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介词,prep.,介词是_, 不能单独作句子成分,必须在后面接上_ 构成_,在句中充当一个成分。,虚词,介宾短语,介宾短语在句中可以充当哪些成分? 常见的介词有哪些? 各个介词之间意义和用法的区别?,名词、代词、动名词、不定式、或从句,一、介宾短语在句中可以充当哪些成分?, This machine is in good condition. Where is the key to my bike? The girl in red is my sister. She always thinks herself above others. Nothing in the world could live without air or water. We live in Guangzhou. She got to school at 9:00. I go back home by bus. The game was put off because of rain. ,表语,定语,条件状语,宾补,定语,地点状语,时间状语,方式状语,原因状语,主要功能: 介宾短语通常在句中充当 _、 _、_或者_。,表语,定语(后置),宾补,状语,二、常见的介词有哪些? 各个介词之间意义和用法的区别?,(1)表示时间的: at / in / on by/for/since after/ before during within throughout over until/ till between,在期间,在(期限)之内,在整个期间;贯穿,从头到尾,throughout ones life 毕生;整个一生,在期间,over Christmas 在圣诞节期间,直到才,在之间(and),The accident happened between three and four oclock.,在之后/之前,区分: at / in / on在表示时间上的不同,在四点钟 在中午 在午夜时分 在那个时候/刻 在这个月月初/尾 在周末 在圣诞节 在七岁的时候 目前 在黎明时分/黄昏时刻在日出时分/日落时分,at four o clock,at noon,at midnight,at that time/moment,at the beginning/end of this month,at/on the weekend= at/on weekends,at Christmas,at the age of seven,at present= at the present time,at dawn/dusk,at sunrise/sunset,at 表示具体的 时间点、时刻、 时分、时段 以及 一些固定短语中,在星期一 在七月十号 在七月十日的早上 在一个晴朗的日子,on Monday,on July 10 = on the 10th of July,on the morning of July 10,on a fine day,on表示具体的哪一天(早上/下午/晚上);还可以表示“一就”,_ hearing the news, she burst into tears.,_ arriving in Tokyo, I called him up on the phone.,On,On,在上午/下午/晚上 在二十世纪 在某人的童年时代 在某人的一生中 在一月 在春天 在 1979年 在过去 在未来, 今后 他后三天就会回来。,in the morning /afternoon/ evening,in January,in (the) spring,in 1979,in the twentieth century,in ones childhood,in ones life,in the past,in the future,He will come back in three days.,After three days, he came back.,in表示在那一个世纪/年/月/季节以及一些固定短语中; in 还可以表示“将来的一段时间”后。,he came back three days later.,adv.,区分: by/ for / since 在表示时间上的不同,You must be back _ four oclock. We have studied English _ many years. They have been close friends _ childhood.,by,for,since,by for since,+时间点 “到时候为止”,+时间段 “(动作/状态)持续的时间; 长达多久时间,常与完成时连用,“自从时候以来”,也常与完成时连用(主句),by now,注意:有些时间名词前不接介词。如: today, tomorrow, yesterday, the day before yesterday, (the) next/last day/Sunday this/ that morning these/these years 在each, any, every, some, all 等用于表示时间概念的名词前 We have to get up very early every day.,(2)表示空间方位的:,into out of along round/around up/down above/below over/ under inside/ outside before/ behind beside/by near past/by across/through,进入,在 外面,沿着,在周围;围绕,沿着向上/下(游),在上/下,在上/下,在里面/外面,在前面/后面,在旁边,在附近,经过,穿过,sail up the river,go across the street go through the forest,break into,go/take out of,between among towards from to at in on for against off,两者之间,三者或三者以上之间,朝着方向,来自于,到去,对,在地方,向往(目的地),在里面;在地方,leave/head for前往,脱离;远离,keep off the grass! 请勿践踏草地! get off the train下车,在上面(接触面上),at school/home,arrive in Beijing,at table 在进餐/吃饭,arrive at the bus station,in hospital 在医院住院,倚,靠; 紧靠,Tired, Jim was fast asleep with his back against a big tree.,区分 in/ on/ to 在表达地理位置上的区别,Haerbin lies _ the northeast of China. The North Korea lies _ the northeast of China. Japan lies _ the northeast of China.,in,on,to,在范围之内,与相邻(接壤),不接壤,(遍及)全世界,throughout the world all over the world around the world,by的用法,1. America was discovered by Columbus.,被,由,2. There is a desk by the window.,3. Have you ever been to Guangzhou by ship?,在旁边, 乘,坐,4. He passed the college entrance examination by hard work., 凭借,依靠,5. By working hard he gained rapid promotion.,6. He is older than his wife by three years.,7. The car factory hopes to increase its output by 50% next year., 增加、减少/相差的幅度,8. The plane will surely arrive by ten oclock., 到为止,9. Its five oclock by my watch.,根据,按照,10. Judging by appearances can be misleading.,according to,pay sb by the hour,按小时付钱给某人,rent a car by the day/week/month,(3) 表示方式、手段、工具的,pay by cheque,用支票付款,learn sth by heart,背,记住,These baskets are made by hand.,用手工制作的,区分 by/ through/ with/ in,I make a living _teaching.,by,by “靠用”表示一种方式或手段或用于固定短语中,by means of,“用,通过”,I learned it _ a friend.,through “通过” 表示一种途径,有时可与by 换用。