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,Section A 1a-1c,Would you mind turning down the music?,Unit 7,Sometimes we meet some problems and complain about them,But we can say:,Can you please?,Could you please?,Would you please?,Would you like to ?,open the window sweep the floor do the dishes do the laundry make the bed clean the living room .,征求对方意见的句型,Do you think the room is dirty and terrible? Could you please help me do some chores?,你介意吗?,礼貌地提出请求,“Could you please clean the room?” “Would you mind cleaning the room?”,A: Would you mind cleaning the yard? B: OK, Ill do it right away.,yard,院子,立刻,A: Would you mind moving your bike? B: Sorry, Ill do it right away.,Your bikes are in front of my door,I cant open the door,A: Would you mind turning down the music? B: No, not at all.,不,一点也不。,I am doing my homework, but the music is too loud.,The dishes are very dirty,A: Would you mind doing the dishes? B: No, not at all.,你介意吗?,礼貌地提出请求,“Could you please clean the room?” “Would you mind cleaning the room?”,Would you mind?,opening the window weeping the floor cleaning the yard moving you bike doing the dishes doing the laundry making the bed cleaning the living room .,Answers: (Polite) Ok answers: No,not at all/ sorry,Ill do it right away/sorry,Ill stop it rigth away (Impolite) Not ok answers: Yes,I do mind /Youd better not./ sorry,I have to,Take photos,A: Would you mind not taking photos here? B: No, not at all.,礼貌地表示歉意,你可以不吗?,Would you mind not smoking here? Sorry, Ill stop it right away.,A: Would you mind not sleeping late? B: Im sorry. Ill get up right away.,sleep late,Your brother is sleeping late. But you cant stand sleeping late.,#* & # !,#* & # !,#* & # !,talk in class,A: Would you mind not talking in class? B: Sorry, Ill stop talking right away.,Some people are talking in class,you cant hear the teacher.,sleeping late talking in class playing baseball in a yard Taking photos playing the computer games copying homework using mobile phone in class arriving late for school ,Answers: (Polite)Ok answers: No,not at all/ sorry,Ill do it right away/sorry,Ill stop it rigth away (Impolite)Not ok answers: Yes,I do mind /Youd better not./ sorry,I have to,Would you mind not?,1a: match the requests with the pictures,a,b,c,d,_ a. Would you mind cleaning the yard? _ b. Would you mind not playing baseball here? _ c. Would you mind moving your bike? _ d. Would you mind turning down the music?,1,2,3,4,1b Listening,Listen and number the requests below in the order you hear them.,Would you mind doing ?你介意做.吗? Would you mind (not) doing?你介意(不)做.吗? 注意以上两个问句的答语: 1)表示不介意: No, not at all. /Sorry, Ill do it right away. Certainly not./Sorry,Iwont do it again. 2)表示介意: Please dont./ Yes, I do mind./ Youd better not. Sorry, but I have to + 原因 / Im sorry, but I do./ Sorry, I cant,Sum up:礼貌地询问或请求别人做某事,或请求他人的许可。,One never loses anything by politeness. 礼多不吃亏;礼多人不怪。,Remember,Finish the practice in unit7,the first period,Unit 7 would you mind turning down the music?,第一课时练习题 一. 词汇 1. not at all 一点也不 2.turn down 关小 3.clean the yard 打扫院子 4.right away 立刻,马上 5.打棒球 play baseball 6.搬动自行车 move bike 二.填空。 1. Would you mind openingthe door for me?( open) 2. Would you mind not smokinghere? It says: No smoking!( smoke抽烟) 3. Would you mind bringingme a cup of tea?(bring) -Yes,Ill do it right away . (好的,马上) 4. Could you please doing your housework by yourself?(do) 5. Could you please turningdown the music?(turn) -sorry,I cant.(对不起,我不能) 6.Would you like to do the dishes?(do),三.翻译下列句子: 1.你介意把音乐调小吗?-对不起, 我马上做。 Would you mind turning down the music? -sorry , Ill do it right away. 2. 你介意把自行车挪到院子里吗?-一点都不介意,我马上做。 Would you mind moving the bike to yard? NOt at all,Ill do it right away. 3. 你介意打扫院子吗?-不,一点也不。 Would you mind cleaning the yard? -No,not at all 4. 你介意不在这里打棒球吗?-不,一点也不。 Would you mind not playing baseball here?