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BufferedImage转换InputStream byte数组转化成16进制字符串,iOS 获取当前手机系统语言, 获取当前网路连接情况 ,iOS 进入一个类最先调用和只调用一次的方法 iOS 属性简谈readwrite、readonly、retain、copy、a i 限制textField字节长度 heckbox 选中、取值处理 css3实现文本溢出显示省略号 system(pause); return 0;代码 C/C+代码 / Client.cpp : 定义控制台应用程序的入口点。/iOS调用 objc_msgSend 报错解决办法 / iOS系统自带各平台分享 #include stdafx.h#include #include #include #include #include /iOS应用贝塞尔曲线画各种曲线折线,和进度条,动画进度 /*欢迎c c+ windows驱动爱好者 服务器程序员沟通交流*/ using namespace boost:asio;using namespace std; const size_t defaultLoopTime = 10000;const size_t defaultSendLength = 1024 * 10 * 50;const short int defaultPort = 8001; int main() io_service service; ip:tcp:endpoint ep(ip:address:from_string(9), defaultPort); ip:tcp:socket sock(service); sock.connect(ep); time_t timer1; time(&timer1); try for (size_t i = 0; i defaultLoopTime; i+) boost:shared_ptr msgPtr(new chardefaultSendLength); boost:system:error_code ec; size_t bytes = read(sock, buffer(msgPtr.get(), defaultSendLength), ec); assert(bytes = defaultSendLength); if (ec = boost:asio:error:eof) break; / Connection closed cleanly by peer. else if (ec) throw boost:system:system_error(ec); / Some other error. catch (std:exception& e) std:cerr e.what() std:endl; return -1; 代码 Google Go代码 package mainimport ( io/ioutil net/http net/ fmt encoding/json) /-/ 黄金数据调用示例代码 聚合数据/ 在线接口文档:/docs/29/- const APPKEY = * /您申请的APPKEY func main() /1.上海黄金交易所 Request1() /2.上海期货交易所 Request2() /3.银行账户黄金 Request3() /1.上海黄金交易所func Request1() /请求地址 juhe :=web:8080/finance/gold/shgold /初始化参数 param:=.Values /配置请求参数,方法内部已处理encode问题,中文参数可以直接传参 param.Set(key,APPKEY) /APP Key param.Set(v,) /JSON格式版本(0或1)默认为0 /发送请求 data,err:=Get(juhe,param) if err!=nil fmt.Errorf(请求失败,错误信息:rn%v,err) else var netReturn mapstringinterface json.Unmarshal(data,&netReturn) if netReturnerror_code.(float64)=0 fmt.Printf(接口返回result字段是:rn%v,netReturnresult) /2.上海期货交易所func Request2() /请求地址 juhe :=web:8080/finance/gold/shfuture /初始化参数 param:=.Values /配置请求参数,方法内部已处理encode问题,中文参数可以直接传参 param.Set(key,APPKEY) /APP Key param.Set(v,) /JSON格式版本(0或1)默认为0 /发送请求 data,err:=Get(juhe,param) if err!=nil fmt.Errorf(请求失败,错误信息:rn%v,err) else var netReturn mapstringinterface json.Unmarshal(data,&netReturn) if netReturnerror_code.(float64)=0 fmt.Printf(接口返回result字段是:rn%v,netReturnresult) /3.银行账户黄金func Request3() /请求地址 juhe :=web:8080/finance/gold/bankgold /初始化参数 param:=.Values /配置请求参数,方法内部已处理encode问题,中文参数可以直接传参 param.Set(key,APPKEY) /APP Key /发送请求 data,err:=Get(juhe,param) if err!=nil fmt.Errorf(请求失败,错误信息:rn%v,err) else var netReturn mapstringinterface json.Unmarshal(data,&netReturn) if netReturnerror_code.(float64)=0 fmt.Printf(接口返回result字段是:rn%v,netReturnresult) / get 网络请求func Get(api string,params .Values)(rsbyte ,err error) var *. ,err=.Parse(api) if err!=nil fmt.Printf(解析错误:rn%v,err) return nil,err /如果参数中有中文参数,这个方法会进行Encode .RawQuery=params.Encode() resp,err:=http.Get(.String() if err!=nil fmt.Println(err:,err) return nil,err defer resp.Body.Close() return ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body) / post 网络请求 ,params 是.Values类型func Post(api string, params .Values)(rsbyte,err error) resp,err:=http.PostForm(api, params) if err!=nil return nil ,err defer resp.Body.Close() return ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)代码描述:基于GO的黄金数据接口调用代码实例关联数据:黄金数据代码 C#代码 using System;using System.Collections.Generic;using System.Linq;using System.Text;using System.Net;using System.IO;using Xfrog.Net;using System.Diagnostics;using System.Web; /-/ 黄金数据调用示例代码 聚合数据/ 在线接口文档:/docs/29/ 代码中JsonObject类下载地址:/download/gcm3206021155665/7458439/- namespace ConsoleAPI class Program static void Main(string args) string appkey = *; /配置您申请的appkey /1.