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中考英语阅读理解专项训练13阅读下面5篇短文,掌握大意,然后从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出: 个最佳选项。AIn order to give students a better understanding of the American economy (经济), culture and education, our school will organize a 15-day visit to Oregon State University in the USA where speeches on American agriculture, economy and culture will be given. Students will also have the chance to visit some American universities and companies, go to concerts, watch sports games and visit San Francisco and Portand. Students will stay with local Americans on weekends to experience western culture and customs. The price of the trip will be 1,500dollars, including accommodation (住宿),transportation and travel expenses (费用). There will be an introduction meeting on November 26th in Room 104 of Teaching Building at 1:00 pm. For more information please call at 84399117 or send an e-mail to .( )1. The speeches will NOT be on American _.A. agriculture B. economy C. culture D. education( )2. If the twin brothers, Victor and Sam, want to take this trip, they will need to pay_.A. 1,500 dollars B. 2,000 dollars C. 3,000 dollars D. 4,500 dollars( )3. If students want more information, which of the following is NOT provided?A. A phone number. B. An e-mail address. C. The teacher s name. D. A room number.( )4. The above information is probably a _.A. news report B. price list C. guidebook D. noticeBCharlie Brown, a ten-year-old boy, has a Snoopy dog at home. He likes his Snoopy very much. He thinks Snoopy is the coolest dog with two legs in the world. However, Snoopy can never remember his owners name. For Snoopy, his owner is just a kid who has a roundhead and gives him delicious food to eat every day.Snoopy cant speak, but he can make himself understood by using his facial expressions and body language.Snoopy is a smart dog, but for him he is everything but a dog. Since the 1960s, he has been doing many interesting things. Here are two examples that can prove this.Charlie once said to Snoopy, Look! Snoopy! If that boy throws a branch (树枝), his dog will run to pick it up and bring the branchback to him. Hearing this, Snoopy quickly picked up a branch and threw it. Then he sat there, waiting for someone to pick it up.Another time, Charlie said to Snoopy, There will be a dog show in the city theater tomorrow evening. Would you like to take part in it?”Snoopy thought, How can I? I dont even have a dog!( )5. How many interesting things about Snoopy are shown?A. Two. B. Three. C. Four. D. Five.( )6. The underlined word “prove” in the passage means in Chinese.A.改善 B.实现 C.证明 D.破坏( )7. Why did Snoopy think he couldnt take part in the show?A. The show wasnt held for dogs. B. He was afraid of being laughed at.C. He couldnt find another dog to go with him.D. He thought he wasnt a dog and didnt have a dog to take to the show.( )8. Which of the following is TRUE about Snoopy?A. He is good at talking with people. B. He doesnt like eating very much.C. He is loved by his owner.D. He loves his owner very much and does a lot for him.CNot long ago, there was a beautiful, big teddy bear. He was in a store waiting for someone to buy him and give him a home. He looked very smart in a brown coat with a gold tie round his neck. Attached to the tie was a tag(标签) with his name written in black letters: Wolstencroft. He arrived in the store just before Christmas where there had been many different kinds of teddy bears.But, one by one, they had all gone. They all had new homes. Finally, Wolstencroft was the only teddy bear left in the store.He had hoped that Santa Claus would drop by on Christmas Eve and send him to a good home. But Santa Claus had been too busy that year. He was still in the store alone the next morning. He really wanted a child who would take him home and love him.He was trying hard not to cry, because he knew that tears would make his eyes all red and then he would have even less chance of finding a home. He thought that was because of his long and difficult name. He wanted to change it, but he couldnt think of a good one.Finally, on a sunny morning, he heard a boy say, Dad, this bears name is the same as mine! I love him. Can you buy him for me? “Sure. It is not easy to find a bear with such a special name. You can give him a hug, his father answered.( )9. What did the teddy bear wear?A white hat. A gold tie. A black coat. A brown coat.A. B. C. D. ( )10. How did the teddy bear feel on the morning after Christmas Eve?A. Happy. B. Excited. C. Sad. D. Nervous.( )11. Why did the teddy bear think people didnt like him?A. He was ugly. B. He was too big to carry.C. His legs were too long. D. He had a difficult name.( )12. Which of the following is the best title for the passage?A. A Wonderful Christmas B. The Same NameC. A Beautiful Store D. A Poor FamilyDOur children grew up on jam (果酱)sandwiches. I was not the jam maker in this family. My mother-in-law (婆婆) was. She only made two kinds of jam. They were grape jam and blackberry jam.Over the past 22 years, whenever I wanted to make a jam sandwich for my husband or children, all I had to do was reaching for one of my mother in-laws jars of jam.Jam making was a way of life for my mother-in-law. She always did it, from picking the fruit to setting the finished jam on the shelf. My father in-law died several years ago. Last December, my mother-in-law also passed away. Her children divided her jars of jam. When my husband brought his jars home, we carefully put them away on the shelf.The other day I went into the kitchen and found a small jar of grape jam. As I picked up the jar, I suddenly realized something. This was the last jar of homemade jam. We could buy jam from stores, but this was the last jar we would have from the hands of my mother-in-law. Although she had been gone for nearly a year, so much of her had remained with us. Our children had never known a day without their grandmothers jam.I put the jar back on the shelf. It was no longer just a jar of jam. I believed that as long as it was there, a part of my mother-in-law would always live on.( )13. What happened last December?A. The writers mother-in-law died. B. The writers father-in-law died.C. The writers children started going to school.D. The writer and her children made a lot of grape jam.( )14. What did the writer realize when she picked up the jar of grape jam?A. She should throw it away because it was emptyB. She forgot to buy a jar of jam from the storeC. It was her first jar of homemade jam.D. It was the last jar of homemade jam.( )15. According to the passage, _.A. jam making was a way of life for the writerB. the writers children liked homemade jamC. the writers family used to eat apple jamD. it was not necessary to make jam at home( )16. What would be the best title for the passage?A. How to Make Grape Jam B. My Family TraditionC. The Last Jar of Jam D. My Favorite Homemade FoodEHow to write a good passage is important for students. If you are worried about writing, here is some useful advice.How to get story ideasI read newspapers, news sites and watch TV news daily. I look for stories or topics that would interest readers. I often talk to other people. I want to know whats on their minds and what interests them. You never know where you will find a good story!How to write a draft (草稿)Before writing a draft, I make sure I learn all about the topic. Then, I can be ready to write. As soon as I decide what order (顺序) the information should appear in, I will start my draft. I try not to care about choosing the perfect words or beautiful sentences. At this point, its important to get all of my ideas on the page. I can focus on making the writing better later.How to write a good introductionEvery story needs a beginning! The purpose of an introduction is to catch the readers attention and then keep it. Start by thinking about the four Ws in the story: who, what, where and when. They help the reader to understand what the story is about. Sometimes, I begin my stories with an interesting fact, a powerful quote(引用)or an unforgettable anecdote(奇闻).How to write a good conclusion (结论)Conclusions are important, but its difficult to get them just right. You want to summarize(总结) what youve written before, but you dont want to repeat yourself. If youre writing about the past, think about how your subject relates to the present. If youre writing about something happening now, ask yourself what it might mean in the future.( )17. Before writing a draft, you should _.A. completely understand what the topic is aboutB. not decide what order the information should appear inC. choose the perfect words and beautiful


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