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Top Ten Network of catchwords in 2010,2010十大网络流行语,软件2班 邓钦,Network popular words, As its name suggests is popular on the network language, is netizens established express way. He has two main Characteristics: One is younger, the other is culture.,网络流行语 顾名思义就是在网络上 流行的语言,是网民们约 定俗成的表达方式。他有 两大特征:一是年轻化, 二是有文化。,NO.1,gelivable,(给力),Similar to the “very good“, “it is exciting“ “cool“ “Its great“ “very interesting“,smile gelivable,The origin of the word,Is said to be derived from the Chinese dub versions of Japan funny cartoon of the journey to the West journeys end 据说是源自中文配音 版本的日本搞笑动漫 西游记旅程的终点,Ungelivable (不给力),When they arrived at the Tianzhu, Wukong was disappointed to say: “thats the Tianzhu ? Ungelivable,teacher “,当他们到达天竺后,悟空 失望地说:“这就是天竺 吗?不给力啊老师”,On November 10, the words on the peoples daily front page title, was widely perceived as the network language “pop“ sign. Recently, the “gelivable“ this Chinese Web users make it also on the popularity of English vocabulary.,11月10日,该词上了人民日报头 版标题,更被普遍认为是网络语 言“流行”的标志。近来, “gelivable”这一由中国网民造出 来的英文词汇也开始走红。,NO.2,Everything is nothing,神马都是浮云,Similar to nothing worth mentioning,Come from popular in the entire network of “xiaoyueyue“ event,源于红遍网络的“小月月”事件,During the 2010 National Day, Titled “Thanks to a friend gave me such a sad National Day “ in the post. “xiaoyueyue“, turned out, in words and deeds of the Thunder beings, and to allow Internet users to “horse“ and “clouds“ contacts together.She is a God, she is one of the clouds,NO.3,My Daddy is Li Gang,我爸是李刚,Described capital, swollen with arrogance, fear nothing,形容有资本、气焰嚣张、有恃无恐,Come form the Traffic accident of Hebei University,On October 16, 2010 in a traffic accident occurred in Hebei University, Hit the driver who shouted: “Have the ability you come to, my dad is Li gang!“ This quickly became friends and media focus of hot, “My dad is Li gang“ has rapidly become popular words.,2010年10月16日晚发生在河北大学 的一起交通事故中,撞人的司机高喊: “有本事你们告去,我爸是李刚!” 此事迅速成为网友和媒体热议的焦点 “我爸是李刚”也迅速成为网络流行语,A very difficult decision,NO.4,一个非常艰难的决定,many people must remember the war in early November between the QQ and 360,This sentence is from the Tencent QQ,From the evening of November 3 Induced by Tencent, published in a letter to a vast number of QQ users. The most classic lines as in the letter “we made a very difficult decision“. Then users start to imitate “QQ“, and swept the network within a few hours.,出自11月3日晚腾讯发表的致广大QQ 用户的一封信。信中最经典台词为 “我们作出了一个非常艰难的决定” 随后网民开始模仿“QQ体”,并在几 小时内便风靡网络。,Envy Jealousy and Hate,NO.5,羡慕嫉妒恨,Expression of a distinct, strong emotions Indicates that people strongly to broke down due to discontent increased.,表达鲜明、强烈的情感 表示人因不满情绪的递增而 强烈到不能自持,Widely referenced by the media for the first time was due to Zhang Yimous comedy film three shots. Lot of people in the film to Zhang Yimou is 5 words: Envy Jealousy and Hate.,第一次被媒体广泛引用是由于张艺谋去 年的贺岁喜剧电影三枪拍案惊奇 电影圈的很多人对张艺谋就是5个字: 羡慕嫉妒恨!,NO.6,Philippine police,菲警,Someone is inability failing to know what to do, mind numbing ridiculous behavior.,形容某人无能,遇事不知 所措,心灵麻木,举止 可笑。,On August 23, 2010, a Hong Kong tour groups in the Philippines were kidnapping Last 8 people were killed In the incident, Philippine polices handling capacity has been questioned. Philippines police became the laughingstock of the world. “Philippine Police“ became a symbol of incompetence.,2010年8月23日,一个香港旅行团在 菲律宾遭到劫持,最后造成8人遇难, 菲律宾警方的处理能力遭到质疑,菲 律宾警察成了世界的笑柄,“菲警”成 了无能的代名词。,The scariest thing in the world is not a terrorist kidnapping you, but Philippine police to save you.,这个世界上最恐怖的事情不是 恐怖份子劫持你,而是菲律宾 警察去救你。,Pressure,NO.7,鸭梨,“Pear big“is the homonym of a lot of pressure. Also stupid but cute, only waiting to be eaten without eating people.,“鸭梨很大”是压力很大的 谐音。也指愚笨 但是可爱, 只有等着被吃的份 没有吃人 的份。,“Pear“ is the “pressure“ homonyms. Some common pinyin input “Yali“ appears first word is “pear“, someone in Baidu is not intended to put “pressure“ as “pear“, but numerous people in the Baidu to imitate.,杯具,NO.8,Tragedy,Meaning of unhappy frustrated or failed,The first use of “cups “ of the word are Yi zhongtian,In a period of the hundred forums, he said in a “tragedy“, this popular screenshots prompt in all the major forums,Its none of my business, I am just passing by.,关我什么事?我只是来打酱油的。,No.9,NO.10,我勒个去,Oh my God,It is an interjection, expressing their impatience, helplessness,


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