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,Unit 5 Feeling Happy,Topic 3 Many things can affect our feelings.,Section B,福建省漳州市南靖县实验中学 周宽宏,How to reassure your friend?,Dont worry. (别担心。) Dont be afraid!(别害怕。) Be brave!(勇敢点。) Calm down.(镇静。) Take it easy. (别紧张。) We can help you.(我们会帮你。) Youll get well soon.(你很快就会好的。) .,Work alone,Listen to the conversation between a dentist and her patient. Number the expressions you hear.,( ) Take it easy. ( ) Dont be afraid. ( ) Itll be all right. ( ) Relax. ( ) Dont worry. ( ) Im afraid of ( ) Im worried about ( ) Calm down.,7,2,5,8,4,3,1,6,听力材料,Man: Im worried about my tooth. It hurts badly. Dentist: Dont be afraid. Open your mouth, please! Man: Er, no! No! Sorryer, I dont like that. Im afraid of Dentist: Dont worry. Itll be all right. I have to fill that bad tooth. Man: No, please dont Dentist: Calm down. Now, lets go on then Man: Stop! Im sorry, but I really cant Im so afraid. Id better go. Dentist: Take it easy. Relax. It only takes a few minutes. Five minutes at most. Well finish it. Now, close your eyes,How is Michael feeling now? 2. How can Kangkang, Jane and Maria give Michael a surprise?,Listen and answer,He is feeling much better.,They can put on a short play to give Michael a surprise.,1. Illness usually makes us sad, worried and frightened. 疾病通常会使我们难过,焦虑和恐惧。 2. That will make him or her get well soon. 那会使他或她很快康复。 3. So lets give Michael a surprise! 那么就让我们给迈克尔一个惊喜吧! 4. Lets prepare for it. 咱们去准备吧。,Listen,follow and underline,“make +宾语+ n. ”意为 “使、让某人/某物成为” eg. We made him our monitor.我们选他为我们的班长。 “make +宾语+ adj.” 意为”使某人/ 某物变得” eg. The exciting news made us excited. “make +宾语 +do sth.(不带to的不定式)“ 意为“使某人做某事” 注: 否定形式 make +宾语+ not do sth. eg. I make faces and make my classmates laugh. 我做鬼脸使我的同学们都笑了。,( ) 1. They made him_ headmaster after Jane left. A. a B. the C. / ( ) 2. Balanced diet makes us _. A. health B. healthy C.healthily ( ) 3. He often makes us _. A. to laugh B. laughing C.laugh,C,B,C,1.let+宾语+do sth.(不带to的不定式)意为“让某人做某事” eg. Let him go.让他去。 注:否定形式 not + let +宾语 + do sth. 2. let+宾语+adv.(副词) eg. Let him out.让他出去。 3. let+宾语+prep.(介词) eg. Who let you into the building?谁让你进到楼里的?,( ) 1. Her father doesnt let him _ computer games . A. to play B. play C. playing ( ) 2. Mother let me _ to camp. A. go B. to go C. not to go,B,A,Work alone,Look at the pictures and make sentences after the examples. Part 3,Example: The boss makes the workers work for 14 hours a day. The doctor lets Michael rest for a few days.,1. The funny man makes the girl laugh. 2. The teachers make him headmaster.,3. The mother doesnt let the child watch TV. 4. The man makes the horse run faster.,5. The speech makes them excited. /The good news makes him excited. 6. The girl lets the teacher know about her sadness.,Read and fill in the blanks,We usually feel _,_ and _. When we are ill. Many things can _ our feelings. For example, if we cant get along _ with our classmates, we may feel _ and _. If we are always in a bad _, it will be bad for our health. When someone is ill, he or she should try to _ at life. That will _ him or her _ well soon. We may become _ if we are in a good mood.,sad,worried,frightened,affect,well,upset,unhappy,mood,smile,make,get,healthier,Important sentences,1.Illness usually makes us sad,worried and frightened. 疾病通常会使我们感到难过,焦虑和恐惧。 2.For example, if we cant get along well with our schoolmates, we may feel upset and unhappy. 例如,如果我们不能和同学相处好,我们可能感到烦恼和不高兴。,3.If we are always in a bad mood, it will be bad for our health. 如果我们的心情总是如此糟糕,这样的状态会有害于我们的健康。 4. If we are usually in a good mood, we may become healthier. 如果我们通常有一个好心情,我们就可能变得更健康。,5. When someone is ill, he or she should try to smile at life. 当某人生病时,他或她应尽量笑对人生。 6. We can put on a short play, just as we often do at the English corner. 我们可以演一部短剧,就像我们经常在英语角里做的那样。,Project,What do you think can affect your feelings? Discuss in groups and write a passage after class. Finish Part 4.,Summary,1. Learn some new words and phrases: get along with, put on, boss, passport 2. Review describing personal feelings: He is feeling better. Illness usually makes us sad, worried and frightened. 3. Go on learning the usages of “make + object + adj./v./n.” and “let + object + v.” We should do something to make him happy again. That w


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