不定)相对的 “明确”,concrete是与 Abstract(抽象)相对的 “具体”,spsfk,I am interested in specific objects instead of abstract notions. I am interested in concrete objects instead of abstract notions.,Some Japanese kindergartens have specific aims, such as early musical training or potential development. 一些日本幼儿园有特定的培养目标,例如早期音乐训练或者潜能开发。,prohibit,Parking Prohibited 禁止停车,Forbid By authority,Prohibit和forbid 之间的区别 是什么,此二词都表示“禁止”: forbid常表示直接或者私自下命令加以禁止,并希望他人遵循;prohibit则表示制定正式规章,并有强制执行的意思。 His wife forbids him to smoke. In our city smoking is prohibited by law.,词义上,They prohibited children _ swimming in the river. They forbade children _swim in the river.,They prohibited children _from_ swimming in the river. They forbade children _to _swim in the river.,Prohibit与from连用 Prohibition 与against连用 The prohibition against smoking The prohibition to smoking,禁酒法 prohibition law 禁酒主义 prohibitionism 禁酒主义者 prohibitionist,年月日美国禁酒令生效 联邦特工人员把威士忌倒入阴沟 月日,禁止酿造和发售酒类的沃尔斯特法令在美国生效。长期以来,舆论界强烈主张禁酒,至第一次世界大战开始时,美国已有的州是“干”的。 但是,需要有一个全国性的法令来最终完成禁酒的使命。受禁酒令鼓舞,妇女纷纷出动捣毁啤酒馆,流血事件时有发生。 然而一直到了五六十年代,美国的黑帮家族仍然在地下走私黑牌、白兰地等烈酒。 而美国西部酒吧里,这项法令则似乎从来没有被实施过。 到了七八十年代,流行吸毒的美国人对于酒的心态彻底解禁,甚至没有把违法喝酒看做追求精神自由的象征。 到了世纪的今天,他们已经把酒看做一项非常平常的事情。,resemble rizembl vt.像;类似;与相似: He resembles his father very much in character. 他在性格上非常像他父亲。,You resemble a train than her! 你比她长得像火车! They resemble each other in size. 二者大小相似。 How can say that you resemble pig? 怎么能说你长得像猪呢?,intact,However, today we can only stay intact. 然而我们只能原封不动的呆在今天。,Keep intact 保持原貌,未受损的; 完整无缺的,(女子)保持童贞的; (家畜)未经阉割的,confuse,confuse with 混淆,We often confuse our “needs“ with “wants. 我们往往把需要和欲望混为一谈。 Do you confuse information with knowledge? 你是否把信息和知识混同起来了?,confusion,in confusion 乱七八糟;处于混乱状态 chaos and confusion 混乱与浑沌 throw into confusion 打乱;使陷入混乱;使惊慌失措,Take time to deliberate; when the time for action arrives, stop thinking go in. 做事要深思熟虑,但时机一到,就要动手,不要犹豫。,deliberate,take time to deliberate: 做事要深思熟虑,We have deliberated on your proposal. 我们已经仔细考虑的妳的建议。 The teacher asked whether I could deliberate on my viewpoint. 老师问我是否能仔细解释一下我的观点。,deliberate on 审议;仔细研究,考虑,line,线 航线 排,队,排队,in line with 符合;与一致 line up: 整队,I think our price is in line with the world market. 我认为我们的价格与世界市场行情是相符的。 We line up and sing. We play, too. 我们排队和唱歌。我们也做游戏。,原指美国南北战争时期南部政府的联军设立在一个战俘营外地一条界线,战俘越线者死,故该界线被称为deadline.此后词义扩大,亦指监狱周围的死线。该词多指“最后期限”或者(报纸,杂志的)截稿日期。,Deadline 最后期限 Deadlock 僵局,outline,n. 外形。轮廓 Vt.描外廓或者外形,n. 概要,提纲 Vt. 概括,概述,The outline is fine, bu


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