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河北安平中学实验部高一年级英语学科寒假作业2019年2月7日 第一部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。AThe editor of the new Cool Camping Britain guide chooses some of his favorite new finds in England, Wales and Scotland.Cleadale, Isle of Eigg, Inner HebridesIs this Britains most beautiful campsite? From the grassy point looking seaward to the mountains, its not hard for campers to see how the island inspired The Lord of the Rings authors fantasy landscapes. The campsite itself is as wild and wonderful as its setting.Open April September, from 5 per tent per night.Swattesfield, Thornham Magna, SuffolkDeep in the wilds of north Suffolk, this seven-acre campsite has only been open for a few years, with two fields separated by a lake and surrounded by woodland. The position is perfect. Its a great place to do nothing but get into nature. You can put up your tent in the bottom field or the woodland beyond.Open Easter October, from 10 per tent per night.Pleasant Streams Farm, near St Austell, CornwallThis site, by a lake, is all about simple pleasures. Located in the former mining village, it has a summerhouse(凉亭)with books and games for a rainy day. There are many animals including pigs, hens, goats and ducks on the farm and a pub just a 10- minute stroll away. Theres very little to do here, no bells and no whistles. Campfires are encouraged.Open Easter September, from 10 per tent per night.Troytown Campsite, St Agnes, Isles of SciilyIts only campsite, Troytown, couldnt be in a more remote position. Isolation is its greatest advantage so bring plenty of books to read and dont expect a phone signal. But at least one of lifes necessities is available. Lying on the hillside overlooking the bay and near the island of the Gugh, it might just win the prize for best beer garden view in England.Open March October, from 7. 50 per tent per night,21. Which of the following is TRUE about Cleadale, Isle of Eigg, Inner Hebrides?A. It has been open for a few years. B. A beautiful lake surrounds it.C. It offers the longest service. D. The rent of a tent per night is the lowest.22. Which place can you choose if you like a simple farm life?A. Cleadale, Isle of Eigg, Inner Hebrides. B. Swattesfield, Thornham Magna, Suffolk.C. Pleasant Streams Farm, near St Austell, Cornwall.D. Troytown Campsite, St Agnes, Isles of Scilly.23. In Troytown Campsite, St Agnes, Isles of Scilly, you cant _.A. contact others by phones B. view the bay from the hillsideC. get everyday necessities D. relax yourself by readingBIn August 2015, President Obama announced that North Americas highest mountain, Mount McKinley, would be renamed. Its new moniker(名字), Denali, was actually its original Aleut name, meaning “the high one”. The previous name, on the other hand, only dates back to 1896the year when it was named in honour of William McKinley(18431901), who was shortly to become President of the United States. Denali is of course not the only mountain with an interesting linguistic history, so lets travel to Asia, and across Europe, to explore the naming of those continents most famous peaks and mountain ranges.The Nepalese name Himalaya comes from a Sanskrit word meaning “Abode of Snow”, from hima for “snow” and laya for “abode”. In Buddhist sources, Himalaya is known by various names such as Himav and Himavanta.In 1856, Mount Everest was named after Sir George Everest (17901866), who was the superintendent (负责人)of the Trigonometrical Survey of India. Everest himself was initially displeased by the naming, since he feared that local inhabitants might not be able to pronounce it. K2 stands for Karakoram 2, because it was the second peak to be surveyed in the Trigonometrical Survey in the Karakoram system. It was also formerly known as Mount Godwin Austen after Col. H. H. Godwin Austen, who first surveyed it. Another alternative name for the mountain is Chhogori.Annapurna is a household Goddess for Hindus, who guarantees to her worshippers (崇拜者)that food will not fail. The name derives(源出)from a Sanskrit word meaning “one who gives nourishment”. The Matterhorns name derives from the name of the nearby town of Zermatt, the second element of which is apparently Matte “meadow”, and Horn, “horn”. Horn is not an unusual element in German names of mountains with jutting(突出的)peaks. The mountain is called Mont Cervin in French and Monte Cervino in Italian, from the Italian adjective cervino “deer-like”, which conjures up (使想起)a deers antlers.Ben Nevis is the Anglicized form of the Scottish Gaelic name Beinn Nibheis, which means“Mountain by the(River)Nevis”. The name of the river apparently derives from a Celtic root for “water”.24. How many continents mountains are mentioned in the passage? A. 2 B. 3 C. 4 D. 525.Himalaya is a mountain also named _. A. Nepalese B. Abode of Snow C. Alaya D. Himav26. Which of the following is FALSE according to the passage? A. Everest was unhappy about the name of Mount Everest at first. B. K2 was once called Col. H. H. Godwin. C. Annapurna means “one who offers food”. D. Matterhorn comes from the name of the nearby town of Zermatt.27.The above mountains names come from sources other than _.A. color B. a Sanskrit word C. a persons name D. geographic nameCFor several years,the art trade in London has known about the possible existence of thetreasure of the western cave,dating from the 6th century BCIt was said to have been discoveredby farmersin western Iran around 1992Out of between 200and 600pieces,only a few have so farsurfacedThe Iranians were very angry that they managed to seize only part of the collection and that the rest was taken abroad illegallyBut now they may worry lessAn academic paper has just