-No,not at all.,Homework: You will have a party this Sunday, ask your friend to help you. you can use the following sentences : would you mind? could you please.? Would you like to? Can you?,Thank you for listening!,Unit 7 Would you mind turning down the music? Period3,smoke,If someone smoke in public, what would you say?,Could you please not smoke here? Youd better not smoke here. You shouldnt smoke here. Please dont smoke here. You mustnt smoke here.,Would you mind,not smoking here?,Game- Playing,If Mary plays ping-pong in the classroom.,Mary, would you mind not playing ping-pong in the classroom?,If Jim doesnt finish his homework.,Jim, would you mind finishing your homework?,If Tom copies others homework.,Tom, would you mind not copying others homework?,If Lucy doesnt listen to the teacher.,Lucy, would you mind listening to the teacher?,If Lily sings in the dormitory.,Lily, would you mind not singing in the dormitory?,If Ben plays basketball in the classroom.,Ben, would you mind not playing basketball in the classroom?,Look at the pictures. Imagine you are the people in the pictures. Complete the sentences.,I get annoyed when someone stands in the subway door.,When this happens, I .,usually say “Would you mind not stand here?”,Cut in line,wait in line,Whats the problem?,When this happens, what will you do?,Would you mind waiting in line?,Could you please not cut in line?,1.Would you mind_. 2. Could you please _? 3. Would you mind _? 4. Please _. 5. Also, you have to _.,washing the dishes,feed the dogs,cooking for us,study in the library,finish your homework in time,His barber gave him a terrible haircut.,What annoyed him?,Because the waitress brought him the wrong food.,bring -brought,The man is angry.,The store clerk gave him the wrong size.,Hes wearing a new coat. But it is too big.,The girl is waiting for her friends. She is worried.,Her friends were late.,The man was seeing a movie. He thought it was terrible.,His best friend said it was great.,Have you ever complained about these things?,Your friends were late.,The store clerk gave you the wrong size.,The movie was terrible. Your best friend said it was great.,The pen you bought didnt work.,The waitress brought you the wrong food.,Your barber gave you a terrible haircut.,A: This doll is too big. Would you mind _ B: _Here you are.,giving me a smaller one?,The store clerk gave you the bigger size.,Im so sorry,A: I bought this pen here, but it doesnt work. Would you mind _ B: Not at all. Here you are.,giving me a new one?,The pen you bought didnt work.,Your barber gave you a terrible haircut.,A: Oh! Its terrible. Would you mind _ B: Im so sorry._,changing to another style?,Ill do it right away.,1a Have you ever complained about these things? Would you ever complain about them?,Your barber gave you a terrible haircut.,The sore clerk gave you the wrong size.,Your friends were late.,The movie was terrible. Your best friend said it was great.,The waitress brought you the wrong food.,The pen you bought didnt work.,Listen and number the sentences in the order you hear them.,1,2,3,Listen again and fill in the blanks in the chart.,got the wrong size shirt,will get a smaller shirt,restaurant,will bring some French fries,store,got a pen that didnt work,Find out some of the things that annoys your classmates and fill the chart. What is the most common problem? What do different students do for them?,A: What annoys you, Lin Zheng?,B: I get annoyed when my classmates borrow my eraser and dont return it.,A: What do you do?,B: I say, “Would you mind returning my eraser?”,Report,Lin Zheng gets annoyed when his classmates dont return his eraser.,I dont like waiting in line when a shop assistant has a long telephone conversation. When that happens, I usually say, “Would you mind helping me?”,What annoys the girl ?,When this happens, what will she do?,And I dont like it when shop assistants follow me around. Then I say, “Could you please not follow me around? Ill ask you if I need some help.” Usually the shop assistants say they are sorry, but sometimes they get mad. If that happens, I wont go back to that store again.,What annoys the girl?,When this happens, what will she do?,I get annoyed when someone talks to me while Im reading. This happens to me all the time in the school library. When it happens, I usually talk to the person because I want to be polite. But because Im polite, people dont know Im annoyed. So they do the same thing again. Perhaps in the future I should try not to be so polite.,What annoys the boy ?,When this happens, what will he do?,True or False,What annoys the girl? When this happens, what will she do ?,The girl doesnt care if she waits in line.( ) When the shop assistant is having a long telephone conversation, she often waits.( ) She usually asks the shop assistant not to follow her around politely. ( ) When the shop assistant gets mad, she will never go to that store again.