



Materials for classroom discussion (Lecture 8) 【为方便对照阅读,请单面打印】1. HP Deskjet 3840 seriesUsers GuideNotice 2004 Copyright Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.Reproduction, adaptation or translation without prior written permission is prohibited, except as allowed under the copyright laws.The information contained herein is subjected to change without notice.The only warranties for HP products and services are set forth (阐述) in the express (明确的) warranty statements accompanying such products and services. Nothing herein should be construed (解释,翻译) as constituting an additional warranty. HP shall not be liable for technical or editorial errors or omissions contained herein.AcknowledgementsMicrosoft and Windows are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.Connecting to the printerThe printer connects to the computer with a universal serial bus (USB) cable.Use a USB 2.0 full-speed compliant cable that does not exceed 3 metres (10 feet) in length. Use the cable with Windows 98, Millennium Edition (Me), 2000, and XP, and with Macintosh computer systems.For instructions about connecting the printer with a USB cable, see the setup poster that came with the printer.Print cartridgesThe following print cartridges can be used with the printer.Print cartridgesSelection numberBlack816Tri-color817Photo58The availability of print cartridges varies by country/region. This printer and its replacement cartridges are sold in select countries/regions as provided on the printer packaging. For information about replacing or maintaining cartridges, see the onscreen users guide.Installation troubleshooting for WindowsUse the information in this section if you have problems setting up the HP printer.Problem: The installation program does not start automatically when the CD is inserted.Possible causes: Autorun is disabled.The computer cannot find the autorun.exe file on the CD-ROM.Solution:Verify that the printer software CD was inserted into a supported CD-ROM drive.Click Start, click Run, and then click Browse.At the top of the Browse window, click the Look in drop-down list.Click HPPP, and then click Open. Click Setup, and then click Open. The setup.exe file appears in the Run dialog box.Click OK.Follow the onscreen instructions to install the printer software.Production specificationsPrint speed in FastDraft mode: Black text: Up to 18 pages per minute (ppm); mixed text with color graphics: Up to 14 ppm. These are approximate figures. Exact speed varies with your system configuration, software program, and document complexity. For maximum printer performance when printing black text, HP recommends that you use the black print cartridge (selection number 816). Using other supported print cartridges could result in slower print speed.Power consumption: Less than 4 watts maximum when off; 5.25 watts maximum average when not printing; 25 watts maximum average when printingSoftware compatibility: Windows compatible (98, Me, 2000 and XP), Macintosh OS 9.1 through 9.2.2 and later, and OS X 10.1.5 and later.HP Deskjet 3840 series打印机用户指南通告 2004 Copyright Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.未经事先书面许可,严禁复制、改编或翻译本指南,除非版权法许可。本文档包含的信息如有更改,恕不另行通知。对HP产品和服务的唯一担保在随产品和服务一起提供的明示保修声明中列出。不应将本指南中的声明解释为附加的保修。HP对本文档中包含的技术或编辑错误或遗漏, 恕不负责。鸣谢Microsoft和Windows是微软公司(Microsoft Corporation)的注册商标。连接打印机打印机使用通用串行总线(USB)电缆连接到计算机。使用一条长度不超过3米(10英尺)的USB.2.0全速兼容电缆。可使用电缆连接到Windows 98、Millennium Edition (Me)、2000和XP以及Macintosh计算机系统。有关使用电缆连接打印机的说明,请参见打印机随附的安装指南。打印墨盒打印机可以使用下列打印墨盒。打印墨盒选择号黑色816三色817照片58可以买到的打印墨盒随国家/地区而异。此打印机及其备用墨盒在打印机包装表明的国家/地区销售。有关更换和维护打印墨盒的信息,请参见屏幕用户指南。Windows安装疑难排除如果在安装HP打印机时遇到问题,请参阅本节中的信息。问题:插入CD后安装程序未自动启动。可能的原因:自动运行被禁用。计算机无法找到CD-ROM中的autorun.exe文件。解决方案:确保打印机软件CD已插入支持的CD-ROM驱动器。单击开始、运行,然后单击浏览。在浏览窗口的顶部单击查找范围下拉列表。单击HPPP,然后单击打开。单击Setup,然后单击打开。setup.exe文件出现在运行对话框中。单击确定。按屏幕上的说明安装打印机软件。产品技术规格快速草稿模式中的打印速度:黑色文本:最多18页/每分钟(ppm);带有彩色圆形的混合文本:最多14ppm。