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辽宁省2017-2018学年八年级英语上学期第一次月考试题一、单项选择(每小题1分,共15分)( )1. Sun Yang is well known to many Chinese people_ his winning in Rio. A. because B. since C. as D. because of( )2. I think the job is _. It always makes me feel_. A. boring; bored B. boring; boring C. bored; boring D. bored; bored( ) 3. The old man never speaks English, but he knows _ English words.A. a little B. quite a few C. little D. quite a lot( ) 4. My uncle _ every day, but yesterday he _.A. exercise; doesnt B. exercises; didnt C. exercised; doesnt D. exercised; didnt( ) 5. _ American people and British people speak the same language, their cultures are quite different. A. Since B. If C. Although D. Because( ) 6. Do you know Shanghai is one of _ in the world? -Yes, its bigger than _ city in China. A. the biggest city; any B. the biggest cities; any C. the biggest cities; any other D. biggest cities; any other( )7. Tom is really a _ boy. - Yes, he always has many new ideas.A. friendly B. funny C. creative D. serious( ) 8. Can you lend me your English dictionary? I want to look up a word. - _. A. No good B. No problem C. No idea D. No sense( )9. There is _ in the program, so _ is interested in it. A. nothing interesting; no one B. something interested; anyone C. interesting anything; someone D. nothing interesting; someone( )10. _ playing the guitar _ than playing the piano?A. Does ;more interesting B. Is; more interestingC. Does; as interesting as D. is; much interesting( ) 11. Its dangerous _ with wild animals. A. for us to play B. of us playing C. for us playing D. of us to play( )12. The number of the volunteers in our city_ 2,000. And sixty percent of them _ teachers and students.A. is; is B. is; are C. are; is D. are ; are( ) 13. I _ go to a restaurant , because the food there is very expensive. A. often B. always C. usually D. hardly ever( ) 14. What bad weather it was! We decided _.A. to go out B. not to go out C. to not go out D. not going out( ) 15. - _ go out for a picnic next Saturday? -Good idea. A. Why not B. How about C. Would you like D. Lets .完形填空。(每小题1分,共10分)Martas family moved to a new town. Marta was 16_worried than excited about her first day at her new school. She was worried that her 17_ classmates would not talk to her. How could she make new friends at the new school? She was not sure. When Marta walked into the classroom, the first 18_she saw smiled (微笑)at her. She seemed 19_. Marta felt happy and smiled back and said hello to the girl. However, the girl didnt 20_ . She just put her hand in Martas and waved it back and forth (来回地摇动).Marta was a little surprised. 21_ didnt the girl say hello to her? She asked the girl, Whats your name? Again the girl didnt answer. Marta then looked at the girls notebook. The 22_ Janis Moore was on it.Marta then knew that Janis was using a 23_ way to talk with her. Janis was deaf (聋的)and couldnt hear or 24_, but she still was an outgoing girl. Marta decided to make her first new friend 25_ Janis.( ) 16. A. less B. fewer C. much D. more( ) 17. A. old B. new C. primary D. young .( ) 18. A. girl B. boy C. teacher D. man( ) 19. A. hard-working B. friendly C. serious D. lazy( ) 20. A. sing B. dance C. answer D. listen( ) 21. A. How B. Where C. What D. Why( ) 22. A. name B. age C. height D. grade( ) 23. A. similar B. special C. lucky D. slow( ) 24. A. share B. speak C. touch D. feel( ) 25. A. to B. as C. at D. with三、补全对话 (共10分,每小题1分) A. 从方框中选择正确的句子填入空白处,是对话完整。 A: Linda, what do you think of your lifestyle?B: I think mine is pretty good.A: Really? 26_B: I often go swimming with my mother.A: 27_B: We swim four times a week. And I often eat a lot of healthy food like vegetables and fish.A: Thats really good.28_B: What about yours?A: I have a lot of chips, cola and coffee. 29_B: You should try your best to exercise every day. 30_A: I agree with you. I must learn from you.A. How often do you do it?B. And it is a good idea to eat more healthy food.C. What do you usually do after school?D. I hardly ever exercise.E. Mine is different from yours.B. 在对话空白处填入适当的话语,(话语可能是一个句子,也可能是一个短语或一个词),使对话完整并正确。A: Hi, how was your vacation?B: It was great!A: 31 _ did you go? B: I went to Tokyo with my family.A:32 _?B: We visited a lot of museums.A: 33 _?B: Interesting. But they were very crowded.A: Did you go shopping?B: 34 _. I didnt have much money with me.A: How was the food?B: 35 _. I like it very much.四、阅读理解。(每题1分,共15分)AWho is your idol(偶像)? Why do you like the person? Cool looks? Money? A lot of talent? Shanghai teenagers say they look for more than that. Most of them say their idols are hardworking and brave (勇敢). This summer, Shanghais Evening News asked around 1,000 middle school students about their idols. The newspaper put people in six different groups: leaders, young heroes, teenagers, writers, artists and business people. Students were asked to pick one from each group. Swimming star Sun Yang was the No. 1 Chinese idol with 48% of all votes (投票). Popular singer Jay Chou(周杰伦) is the teens favorite star. A teenager said, Jay is so kind to his mother and grandma. He takes good care of them. Shanghai students also like U.S. businessman Bill Gates. More than half picked him as their idol. A Junior student who likes Gates said: Bill was not born rich. He worked hard. And he doesnt like to tell everyone how rich he is. He also has courage (勇气). He left school to start his own business!