,He succeeded _ hard work.,He was writing _ a pencil. We see _ our eyes.,with,with,with “用” 后常接具体有形的物体。,He talks _ French.,in,pay in cash,以现金支付,in “用(语言)”,through,through/by,with 的用法:,1. The man went home with a happy heart.,表伴随“带着,有,随着”,2. Some high school students may be required to have an interview with people from the university.,“与,和”,deal with,3. Her fingers were numb with cold.,表原因,numb with cold jump with joy smile with satisfaction,冻得发麻,高兴得跳起来,满意地笑,处理,对付,reward sb with sth for sth,因某事用报答某人,“用”,smile in relief,如释重负地笑,表伴随,随着时间的流逝,with time going by =,as time goes/went by,连词,without,没有,with 的复合结构:,with sb doing sth done sth to do,within,在范围内,out of 在外,It saves time in the kitchen to have things you use a lot within easy reach.,within easy reach,在容易到达的范围之内,I wouldnt have entered this famous university without your help.,隐含的条件句虚拟语气,for 的用法,表原因;,She stared at me for a few seconds and handed back the money. To pay for the high-tech health care, people can buy health insurance for their pets.,保险,Are you for or against the war?.,表长达一段时间,为了(得到),ask sb for sth,问某人要某物,赞成,反对,in favor of,object to oppose vt.,in honor/memory/search of,为了纪念/寻找,apologize to sb for sth,表原因的介词:,because of,owing to,due to,thanks to,at,with,be surprised at sth be disappointed at sth,对感到惊讶,对感到失望,表示所属关系:,Children need friends of their own age to play with.,of ones own 属于某人自己的,I didnt want to be laughed at for talking to him but I didnt like leaving him on his own either.,of; to,on ones own 独自; 靠某人自己= by oneself,门的钥匙 问题的答案,the key to the door,the answer to the question,表示数量:,about/around(大约); over (超过);more/less than,关于:,about; on,as 和 like 作为介词的意思,_ most students, she was always prepared and never came to class late. I feel that one of my duties _ a teacher is to help the students to become good learners.,as,Like,作为,像(一样),unlike 不像 prep. dislike 不喜欢 vt.,表示“除了”:,区分 except, besides, except for, but, apart from, in addition to,我们都去了,约翰没有去。,1. We all went except John.,3. The carpet is good except for its price.,except for含有大体上可以,但有部分不够好,“美中不足”,except 除了(把排除在外);不能放在句首,2. Except for Dick, you all can go.,4. Besides the mayor, many other people were present.,除市长之外还有许多其他人出席。,besides 除了还有(包含在内),have nothing to do but do sth,除了做某事别无选择。,have no choice but to do sth,nothing but anything but,除外,什么也没有/不是;只是 only,He was anything but a fool.,他根本不是个傻瓜。,Hes nothing but a criminal.,根本不是,他只不过是一个罪犯。,on, under 可表 “在进行中”的意思,on holiday on business on sale on a visit to on show,在度假 在出差 在(减价/廉价)出售 在去参观的途中 在展出,under discussion under construction under repair under investigation under control,在讨论中 在建设中 在修理中 在调查中 处于控制之下,for sale 待售,注意:有些短语中介词不同,整个意思也不同,be tired of be tired from,厌烦,因而感到疲惫,be good at be good for,be famous/known in be famous/known as be famous/known for,be familiar to be familiar with,1. Chinese proverbs are rich and they are still widely used in Chinese peoples daily life. _ these proverbs there are often interesting stories. 2. He did so the next day. He was very tired_ doing this for a whole day, but he felt very happy since the crop did “grow” higher. (2008高考题) 3. When Jane got home, with her small but well-chosen present in her bag, her parents were already _ table having supper. 4.She found some goo


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