produced convincing evidence that at least one piece is a fake (赝品)Fakes always exist in the world of antiquities(古物),but what is astonishing is how widespread they are nowA report from the Archaeological Institute of America concludes that no less than 80per cent of allancientwest African pieces on the market are fakeHow can thisforgery(伪造) cultureboom?It is found that about 80per cent of the antiquities traded have no clear sourceIn other words,it is not known where they were found and therefore,even if they are real,they can tell us little about ancient historyPeople in the trade say that the majority of these objects were found incasual discoveriesShamefully,they know that this is not trueThey advance the fiction because it suits their commercial purposesThe reality is that the objects come from robbery,not by local farmershappeningon a few findsThetreasure of the western caveis a classic example of how faking worksFaking is big business,and is of such a standard that even the greatest scholars may be fooled some of the timeThe antiquities trade likes to play down not only the extent of robbery and faking,but also the overlap between the twoThese latest reports let the cat out of the bagBut it is the overlap with robbed antiquities that is the most significant factor,which leads to the culture of forgeryCollectors of antiquities need to be aware that they not only aid the robbery of potentially invaluable sites,but put themselves at the mercy of fakers as well28What do we probably know about thetreasure of the western cave? AIts slightly brokenBIts totally realCIts partly fakeDIts fairly new29What astonishes the author? AThe huge number of fakesBThe long history of fakesCThe influence of fakesDThe origin of fakes30According to the passage,forgery culturemainly results from Aa belief incasual discoveriesBhigh faking standardsCantiquities without a clear sourceDclose combination of robbery and faking31Which is probably the last sentence of the passage? AThis is the main source for robberyBWhat shall be done to stop this trend?CAre collectors of antiquities aware of it?DThey are being not just dishonest,but foolishDIn the fall of 1988, I visited many Buddhist temples, but after a while they all began to fade from my memories. However, there was one temple that left a great impression in my heart.It is called the Temple of the Golden Buddha. After walking around it and taking some photos, I walked over to a glass case, next to which was a typewritten page describing the history of this magnificent piece of art.Back in 1957 a group of monks from a monastery(修道院) had to relocate a clay Buddha from their temple to a new location. The monastery was to be relocated to make room for the development of a highway. When the crane(吊车)began to lift it, the weight of was so large that it began to crack. Whats more, rain began to fall, The head monk decided to lower the statue back to the ground and cover it with a large oilcloth to protect it from the rain.Later that evening the head monk went to check on the Buddha. He shined his flash- light under the oilcloth to see if the Buddha was staying dry. As the light reached the crack, he noticed a little beam shining back and thought it strange. As he took a closer look at this beam of light, he wondered if there might be something underneath the clay. He went to fetch a chisel and hammer from the monastery and began to chip away at the clay. As he knocked off pieces of clay, the little beam grew brighter and bigger. Many hours of labor went by before the monk stood face to face with the extraordinary solid-gold Buddha.Historians believe that several hundred years before the head monks discovery, the army was about to invade the country. The monks, realizing that their country would soon be attacked, covered their precious golden Buddha with an outer covering of clay in order to keep their treasure from being robbed by the enemy.Unfortunately, it appears that the enemy killed all the monks, and the well-kept secret of the golden Buddha remained uncovered until the day in 1957.As I flew home I began to think to myself, “We are all like the clay Buddha covered with a shell of hardness created out of fear, and yet underneath each of us is a golden Buddha, agolden Christ, or a golden spirit, which is our real self. Somewhere along the way, between the ages of two and nine, we begin to cover up our golden spirit, our natural self. Much like the monk with the hammer and the chisel, our task now is to discover our true spirit once again.”32. What made the monks cover the Buddha with a large oilcloth?A. Hiding it from being stolen.B. Protecting it from the rain.C. Protecting it from being damaged.D. Avoiding being seen.33. Why was the author greatly impressed by the golden Buddha?A. Because he likes it very much.B. Because it differs from others.C. Because of its history.D. Because of the protection of the monk.34. What might be the best title of the passage?A. Visiting Buddhist TemplesB. The Golden BuddhaC. Protecting Their CountryD. Relocating the Buddha35. What advice is given to us according to the passage?A. Covering up ourselves.B. Finding the truth.C. Discovering our true spirit.D. Building up our belief.第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10 分) 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Five Ways to Work Smarter, Not HarderNo matter how hard we work, it seems that there is never enough time to get all the important tasks done. Rather than working longer, consider working smarter, not harder. Here are some ways to work smarter:Make a careful plan. Just like every organization needs a business plan, an efficient worker needs a work plan. 36 Schedule your tasks throughout the days, weeks, and months, but do it ahead of time.Set your goals. As a part of your work plan, you should set clear and measurable goals. Goals should state which tasks are to be completed and when they get completed. Rather than setting firm deadlines, which can lead to pressure and stress, allow a period of time to reach goals. 