( ),F,F,T,T,True or False,To the boy, it is always happens that someone talks to him while he was reading in the library. ( ) He usually refuses to talk with the person ( ) Perhaps in the future, he should try not to be so polite . ( ),T,F,T,What annoys the boy? When this happens, what will he do ?,Would you mind turning down the music?,Period 4,Unit 7,mind wait follow order turn down,Im trying to sleep. Could you _ the music, please? 2. Im going to be a bit late. Could you ask the bus driver to _ for five minutes? 3. Would you _ closing the door? Its cold outside. 4. I dont know the way to the sports club. Can I _ you? 5. Sorry, I _ my food half an hour ago and it hasnt arrived yet.,turn down,wait,mind,follow,ordered,1. Fill in the blanks with the words given.,Writing:,Write a polite letter complaining about your new neighbors impolite behaviors.,I get annoyed when my neighbors make a lot of noise When this happens, I _,My neighbors,Write a polite letter complaining about things to them.,Dear Mr and Mrs Harris: Welcome to our neighborhood. You must be excited to be in a new house. However, would you mind not Yours sincerely, _,turn down the music /not play soccer in the room/not talking on the phone too loud /not play the guitar,How to make request(请求),Please. Could you please +V原 Would you mind V-ing Would you mind not V-ing,Dear Mr. and Mrs. Harris, Welcome to our neighborhood. You must be excited to be in a new house. However, would you mind not playing soccer in the room?and would you mind not talking on the phone too loudly?Playing the guitar is good,but could you please play it at the right time?when you listen to the music,would you mind turning down the music?its too noisy(吵闹的).I cant sleep when you make so much noise. Thank you very much. Yours sincerely, Linda,Homework,Write an article about your partner and classmates problem and their solution after you make a survey.,Reading,Would you mind turning down the music?,Unit 7,Welcome!,Are they breaking the rules of etiquette?,etiquette: Normal and polite social(社会的)behavior 礼节,Can you match the bad behaviors with their pictures?,Dropping litter Smoking in public Talking and laughing loudly In public places Talking loudly on the mobile Phone Spitting(吐痰) on the bus,Before We Read,2. Look at the picture, how many rules of etiquette can you see being broken?,1.littering(dropping litter)on the bus/in the subway;,2.talking loudly on the mobile phone;,3.smoking on the bus/in the subway;,4.spitting on the bus /in the subway;,5.talking and laughing loudly on the bus;,Could you please stop smoking?,Would you mind stopping smoking?,Look at this picture. Whats the problem? (T),You have to stop smoking.,Please stop smoking.,Impolitely:,Politely:,More politely:,Most politely:,The man is smoking.,Can you find a sentence that can tell us the main idea in each paragraph?,As we read, we need to find ( ),topic sentence,These sentences usually give us a “summary”, or overall meaning of each paragraph and help us understand what the paragraph is about. After the topic sentence comes more detail and explanation,If you spend some time in an English-speaking country, you might hear the term etiquette. It means normal and polite social behavior. This may seem like a difficult word at first, but it can be very useful to understand.,Would you mind keeping your voice down?,If you, you might,如果你, 你也许会,If you become an athlete, you might win a golden medal.,Etiquette is a very important idea to understand.,Paragragh 1,term:术语 voice :声音,Etiquette is not the same in every culture, or in every situation(条件). For example, standing very close to the person you are talking with is quite common in some Asian countries. However, if you do this in Europe, some people might feel uncomfortable. Even in China, we all know that etiquette is not the same in all situations. Perhaps we think that talking loudly in our own homes is fine, but there are other places where talking loudly is not allowed. For example, most people would agree that talking loudly in a library, a museum, or a movie theater is impolite. Even if (即使)you are with your friends, it is better to keep your voice down in public places. In fact, we should also take care not to cough or sneeze loudly in public. 小心不做某事,Asian adj. 亚洲(n)的;亚洲人的,European 欧洲(n) 的,uncomfortable adj. 不舒服的,allow v. 允许;承认,impolite adj. 无礼的;粗鲁的,public n. 公众,cough v. 咳嗽,If we see s


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