上海黄金交易所 string 1 = web:8080/finance/gold/shgold; var parameters1 = new Dictionary(); parameters1.Add(key, appkey);/你申请的key parameters1.Add(v , ); /JSON格式版本(0或1)默认为0 string result1 = sendPost(1, parameters1, get); JsonObject newObj1 = new JsonObject(result1); String errorCode1 = newObj1error_code.Value; if (errorCode1 = 0) Debug.WriteLine(成功); Debug.WriteLine(newObj1); else /Debug.WriteLine(失败); Debug.WriteLine(newObj1error_code.Value+:+newObj1reason.Value); /2.上海期货交易所 string 2 = web:8080/finance/gold/shfuture; var parameters2 = new Dictionary(); parameters2.Add(key, appkey);/你申请的key parameters2.Add(v , ); /JSON格式版本(0或1)默认为0 string result2 = sendPost(2, parameters2, get); JsonObject newObj2 = new JsonObject(result2); String errorCode2 = newObj2error_code.Value; if (errorCode2 = 0) Debug.WriteLine(成功); Debug.WriteLine(newObj2); else /Debug.WriteLine(失败); Debug.WriteLine(newObj2error_code.Value+:+newObj2reason.Value); /3.银行账户黄金 string 3 = web:8080/finance/gold/bankgold; var parameters3 = new Dictionary(); parameters3.Add(key, appkey);/你申请的key string result3 = sendPost(3, parameters3, get); JsonObject newObj3 = new JsonObject(result3); String errorCode3 = newObj3error_code.Value; if (errorCode3 = 0) Debug.WriteLine(成功); Debug.WriteLine(newObj3); else /Debug.WriteLine(失败); Debug.WriteLine(newObj3error_code.Value+:+newObj3reason.Value); / / Http (GET/POST) / / 请求 / 请求参数 / 请求方法 / 响应内容 static string sendPost(string , IDictionary parameters, string method) if (method.ToLower() = post) HttpWebRequest req = null; HttpWebResponse rsp = null; System.IO.Stream reqStream = null; try req = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(); req.Method = method; req.KeepAlive = false; req.ProtocolVersion = HttpVersion.Version10; req.Timeout = 5000; req.ContentType = application/x-form-encoded;charset=utf-8; byte postData = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(BuildQuery(parameters, utf8); reqStream = req.GetRequestStream(); reqStream.Write(postData, 0, postData.Length); rsp = (HttpWebResponse)req.GetResponse(); Encoding encoding = Encoding.GetEncoding(rsp.CharacterSet); return GetResponseAsString(rsp, encoding); catch (Exception ex) return ex.Message; finally if (reqStream != null) reqStream.Close(); if (rsp != null) rsp.Close(); else /创建请求 HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create( + ? + BuildQuery(parameters, utf8); /GET请求 request.Method = GET; request.ReadWriteTimeout = 5000; request.ContentType = text/html;charset=UTF-8; HttpWebResponse response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse(); Stream myResponseStream = response.GetResponseStream(); StreamReader myStreamReader = new StreamReader(myResponseStream, Encoding.GetEncoding(utf-8); /返回内容 string retString = myStreamReader.ReadToEnd(); return retString; / / 组装普通文本请求参数。 / / Key-Value形式请求参数字典 / 编码后的请求数据 static string BuildQuery(IDictionary parameters, string encode) StringBuilder postData = new StringBuilder(); bool hasParam = false; IEnumeratorKeyValuePair dem = parameters.GetEnumerator(); while (dem.MoveNext() string name = dem.Current.Key; string value = dem.Current.Value; / 忽略参数名或参数值为空的参数 if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(name)/& !string.IsNullOrEmpty(value) if (hasParam) postData.Append(&); postData.Append(name); postData.Append(=); if (encode = gb2312) postData.Append(HttpUtility.Encode(value, Encoding.GetEncoding(gb2312); else if (encode = utf8) postData.Append(HttpUtility.Encode(value, Encoding.UTF8); else postData.Append(value); hasParam = true; return postData.ToString(); / / 把响应流转换为文本。 / / 响应流对象 / 编码方式 / 响应文本 static string GetResponseAsString(HttpWebResponse rsp, Encoding encoding) System.IO.Stream stream = null; StreamReader reader = null; try / 以字符流的方式读取HTTP响应 stream = rsp.GetResponseStream(); reader = new StreamReader(stream, encoding); return reader.ReadToEnd(); finally / 释放资源 if (reader != null) reader.Close(); if (stream != null) stream.Close(); if (rsp != null) rsp.Close(); 代码 PHP代码 /* * c远程传输工具 */public function post_c($,$body,$header,$type=POST) $ch = c_init(); c_setopt($ch,COPT_,$); c_setopt($ch,COPT_HEADER,0);/0只要正文 c_setopt($ch,COPT_TIMEOUT,5);/设置超时时间 c_setopt($ch,COPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT,5); /将c_exec()获取的信息以文件流的形式返回,而不是直接输出。 c_setopt($ch,COPT_RETURNTRANSFER,1); /增加header头信息 / array_push($header,Accept:application/json); / array_push($header,Content-Type:application/json); / array_push($header,http:multipart/form-data); if(count($body)0) c_setopt($ch,COPT_POSTFIELDS,$body); if(count($header)0) c_setopt($ch,COPT_HTTPHEADER,$header); /设置上传文件相关 c_setopt($ch,COPT_FOLLOWLOCATION,true); c_setopt($ch,COPT_MAXREDIRS,3);/递归 c_setopt($ch,COPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER,false);/ 对认证证书来源的检查 c_setopt($ch,COPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST,0);/ 从证书中检查SSL加密算法 switch ($type) case GET: c_setopt($ch,COPT_HTTPGET,1); break; case POST: c_setopt($ch,COPT_POST,1); break; case PUT: c_setopt($ch,COPT_CUSTOMREQUEST,PUT); break; case DELETE: c_setopt($ch,COPT_CUSTOMREQUEST,DELETE); break; /上传文件相关设置 c_setopt($ch,COPT_ENCODING,gzip); c_setopt($ch,COPT_USERAGENT,SSTS Browser/1.0); c_setopt($ch,COPT_USERAGENT,Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 6.0; Trident/4.0);/ 模拟用户使用的浏览器 if(c_errno($ch) return c_error($ch); $content = c_exec($ch); c_close($ch);/关闭c资源,并且释放系统资源 $result = json_decode($content,true); if(!empty($result) return $result; else return $content; 代码 C/C+代码 /*编译指令$ /opt/sybase/OCS-16_0/bin/cpre64 -m teststu.cp$ cc -m64 -g -DSYB_LP64 -I. -I/opt/sybase/OCS-16_0/include teststu.c /opt/sybase/OCS-16_0/include/sybesql.c -L/opt/sybase/OCS-16_0/lib -lsybct64 -lsybtcl64 -lsybcs64 -lsybcomn64 -lsybintl64 -lsybunic64 -rdynamic -ldl -lnsl -lm -o teststu*/#include /*建立通讯区域*/EXEC SQL INCLUDE SQLCA;/* * These tokens must be declared in a declare section* because they are used in declare sections below.*/EXEC SQL BEGIN DECLARE SECTION;#define TYPESIZE 13#define TIDSIZE 6EXEC SQL END DECLARE SECTION; #define EOLN 0/* * Forward declarations of the error and message handlers and* other subroutines called from main().*/void error_handler();void warning_handler(); 68ecshop 侴局侣 intmain(int argc, char *argv)/*声明宿主变量*/ EXEC SQL BEGIN DECLARE SECTION; /* storage for login name and password. */ char username30; char sname30; char password30; char server30; EXEC SQL END DECLARE SECTION;/*错误处理*/ EXEC SQL WHENEVER SQLERROR CALL error_handler(); EXEC SQL WHENEVER SQLWARNING CALL warning_handler(); EXEC SQL WHENEVER NOT FOUND CONTINUE;/*连接到 SQL SERVER 服务器*/ /* * Copy the user name and password defined in sybsqlex.h to * the variables declared for them in the declare section. */ strcpy(username, mymotif); strcpy(password, wxwpxh); strcpy(server, MYMOTIFVOSTRO145480); EXEC SQL CONNECT :username IDENTIFIED BY :password using :server; EXEC SQL USE testdb; EXEC SQL DECLARE c1 CURSOR FOR SELECT SNAME FROM STUDENT; EXEC SQL OPEN c1; printf(name in table studentn); do EXEC SQL FETCH c1 INTO :sname; if (sqlca.sqlcode != 0) break; printf( student name = %sn, sname ); while ( 1 ); EXEC SQL CLOSE c1; return(0); /*错误处理程序*/* void error_handler()* * Displays error codes and numbers from the SQLCA and exits with* an ERREXIT status. */voiderror_handler(void) fprintf(stderr, n* SQLCODE=(%ld), sqlca.sqlcode); if (sqlca.sqlerrm.sqlerrml) fprintf(stderr, n* ASE Error ); fprintf(stderr, n* %s, sqlca


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