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Lesson 18: Brandy Hates Cats!,New words,Think about it,text,Lets do it,Learning Aims:,1.Knowledge aims: (1)Grasp the new words and phrases. (2)Learn to use the past continuous tense. 2.Ability aims: Say something about a pet in English. 3.Emotion aims: Lets love animals and protect them.,squirrel n.松鼠,branch n.树枝,chase v.追逐;追捕;追赶,fierce adj.凶猛的;凶狠的,Read to the text and fill in the blanks.,Read and fill in the blanks.,Read the text quickly and answer the questions (T or F). ( ) 1. Brandy likes chasing cats. ( ) 2. They often take Brandy to the park.,F,T,Read carefully and do it in groups. 1.一只叫Brandy 的狗 _ 2. 和谈话_ 3.许多_ _ 4.带某人去某地_ 5.慢下来_ 6.一凶恶的狗_ 7.害怕 _ 8. chase=_9. eat(过去式) _ 10.I dont know_ (我们吃了什么) for super that day.,Read and find out the importance. 1. a dog named Brandy 2. 和谈话 talk with 3.许多 a lot of lots of 4.带某人去某地take to 5.慢下来 slow down 6.一只凶恶的狗a fierce dog 7.害怕 be scared of 8. chase = run behind 9. eat(过去式)ate 10.I dont know what we had(我们吃了什么) for super that day.,课文填空并复述 (Fill and retell the text) My family has a dog _ Brandy . She is _ and _. _(一次),Brandy (eat)_some hamburgers.Because my father wasnt (watch) _them. I cant remember_ _ _ for supper that night. We t_ Brandy _ a walk _ _.I take her _ _ _ (去公园)near my house. Brandy isnt _ _ _.She_ _ _ _.,课文填空并复述: My family has a dog named Brandy. She is black and brown. One time (一次),Brandy (eat)ate some hamburgers. Because my father wasnt (watch) watching them. I cant remember what we hadfor supper that night. We take Brandy for a walk every day . I take her to the park near my house. Brandy isnt a fierce dog.She is scared of everything.,My family has a dog named Brandy. 我家养着一条叫布兰迪的狗。 1)family n. 家,家庭,家属我全家人都很健康。 辨析:family, house与home family家,家庭,家里的人,不指住房。 His family is going to move. 他家要搬走了。 house住宅,指居住的房屋。 There is a red house on top of the hill. 山顶上有一所红房子。 home是一个带有感情色彩的词,指同家人共同生活的地方,不一定包含建筑物,强调家里的氛围和环境。 There is no place like home. 没有任何地方可比得上家。 My hometown is far from here. 我的故乡离这儿很远。,2) name n. 名字,vt.取名,名叫,说出的名字。named叫相当于called。 Whats his name? 他叫什么名字? My parents named me Mary. 我父母给我取名玛丽。 Can you name all the flowers in the garden? 你能说出花园里所有花的名字吗? I have a friend named John. 我有个朋友叫约翰。,He was talking to my mum. 他当时正在和我妈妈谈话。 talk vi. 谈话,讲话,演讲 They are talking in Chinese. 他们在用汉语交谈。 What are you talking about? 你们在谈论什么? 过去进行时: 结构: 含义: 标志:后跟表示过去某一具体时间的状语或状语从句。,1.My mother _(watch) TV at this time last night. 2.My father _ (sleep) when I got home yesterday. 3.I _ (cook) from 7:00 to 8:oo this morning.,was watching,was sleeping,was cooking,He wasnt watching the hamburgers, but Brandy was! 他没有注意到汉堡包,但是 布兰迪注意到了。 watch vt. 看,观看,n.手表 I want to watch the football game. 我想去看足球赛。 This is my watch. 这是我的手表。,I cant remember what we had for supper. 我不记得那晚晚饭我们吃的什么? remember“记得,记住”,后面接名词,代词,宾语从句,不定式(表示事情未做)和动词形式(表示事情已做)。其反义词是forget。 Do you still remember me? 你还记得我吗? I remember she was here for three days. 我记得她去年在这儿呆了3天。 Please remember to close the door when you leave. 离开时请记住关门。 I remembered meeting you in Beijing. 我记得在北京见过你。,Thats why we take Brandy for a walk every day. 那就是我们每天带布兰迪去散步的原因了。Thats why“那就是为什么”,that在此做主语指上文所述情况,句中why引导一个表语从句。Thats why可以改为由so引导的并列分句,尽管表述方式不一样,但意义完全一样。 Tigers are dangerous. Thats why they have to stay in cages. = Tigers are dangerous, so they have to move. 老虎很危险,这就是为什么他们必须呆在笼子里的原因。,She loves to get sticks. 她很喜欢拣木棍。 get vt. 带来,拿来 Let me go and get the doctor. 我去请医生吧。 辨析:bring, take, carry与get bring与take具有方向性,bring意为“带来”,是把别处的人或物带到说话的地点来,take意为“带走”,是把说话地点的人或物带到别处。carry意为“提,拿”不具方向性,有负重的含义。get表示到别处把某人/某物带来,拿来。 Youd better take your homework to school tomorrow. 明天你最好把作业带到学校来。 Take her some flowers when you go to see her. 你去看她时,给她带些花。 He is carrying a heavy box in his hand. 他手里拎着一个沉重的箱子。 Go and get some hot water, please. 请去弄些热水来。,She loves to chase squirrels, too. 她也喜欢去追赶松鼠。 chase vt. “追逐,追赶”,相当于hunt。 Dogs like to chase hares. 狗喜欢追捕野兔。 Look! The cat is chasing the chicken. 看!那只猫在追赶鸡。,Stop, Mike!停,迈克! stop vt.“停止,中止”,其后接名词,代词,不定式或动名词。 He stops work at 5:00 every day. 他每天在5点停止工作。 He stops smoking. 他戒烟了。 辨析:stop doing与stop to do stop doing停止做某事,doing做宾语。stop to do停下来去做某事,to do表示停下来的目的,做状语。 We stopped talking. 我们停止说话。 We stopped to talk. 我们停下来说话。,Okay, but what does this mean? 好的,但这是什么意思? mean vt. “意思是”,表示人的言论或行为的某一标志或词语的意思所指。 What does this word mean? =Whats the meaning of the word? 这个单词是什么意思? What is meant by “dao”? =What does “dao” mean? 请问“岛”是什么意思? What do you mean by doing that? 你那么做是什么意思?,Think of this, Li Ming. 李明,想一想。 think of“考虑,认为”,相当于,后可接名词,动词形式,疑问词或不定式等。 What do you think of / about the idea? 你觉得他的主意怎么样? Were thinking of / about going to Sydney. 我们正在考虑去悉尼度假。 He is thinking how to get there early. 他在考虑怎样早点到那儿。,Shes scared of everything. 她见什么都害怕。 scared adj. “惊慌的,害怕的”,其动词是scare,有be scared of, be scared to do及be scared+that从句三种形式。 Dont be scared of him. 不要怕他。 Im scared to fly a plane. 我害怕乘飞机。,当堂达标 一、综合填空: 1.My family has a dog n_ Brandy. 2.Some dogs like c_ ducks. 3.Almost all pets are not f_. 4.The desk _ (make) of wood is mine. 5.I am reading a book _(write) by Lu Xun 6.When Brandy ate some hamburgers, my father _ (talk) to my mother. 7.My father _ (sleep)at this time yesterday.,当堂达标 一、综合填空: 1.My family has a dog named Brandy. 2.Some dogs like chasing ducks. 3.Almost all pets are not fierce. 4.The desk made (make) of wood is mine. 5.I am reading a


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