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公主与青蛙,Synopsis,“Princess and the Frog“ story subverts the “Green Fairy“ in the classic “Frog Prince“ plot, the story is set in 20 years the home of American jazz - New Orleans. One from the Kingdom of the Prince Naveen Maldonia in New Orleans in the evil sorcerer of dark magic, into a frog. He mistook the black girl Tiana as a princess and she kissed him to remove the magic. Unexpectedly, Tiana really kiss the frog, not only failed to solve the curse himself into a frog. Then go to the Mississippi River to find two frogs old woman, asked her to help lift the curse of the two of them ,公主和青蛙的故事颠覆了格林童话中经典的青蛙王子的情节,故事背景设定在20年代美国爵士乐的故乡新奥尔良。一位来自Maldonia王国的王子Naveen在新奥尔良中了邪恶巫师的黑暗魔法,变成了一只青蛙。他误将黑人姑娘Tiana当成了公主,让她吻他以解除魔法。不料Tiana真的吻了青蛙后,不但没能解开魔咒,自己也变成了一只青蛙。于是两只青蛙前往密西西比河河口寻找老女巫,求她帮他们俩解除魔咒,在此过程中,王子和Tiana相爱了最后,当两只青蛙举行婚礼时,王子吻了Tiana,魔法也就此解除,因为嫁给了王子,Tiana也成了公主。公主与青蛙,His Royal Highness, Prince Naveen! Mr. Fenner1: “Evening, Tiana. Marvelous party.” Tiana : “ Evening, Mr. Fenner and Mr. Fenner.” Mr. Fenner2: “ Fine-smelling beignets.” Tiana : “ Going to be the house specialty once l sign those papers yall brought. Mr. Fenner1: “ Yes. About that.” Mr. Fenner2: “ You were outbid.” Tiana : “ -What? ” Mr. Fenner1: “ -A fellow came in, offered the full amount in cash. Unless you can top his offer by Wednesday. Mr. Fenner2: “ You can kiss that place goodbye.” Tiana : “ You know how long it took me to save that money?” Mr. Fenner1: “ Exactly! Which is why a little woman of your background, would have had her hands full trying to run a big business like that. No, youre better off where youre at.” Tiana : “-Now, wait a minute.” Mr. Fenner1: “ -Love those beignets, though.” Tiana : “ Now, hold on there! You come back.”,Charlotte: “ Tia! Time to hit Prince Charming with those man-catching. What happened? Tiana : “ -l. l just.” Charlotte: “ -You poor dear.” Oh, Prince Naveen, well be right back, sugar! l got just the dress for you. Charlotte: “ Tia, honey, did you see the way he danced with me?” A marriage proposal cant be far behind.Thank you, Evening Star!You know, l was starting to think that wishing on stars was just for babies and crazy people. Look at you. Arent you just as pretty as a magnolia in May ? Seems like only yesterday we were both little girls, dreaming our fairy tale dreams , and tonight theyre finally coming true. Well, back into the fray. Wish me luck!Oh, Naveen.,almost,almost there.People would have come from everywhere.l was almost there. Tiana : “ l cannot believe lm doing this.Please, please, please.” Very funny. So what now? l reckon you want a kiss?” Naveen: “ Kissing would be nice, yes? lm sorry! lm sorry. lm sorry. l did not mean to scare you. l. Wait, no, no, no! Wait. Hold on a sec. You have a very strong arm, Princess. Okay, please! Put the monkey down.” Tiana : “ Stay back or lll.”,Naveen: “ Please, please, please. Oh, wow. Allow me to introduce myself. l am Prince Naveen of Maldonia. Tiana : “ Prince? But l didnt wish for any.Hold on. lf youre the prince,then who was that waltzing with Lottie on the dance floor?,Naveen: “ All l know is one minute l am a prince, charming and handsome, cutting a rug,and then the next thing l know, l am tripping over these.,Naveen: “ Wait, wait, wait, wait!l know this story! The Frog Prince!” Tiana : “ -The Frog Prince?” Naveen: “ -Yes!My mother had the servants read this to me every night.Yes, yes, yes!This is exactly the answer!You must kiss me.,Tiana : “ Look, lm sorry.ld really like to help you, but l just do not kiss frogs.” Naveen: “ Wait a sec, but on the balcony, you asked me. Tiana : “ l didnt expect you to answer!” Tiana : “ Okay, Tiana, you can do this. You can do this.Just a little kiss. Just a little kiss. Okay.”,Naveen: “ But you must kiss me. Look, besides being unbelievably handsome , okay, l also happen to come from a fabulously wealthy family. Surely l could offer you some type of reward, a wish l could grant, perhaps?Yes?” Tiana : “ Just one kiss?” Naveen: “ Just one, unless you beg for more.”,Tiana : “ Excuse me?” Naveen: “ You will enjoy, l guarantee.All women enjoy the kiss of Prince Naveen.Come. We pucker.Thats new.”,Tiana : “ You dont look that much different, but how did you get way up there? And how did l get way down here in all this. Naveen: “ Easy, Prin


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