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Section Learning about Language,Using Language,Summing Up & Learning Tip课后篇巩固提升一、用方框内所给单词或短语的适当形式填空as wellreplaceone after anothertake part indeservein charge ofbargain withcharge.foradvertise.for.pick up1.The famous athlete didnt the World Cup because of illness.答案take part in2.To the mothers joy,the childen stopped crying .答案one after another3.The secretary always acts as if she were the company,which makes her colleagues very tired.答案in charge of4.There is something wrong with the old machine,so it must be at once.答案replaced5.I am going to London and my sister is going .答案as well6.Our young Mr.Smith,who was finding it difficult to earn his daily bread,remembered that once upon a time he had learned the art of making tacks and had the sudden idea of the shoemakers.答案bargaining with7.The hotel 50 yuan a room for one night.答案charged;for8.In 1991,the house sale at $49,000.答案was advertised for9.The stranded climbers were by a rescue helicopter.答案picked up10.The people in the flooded area fought bravely against the natural disaster.Their bravery to be praised.答案deserved二、单句语法填空1.This piece of advice is of some value,I think.It deserves (consider).答案considering/to be considered/consideration2.Beethovens Ninth Symphony is a (glory) piece of music.答案glorious3.A lot of houses were knocked down during the earthquake,which made a lot of people (hope).答案hopeless4.Large amounts of money are spent on (advertisement) every year.答案advertisements5.The Presidents speeches are (regular) reproduced in the state-run newspapers.答案regularly6.The player from America has rich experience in playing,so he is a strong (compete) for you.答案competitor7.Children are fond of Harry Potter,a boy full of (magic) power.答案magical8.They won the first place in the match.I think they deserve (congratulate).答案to be congratulated/congratulating9.No oral test will be required for (admit) to that university.答案admission10.It has helped me become stronger,both mentally and (physical).答案physically11.Rumours(谣言) (replace) by facts now.答案are being replaced12.The girl has been doing well in her work,and she (deserve) to be promoted.答案deserves13.You wouldnt (fine) yesterday had you not broken the traffic rule.答案have been fined14.We were (charge) for the items that we didnt order.答案charged15.It took a lot of courage (admit) that you were wrong.答案to admit三、用适当的介词或副词填空1.The moment the bell rang,the students went out of the classroom one another.答案after2.The middle-aged woman bargained the shopkeeper who was selling the plates and managed to get them for half the usual price.答案with3.Apart these two books,he has written some plays and film scripts.答案from4.If there is something wrong with the machine,it should be reported at once to the engineer charge.答案in5.Today,workers in factories are being replaced robots and software,which more broadly,are automating many jobs that people used to do.答案by6.Before I got on the train,I picked my ticket from the machine with my identity card.答案up7.It never distinguishes between humans based age or race.答案on8.Women are playing an important role building our country.答案in9.Youre an adult now and you need to take responsibility your action.