这些只是近似数字。准确速度随系统配置、软件程序和文档复杂性而异。为了在打印黑色文本时获得最佳打印机性能,HP建议使用黑色打印墨盒(选择号为816)。使用其他所支持的打印墨盒可能会使打印速度较慢。功耗:关闭时小于最大4W,不打印时平均最大5.25W,打印时平均最大25W。软件兼容性:兼容Windows (98, Me, 2000和XP)、Macintosh OS 9.1至9.2.2及以后版本, OS X 10.1.5及以后版本。2. LG彩色显示器用户手册注:版权所有。未经LG电子有限公司的书面许可,不允许任何人以任何方式全部或部分复制本手册。警告:为避免火灾或触电,请不要将显示器置于雨中或潮湿的环境中。重要注意事项:1 请使用本显示器所配备的电源线。如果需要使用非本显示器提供的电源线,应确保它必须符合相应的标准(UL/CSA或VDE)。2 交流电源插座和电源线在负载过大时很危险。3 切勿拆开显示器。即使关闭电源,显示器内部也存在着危险高压。如果显示器不能正常工作,请与经销商联系。LG Color Monitor Users ManualNotice: All rights reserved. Reproduction in any manner, in whole or in part, is strictly prohibited without the written permission of LG Electronics Inc.Warning: To reduce the risk of fire or electric shock, do not expose this appliance to rain or moisture.Important precautions:1. Use only the power cord supplied with the monitor. In case you use another power cord not provided by the supplier, make sure that it is certified by the applicable standards (UL/CSA or VDE).2. Overloaded AC (alternating current) outlets and cords are dangerous.Do not open the monitor. There are dangerous high voltages inside even when the power is OFF. Contact your dealer if the monitor is not operating properly.3. 口泰含漱液 【成 分】每500毫升含葡萄糖酸氯己定0.6克、甲硝唑0.1克、甘油25毫升、浓薄荷水5毫升。【适 应 症】用于牙龈炎、冠周炎、口腔粘膜炎等引致的牙龈出血、牙周肿痛、溢脓口臭、口腔粘膜溃疡等病症的治疗。【用法用量】漱口。一次1-2格(约10-15毫升),早晚刷牙后含漱2-5分钟,5-10日为一疗程。【贮 存】遮光,密封保存。不良反应、禁忌、注意事项详见说明书。【有 效 期】至2006年5月30日【产品批号】20050403【生产日期】2005.10.30Koutai Mouthrinse SolutionIngredients: 0.6g chlorhxidine gluconate, 0.1g metronidazole, 25ml glycerine and 5ml menthol for every 500ml gargle solution.Indications: This product is able to cure the gums bleeding, periodontal gall, purulent halitosis and oral ulcer, etc. caused by gingivitis, pericoronitis and oral ulcer.Usage and Dosage: Gargle with the product 2-5 minutes after brushing in the morning and evening. 10-15ml once and 5-10 days as a period of treatment.Storage: Store in cool places and protect from sunlight.The adverse reactions, contraindication and precaution can be known in the instruction.Period of Validity: till 05-30-2006Production Batch: 20050403Production Date: 10-30-2005Parallel text for Drug InstructionsAsacol(mesalamine)Delayed-Release TabletsDESCRIPTION: Each Asacol delayed-release tablet for oral administration contains 400 mg of mesalamine, an anti-inflammatory drug. The Asacol delayed-release tablets are coated with acrylic based resin, Eudragit S (methacrylic acid copolymer B, NF), which dissolves at pH 7 or greater, releasing mesalamine in the terminal ileum and beyond for topical anti-inflammatory action in the colon. Mesalamine has the chemical name 5-amino-2-hydroxybenzoic acid; its structural formula is: (Omitted.) Molecular Weight: 153.1 Molecular Formula: C7H7NO3Inactive Ingredients: Each tablet contains colloidal silicon dioxide, dibutyl phthalate, edible black ink, iron oxide red, iron oxide yellow, lactose, magnesium stearate, methacrylic acid copolymer B (Eudragit S), polyethylene glycol, povidone, sodium starch glycolate, and talc.INDICATIONS AND USAGE: Asacol tablets are indicated for the treatment of mildly to moderately active ulcerative colitis and for the maintenance of remission of ulcerative colitis.CONTRAINDICATIONS: Asacol tablets are contraindicated in patients with hypersensitivity to salicylates or to any of the components of the Asacol tablet.PRECAUTIONS:General: Patients with pyloric stenosis may have prolonged gastric retention of Asacol tablets which could delay release of mesalamine in the colon.Drug Interactions: There are no known drug interactions.ADVERSE REACTIONS: Asacol tablets have been evaluated in 3685 inflammatory bowel disease patients (most patients with ulcerative colitis) in controlled and open-label studies. Adverse events seen in clinical trials with Asacol tablets have generally been mild


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