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机电工程英语,Mechatronics Engineering English,科技英语英文摘要撰写 Writing an Abstract of English for Science and Technology,典型语句是指撰写摘要时经常用的语句。归纳如下: 1)作者观点和文章内容的常用语句 常用词: deal with 论及,涉及 describe 阐述 explain 解释 illustrate 说明 introduce 引入,介绍 present 给出 report 给出 Example The physical and chemical properties of the crystal are dealt with. 论及了此晶体的物理化学性质。 Performance goals and measuring methods are briefly described. 简述了性能目标与测量方法。,科技英语英文摘要典型语句-1 Model Sentence in Abstract of English for Science and Technology,1)作者观点和文章内容的常用语句,Example: The chain reaction of uranium nuclei caused by neutrons is explained by the critical experiment. 临界实验解释了由中子引起铀核的链式反应。 The applications of this technique to inner metal detection are illustrated. 说明了这种技术对金属内部探测的应用。 Research and development tools are introduced immediately. 引入了研究和开发的工具 The basic concepts and data collected are presented. 给出了基本概念和收集的数据。,科技英语英文摘要典型语句-1 Model Sentence in Abstract of English for Science and Technology,2)文章研究课题的常用语句 : 常用词: analyse , 分析 consider, 认为, 考虑 develop, 导出 (导出公式, 开发产品, 社会发展) discuss, 讨论 investigate, 研究 state, 叙述, 阐述 study. 研究, 学习 Example The main experimental problems are also analyzed with such ultra-low-frequency measurements. 用这种超低频测量也分析了主要的实验问题。 The phenomena associated with breakdown phase are considered as initial conditions. 与破损阶段有关的现象被认为是初始条件。,科技英语英文摘要典型语句-1 Model Sentence in Abstract of English for Science and Technology,2)文章研究课题的常用语句,Example: A lumped parameter for concrete-structure interaction is developed. 导出了混凝土结构相互作用的集总参数。 Some application of the two-phase flow in reactors are briefly discussed. 简要地讨论了反应堆里两相流的一些应用 A particular system is investigated numerically. 对一特定系统进行了数值性研究。 The relationship between mass and energy in nature is stated briefly. 简述了自然界中质量与能量的关系。 The continuity of this function is studied under a certain boundary condition. 研究了这个函数在某一边界条件下的连续性。,科技英语英文摘要典型语句-1 Model Sentence in Abstract of English for Science and Technology,3)文章涉及范围的语句 : 常用词: Consist of 由 组成 Contain 包含 Cover 包含,包括,涉及到 Include 包含,包括 Example This article consists of four parts; introduction, theory, experiment, and conclusion. 本文由引言、理论、实验方法与结论四部分组成。,科技英语英文摘要典型语句-1 Model Sentence in Abstract of English for Science and Technology,3)文章涉及范围的语句,Example: The configuration, structural design and results of a parameteric structural optimization analysis are contained. 本文包含一种参数结构优化分析的构成、结构设计和结果。 Testing results of about 200 assemblies of fuel and control rods in the reactor core are contained. 本文包括了反应堆堆芯里约200个带燃料棒和控制棒的组件的测试结果。 So many elements such as Fe, Au, Ag, Al, etc, are included in this project. 此项目中包括煤的性质、锅炉的运行、煤灰尘收集器操作和边流系统。 Asphaltic products and specifications are covered in the scope of the research. 本研究的范围涉及沥青产品和规格。,科技英语英文摘要典型语句-1 Model Sentence in Abstract of English for Science and Technology,4)综述与概括某领域研究课题的常用语句 : 常用词: Abstract 撰写摘要 Outline 概要叙述 Review 评述 Summary 简要概述,总结 Example All the operating procedures, such as general procedures (GP), abnormal operating procedures (AOP), emergency operating procedures (EOP), are abstracted. 所有的运行规程如总规程(GP)、异常运行规程(AOP)、应急运行规程(EOP)都撰写了摘要。,科技英语英文摘要典型语句-1 Model Sentence in Abstract of English for Science and Technology,4)综述与概括某领域研究课题的常用语句,Example: The experimental technique for the measurement of theses properties is outlined only. 