



2009年4月16日,外交部发言人姜瑜举行例行记者会,主要就美国财政部报告称中国不是“操纵汇率国”、朝鲜对安理会主席声明反应等答记者问。 姜瑜:女士们,先生们,下午好!首先,我发布一条消息: 应阿拉伯埃及共和国外交部长阿布盖特、巴勒斯坦民族权力机构代理外交事务部长兼新闻部长利雅得马立基、以色列国外交部长阿维格多利伯曼、阿拉伯叙利亚共和国外交部长瓦立德穆阿利姆、俄罗斯联邦外交部长谢尔盖拉夫罗夫邀请,外交部长杨洁篪将于4月21日至27日对上述五国进行正式访问。 访问五国期间,杨外长将与五国外长举行会谈,分别会见五国领导人,就进一步发展双边关系及重大国际和地区问题深入交换意见。 下面我愿意回答各位的提问。 问:我有两个问题。第一,美国财政部昨天发布报告称,中国不是“操纵货币汇率国”。你对此有何评论?第二,有中国媒体报道称,中方将向南海有争议的海域派出更多的巡逻船,你能否证实这个消息?答:关于第一个问题,我们将继续推进人民币汇率形成机制的改革。我们的目标是在合理和均衡的水平上保持人民币币值的基本稳定,这不仅有利于中国,也有利于世界经济。 关于第二个问题,我没有这方面的消息。我可以告诉你的是,中国政府在自己的专属经济区进行维权执法活动是完全正常合法的。 问:朝方已要求国际原子能机构在宁边核设施的监察员离境,中方对朝此举有何回应? 答:关于这个问题,我们希望有关各方着眼大局,保持冷静和克制,妥善处理有关问题,共同维护六方会谈进程。 问:昨天,一名中国妇女在俄罗斯境内乘坐火车时可能因感染肺炎去世,同车厢的约50名中国公民随后被隔离。俄某些地区在中俄边境已采取严格的检疫措施。中方对此有何评论?中国公民在赴他国前是否要接受体检? 答:我们高度重视这一情况,正在进一步了解情况。关于中国公民去其他国家入境前体检的要求,我想都会按照有关国家相关的入境规定进行办理。 问:你能否证实国际原子能机构人员正在北京,是否有中方领导人会见?第二,根据最近美国方面的数据显示,中国持有美国国债的数量稳步上升,是否说明当前中方仍视美国债为最佳投资对象?答:关于第一个问题,我没有听说,可以帮你了解一下。 关于购买美国国债的问题,中方有关部门多次回答过,我们的外币储备经营始终按照安全、流动、保值的原则,坚持多元化的投资战略。 问:美国特使霍尔布鲁克已访华,请介绍相关情况。 答:美国的阿富汗和巴基斯坦特别事务代表霍尔布鲁克近日对北京进行了短暂的访问。访问期间,国务委员戴秉国和外交部长杨洁篪分别与他进行了会见。双方就南亚形势等共同关心的问题交换了意见,表示将加强对话与合作,为促进南亚的和平、稳定与发展做出努力。 问:在此次联合国安理会就朝鲜试射问题发表主席声明之前,中方从未批评过朝鲜试射,中方签署主席声明的考虑是什么?第二,朝鲜宣布退出六方会谈后,中方是否与其他各方进行了沟通? 答:安理会通过主席声明以后,我们已经多次表明了立场。我们希望有关各方都能着眼大局和长远,保持冷静、克制,妥善处理有关问题,共同致力于维护六方会谈进程,维护朝鲜半岛和东北亚地区的和平与稳定。通过六方会谈推进半岛无核化是各方的共识,我们愿意就有关事宜与各方保持沟通。 如果没有问题了,感谢各位出席,下次再见! On the afternoon of April 16, 2009, Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Jiang Yu held a regular press conference and answered questions on the report of the US Treasury Department not naming China as a currency manipulator, the DPRKs response to the Security Council presidential statement and etc. Jiang Yu: Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. I have an announcement to start with. At the invitation of Foreign Minister Aboul Gheit of the Arab Republic of Egypt, acting Foreign Minister and Information Minister Riyadh Al-Maliki of the Palestinian National Authority, Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman of the State of Israel, Foreign Minister Muallim of the Syrian Arab Republic and Foreign Minister Lavrov of the Russian Federation, Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi will pay official visits to the five countries from April 21 to 27. During his visits, Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi will have talks with his counterparts, meet with leaders of the five countries, and have an in-depth exchange of views with them on development of bilateral ties and major international and regional issues. Now, Id like to take your questions. Q: I have two questions. First, the US Treasury Department yesterday made a decision not to name China as a currency manipulator. I wonder if you could comment on that. Second, Chinese media reports that more patrol boats have been sent to the disputed territory in the South China Sea. I wonder if you could confirm that. A: On your first question, we will continue to reform the RMB exchange rate regime. Our target is to maintain the basic stability of the RMB value at a reasonable and balanced level, serving both the interest of China as well as the world economy. On your second question, I dont have any information. What I can tell you is that it is completely normal and justified for the Chinese Government to engage in law enforcement activities to safeguard its rights within its own Exclusive Economic Zone. Q: The DPRK has expelled IAEA inspectors from the Yongbyon site. Does China have any response to this action? A: On this question, we hope all parties concerned focus on the overall interest, exert calmness and restraint, and handle relevant issue properly with a view to maintaining the Six-Party Talks. Q: Yesterday a Chinese woman died from some kind of pneumonia on a train in Russia. About 50 Chinese citizens have been quarantined since then. Some Russia regions are putting strict quarantine measures on the border with China. What is Chinese comment on this situation? Are Chinese citizens going through any medical checkups before leaving for other countries? A: We take this issue seriously, and are trying to acquire further information. On the requirements of physical examination for Chinese citizens before leaving for other countries, I believe entry regulations of recipient countries will be followed. Q: Can you confirm that the IAEA people are now in Beijing, and will Chinese officials meet with them? Secondly, the latest statistics from the US show that Chinas holdings of US treasury bonds continue to increase. Does that mean China still views the US treasury bonds as the best investment? A: On your first question, Ive not heard of it, but I can check it for you. On the US treasury bonds issue, as competent Chinese authorities said on many occasions, we operate our foreign exchange reserve according to the principle of security, liquidity and good value. Our investment is diversified. Q: US envoy Holbrooke has visited China. Please brief us on his visit. A: US special envoy Holbrooke to Afghanistan and Pakistan has paid a short visit to Beijing recently. During his visit, he met with State Councilor Dai Bingguo and Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi. They exchanged views on issues of common interest including the situation in South Asia, and agreed to step up dialogue and cooperation so as to contribute to peace, stability and development in South Asia. Q: Up until the UN Security Council issued its statement on the DPRK launch, China had no word of criticism on the launch. Why did China sign the statement? Secondly, now that the DPRK quits the Six-Party Talks, has China had any contact with the other parties about it? A: We


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