



7下 Unit8 Grammar部分精练一、根据汉语提示完成句子,每空一词。1. I cant see it _ (任何地方).2. Will you please _ (重复) what I said?3. The monkey jumps up and down _ _ _ (一直).4. Your idea is very good. I _ (同意) with you.5. I _ (养) two rabbits at home. They like eating carrots very much.二、从方框中选择合适的形容词填空,使句子完整、通顺。open, new, busy, small, clean1. Many big supermarkets are _ 24 hours.2. Many people like to eat in KFC. The seats are _ and the food is delicious.3. This room is too _. We cant put two beds here.4. Mum, my skirt is old. Can you buy me a _ one?5. The street in front of my house is very _. There are many buses, taxis and people.三、根据句意,用适当的不定代词填空,使句子完整、通顺。1. The game is not interesting. _ is interested in the game.2. If you dont tell _ about it, _ will know.3. Would you like _ to eat?4. There is _ in the bag. Its empty.5. I left my pen in the classroom. Maybe _ is using it.But _ is in the classroom now.6. Can I have _ to drink? Im thirsty.Sorry, there is _ in the fridge. You can go to the supermarket to buy _.7. There is _ wrong with my computer. It doesnt work.Im afraid _ here is good at computer. You can go to the computer room, maybe _ there can help you.8. Jim, is _ in the classroom?No, Jack isnt here.9. The teacher asked a question in class, but _ could answer it correctly.10. _ is waiting for you outside, but I dont know who he is.四、单项选择。( )1. Jack is very _. Thats why he always does things slowly. A. helpful B. good C. lazy D. strong( )2. Is this a photo of your daughter?Yes. She looks _ in the red dress, doesnt she? A. quickly B. carefully C. lovely D. well( )3. Dont worry about Lily. There is _ wrong with her now. A. anything B. everything C. nothing D. something( )4. Could you please tell me _ in todays newspaper?Sorry, _. A. something interesting; interesting nothingB. interesting something; interesting nothing C. anything interesting; something interestingD. something interesting; nothing interesting( )5. _ went hiking yesterday because of the bad weather. A. Someone B. No one C. Everyone D. Anyone( )6. What would you like to drink, Jim?_ will do. I dont care. A. Something B. Anything C. Nothing D. No one五、句型转换,每空一词。1. This park is beautiful. (改为同义句) This is _ _ _.2. Those are tall trees. (改为同义句) Those trees _ _.3. I didnt see anything. (改为同义句) I _ _.4. There is nobody in the classroom. (改为同义句) There _ _ in the classroom.5. I have something interesting to tell you. (改为否定句) I _ have _ interesting to tell you.6. Someone is in the classroom. (改为一般疑问句) _ _ in the classroom?六、任务型阅读,每空词数不限。I love animals and I always want to keep a cat as my pet. But Im busy every day. I dont have much time to look after a pet. When I found I could keep an e-cat in my electronic dictionary (电子词典), I was so glad.At first, the e-cat was very small. It didnt eat fish, but it drank milk and water. I tried my best to make money to buy milk for it. How could I make money in the electronic dictionary? I played games in it. If I won, I could get some “money”. After a few days, the cat grew bigger. I not only bought fish for it and washed it, but also played ball games with it or took it to the hospital when it was ill. It grew happily and healthily. Now it is very big, or maybe I should say fat. It isnt greedy (贪吃的). When it is full, it wont eat any fish. However, it is very lazy. When I ask it to play games after a meal, it always refuses (拒绝). 1. The writer doesnt keep a real animal as a pet because he _.2. The writer was _ to have an electronic pet.3. At first, the e-cat didnt eat _.4. The writer made “money” for the pet by _.5. When the cat is full, it _.7下 Unit8 Grammar部分精练一、1. anywhere 2. repeat 3. all the time 4. agree 5. keep二、1. open 2. clean 3. small 4. new 5. busy三、1. Nobody / No one 2. anyone / anybody; nobody / no one 3. something 4. nothing 5. someone / somebody; nobody / no one 6. something; nothing; something 7. something; nobody / no one; someone / somebody 8. everyone / everybody 9. nobody / n


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