对这些特性的实验技术仅做了概要叙述。 The development of the computer aided design (CAD) in mechanical engineering is reviewed. 评述了在机械工程中计算机辅助设计(CAD)的发展过程。 The theory based on materials science is summarized. 简要概述了基于材料科学的理论。 The design planning to be used is summarized in detail. 详细的总结了要采用的设计规则。,科技英语英文摘要典型语句-1 Model Sentence in Abstract of English for Science and Technology,5)文章重点的常用语句 : 常用词:be, concentrate, focus, give, pay 常用句型: Attention is concentrated on 重点是 There is a focus on, 重视,集中 Attention is paid to, 重视 The emphasis is on, 重点 Example Attention is concentrated on grasping the basic theory. 重点是在掌握基础理论上。 Attention is concentrated on extending the lead time to 24 hours。 重点是把交货时间延长到24个小时。,科技英语英文摘要典型语句-1 Model Sentence in Abstract of English for Science and Technology,5)文章重点的常用语句,Example: There is a focus on energy-saving everywhere now. 现在到处都重视节能。 The research is focused on collisions between neutrons and uranium nuclei. 本文集中研究中子与铀原子核的碰撞。 More attention is paid to the evaluation of the economic current density in the conductors. 很重视对导体中的经济电流密度的评估。 The greatest emphasis is also placed on the implications of attitudes taken toward nuclear power. 重点还在于对核电所采取的态度。 Particular attention is given to the start-up procedure of nuclear reactor operations. 特别重视核反应堆运行的启动规程。 The greatest emphasis is on the peaceful utilization of nuclear energy. 极其重视核能的和平利用。,科技英语英文摘要典型语句-1 Model Sentence in Abstract of English for Science and Technology,6)文章目的常用语句: 常用词: Aim 目的 Objective 目标,对象,物体 Purpose 目的 Seek 寻求,追求 Example The aim of this research is to carry out the critical experiment and obtain important critical parameters on the zero power reactor. 此研究的目的是在零功率反应堆上进行临界实验,并获得重要的临界参数。 The main objective of this study is to determine the nuclear properties of graphite as reactor moderators. 本研究的主要目标是确定反应堆减速剂石墨的核特性。,科技英语英文摘要典型语句-1 Model Sentence in Abstract of English for Science and Technology,6)文章目的常用语句,Example: An answer to this question is sought for many investigators 许多研究者在寻求这个问题的答案。 This paper seeks to justify the remedial measures in terms of the final safety analysis report. 本文追求的目标是从最终安全分析报告的角度来论证这些补救措施的正确性。 The purpose for this study is to show that the method mentioned before is promising. 本研究的目的就是要表明先前提到的方法有前途。 The purpose of this research is to obtain the heavy concrete of much higher stability. 本研究的目的就是要获得具有高稳定性的混凝土。,科技英语英文摘要典型语句-1 Model Sentence in Abstract of English for Science and Technology,笑死人的中国片英文翻译,farewell my concubine-再见了,我的小老婆.(这可是霸王别姬的英文译名啊!) seventeen years-十七年(故弄玄虚,回家过年) ashes of time-时间的灰烬(东邪西毒,这个译名意味深长,无论你是东邪还是西毒,武功再高还不是最后都成了时间的灰烬 ) all men are brothers: blood of the leopard-四海之内皆兄弟:豹子的血(水浒传,水浒传有个英文译名就是四海之内皆兄弟 chinese dyssey 1: pandoras box-中国的奥德赛1:潘多拉宝盒(大话西游之月光宝盒,这个绝对是入乡随俗了,不过好象都挨不上边耶),笑死人的中国片英文翻译,chinese odyssey 2: cinderella-灰姑娘(大话西游之仙履奇缘,至尊宝成了孙悟空,灰姑娘穿上了水晶鞋,天才啊!) dream factory-梦工厂(甲方乙方,够牛的) steel meets fire-钢遇上了火(翻译遇上了鬼 烈火金刚) third sister liu-第三个姐姐刘(刘三姐,典型的不动脑筋) in the mood for love-在爱的情绪中(花样年华,恋爱中的译者 woman-demon-human-女人-恶魔-人类(人鬼情,失恋中的译者) from beijing with love-从北京带着爱(到香港换不了菜,国产007) flirting scholar-正在调情的学者(别人看红楼梦看到诗,你看到了 唐伯虎点秋香),笑死人的中国片英文翻译,royal tramp-皇家流浪汉(鹿鼎记,为什么不译成 “ 皇家马德里 “ ) flowers of shangha
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