37 38 Develop a consistent daily work schedule and stick to it! If a typical workday consists of some writing tasks(emails, reports), one-on-one meetings, and processing data, set aside specific time each day to accomplish each kind of tasks.Delegate(授权)effectively. 39 The person who tries to do everything himself or herself not only is overloaded and overstressed, but is bad for their colleagues, by not allowing them to be challenged and grow by taking on important duties.Dont make work harder than it actually is. Much of the pressure is produced by ourselves. _40 We feel like we should do more. Remember that tasks should be completed step by step. Focus on each step rather than on the entire project, which can help us cut down on feelings that we are “overwhelmed”.A. Stick to your plan.B. We set unrealistic goals or standards for ourselves.C. Also, take time to reward yourself for achieving a goal.D. Organize your workday.E. We cannot expect to complete the tasks quickly.F. Learn which tasks can be delegated and which need personal attention.G. It is a well-thought-out plan to help guide and direct work activities.第二部分英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节:完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D )中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。Three years ago, when I entered my school for the first time, I was welcomed by students wearing white shirts with a badge (徽章) saying “Prefect” on them, who greeted me with the _41_, “Welcome to Huaxia Middle School”. I was immediately impressed and _42_ I could be one of them. Then next year, in the summer of 2016, my wish _43_ when I was selected to be a prefect. Just like the ones _44_ me, I was to stand at the school gate and _45_ new freshmen.So, you may wonder, what _46_ is a prefect? Prefects are student leaders in our school. Theyre usually top students _47_ from higher grades to help teachers run the school _48_ of the classroom._49_ youre chosen to be a prefect, you need to be a nearly perfect student. Becoming a prefect wasnt _50_ for me. I used to be sensitive and _51_, caring too much about what others thought of me. But since I was _52_ to become a prefect, I tried my best to be more brave and hardworking, making rapid _53_ in a year.The biggest benefit of being a prefect is that it teaches me to be _54_ and set an example for lower grade students. I was a member of the school soccer team, but I wasnt a good _55_ and felt embarrassed about my poor _56_. After having some students from lower grades join our team, however, I knew that I had to set a good example. So, I kept practicing my skills and _57_ greatly.Being a prefect doesnt _58_ mean I have a badge on my shirt. It also means that I have a hardworking attitude deep in my _59_. “You can make it,” I always remind myself. Becoming a prefect has _60_ me to work harder and become an even better person.41. A. sentences B. remarks C. words D. sayings42. A. wished B. hoped C. promised D. decided43. A. turned out B. worked out C. came out D. came true44. A. behind B. before C. from D. about45. A. admit B. observe C. guard D. welcome46. A. vividly B. perfectly C. exactly D. eventually47. A. selected B. offered C. provided D. presented48. A. properly B. outside C. within D. badly49. A. If B. Since C. Although D. As50. A. popular B. easy C. quick D. strange51. A. abnormal B. independent C. dishonest D. unconfident52. A. refreshed B. accumulated C. motivated D. discouraged53. A. success B. achievement C. progress D. mistake54. A. energetic B. responsible C. loyal D. challenging55. A. player B. teacher C. tutor D. coach56. A. promise B. patience C. efforts D. skills57. A. contributed B. affected C. improved D. sped58. A. yet B. still C. even D. just59. A. lesson B. heart C. imagination D. memory60. A. pushed B. sought C. attached D. allowed第二节(共10小题:每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。 A blind boy sat on the steps of a building with a box by his feet. He held up a sign 61_ (read), “I am blind, please help.” 62 were only a few coins in the box. The boy felt sad. A man was walking by. He took out a few coins from his pocket and dropped them into the box. Then he took the sign, turned it around and wrote some words. He placed the sign 63 it had been so that everyone who walked by would see the new words. Soon the box was full 64_ coins. A lot more people were giving money to the blind boy.That afternoon, the man, by 65 the sign had been changed, came to see how things were. The boy 66 (recognize) his footsteps and asked, “Are you the one who changed my sign this morning? What did you write?” The man said, “ I 67 (simple)wrote the truth. I said what you mid but in a 68 (difference)way.” 69 he had written was, “Today is 70 beautiful day but I can not see it.”第3节 单句语法填空71. “Scared stiff” is an appropriate _ (描述) of how I felt at that moment. 72. She has a teenage daughter from a _ (以前的) marriage.73. What are they _ (争吵) about?74. The government _ (宣布) to the media plans to create a million new jobs.75. He _ (不断地) writes articles for the local paper.76. (face) with the threat of water shortages, Beijing and Shanghai are taking effective measures to save water and protect water resources.77. (produce) 500g of honey, a single bee would have to make about 10 million trips from the hive t


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