( ) 36. Most teenagers in Shanghai think their idols are _.A. hard-working B. brave C. rich D. A and B( ) 37. How many votes did Sun Yang get in the survey? A. 240 B. 480 C. 440 D. 580( ) 38. According to a teen, _ looks after his mother and grandma very well. A. Liu Xiang B. Jay Chou C. Sun Yang D. Bill Gates( ) 39. Bill Gates is a _. A. teacher B. worker C. businessman D. policeman( ) 40. Which of the following is NOT true about Boll Gates?A. He works very hard. B. He is very popular with some Shanghai students.C. He was born in a rich family.D. He is a successful man with great courage. BNow we can see lots of talent shows on TV, from The Voice of China to Sing My Song and so on. This kind of program is quite popular, especially with young people. It now has great impact on study and life. There are some reasons behind the tide. To start with, young people need role models to learn from, so many of them are crazy about the winners in these programs. They often wear and speak the way the winners do. Secondly, young people are finding ways to show off their talents or relax themselves. So many boys and girls are interested in joining in or watching such programs.Every coin has its two sides. On the one hand, watching the talent show is a good way to relax and make us happy and excited. On the other hand, as students, however, we should spend more time on our schoolwork. And as you know, it is always expensive to watch a live talent show.根据短文内容,判断下列句子正(T)误(F)。( )41. Only young people like to watch talent shows.( )42. Winners of the talent shows often become role models of many young people.( )43. Watching the talent show can make us relax and happy.( )44. The students should not watch any talent shows. ( )45 . It may cost much money to watch a live talent show.cKian Hamer ,11-year-old,has become one of the youngest members of Mensa. Mensa is an international organization for IQ. His IQ is 162 and its two points higher than Albert Einsteins and Professor Stephen Hawkings. Mensa has 110,000 members all over the world, including 20,000 in the British Isles. Only eight percent of members are under 16. Mensa sent a letter to Kians home. The letter wrote, “Kian is one of the cleverest people in the world.” Kian feels proud to have got such a good score and hes really excited to join Mensa. He always works hardest on everything he does and hes always ready for a challenge. Although people call him a genius(天才),he still wants to be a professional footballer when he grows up. He loves playing football very much. His dad Rich Hamer, 43, who works as a firefighter, said, “Kian is clever but Im not calling him a genius like others. I want him to keep his feet on the ground. He needs to study hard forever. Never be proud. ( )46. Mensa has about _ members who are under 16.A. 110,000 B. 20,000 C. 8,800 D. 2,500 ( )47. Kian feels _ to be a member of Mensa according to the passage. A. excited B. relaxed C. bored D. proud ( ) 48. Kian plans to be _ when he is older. A. a scientist B. a firefighter C. an engineer D. a footballer ( ) 49. The underlined part means “ _” in Chinese.A. 把脚放地上 B. 站在地上 C. 脚踏实地 D. 躺在地上( )50. The best title for the passage may be _A. How to become a member of MensaB. One of the youngest members of MensaC. What the cleverest boys IQ isD. A genius or a professional footballerD阅读文章,并回答问题。(每题2分,共10分)William Lindesay, a British traveler and writer, has been exploring the Great Wallone of the humans most wonderful building projects. Not even a Chinese knows the Great Wall of China as well as he does.When, as a schoolboy, Lindesay told people about his plan to explore the Great Wall, nobody took him seriously. But Lindesay achieved his goal, by spending 25 years on the Great Wall and has become one of the worlds most famous experts on its rich history. Lindesay now lives and works in Beijing. This year his new book has come out, The Great Wall Explained, with a lot of photographs and articles.Running on the Great Wall was a brave trip and Lindesay had already run 3,000 kilometers along it! During those years, he got to many villages along the way. He was often helped by friendly villagers, although they didnt quite understand why the Englishman would have such interest in the Great Wall.51.Who is William Lindesay?_52.Where does Lindesay work mow?_53.Whats the name of his new book about the Great Wall?_54. Did anyone believe him about his plan to explore the Great Wall? _55. How long did Lindesay spend on the Great Wall?_-五、短文填空(每空1分,共10分)阅读短文,从方框中选择适当的词并用其正确形式填空,使短文通顺、意思完整。每空限填一词,每词限用一次。(方框中有两个词是多余的。)always, talk,count,I,below,friend,or,people,send,free, around, andNext time youre in a public place, take a look around you. And 56_ how many people are using their phones. I can tell you now that it is probably more than half, whether youre on a bus, in a cafe 57_ simply walking down the street.Im not saying that I am not an example of this, but it 58 _ amazes(使惊愕) me how people can spend so much time on their phones without 59_ to others. Has it gone too far?Recently, my smart phone 60 _ down and I had to use a really old, basic phone just to keep me in touch with my family and 61_ . I loved it. I loved being 62_ from the Internet, and I re


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