答案for四、完形填空An unusual matchDarius and Johntel both love basketball and are captains of their high school basketball teams.But on one Saturday night,they were forever imprinted on the 1 of all who were present at a game between Dariuss small town team and Johntels big city team.Just 2 before the game,Johntels mother died of cancer.Her sudden 3 made Johntel very sad.So Johntels coach wanted to 4 the game.But Johntel 5 that the game should be played.So with 6 hearts,his teammates prepared to playand hopefully winwithout him.7,Johntel appeared in the gym midway through the first half.Seeing him,Johntels coach called a time out,and players and fans 8 the sad young man to offer love and 9.Johntel wanted to 10 but putting him in the game at that point would 11 a technical foul(犯规) and two free throws for the opposing team.The opposing team understood the 12 and told the referees to let Johntel play and to 13 the technical foul.The referees 14 that a rule is a rule,and the free throws would have to be taken before the game could 15.As the team captain,Darius 16 to take the shots.The free throw line is 15 feet from the basket.However,Dariuss first shot traveled about 4 feet.His second shot 17 traveled 2.Immediately,Johntel and his teammates 18 what Darius was doing.They stood and applauded the 19 of sportsmanship as Darius walked back to his bench.Johntels team won the game in the end.But as the two 20 met after the game for pizza and sodas,nobody on either side was too concerned with wins or losses.1.A.eyesB.headsC.earsD.mind答案D解析达利斯和约翰特尔是各自所在高中的篮球队队长。一个周六的晚上,他俩永远铭刻在了现场每一位观众的记忆里(mind),故选D项。2.A.minutesB.hoursC.daysD.weeks答案B解析根据下文中sudden的提示可知,开赛的几个小时前,约翰特尔的母亲死于癌症,故选B项。3.A.diseaseB.woundC.deathD.play答案C解析根据“Johntels mother died from cancer”可知,指其母亲的突然死亡,故选C项。4.A.cancelB.watchC.defeatD.organize答案A解析句意:所以约翰特尔的教练打算取消(cancel)这场比赛。故选A项。5.A.suggestedB.expectedC.wishedD.insisted答案D解析根据下文中的“his teammates prepared to playand hopefully winwithout him”可推断,约翰特尔坚持(insist)要按原计划比赛,故选D项。6.A.brokenB.heavyC.healthyD.cheerful答案B解析队长母亲的病逝当然让大家心情沉重(heavy),故选B项。7.A.FortunatelyB.ExpectedlyC.SurprisinglyD.Hopefully答案C解析根据上文可知,约翰特尔出现在体育馆里是大家没有想到的,当然就感到惊讶了(surprisingly)。fortunately“幸运地”;expectedly“预期地”;hopefully“有希望地”,故选C项。8.A.surroundedB.comfortedC.encouragedD.called答案A解析队友和球迷们纷纷包围着这位承受着丧亲之痛的年轻人,给他安慰和支持,故选A项。9.A.luckB.funC.respectD.support答案D解析参见上题解析。10.A.challengeB.playC.studyD.work答案B解析此处是强调参加比赛,并不是挑战,故选B项。11.A.put offB.give upC.result inD.escape from答案C解析若他此时上场,就会造成该队技术犯规,对方球队会获得两次罚球的机会,故选C项。12.A.situationB.lessonC.meaningD.fact答案A解析对方球队也理解此时的状况,故选A项。13.A.performB.acceptC.reduceD.forget答案D解析他们对裁判表示让约翰特尔上场,不用判对方球队犯规,故选D项。14.A.agreedB.arguedC.doubtedB.guessed答案B解析对方球队建议取消判对方犯规,但裁判不同意,故选B项。15.A.startB.endC.continueD.stop答案C解析句意:但裁判争论说,必须严格执行比赛规则,得先罚球再继续进行比赛。故选C项。16.A.offeredB.refusedC.hesitatedD.pretended答案A解析根据语境可知,达利斯接过球后投球。offer“提供”;refuse“拒绝”;hesitate“犹豫”;pretend“假装”。故选A项。17.A.alreadyB.evenC.onlyD.still答案C解析句意:他的第二个罚球也只投出2英尺,故选C项。18.A.understoodB.admittedC.believedD.asked答案A解析句意:约翰特尔和他的队友们立刻明白了达利斯的用意。故选A项。19.A.indicationB.gestureC.meaningD.importance答案B解析他们为达利斯所展现的运动精神鼓掌喝彩。indication“象征,迹象”;gesture“姿态,手势”;meaning“意思”;importance“重要性”。故选B项。20.A.coachesB.sportsmenC.gamesD.teams答案D解析根据语境可判断指两支球队,故选D项。五、语篇填空Swifter,higher and stronger stands 1. the spirit of the Olympics.But fairness is the basis of this motto.Only when you win fairly will you and your homeland 2.(deserve) the great glory.But nowadays,unlike the ancient honest slave 3.(competitor),some hopeless athletes who ca


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